Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 88 The Forgotten Ophelia

Chapter 88 The Forgotten Ophelia
Before Yuan Feiwu entered the castle, Phil came out early to greet his Lord Demon King.

"Huh? Why is Lucifer here?"

Although Lucifer withdrew all his divine power, changed his facial features a little, changed his hair to brown and his pupils to gray, Beelzebub could smell the arrogance he exuded even with his eyes closed!
"Beelzebub? Hehe, is this point of primordial spirit given to me to increase my cultivation? Thank you so much!"

Phil laughed heartily, his eyes fixed on Yuan's flying ponytail hair, with an evil look on his face.

How bad!Why is Lucifer also in the Mortal Realm!

The Primordial Demon King might not like him so much, but if he were any great Demon God in the Demon Realm, he would definitely try his best to grab it to increase his cultivation!

So in the demon world, no demon god would separate the primordial spirit like this.

I thought that with my own strength, the primordial spirit avatar would have no problem protecting itself in the mortal world.The reality is very cruel. I greedily sent the clone of the soul to the mortal world, but met Lucifer and gave away his head for thousands of miles!

"Don't bully it, I will take him back to the Demon Realm after a while."

Long live the Lord Demon King!

Seeing the Lord Demon King speak for him, Beelzebub was filled with a sense of happiness, and even poked out the fly's head, and gave Lucifer a demonstrative look.

"Hmph." Lucifer felt a little regretful in his heart.

Beelzebub can be said to be the strongest demon god other than Lucifer among the seven demon gods, and his strength is on par with Lucifer.Hades used to make a lot of tricks behind the scenes, trying his best to create conflicts for them, because he was afraid that the two great demon gods, Lucifer and Beelzebub, would join forces, and then he, the demon king, would come to an end.

Now if Lucifer can absorb one-tenth of Beelzebub's primordial spirit avatar, then Beelzebub won't be able to get better from Lucifer again.

"Master Demon King, what is Lucifer doing in the Mortal Realm?"

Backed by Yuan Feiwu, Beelzebub was not afraid of Lucifer's cannibalistic eyes at all.Since Lucifer didn't want to answer, then he asked Lord Demon King, Lord Demon King was quite patient in answering his own questions.

In fact, Beelzebub had his own answer to this question in his mind. It must be the devil who called him up to investigate the intelligence of the mortal world!
That's right, in the mere mortal world, where the devil needs to be dispatched to investigate in person, just come up and play casually, just hand over the investigation task to your subordinates!

"Be a teacher in the mortal world."

Beelzebub punched himself, vowing never to guess the minds of these two psychopaths again!
Make wool!A big devil, a big devil, went to the mortal world to be a librarian and teacher, is this playing some [-] forbidden role-playing game?

Is there a future for the Demon World to be managed by such a Demon King... Beelzebub is in an unprecedented worry.

But after worrying for less than two seconds, he gave up worrying. Whether there is a future in the devil world has nothing to do with him. His own strength is the most important thing, hehehe!
There is another flaw that Beelzebub has not forgotten. Beelzebub, who is at the level of the Great Demon God, exerts his psychological endurance at the level of the Great Demon God, and tries hard to force himself to accept Lucifer in the mortal world. He is a sacred teacher... It's a pity Failed!

"Lucifer? To be a teacher? He can be a teacher even with his sky-high appearance?" Beelzebub kept talking!

Even the psychological endurance of the Great Demon God level is unacceptable!Beelzebub almost wanted to kneel on the ground and ask Yuan Feiwu to name another profession. Even if Lucifer was a bandit, Beelzebub would be more accepting!
"Yeah, I heard that he is a good teacher, and the students in the college like him!" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Beelzebub, you can't believe I'm a teacher, right? Do you believe that I'll unscrew your fly legs one by one?"

Lucifer couldn't miss the meaning in Beelzebub's words, squinting at Beelzebub, frightened Beelzebub quickly hid his fly head back in Yuan's flying hair.

"Don't act recklessly, Lord Demon King wants to bring me back to the Demon Realm, who is 'unscathed'!"

Beelzebub added an idiom to Yuan Feiwu's original words. Anyway, the general direction has not changed, but a little "detail" has been added, and the Lord Demon King should not care.

"Brother Lucifer, stop scaring him." Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

Sure enough, Lord Demon King is willing to cover him!I'll rub it, in this way, Lucifer is a hair!
Lucifer, have you seen the fly dance?I will let you see and see!

"By the way, you can live with Brother Lucifer during this time, I don't have time to take care of you."

A fly that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye suddenly fell to the ground in a straight line, as if giving up life without struggling at all...

"Okay, my subordinates are very happy, ha ha."

Lucifer couldn't help but licked his lips. Hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, he was so happy that he couldn't control his eagerness to move.

Somewhere in the corridor on the second floor, a red-haired girl pressed her forehead against the wall, her eyes were closed tightly, and the corners of her mouth were kept raised in a strange way.

Can this also fall asleep?

Yuan Feiwu walked lightly to Ophelia's side, and shook his head dumbfounded.

Originally, it was just Douglas making an excuse to call himself over to cover up his mistakes. As a result, Douglas and Livia were busy and forgot about Ophelia.

Poor Ophelia was so innocently fined to stand for nearly two hours, which is pitiful enough.

Seeing that Ophelia was sleeping soundly, Yuan Feiwu hesitated to wake her up.The dinner party is over, and we are about to start another important event - the party. It is too impolite for the protagonist Athena to not even show up at the party.

"Hey...don't look at me with pitiful eyes anymore, no matter how you look at me, I won't help you take off your are so cute...hehehe..."

"Wake up, Miss Ophelia, wake up!"

After hearing Ophelia's sleep talk, Yuan Feiwu didn't hesitate to slap Ophelia awake, and if she didn't interrupt her dream, Yuan Feiwu felt that something creepy would definitely happen in her dream!
"Eh? What's the matter? You haven't learned how to bark, why did you take off the collar? Put it back on quickly..."

Ophelia raised her head in a half-dream and half-awake state, her dazed look was cute like a girl, it would have been better if she didn't say these strange words.

"Cheer up, you're still facing the wall thinking about your past..." Yuan Feiwu sighed helplessly.

"Ah? Yea, I'm still facing the wall thinking about it! Damn, why are you walking like a cat that only wants to steal, without making any sound at all!"

Ophelia finally came to her senses, but her face immediately turned red with shame. She must have cried stupidly when this guy saw her sleeping while standing up!Is there a ghost like a ghost, dare to walk and make a sound!
"Hey, stop talking nonsense, cats that don't steal fish can walk without sound, okay..."

Yuan Feiwu felt his helplessness sink a bit more.Then he casually took out the handkerchief in his pocket, which he didn't usually carry, but a solid-color handkerchief must be placed in the pocket of this kind of dress suit, which is a fixed package.

Yuan Feiwu got close to Ophelia for a few minutes, and Ophelia was stunned for a moment. Yuan Feiwu took advantage of the situation and took out a handkerchief to gently wipe the corners of Ophelia's mouth, then put the handkerchief back into his pocket.

"It's a good thing it didn't dry, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to wipe off." Yuan Feiwu said happily.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Ophelia screamed a few times, her head was hot and smoking, and she ran towards the other end of the corridor with a whoosh.

Damn, even the drooling at the corner of the mouth was seen!Is there anything more embarrassing! !Ophelia was so ashamed!
(End of this chapter)

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