Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 834 Soldiers come to cover up water and soil

Chapter 834 Soldiers come to cover up

The army of the Lord of Chaos rushed out of the transparent vortex without being scattered around, and landed directly in the great abyss of Stonled.

The emperors of the three clans, faced with such a situation, had joys and sorrows.

The joy is that the common people on their respective continents will not fall into chaos for the time being; the worry is that the other side cleverly gathers together, and the tactic of dividing and destroying them that they have done before is completely impossible to implement.

A steady stream of black shadows fell into the abyss of Stonled, like dumplings in a pot, making everyone's eyes straight.

"Why are you still in a daze? Magician Legion, don't you hit so many targets? Boom! Boom with all your strength!" Marens, the leader of the human race, was the first to respond, and the great god yelled at all the magicians on the Star Luo Continent.

All the phalanxes of the Magician Legion, under the instructions of their respective commanders, began to chant magic.In one of the phalanxes, a young girl timidly chanted magic, and after she finished chanting, she threw out her accumulated magic power as if throwing a hot taro.

She has been engaged in clerical work in the Magic Guild since she graduated. She has never been exposed to a real war. For the first time on the battlefield, her calves were trembling.

Her magic was thrown earlier, earlier than the phalanx she was in, and earlier than all the magicians in the entire mortal world.Faced with such a situation, the commander didn't say much. Since the armistice between the three clans a long time ago, it is true that most of the new generation of magicians have never been in contact with war. He will not allow a small mistake to occur.

Then, the fist of the fourth-level magic flame landed on the black shadows that landed. Suddenly, several black shadows turned into fireballs and were knocked into the air, making ugly wailing.

The terrible wailing made her panic even more. She was frightened by the tragedy caused by her own magic power, so that the staff in her hand fell to the ground, and she hurriedly picked it up, making the commander shake her head again and again.

That fire fist fired the mortal world's first shot against the world-destroying army. It was like an order, and thousands of magic spells were delivered after the fire fist. The scene was so magnificent that those soldiers who were not magicians could forget took a breath.

"Don't just let the people show off their power, everyone!" Lulikai shouted angrily.

In addition to fallen angels who are good at magic, the demons also have a magic army specializing in magic.

Lucia held up the skeleton wand and swung it down vigorously. A series of black magic skulls passed over her head, and the weird green light was printed on her beautiful face, showing a resolute and determined expression on her face.

Yuan Feiwu even gave up his own life in order to protect everything, and she will inherit his will!
There are no magicians in the orc army, but it doesn't mean they don't have long-range attacks. With a wave of Moses' big hand, the rain of arrows shot at the shadows falling on the Stonled Abyss with a powerful whistling sound, covering the sky and the sun.

But how the three races use their attacks is not as powerful as the gods.

Suddenly, a huge white tornado rose from the ground, instantly engulfing the black shadow on the abyss of Stonlyde.

The huge divine power made everyone in the mortal world dumbfounded, and people who were not far away from the Great Abyss of Stonley could feel the coldness of the tornado!What was even more frightening was that the surrounding air began to distort, making the slightest cracking sound, which was the oppressive sound of the mortal spiritual energy being evacuated.

Fortunately, those distortions recovered after a while, and the Mortal Realm could still support this level of divine power attack.

The tornado roared for a short time, but no one knew when it would stop.Because after the tornado ended, a huge white pillar of the same size was left behind, as if the tornado was still there, and the black shadows that fell at that time were all frozen in the big white pillar.

Xueyue, the God of Ice and Snow, floated on top of the big icicle, looking at the other falling black shadows. The Taotao divine power on her body has not dissipated, and she is constantly surrounding him, like many white crystal stones.This huge white pillar is his masterpiece.

Red cracks suddenly appeared from the big icicle like the scene of Asura's hell, bursting out with infinite divine power, the big icicle was completely broken by the force, shattered into powder and drifted away with the wind.

Nangongfeng jumped out from inside, red divine power still flowing from his body, and all the enemies inside the icicle were wiped out by his blow.

For the three major clans, having the above two people is like a godsend!It is really like "God" help!Morale soared immediately, and the voice of cheering was endless!
It can be said that what happened just now was just a warm-up. Above the sky, more and more black shadows flew out of the transparent vortex, covering the sky and covering the sun. Although it was broad daylight, it made the land of the mortal world feel like it was night.

Xueyue turned around to prepare for the effective attack just now, when suddenly the corner of her clothes was ripped off.

Looking back, it turned out to be a young lady of five or six years old, looking at him blankly: "Brother, do you regret it?"

"No regrets."

Xueyue's long spear twirled in her hand, and without a word, she turned the spear and pierced the little Zhengtai's forehead.

Could it be an ordinary young lady who can quietly run to her side?
The long spear brought out a burst of icy divine power, and except for the tip of the spear, a whirlwind of ice and snow was rolled up, but even so, Xiao Zhengtai dodged away at once.

"Who is coming?" Xue Yue's heart tightened, and he knew that the other party's speed was not easy to deal with.

"Those who cannot repent with the repentant demon boy have no meaning in living."

The little Zhengtai showed a ferocious smile, with a dark purple tongue protruding from the mouth full of fangs, as fast as lightning, it rolled towards Xueyue all at once.

Xue Yue was already vigilant, how could she be caught by this roll, holding the long spear horizontally in front of her chest, her tongue wrapped around the silver white long spear, making the sound of metal colliding.

If you look closely, it is covered with barbs. If it is rolled up and torn, the flesh on the bones will be pulled off!
"You are only doing the thing you want to confess now." Xueyue pulled hard, and found that she couldn't move the seemingly small dot, but was floating towards the other side because of the pulling force from her tongue.

How could Xueyue do what the other party wished, quickly gathered her divine power, froze that tongue, and interrupted it with a palm.

"No, killing is more interesting than confessing. If it is interesting, there is no need to confess, Jie Jie Jie!"

The regretful devil boy retracted the broken tongue, not afraid of Xueyue at all, and also remained unmoved by the broken tongue, and rushed forward, even rushing in front of Xueyue all at once.

Her small body was as fast as lightning, and she attacked with both hands and feet. Xueyue's long spear was difficult to use when she was close, and she was forced to retreat one after another.The power emitted by the opponent is no worse than his ice power, and it cannot affect the opponent!

"let me help you!"

Nangong Feng was not far away, and when he saw that the other party was also a master of boxing, he immediately became interested.

Just as he was about to leave, he was suddenly thrown away.

Looking back, he found that a green vine was wrapped around his feet at some point, and at the other end of the vine, a monster with four faces and eight hands was pulling him there.That vine was extremely tough, Nan Gongfeng struck it with several palms, as if hitting a rubber band, and couldn't break it.

Xueyue was helpless, Nangongfeng also said that he wanted to help him, it would be nice if he could take care of himself!

When being haunted by the remorse demon boy, he had to find time to shoot a burst of divine power to freeze a section of the vine.

Nangongfeng smirked at Xueyue embarrassedly, gathered his power again and slashed at the frozen vine with his palm.

Unexpectedly, it was still chopping!

At this time, the mutation occurred again, and Nangongfeng's entrained leg gradually sank and became withered.The vines suddenly grew bigger, shattering the ice!And the color is greener and crisper, full of vigorous vitality!
"Not good!" Nangong Feng immediately cut off his leg with a palm, and walked away.

That vine can actually absorb the vitality of others, it's really terrifying!

"I am one of the seven demons under Lord Chaos Master, called the 'Four Elements'! My divine power comes from the four elements of the world, which are the energy of life... So, please destroy it and give me the vitality Bar!"

The monster with eight hands and four faces spoke blunt words, swung the vines and rushed towards Nangong Feng.

But Xueyue and Nangongfeng seem to have a heart-to-heart connection, after taking a helpless position in the air, without communicating, the two have quietly changed their opponents.

Nangongfeng took over the repentant devil boy, and fought fiercely with both fists and kicks. The loss of a leg still had a great impact on Nangongfeng, but it was more comfortable than Xueyue dealing with it.

And Xueyue pointed out the silver-white long spear again and again, as if how many beautiful snowflakes had bloomed in the air, and accurately stabbed back the vine that was thrown towards him, her spear technique was wonderful.Seeing that the vines could not do anything to Nangongfeng from a long distance, the four major groups had no choice but to approach and fight again. A vine and a spear kept handing over in the air, and no one could do anything to the other.

The two demon stars ruled by chaos and the two gods guarding the mortal world fought together, which meant that the mortal world had to rely on its own strength to deal with the enemies that came flooding in like a tide!

Ophelia was standing next to Ya Longjing, the emperor of the human race. Her father did not allow her to participate in the battle. She refused to accept it, but she still had to follow the arrangement of the leader of the human race.

In the past, she always felt that the Great Abyss of Stonley was like a passage leading to the devil world, with all kinds of evil creatures crawling out of the bottomless bottom at any time.

Now that fantasy has come true, and countless never-before-seen monsters really climbed out of the Great Abyss of Stonley, rushing to kill all continents!

After a while, they fought with the armies of various ethnic groups. The cruelty of the war was immediately presented before her eyes, which made Ophelia sigh.

With a thud.

Just when Ophelia was focusing on the Great Abyss of Stonley, a monster that looked like a sharp-billed eagle suddenly flew in front of her, and its sharp claws swished towards Yalong next to her. wave away.

But in the next second, his arm was cut off by a sword light, he fell down with a muffled "嘤", and was chopped into a meat paste by a group of royal guards.

The one who shot was Samuel, who was once the strongest master of the Tianlong Army. He flew out of the high platform where the emperor of the human race was, and raised his arms and shouted: "All elite groups go to battle!"

A clatter.

Two or three hundred sky warriors and magisters flew up near the high platform, flashing all kinds of grudges and magic, and the colorful scene was so spectacular that Ophelia opened her mouth wide!

These are the core strengths of their Star Luo Continent!Proud strength!
"Everyone that can fly is our opponent, and we can't let go of any of them! I don't need to say more about this kind of good thing that was ordered early in the morning, right?" Samuel finished speaking proudly, and took the lead to rush out.

"You're the only one who talks too much nonsense!"

The other sky warriors and magisters all took a bite before flying out one after another, looking for the monster flying in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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