Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 65 The Beautiful Lady

Chapter 65 The Beautiful Lady

"What to buy, what to buy, what to buy..."

Ophelia hummed the improvised song "What to buy" and strolled leisurely in the largest and most upscale commercial area in Lantis City.

This day was a training class, and she, a senior warrior, had nothing to do. She skipped class early in the afternoon and went to the business district to hang out, planning to buy a gift for Athena in advance.I wanted to call that idiot Yuan Feiwu, but who knew that after preparing lunch for himself at noon, he was called to somewhere by that annoying teacher Phil, and he didn't come back the whole noon.

Ophelia had "accidentally" passed by the campus and the teacher's office once, but failed to find the target that should have been conspicuous, so she had to set off alone to find a suitable gift.

It's all to blame for that Phil, since he came, he has been entangled with Yuan Feiwu basically every day.He's obviously just a history teacher, but no matter what kind of ghost classes do you have in fighting qi theory, fighting qi practice, actual combat training, etiquette and manners, etc., he will appear loomingly. He is a perverted stalker, and he is even more perverted than Lester A million times the kind.

Angry at the thought of Phil, Ophelia had to put her thoughts back on the gift and use distraction to lower her elevated blood pressure.

Athena, the princess of a country, is beautiful and generous, has a gentle personality and is polite and humble. No one dislikes her.Ophelia is a little bit disgusted with this kind of person at this time. This kind of person has everything, and it is very troublesome when it comes to giving gifts.

Sending luxury goods, there are plenty of them in the whole palace.Sending rare and exotic items, have you never seen it before?Sending handmade items, Ophelia considers herself handicapped, she is very good at dancing knives and swords, knitting sweaters, scarves, necklaces and bracelets and other things that girls are good at, it’s not like she hasn’t tried Yes, but the result is not to mention it again.

If she had cooking skills like Yuan Feiwu's, Ophelia might consider cooking a special meal herself and giving it to Athena on her birthday to make her feel full of affection.

Originally, she thought her cooking skills were not bad, but after trying Yuan Feiwu's cooking, Ophelia didn't want to comment on the things she made before, because the comments that popped up in her heart didn't make her very happy.

Fortunately, Youyuan Feiwu hit him like this, otherwise he might very confidently bring the things he made to Athena on this birthday, and Ophelia couldn't imagine how embarrassing the scene would be.

"I'm so irritated, I'm so irritated, I don't know what to buy..."

Fresh off the new lyrics to the song "What to Buy," Ophelia scratched her head with a fidgety hand, her pretty red hair messed up.


Ophelia looked at the small shop on the street, and she glanced at the edge of the perspective that made her subconsciously concentrate, and immediately turned her gaze to that side.

I saw a black-haired figure, and Sven walked gracefully into the most famous high-end wine store in the Lantis business district - Moqin Winery.

Oh, no wonder I had such a big reaction when I accidentally aimed at a point. It turned out to be black hair.Recently she is indeed more sensitive to black things.

wrong!I have never seen a second one with black hair that can haunt Lantis City!

Ophelia sprinted almost [-] meters and ran into Moqin Winery.

Moqin Winery is very famous not only in Lantis City, but also in the entire Northway Empire, and the wine sold there is of the highest quality.Of course, the best things can only be tasted by the upper class, and ordinary people may have to save for several years to buy the cheapest bottle of wine from it.

The inside of the Moqin wine shop is very large, and there are many elegant seats in the middle of the shop, so that the royal family, nobles, rich and wealthy businessmen can sit and enjoy wine.

There weren't many people in the store at this time, but even if there were no seats left, Ofelia was confident in catching that guy at a glance!

"Hello, beautiful lady, what kind of wine do you want to buy?" When a customer came in, the waiter quickly went up to greet him.

The black-haired figure didn't speak, just smiled lightly, and the waiter in front of him suddenly felt dizzy.

Before the waiter could recover, a young man came to the side of the waiter and said, "You go down first, I will greet this lady personally."

"Yes, Master Harrington."

The waiter nodded and backed away very gracefully.

In Moqin Winery, even the lowest waiters are so gentle and courteous, showing a noble image.

"Hello, noble and beautiful lady, your beauty makes Moqin Winery flourish! I am the boss here, just call me Harrington. What kind of wine do you need? I can serve you as much as you want Serve."

"Thank you, but I don't know much about wine, so I'm not very good at picking." The black-haired figure hesitated for a while before saying.

"That's great... No, I didn't mean that. Please follow me to the inner room here, and I will introduce you in detail."

As Harrington said, he stretched out his hand, and was about to touch the slender fingers of the figure in black, when a palm roughly slapped his hand away.

"Miss, you big-headed ghost! Are you fucking blind? He is obviously..."

Ophelia raised her finger at the black-haired figure rudely, and after scolding Harrington for a few words, she turned around and saw, my mother, that finger was put away immediately.

The black-haired figure is wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt and loose sports silk trousers on the lower body. The whole body is covered with almost no skin, but there is a faint beauty.A head of black and smooth long hair hangs down the back, almost to the waist. Looking at it, it always reminds people of a beautiful waterfall, and their minds are uncertain.

The face is smooth and translucent, and a pair of black pupils are already seductive enough, but unexpectedly, there is a little eyeliner on the corners of the eyes, which makes them look even more charming.For some reason, there was a little blush on the snow-white cheeks, combined with the delicate nose and fresh cherry lips, it made people swallow subconsciously when they saw it.

The most unbearable thing is the innocent smile on the face, matched with the headband of pink bowknot as the finishing touch, the visual impact goes straight to the heart and subverts the soul.

Ophelia's closed fingers immediately clenched into a fist, and the other hand grasped it with all its strength to control the fist that was about to erupt with great power, so as not to smash the expensive furniture or famous wine of Moqin Winery to pieces.

Her heart was beating violently, and Ophelia even suspected that she would have a heart attack and die in front of this guy sooner or later. It is estimated that the cause of death was still very embarrassing - greedy for beauty.

"You are...Miss Ophelia! I'm Harrington. I sent wine to the noble house last year and met Miss Ophelia once. Are you a friend of such a beautiful lady?"

Harrington, who once delivered wine, thought Ophelia was very beautiful, and even imagined that he could hook up with the daughter of the First Army Commander, climb to the pinnacle of power, and gain both beauty and fame.But now standing with this black-haired beauty, Ophelia was obviously inferior, and the gap was huge. Harrington even felt that if he could get this beauty, his power, status, money and reputation would be nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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