Chapter 650
But Coleridge also understood Silas's actions, he told others that he didn't know anything about Yuan Feiwu.As a result, within a few days, Yuan Feiwu wandered around beside him. The meeting was known by so many people, and Ophelia must have received the news too!And he didn't report it. According to this beauty's temperament, it would be strange not to rub Silas on the ground as a traitor!
Run away, run away as far as you can!Don't come back!
Just as Coleridge was comforting himself in this way, the door of the tent was opened again.

It was Silas again, and Prince Yalongjing was behind him.

Coleridge burst into tears at that moment, what is a brother, this is a brother!Bring a strong rescuer to save me!

Seeing Ya Longjing's presence, Ophelia indeed restrained her temper a little bit, after all, she still had to worry about the relationship between her father and the prince.

"Ahahaha, Ophelia, long time no see, you look so pretty after so little time!" Silas flattered him first.

"You lied to me!" Ophelia glared fiercely, obviously not accepting this trick.

"You misunderstood me! It's like this, that, the captain is an undercover agent, no, how can one of his own people use the word undercover. He was lurking in the Tianlong Army as a pawn and wanted to do serious things, but Coleridge happened to run into him That’s why I brought it back to Xiangmai City. I definitely didn’t hide him. If you don’t believe me, ask Coleridge! He picked it up!”

I wiped it, and Coleridge felt that his tears were shed in vain. It’s worse for this scumbag to come back and make up for it than not to come back!Nima can't not get involved with me!
"That's right, there was such a thing. Later, I handed over the captain to Silas for strict protection. Silas did a good job in protecting him. Even I couldn't meet my beloved captain twice! So you find That green algae head is right! I'm in a hurry, I have nothing to do, so I'll leave first?"

"Damn it, you say that like I'm hiding her from you, you want to kill me!"

Silas yelled, and rushed to grab Coleridge by the collar.

"Your sister, you didn't cheat me by saying that just now? What do you mean I picked it up? Are you a stray cat on the street when you are the captain! Go out and pick up two captains and come back and show me!"

Coleridge also acted quite angrily, and grabbed Silas's collar, and the two pushed each other out of a circle like this, but they were getting closer and closer to the tent door.

"If you dare to walk out of this door, I will wipe you out." Ophelia said coldly.

"Yes!" "Understood!"

The two quickly returned to Ophelia, the ruffian who had been fighting with each other just now was swept away, and they put on unusually serious expressions.

"Okay, okay, Miss Ophelia, Yuan Feiwu often can't find anyone because of his hard work. It's useless for you to trouble them. But the matter is coming to an end recently, and he is going to find you. I didn't expect you to come here first."

Ya Longjing interrupted suddenly, but these words were quite damaging to Ophelia.

"Really? He wants to come to me?" Ophelia looked at the slightly unfamiliar yet familiar Ya Longjing.

She used to go to Athena to play during long holidays, and often met Athena, but she couldn't say a few words.

Strictly speaking, for a terminal patient of misogyny like her, being able to say hello to Ya Longjing is already a great deal of face.

She is not very familiar with Ya Longjing, but Ya Longjing is very familiar with Ophelia. If it was the past, he would definitely be able to hide from this tsundere lady.But now he is no longer the Yalongjing that he used to be. After getting along with Wufengnongyue for a long time, and Linbeck's on-site demonstration teaching, his character and ability have improved a lot.

For a character of Ophelia's level, it's not a problem at all to settle!
"Of course, I've been with him day and night recently, and he often mentions you to me. Sigh, I don't know if it's because I'm tired from work or because I'm missing you. I feel like Yuan Feiwu has lost weight..."

Ya Nongjing swears to God, he just put "I often mention you" and "I may miss you into illness" together and said that he lost weight because of missing you by name!But if the other party accidentally misunderstands, then he can't help it, right?
"He's so small and still skinny? How can that be done! And it's really because he misses me, me... I hate it, who wants him to miss me!"

Ophelia blushed.

Yalong smiled secretly, such a small misunderstanding is too easy for Ophelia to fall into the bait.

"You should ask him this question yourself. By the way, I asked him to take a break from work and come here for a while, because you are here, so I want to give him a surprise..."

"Ahh! Is he coming now? No, I'm not ready now... Next time, next time! I left beforehand!"

Ophelia was thinking about seeing that person at first, but her heart was beating non-stop when Ya Nongjing said that. Seeing him in this state, she might be finished, right?Thinking of this, Ophelia was a little at a loss, so she snorted coldly to say goodbye to everyone, and rushed out of the tent.

Silas and Coleridge watched Ophelia rush away, and immediately turned to look at Yalong Jing, the admiration in their eyes was about to overflow.

"Amazing, that's awesome!" Silas and Coleridge couldn't help applauding, "Easy to defeat Ophelia, and protect the captain's peace, you are the best, prince!"

"Guarding the tranquility of the flying dance? You may be mistaken, that guy will probably be alone for the rest of his life if he keeps calm, I just added a fire between them." Ya Nongjing raised his eyebrows at them , with a smirk.

Silas and Coleridge froze suddenly.

No way... It's fine for them to cheat on each other, they all want to protect their captain, without the captain's consent, they might rather die than reveal the whereabouts of Yuan Feiwu.

But now it seems that His Royal Highness Nima is flying straight into the pit!How dare you cheat on that guy!
" really tricked Yuan Feiwu to come here?" Silas asked Ya Longjing again to confirm.

"Don't use the word cheat, I really need him, here."

Ya Nongjing chuckled, and had already tiptoed to the tent door regardless of his appearance, quietly opened a crack in the door, and poked his head outside.

Nima's move can be called "really looking for him for something"?From the frequency of your butt shaking happily, it can be seen that it means "really want to watch a good show", okay!
However, Silas and Coleridge are not people who can get entangled. Anyway, His Royal Highness will be responsible for it, so this good show is not for nothing.So the two also ran through the door to peek at the outside world.

The waist-length red hair of Ophelia was really lethal when walking in the barracks, and the soldiers basically stunned for a while wherever they passed.But after she walked a few steps, she suddenly stood up stiffly, and they all knew the reason without looking at Ya Longjing.

"Yuan, Yuan, Yuan, Yuan dancing!"

Ophelia couldn't see that her face had turned into a red apple.

Unexpectedly, after thinking about it for so long, it turned out to be such a meaningless stuttering sentence, and Ophelia suddenly felt that she was inferior!
"Ophelia, long time no see."

Still the same, an understatement of greeting.

Ophelia's fiery heart suddenly calmed down, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and she was so upset that her mouth was pouting higher than the sky, but she didn't notice it.

"Long time no see, is that all you have to say?"

"Uh, long time no see, I miss you very much." Yuan Feiwu really added something to her.

"That's more or less the same!" Ophelia laughed when she saw Yuan Feiwu said seriously.

She suddenly felt that she was so stupid, what to hide, this person is just like this, whenever you meet him, you will have a comfortable feeling, no matter what you think, you can't have any influence on him.But his influence on others is always so great but not obvious.

"you lost weight!"

"Have it?"

Ophelia's sudden words stunned even Yuan Feiwu, he is a devil, can he still be thin?

Yuan Feiwu reached out to touch his face, and even pinched it.Suddenly, a hand reached out to the other side of his face, rubbing and pinching.

"Well, I judge that you have lost weight!"

Ophelia couldn't help it when she saw Yuan Feiwu's dazed and cute killer, and she didn't know when she stretched her hand up, but it was definitely not to satisfy her selfish desires!
Absolutely not!

"Okay, then lose weight." Yuan Feiwu saw Ophelia's flushed face and sparkling eyes, and she had nothing to say, just nodded.

Then the two of them seemed to have nothing in the blank time of the previous two years, almost three years, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity at all. They walked together in the military camp and talked about the interesting things about each other during this time.Especially when Yuan Feiwu talked about the story of mixing up with the ladyboys at Nangong's house, Ophelia almost couldn't straighten up from laughing.

The handsome man and the beautiful woman are like a scene that can only appear in a painting, and the three peeking people are constantly sighing.

What a good couple.

"It's a pity, if it weren't for the disaster caused by the war, seeing this pair together would definitely make me believe that life is beautiful!" Coleridge sighed.

"It's a good match, but... I suddenly thought that my sister doesn't seem to be progressing as far as Ophelia's strategy! It's a loss!" Ya Longjing said.

He helped Ophelia today, and suddenly felt a little guilty for Athena.

"Hey, don't use the word strategy. What do you mean by being our captain? An RPG of a love game!" Coleridge spit out some incredible time-travel lines.

"Well, it's a pity, if it wasn't for the war disaster..."

The two complained, but Silas sighed lightly.

"Why are you so melancholy?" Ya Nongjing turned around and asked.

Seeing that Yalong was puzzled, Coleridge explained to him.

Silas, if it weren't for this war, he might have married his lover.Now, we can only wait after the war.So he worked desperately and refused to give an inch to the Fengshou Empire, precisely because he had someone behind him who had to be protected, preventing the flames of war from spreading to her place.

Not giving an inch, just because there are people behind who must protect...

Ya Nongjing couldn't help but also sighed, war disasters... In the future, there will be many disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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