Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 817 The Trustworthy Emperor of the Human Race

Chapter 817 The Trustworthy Emperor of the Human Race

As the leader of the human race, Marlons has a very heavy responsibility on this important day. He must always pay attention to the situation of the three races, as well as the progress of the meeting, and control the army of the human race.

But he's also a father, and he has mixed feelings about his daughter messing around.

In the past few years, he has seen how his daughter worked desperately for her sweetheart, how she lived like a walking dead, and stared in a daze in a certain direction... It hurts in his eyes and in his heart. I am afraid that the kind of distress that belongs to his father can only be done Only those who have a father can understand.

When he saw the guy wearing a mask from the other side, Marens was surprised, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately lamented that it was terrible. His daughter who insisted on coming to watch the fun must go crazy!The same goes for the daughter of Prince Richardson. As long as there is a chance to get close to the Great Abyss of Stunley, they will definitely follow, as if the closer to the Great Abyss of Durston, the closer to the person who fell here. .

Sure enough, Ophelia and Tarena had already frantically ran towards the Great Abyss of Stonley!
Before Marens could send someone to stop them, he saw Mad Sword Saint Joan Reed and Celestial Sword Saint Gajaya stop them. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the two sword masters were crazy too!
He even flew to the Demon Continent with the two girls!
Crazy, crazy!

They are crazy, but he can't be crazy, he can only pray that the two great sword masters can protect his daughter and return safely.

Later, Lin Beck, who also went crazy, came back together with the others, and threw the two girls back to him. He opened his mouth to reprimand him, but when he opened his mouth, he said, "What? What did he say? He won't forgive Xingluo Continent." A crime committed against him?"

No way, it's not easy to scold my daughter anymore, scold her crazy?Wouldn't that scold the two sword masters and one great magister at the same time!Simply ignore such crazy behavior.

"I didn't say anything...he is still him, let everyone focus on the more important tri-clan meeting first." Ophelia said a little disappointed.

The reunion scene in her imagination shouldn't be so indifferent, and shouldn't just say "Long time no see".

"He's right, the meeting is more important now." A calm and peaceful voice came out from behind Mullens.

"Athena..." Ophelia looked over there, and the blond beauty, who was exuding a more holy and noble atmosphere, was smiling comfortingly at her.

To be honest, Ophelia is becoming less and less used to Athena's appearance, becoming more and more quiet and holy... This creates an indescribable sense of distance between them.

On the other end, Lu Kaiser ignored the small episode that happened behind him, and flew to land on the ascension circle.Behind him, Hudson and Lulikai also flew onto the air-lifting circle, standing next to Lukaiser on the left and right, spreading their black wings.

"Hudson is already a four-winged fallen angel?" Baluru narrowed his eyes slightly, looking warily at the former captain of the fallen angel elite team.

In the past, he had often played against this master, but he didn't expect that after many years of dealing with him, the other party had already made great strides in improvement.

Three fallen angels...

The number of demons who came up to the magic circle was the least.

On the human side, Yan Longjing was sitting on the seat, and standing on both sides were Bolian Ze, Odin Archis, Douglas and Gale Magister Pullman floating nearby to monitor the ascension circle, and the great magister of the Flame War Soul, Li Via also descended to the back of Yalongjing to be on guard, and there were quite a few of them.Not to mention Flonge, with two sons, a daughter and a son-in-law, plus the three masters of Baluru Moses Jerez, the population is very prosperous.

Although the crowd was crowded, it was the Demon Clan with the fewest people that really made everyone feel stressed. The deterrent power of the three four-winged fallen angels was incomparable.

In the comparison of the top battle strength among the three races, the human race of Star Luo Continent has always been dominant.The four great magisters and the seven great sword masters are basically the top masters who can sweep any race of the demons or the beasts, which is one of the reasons why the demons and the beasts are fighting together.Orcs are next, and gold-ranked Behemoths are at the same level as Juggernauts. The five gold-ranked Behemoths plus Balulu and other three masters can also reach [-]% of the human race's strength.The demons are more advanced, only two top masters, Lukaiser and Lulikai, and Hudson was originally a high-level two-winged fallen angel, who can compete with the sword master without falling behind. The number of mid-level or low-level two-winged fallen angels made up for the sky warriors. In terms of extreme combat power, they only have an advantage in quality and not in quantity.

But it’s different now, not to mention the two newly promoted high-ranking two-winged fallen angels Lu Xiaoling and Carlyle, but just one more four-winged fallen angel, Hudson, said that the ultimate battle of the demons The increase in strength is already terrifying.If you add Yuan Feiwu, you can even ignore the human race!

Lu Kaiser was very relieved to see other people's faces getting uglier.

In the past, these masters were afraid of Lu Kaiser and Luli Kai, and did not pay much attention to the entire Demon Race.It's different now, the Demon Race's extreme combat power is enough to challenge the Human Race head-on!
The change of extreme combat power is very important. Subtracting the fallen angels that are made up by numbers, put them back to their original position to fight against the enemy sky warrior magister. The strength of sky warrior and magister is also human race The strength is stronger, that is because some fallen angels have been transferred.When they returned to their original positions, the Demon Race was no longer inferior to the Human Race at this level of strength!

In other words, without the support of the orcs, they already have the strength to fight head-on with the entire human race!

"Hudson old ghost has also evolved? You fallen angels are indeed not the same species as us, and your wings will grow and grow more, like monsters... But let's ignore that, old ghost Lukaiser, your son He is too ignorant of flattery, the opportunity to be an in-law was wasted by him like this!"

If you want to say that there is one of the big bosses on the Ascension Formation who doesn't take the changes in the strength of the demons seriously, it is definitely Beamon King Fulonge!

For him, what he cares more about is that the previous attempt to match up with the demon prince failed.If what he wanted to do was not accomplished, no matter whether the result was good or not, it would still be a huge lump in his heart!
Flonge opened his mouth and said "evolve again", which immediately changed the atmosphere on the ascension circle 180 degrees. Some people were depressed, some were surprised, and some suppressed their laughter.What kind of species do fallen angels belong to in Flonge's eyes?And there's the theory of evolution!
In order to prevent today's meeting from turning into a farce, Ya Longjing coughed twice and forcibly brought the topic back.

"Everyone is willing to participate in this meeting. On behalf of Star Luo Continent, I would like to express my honor. Maybe you still have many doubts, but I have a lot of useful information here. Let's take a look and talk about it."

After Ya Longjing finished speaking, Livia took a few steps forward, took out several reflection circles from the storage space, and played them one by one for everyone to see.

The person in charge of the recording seems to be a magister. Every time the recording starts, it starts in the air, and after flying to a certain place, it casts magic downwards while recording.The places played in the five reflection circles are different, even the enemies are different, and they are all creatures that have never been seen before.The only thing in common is that the monsters inside are all inhumane and only know how to destroy.

"There are a total of five image circles, and the recorded contents are things that have happened one after another in the past few years. Since we knew that the minions of the Lord of Chaos will come one after another, we will have people record them every time so that these unknown enemies Make a note. The information about the Lord of Chaos has been explained in detail in the invitation letter, and we have only so much information about him. I believe that the luck of the Star Luo Continent will not be so bad. There should also be some heresies in the Orc Continent and the Demon Continent. We might as well share this information with everyone, and this will also make everyone trust each other more. I can guarantee that under the crisis of the Chaos Lord, our human race will be very useful. Sincerely join hands with you!"

Ya Rongjing made an impassioned speech, and they nodded repeatedly when they heard Pauline.

Ya Longjing is a trustworthy emperor of the human race!
(End of this chapter)

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