Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 863 Who else could it be if it wasn't you?

Chapter 863 Who else could it be if it wasn't you?
Snake orcs are also an important part of the orc family. First of all, their population base is very considerable, but they live relatively concentrated.

They are not as strong as the orcs such as the Meng tribe, the tiger tribe, the cow tribe, and the orcs such as the wolf tribe, the sheep tribe, and the horse tribe. They are not as good at running, but they are relatively dexterous and good at fighting at close range, just like a dangerous assassin.But what made them more famous in the Beast Race Continent was their good arrow skills.The most elite group of archers of the orcs is composed of snake orcs.

This time, the two masters that Rowell invited from the Snake Clan were actually no more than the strength of the earth warriors, and they were the bodyguards of Rowell's father.Rowell's father is the current patriarch of the Snake Clan. Rowell is not only a rich second generation, but also an official second generation.

In his capacity, getting two masters from his father was a piece of cake.Originally, the patriarch of the Snake Clan didn't agree with his son making trouble in the sensitive place of Landis School of Magic, but he immediately changed his mind when he heard that his clan was bullied by a human being there.

Since the principals in the school want to protect their own people, they can only ask for justice themselves!They snake orcs are not so easy to bully!

The two masters pretended to be the head of the school, and it was easy to sneak into the school. Rowell led them to the high-end dormitory area to ambush, and was going to use the fastest speed to catch Nangong Feng, and then find a place to teach him a lesson. Let others find out.

But just as they walked to the senior dormitory area, Rowell was stunned.

Nangongfeng stood in front of them with a foolish look, sneered, his hands were still clasped behind his back, as if he had been waiting for them here long ago.

"Why are you here?" Rowell couldn't believe it.

"As I said, my ears are quite good. Haven't you tried it yourself?" Nangongfeng said contemptuously.

"Sisi...Since you have delivered it to your door in person, then we are too embarrassed to be polite. If you don't have a leg today, don't even think about leaving!"

Rowell's plot was broken, and his face changed slightly, but the matter has reached this point, and he has nothing to hide!

The two masters had heard Rowell's explanation early in the morning, and recognized this person at a glance, and rushed forward without saying a word.

Nangongfeng didn't even look at them, and walked straight forward, treating them as air.

Soon Rowell and the others knew why Nangongfeng didn't even glance at the two masters rushing past.

A few fast figures flashed past and stopped them all.When they saw who was coming, their blue skin immediately turned pale with fright!
Wind Sword Saint Tuo Tuo'ou!Sword of Fire, Raiden the Curtain!The Sword of Earth, Saint Kimbro!
Three famous sword masters from Star Luo Continent actually appeared here!

Of course, Rowell and the others recognized the three old sword masters. After all, these three are currently serving as visiting professors in the Landis School of Magic branch.It's just a trivial matter to give some pointers to the fighting qi class in the school. What makes their presence even more prominent is that masters from all walks of life in the Orc Continent frequently come here to exchange their fighting qi experience with the three old sword masters!It can be said that these three are the core figures who lead the battle qi exchange between the Star Luo Continent and the Orc Continent!No matter in terms of strength, status, or influence, these characters are not at the same level as ordinary people like them!The strongest warrior of their snake tribe is only a master of the sky warrior level, and there is still a little gap from the sword master!

"Boy, this opponent is a bit weak!" Mu Leiden stopped a master brought by Rowell, who was almost scared to pee, Mu Leiden complained quite dissatisfied.

Can the master not be scared to pee? Didn't he just come to help the patriarch's son bully his classmates? Why is the reality different from what Rowell said? They came here to let the sword master bully him!

"Sorry, I didn't know that the people brought by that guy were so stupid! I thought I would at least bring the elders of their clan, but I didn't expect that I was just such a pawn. I guess I was underestimated! You practice seven times with them. Killing Fist, take it easy, the opponent is so weak, don't kill him." Nangong Feng said with a wry smile.

He called out the Three Juggernauts, intending to use their identities to suppress the matter, and he was also worried that the incident would lead to a conflict between the Snake Clan and the Landis School of Magic.As a result, the three sword masters insisted on getting involved, saying that it was rare to practice with a goal, and Nan Gongfeng was really worried that they would kill someone by mistake.

"I didn't expect that your background is not Puslin, but the Three Great Juggernauts! This time I'm unlucky, I admit it!" Rowell gave up resistance, was kicked to the ground by Nangongfeng, and said angrily.

With such a terrifying background, even if he is the son of the head of the Snake Clan, he has to weigh whether he is qualified enough to compete with others!
"Don't come and go with the background all day long, always thinking about fighting the background, why can't you make yourself a powerful existence?" Nangongfeng stepped on his feet harder, and suddenly stepped on Rowell to spit out blood, "Said Well, were you responsible for the disappearance of students in the school before?"

"What's missing?" Rowell was a little puzzled, struggling to get up.

It's normal for someone who can't be beaten to be beaten, but he doesn't like being given the pot.

"Still pretending to be garlic? Come, let's find a quiet place to talk in detail!"

Nangongfeng didn't expect that Rowell would still be so stubborn at this time, he grabbed Rowell and flew up to the roof of his dormitory, with a light push, Rowell hit the fence of the roof hard and let out a sound. A grunt.

It's quiet enough here, he can grind with Rowell slowly.

"What I'm talking about is, did you do the missing students in the school last year and the year before? According to my investigation, those students seem to have a good relationship with Lolo. According to your current style of doing things Urinary sex, you must do some dirty tricks, so who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

Nangongfeng stretched out his hand to grab Rowell's collar, held it up in front of him, and looked at him carefully with his eyes.Whether Rowell's answer is lying or not, Nangongfeng firmly believes that he can tell from his expression.

He has already obtained the information from Livia, and the students who disappeared before are all Lolo's suitors, which can be regarded as their common feature!With this confirmation, Nangongfeng is almost sure that this bastard Rowell did something good, but in the end he still has to admit it himself.


"Nangong Feng!"

Suddenly there was a rush of shouts, which made Nangongfeng stunned, and then threw Rowell back to the ground.

Because Livia actually came over, didn't he say that there would be some disturbance today to reassure her, why did he come here in person?
"Nangongfeng!" Livia hurriedly said with a more serious face than usual, "Binnie and Lolo from Magic Class 1, Grade [-] are missing!"

"What?" Nangong Feng said in amazement, "Impossible, the school bell hasn't rung yet, how could the person disappear? And the culprit isn't fucking here!"

"It disappeared during recess! During the second class, the class teacher found out that the person was missing, and immediately notified me. Because of the disappearance, I asked all the teachers to strictly control the attendance of the students. I asked All the teachers helped to find them all over the college, but they couldn’t find them, and the previous students disappeared under the same circumstances, exactly the same! Now I have Principal Puslin lead people to seal off the perimeter of the college, but there are probably many loopholes due to the limited manpower, Nangong Feng, now is the most critical moment, we must quickly and carefully search the entire academy again, if it is later, the culprit may escape from the academy!"

"It's you, right? Where did you hide them?" Nangongfeng turned his head and glared at Rowell angrily.

Nangongfeng has always been a very confident person. Even if he has experienced setbacks and failures, even if he is tormented by the sense of powerlessness of not being able to do anything for Yuan Feiwu, he has never lost his confidence.

But now, Luo Luo's disappearance made him anxious from the bottom of his heart, and his self-confidence, which had never collapsed, no longer existed at this moment.

Rowell in his hand is more like his last life-saving straw!
"Lolo is missing? I'll fuck you, don't you go and let me look for you! Who the hell dares to touch my woman!" Rowell was a little angry when he heard the conversation between Livia and Nangongfeng. Did you hear Livia say that if it was later, the kidnappers might be allowed to escape?

And the other party may not be as simple as a kidnapper, but a brutal murderer!Because none of the people who disappeared before could be found, and it is very likely that they have already died!
"Are you still pretending to me? I have heard your plan clearly. You plan to attack Bi Ni! Deal with her in the old way, the old way is to make her disappear without anyone noticing, right?" Nangong Feng slapped Put Rowell down on the ground again, holding him down and saying angrily.

"I plan to attack Bi Ni, but not to disappear! The old method is money! Those guys who dared to speak against me before, I bought them all with money! But this Bi Ni has a very close relationship with Patreon, I'm not sure It can be solved with money, so I have never used this method to contact her!"

Nangongfeng was taken aback when he heard this, and he couldn't believe it in his heart, because it seemed that he really made a big oolong.In addition to being a sinister villain, this guy is also a rich second generation!It is really possible to buy something with money!
"No, you said that you are different now than in the past, there is nothing wrong with doing things cruelly! How could it be a bribe!"

"In recent years, an elder of our Snake Clan has made a new breakthrough, and the strength of the Snake Clan has taken another step forward. Of course, today is different! Conflicts with other clans' interests, of course, we can be more ruthless! But not here, here we are Don't dare to be too messy!"

Nangongfeng let go of Rowell and took a few steps back. He had forced himself to accept the reality and was exhausted physically and mentally.

He was wrong, and he got the clue of the disappearance case wrong.No, it wouldn't make him lose his soul.

What made him lose his soul was that he lost sight of Lolo...

Even though Luo Luo had conflicted with himself because of Rowell before, which made him feel very uncomfortable, but now that Luo Luo is gone, he finds that there is no concept of discomfort in his heart.

For his heart and soul are gone too.

(End of this chapter)

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