Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 729 is challenging the supreme authority

Chapter 729 is challenging the supreme authority

"Try to live, that lord just now will create a new era for you, and let you see hope in life."

Seeing that the Mozu couple were still in a daze, Yuan Feiwu left with the twins behind.

The couple waited for the four cloaked men to leave before picking up two bags of dry food from the ground.For those who live at the bottom, food is the most precious thing. When they saw the dry food in the bag, their minds went blank. How could they remember what Yuan Feiwu said before leaving, and hurriedly took it back to the back room Let the two daughters have enough to eat.

"Where are you going next?" Lucia waited outside the house until Yuan Feiwu came out, and asked him.

"Still turning around?"

"No more. I'll ask the city lord why the soil and seeds haven't come yet."

After only a short while, Lucia already understood what Yuan Feiwu said, it's better to feel it than to see it clearly.

In the past, when I glanced at it, I felt that I understood how miserable the people at the bottom were, but when I really felt it, I realized that it was not suffering, but lingering.I also understand that there are many things that seem to be taken for granted by their high-ranking people, but in fact they are not so taken for granted.

For him, this is enough to understand and there is no need to waste any more time.

"Although the problem of the demons has something to do with the barrenness of the land, it is ultimately related to the infinite oppression of the superiors on the inferiors. If the concepts of the superiors do not change, no matter how much soil and seeds are sent over, it will not help." Yuan Feiwu said.

The four of them walked together on the road back to the city, towards the castellan's castle that could be seen in the distance.

"What's wrong with the concept of the superior?" Lucia turned her head and cast a glance at Yuan Feiwu.

"Patridge, Patreon, do you think that family just now is miserable? What should we do?" Yuan Feiwu smiled and didn't answer Lucia, but instead asked the twins who were about to sandwich him into a sandwich.

"Miserable? What's so miserable? The weak submit to the strong, the strong plunder resources from the weak, and finally the weak cannot survive and are eliminated. Isn't this a normal thing?" "Yeah, what's the point of being at the bottom of the food chain?" Is it miserable? Speaking of which, the voles they prey on are also very miserable. Every voles also has parents and children, and they are also trembling for survival, and in the end they are eaten and their wives and children are separated." The twins said confidently without changing their expressions.

Lucia sighed, that's right, this is the most typical thought of their demon superiors.You are miserable precisely because you are weak.You can't survive because you are weak.

After hearing what the twins said, Lian Lucia felt that it made sense, and suddenly felt that there was no need for him to help that family of demons just now. Instead, he questioned whether he was too soft-hearted?
"Your general thinking, this is the problem of the superiors of the Demon Race." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"Is there a problem?" "Why!" the twins asked curiously.

"You are the strong, and it is normal to plunder the resources of the weak, but what you are doing now is too short-sighted. If you are the lord of a city and the strongest in the city, then search for the resources of all the civilians in the city Once it is empty, you can get 5 grains to raise soldiers and buy horses, but in the following year, all the people will starve to death, and all you get is this [-] grains. But in another way, you use reasonable taxes to encourage and support your people to open up wasteland and grow land. Land, encourage production, under the continuous taxation after the people live and work in peace and contentment, they can get [-] grain in five years, and then there will be a steady stream of taxation... What do you think is more beneficial to you?"

"Of course it's the latter!" "We're not fools!"

"That's right, don't kill all the low-level creatures below, give them some kindness and support to let them develop, you can get more. From this point of view, if the people of your city live like this , don’t you think it’s miserable? If you know they’re all dead, that’s the end of the resources you can get from them.”

"Terrible! Terrible! How could it be so miserable!" "Of course we can't let them have such a miserable life! After we die, we will become bachelor city masters!" The twins were immediately instigated.

Lucia was unable to complain about these two twins who looked shrewd and cold on the outside, but were fools on the inside.Yuan Feiwu brought the concept in a crooked direction, and the two fools were brainwashed.

However, I have to say that Yuan Feiwu's fallacious reasoning has his reasons in it, and it is even suitable for the highest-ranking people like them to think carefully.

They were so ecstatic to get the fertile soil according to Yuan Feiwu's suggestion, wasn't it just to lead the demons for the second method Yuan Feiwu said!

When Lucia was absent-minded, she was suddenly called by Yuan Feiwu.

"I think we don't need to ask the city lord, here it is."

Lucia looked up and saw a few tables and chairs outside a large warehouse controlled by the mayor. A few soldiers sat there shaking their heads, and a flag was planted beside it, which said the soil and seed collection point.

A few sporadic demons in rickety clothes passed by here, and they all looked indifferently at the other end and left without staying for a moment.

It turns out that the soil and seeds have already reached this most marginal city, which shows that Lu Xiaoling's distribution work is still in place.But no demons are interested, so it seems that these demons don't know the purpose of these soils?The scene here is completely different from what Lucia imagined.

"The spread here is really bad. Things that can change their destiny have been placed here, but they don't know how to get them." Lucia sighed.

"Maybe it's not that they don't understand some things, on the contrary, it may be that they understand too much, which led to such a result. Some favors, they can't bear it." Yuan Feiwu continued Lucia's words.

Lucia frowned, walked over there, opened his mouth to several soldiers and said that he wanted to get the soil.

"500 magic crystals, soil seeds are all included, and then go outside to find a piece of land, and pay 50 magic crystals as the land fee every month." One of the soldiers lazily threw out a big bag and said.

"500 magic crystals?" Lucia couldn't help but be speechless.

Although it is said that these soil and seeds are life-saving things, those who can casually get 500 magic crystals are already upper-level figures of the demon clan. Why do these people need these things?

Lucia felt more and more that these practices of the demon city lords were a little too much, Yuan Feiwu's words became more and more reasonable, and the concept of the superiors did not change, no matter how much soil and seeds were sent, it would not help.These things have to be obtained at the price of 500 magic crystals, which will only make them broken in the warehouse.

In fact, he already knew that the major city lords would use the soil and seeds to seek some benefits, and Lucia, as the prince, took it for granted at the time.But now I have come to experience it myself, know the living standards of common people, and look at the transaction price of these soil and seeds, I feel that the current situation is not seeking welfare, but killing them all!
That's probably what Yuan Feiwu said in the palace that day, the responsibilities are heavy and the road is long.His vision was much farther than theirs, and when they were elated to obtain the soil and thought that the demons would rise for it, he saw this problem early!And he didn't go into details because they couldn't solve this problem at all.

Because they are at the top of this deprivation society, telling the emperor of the demons not to deprive the weak at the lower level for the time being?That was a joke.

Lucia also understood the purpose of bringing him here. It was to let him see the facts clearly and choose a path.

The first one, watching the demons continue to sink, the not-too-distant end is destruction; the other one is full of thorns and beasts, and there is no end in sight when looking at the past, only the unknown fog.

One helpless, one helpless.

No matter which choice he chooses, it will be extremely difficult for him now.

He resented himself even more, why he hadn't cultivated into a fallen angel yet.Otherwise, he should lay the foundation early and have his own power.You must know that if he chooses the second path, he will challenge the authority of the entire demon clan. His father and uncle will not be able to provide him with assistance, because the people he challenges include them!

Alone, do I still have the right to choose which path to take?

(End of this chapter)

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