Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 83 I finally found you, the person who offended the Demon King

Chapter 83 I finally found you, the person who offended the Demon King

"how is the progress?"

A crooked black figure appeared out of nowhere in a corner of the forest, where several men in black were singing in low voices to a huge black hexagram, and the hexagram emitted a glimmer of light from time to time, as if something was about to move inside.

"not bad."

On the other side of the hexagonal formation, there were several men in black, all wrapped in black cloaks, and one of them walked out in front of the rickety shadow.

"Jie jie jie jie...Master Minghuo Dark Lord, will it be wrong if you don't go to battle in person?" Ricket black shadow said.

"Thanks to your help, the number of monsters smuggled in is sufficient, enough for them to play for half a day. It seems that it is a correct decision to cooperate with you. You can provide so much excellent vitality. It seems that this time it will definitely be called a everyone. If you guys come out, the Northway Empire will definitely lose its vitality! I never expected to see the Demon Summoning Formation reappear in the Star Luo Continent in my lifetime, haha... Isn’t the future of Northway in the castle? .”

"Oh, it's just that those little guys can't satisfy me? I'm more interested in the great magister of light. I hope that the summoned thing can meet my requirements. If you don't have enough vitality, just open your mouth."

"Oh?" The man in black's eyes widened, "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, you still want to get the idea of ​​the great magister of light..."

"For the time being, I'm just at the level of 'thinking'. Whether you can succeed or not depends on whether the thing you summon is strong enough... I can't stay for too long. It's up to you. If it succeeds, you dark magicians will also reach your early days. Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

In another part of the forest, there stands a huge black unknown metal cage, in which various monsters, big or small, are sleeping.

A man in black opened the cage and pointed one of the monsters' head with his staff.

"Darkness, bestow upon it your strength, and awaken the unforgetable rage in his heart..."

Following the chanting of the man in black, the fang tiger whose head was nodded opened its eyelids, bloodthirsty eyes bloomed, roared a few times and then ran out.

"Hey hey...go on baby and tear your target apart!"

The man in black smiled with satisfaction, and turned his head to deal with the next monster, but saw a black-clothed figure with a ponytail tied up standing inside the cage door.

The man in black scratched his head, what kind of monster is this?It seems that I have never seen it.

"Don't waste it."

The figure suddenly stretched out his hand and waved it. Stones of different sizes flew towards his hand one after another in the darkness. The picture was very strange.


Do not!
Those are demon cores!
The man in black wiped his eyes hard to make sure that he read it correctly!

The sleeping monsters in the cage were bleeding from their chests or heads, and their monster cores seemed to break out of their bodies and flew towards the back!
"Who!" The man in black shouted angrily!
They spent several years slowly collecting these monsters, and they were all killed like this, how could they not be angry!
"It's not you, it wasn't you that day."

Yuan Feiwu turned his face around, and the man in black was a little taken aback by that bright smile.

Then Yuan Feiwu clenched his fists and crossed his chest. The man in black was taken aback when he saw the other party's movement. Then he came back to his senses and hurriedly raised his staff, but found that his body could not move!

Only at this moment did he feel strange, there seemed to be something invisible around his body that engulfed him, that thing felt a bit like a thread, so many threads that were too small to see clearly!

What is this all about? !When did you entangle yourself? !
The man in black had this question in his mind for the last time, his eyes gradually lost their luster, and his body fell to the ground piece by piece.

"Two more..."

Yuan Feiwu didn't even take a second look, the ups and downs disappeared into the night.

Yuan Feiwu walked through all the places with giant cages, but unfortunately he couldn't find that familiar feeling.

The last place.

Yuan Feiwu lightly landed on a corner of the forest, before he could stand still, a ball of black flames shot towards him violently, it was unreasonable to be safe.


Yuan Feiwu was hit, black flames shot out from his whole body and burned on his body, emitting a dense black light.

"I found it, that's how it feels."

All of the flames dissipated suddenly, Yuan Feiwu patted the dust on his shoulder, and looked at the man in black who floated over with murderous intent.

The night before Ophelia and Leicester were attacked, Yuan Feiwu felt the energy of the dark element just like this!If I had troubled him in the past that night, maybe Leicester and Ophelia wouldn't have to suffer, right?Yuan Feiwu blamed himself a little.

"My Minghuo is unharmed?" Minghuo Anzun frowned.

If the person who came was the old man Douglas, he might not be surprised that his Darkfire failed to sneak attack the Dark Lord of the Darkfire, but he was puzzled by the fact that the person who came was just a young man with no beard.

"You released the Earth Bear that attacked Ophelia and Leicester, right?"

Yuan Feiwu went straight to the point, he came here for the purpose of figuring it out.

Of course, after figuring it out, it's revenge.

"The bear of the earth? Oh, I remember. It's a pity that the daughter of the head of the First Army and the heir to the prince couldn't kill it." The man in black laughed.

"Dare to do something to my friend, are you ready to die?"

Yuan Feiwu smiled lightly, as if he was asking if the other party had afternoon tea or not.

The man in black was taken aback, with a big tone!
He grinned, and raised his palms flat for a while, and a dark black flame burst out from his palms. The flames emitted huge energy fluctuations, and the energy contained in them was so great that it could not be ignored.

Just as he was about to make a move, the hexagram formation behind him suddenly burst into a huge turmoil, as if the entire Hundred Flowers Forest was trembling because of the hexagram.

"This shock... what great creature is summoned!?"

The man in black was excited by the surging and tumbling energy in the hexagram formation, he didn't even bother to pay attention to Yuan Feiwu, flew to the side of the hexagram formation and knelt down, looking into it devoutly.

"Principal Douglas, the number of monsters has begun to decrease!" Gree said.

More than a dozen teachers and Douglas worked together to deal with hundreds of monsters. It should have been extremely easy, but I don't know where there are so many monsters.

Fortunately, Douglas's curse star rain continued to replenish physical fitness and treatment for everyone, otherwise there would have been attrition long ago.

Now that the number of monsters gathered has dropped significantly, everyone is relieved, at least seeing the dawn of victory.

The nine light spheres are like nine little suns, circling around each other in the air, and finally landed on the densely populated place of monsters, directly blasting nine big pits on the ground, causing heavy casualties to the monsters.

Another level 7 large-scale magic, Guangyang Jiuyao!

The previous Demon Ape and Demon Monkey had been given priority by Douglas in the battle, and Douglas was still relatively relaxed in the face of these ordinary monsters.

The entire Hundred Flowers Forest suddenly shook violently, Douglas's heart tightened, and he quickly sang again and released a Guangyang Jiuyao, which almost cleaned up the monsters, and hurriedly flew towards the direction of energy fluctuations.

With such a powerful vibration, what the hell did these damned dark magicians summon!
(End of this chapter)

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