Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 715 This Man Is Mine

Chapter 715 This Man Is Mine

"I understand what you're saying, so what should we do?" Lulikai asked anxiously.

This person always talks in circles, which makes him, a person who prefers to be straightforward, scratch his heart and lungs.

"If it's an energy imbalance, it's more difficult to deal with. Fortunately, it's just that the aura of the land has dried up." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

It's "just" that the aura is dry... Hearing this statement, Lu Kaiser unconsciously leaned forward a little, listening attentively to how to solve this "just".

"Find relatively fertile soil and mix it in places where you want to grow crops on the Demon Continent. Let the aura content of those soils return to the average level, and then you can feed the crops."

This method sounds quite simple, but when everyone thinks about it, they find that it is difficult for themselves to find such a large amount of fertile soil.If the Demon Continent has fertile soil, do they still need to use the resources of the Star Luo Continent!

"The land conditions in the Orc Continent are not very fertile. Even if we use the alliance relationship to ask them for soil, it may not be able to balance the dry land of our Demon Continent. As far as I know, during the period when the three empires of the Star Luo Continent The land in the central part of the Northway Empire and the south-central part of the Bagal Empire is the most fertile. There is even a saying among the local folks that "if you eat melons and fruits, you accidentally drop a seed, and it will bloom and bear fruit when you come back next year", which shows how rich the soil there is. .And those two areas were indeed the most important food planting areas of the two empires in the past. But it is very unrealistic to transport a huge amount of soil from those two places that can meet the needs of the Demon Continent." Lu Kaiser had long said The political affairs were gradually handed over to Lucia, so Lucia knew all kinds of national information, at this time Lucia continued according to Yuan Feiwu.

"You don't need to go that far, there is quite suitable fertile soil right in front of you, and I can guarantee that this soil is far more fertile than the one on Star Luo Continent."

"We have it here? Where is it?" Lu Kaiser and the others became even more uneasy.

If this is the case, the long-standing food problem of the demons will soon be solved!Can you still calm down!
"Under the Great Deep of Stonled."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was silent, because no one thought of going to that place.

"The soil under the Great Abyss of Stonley has never been excavated... A long time ago, Star Luo Continent would throw some condemned prisoners or unwanted slaves down, and the war between the three clans that happened later also fell many people and Animals, many years have passed, and those corpses have long been turned into nutrients to moisten the soil there. At the same time, the bottom of the Great Abyss in Stonley is so deep that it is difficult to see the sky, and the air does not circulate. Over time, it has accumulated into a terrible poisonous fog. The poisonous fog makes no life below survive, and it is equivalent to sealing off that area to prevent the soil below from losing any nutrients. However, too much nutrition is not a good thing, but it just happens to be in harmony with the barren soil of the demons. Mixing and balancing each other, the soil obtained from there is definitely enough to satisfy the entire Demon Race Continent."

After Yuan Feiwu's explanation, Lu Kaiser and others suddenly realized that this kid had researched results and found a solution. At the same time, he also thought about the source of the supplies. It was a set meal in one go!
Lukaiser and Lulikai were so excited that they couldn't tell!
The big problem that has plagued the demons for so many years has been solved so easily!
Sure enough, this kind of person is a talent that must be grabbed for any organization and any country!

"Okay, let Lu Xiaoling do this for you!" Lu Kaisa smiled, "Cooperate with Yuan Feiwu to do this well, you are the great hero of the demons!"

The plan has come out, and the next thing to do is not too difficult. Luca is quite relieved to let the young people do it.

"Yes!" Lu Xiaoling immediately agreed with a nod and a smile.

Lu Xiaoling was even more happy in his heart, just thinking about how to attack Yuan Feiwu, he didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon!

I have to say that Yuan Feiwu really did a great favor to the Mozu, but Lu Xiaoling feels that he can complete the next job without him. He has no use value and can "accidentally" die in Stonlead Below the Great Abyss.

This is also quite in line with the facts spread in Xingluo Continent, Yuan Feiwu really died under the Great Abyss of Stonlyde!

When the expression in Lu Xiaoling's eyes was changing, Lucia suddenly interjected and said, "Yuan Feiwu is my prisoner, and I should arrange what to do."

"Nonsense! How can Yuan Feiwu still be your prisoner!" Lu Kaiser patted the table, usually he is quite doting on his prince, but today Yuan Feiwu just helped the demons a lot, so he must win them over, why? You have to pretend to be very angry, "From today onwards, Yuan Feiwu is a member of the Fallen Angel Elite Team, ranked as the deputy captain, and follows Lu Xiaoling..."

"Father, I want to take this man for my own use." Lucia immediately knelt down and said sincerely.

Lu Kaiser and Lu Likai and Lu Xiaoling were both stunned. It was the first time they saw Lucia ask Luca Caesar to take back his life, and it was also the first time they asked Luca Caesar for someone.

Lulikai even showed a meaningful smile, as if he had understood the reason, and muttered in his mouth, oh, this possessiveness is quite like a prince...

"As expected of me, your vision is the same as mine. If you want to choose your subordinates, you should choose the best! If you can manage this person well, he will definitely be your right-hand man in the future, the light of revitalization of the demons. But this person is amazing. Gao, are you sure you can do it?" Lu Kaiser looked into Lucia's eyes and asked via voice transmission.

"I will do my best!" Lucia returned firmly through voice transmission.

"I originally wanted you, Uncle Lulikai, to sharpen this man's spirit for you. Since you have such courage, well, then I will hand over this man to you personally." Lu Kaiser showed a trace of kindness on his serious face. Father's smile.

This kind of matter of subduing talents is also a skill that a demon king must master.In particular, Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel from outside, unlike the fallen angels here who are free and arrogant, and they don't need too much force to subdue them.

"Then Yuan Feiwu, you can be my son's personal bodyguard for the time being. My son is the future emperor of the demon clan. You support him well. He will definitely be an important minister of the demon clan in the future. He will not treat you badly." Lu Kaiser said to Yuan Feiwu .

"I have no intention of being in power, as long as I can see all the people of the Demon Race live and work in peace and contentment, I am satisfied. What I pursue is a simple mortal life." Yuan Feiwu said indifferently.

"Haha, in troubled times, no one can get out of it, so it's settled." Lu Kaiser waved his hand domineeringly, and said with an air that could not be resisted.

Yuan Feiwu smiled and said nothing, Lucia was relieved to see the matter of Yuan Feiwu settled.

There was a reason for Lucia to rob people, and it was precisely because he admired this talent that he couldn't just watch him die.

The Fallen Angels Elite Team is the highest-ranking legion in the Demon Race, directly under the command of Lulikai, and being named in it is already a symbol of the highest status of the Demon Race, and it is the dream of all Fallen Angels.And the deputy captain is the biggest official position after the captain of Zhengda Lu Xiaoling. It can be said that Lu Kaiser gave Yuan Feiwu a very good position.

If the captain of Zhengda was not Lu Xiaoling, maybe Lucia would not stop him, but unfortunately the captain is Lu Xiaoling... He has seen Lu Xiaoling look at Yuan Feiwu with murderous intent more than once in the past two years. On the surface, Xiao Ling is an upright gentleman, but it is a pity that he always secretly kills people he doesn't like.As far as he is concerned, it doesn't hurt to occasionally get rid of some people he doesn't like, but he doesn't want to see Yuan flying his black hand. This guy doesn't have any power of his own in the Demon Race, and it's safest to hang behind him.

"So for this operation, I will also go together." Lucia said to Lu Xiaoling.

"Oh, that's good, I'm not afraid of boredom on the road anymore." Lu Xiaoling said happily.

When the eyes turned to Yuan Wu, the killing intent became stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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