Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 90 The Demon King is the first human being who intersects in the Mortal Realm

Chapter 90 The Demon King is the first human being who intersects in the Mortal Realm

Jumping in various postures was almost accompanied by the whole dance of Qingfeng Feiyu. After several consecutive jumps, Athena finally noticed the strangeness in it.

Every time a jump or a violent movement is made, Yuan Feiwu’s hands will quietly exert force to slow down Athena’s body movements, and the landing will be light and cushioned. Basically, as long as Athena arranges the dance movements properly, there is no need to worry about other problems, and the dress will also be fine. There will be no deformation or slipping due to such a light action.

Moreover, Yuan Feiwu used the rhythm of the music to slow down Qingfeng Feiyu's supposedly brisk dance. Every dance step was accurately stepped on the rhythm of the music, perfectly digesting the contradiction between dance and music.

Sometimes this person is unreasonably nervous, and sometimes this person is so thoughtful and considerate that people are moved. Athena felt a little emotional in her heart, and really couldn't figure out this person.

But if such a lovely person doesn't play tricks, it's a pity for the conscience of heaven and earth, and this will never change.

Thinking of this, Athena couldn't help leaning closer to Yuan Feiwu's face, winking and saying: You often dance with other girls, don't you!

Yuan Feiwu shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, sure enough, once Athena felt that the scene was under her control, she would immediately tease herself.Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu had long been used to Athena's teasing, and his movements were not affected at all, but his smile became a little helpless.

The two just danced in the middle of the hall with ecstasy. The handsome man and the beautiful woman danced gracefully. All the guests basically forgot that they were here for a banquet, thinking they were here to watch a dance performance!

"What kind of dance is this? Do ballroom dances like slow dances have so many vacant movements? Did the bastard eat tofu on purpose?"

Finally, some guests came back to their senses from the astonishment, and immediately made comments, causing a lot of discussions.

"No, it's completely out of the category of ballroom dancing."

"This dance looks familiar, but I just can't remember where I saw it?"

"It's really familiar..."

"No! This is Qingfeng Feiyu, right? Look, Qingfeng Feiyu slowed down!"

"Yes! I just remembered when you said it! Fuck me, Qingfeng Feiyu can still dance as a slow dance?!"

"But the dance is really beautiful..."

"It turns out that the two are dancing such a difficult dance, it's amazing!"

After a long discussion, everyone finally figured out what kind of dance the two people in the middle of the field were dancing.

After understanding this, the male guests were even more envious and jealous.Qingfeng Feiyu's dance has high requirements for male dancers. It is necessary to control the rhythm and lead the female partner. It is impossible to dance without a long period of practice. Being able to dance Qingfeng Feiyu shows how superb his dancing skills are. .On the other hand, their conjecture was further confirmed. This unseen boy must be a descendant of a famous family, otherwise how could he dance Qingfeng Feiyu!And it is a slow version that has never been seen before, and the difficulty is even better!
Ophelia is not blind to dance, watching Yuan Feiwu easily lead Athena to dance Qingfeng Feiyu, Athena is like a beautiful butterfly in Yuan Feiwu's hand, spreading her wings, soaring and circling beautifully, it is so beautiful up!Most importantly, I didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to be a master dancer!

Ophelia is surprised from the expression to the heart!
After the astonishment was over, Ophelia felt a little inferior and caught a cold. For dances that she was not interested in at all, she would only take a simple walk!

What is Little Walk? It is a super simple ballroom dance that any noble kid can dance!
According to her original imagination, just such a small walk is enough to smile proudly in front of Yuan Feiwu!You can teach him how to dance while laughing at his clumsiness!
Now after seeing those two people's artistic dance, now give her a bottle of mergin so she wouldn't dare to go up and show off her little stroll, okay?
A long piece of music finally came to an end, Athena panted slightly, and looked at Yuan Feiwu with reluctance, as if dissatisfied that the dance was over.

At this time, there was a burst of applause all around, and everyone would not be stingy with the applause for such a wonderful dance dedicated by the two.

"Wait! Princess, don't be fooled by that little boy! He's a liar!"

A man suddenly yelled and squeezed out from the crowd, pointing at Yuan Feiwu with an angry expression on his face, the warm applause ended abruptly because of him.

Athena has not been able to break away from the pleasant atmosphere, and was disturbed by this guy who came out and yelled, full of displeasure.

The man felt very kind when he saw Yuan Feiwu before the banquet started, but later he tried to confirm with him but failed to find anyone.Until he popped up again and danced the first dance with the princess. After careful identification, he finally recognized who this black-haired man was!
"Princess! Don't be deceived by his appearance, he is a liar! He once stole the carriage that the king gave to our family! He is a liar, a thief!"

"Enough, Charles! If there is no evidence, please don't accuse my friend casually." Athena controlled her emotions and said as gently as possible.

Charles' father was only a small official in charge of the pier, and it was an honor to be able to attend the banquet this time. Seeing that the princess seemed to have a problem with him, she immediately shrank her head and dared not speak.

"Carriage? I remember you!" Yuan Feiwu patted his head.

"How dare you forget me? You..." Charles quietly looked at Athena as he spoke, for fear that the princess would have any objections.

"I parked your carriage in a conspicuous place, have you found it?"

"Of course I found it!"

"That's good." Yuan Feiwu nodded in satisfaction, with a look of helping others and not wanting to leave a name.

Okay, your full account book!Where is it? !
The carriage was lost that day, and Charles and the groom with an injured arm ransacked almost the entire city of Landis in a panic!
In the end, he couldn't find it, so he could only run home crying and tell his father that night. His father almost broke his foot at that time!That was the royal carriage that the king bestowed on his father, symbolizing the highest honor!Driving out is completely a status symbol!Losing it is worse than killing his father!
As a result, the next day, he came to the gate of the college with a bruised face and a swollen nose. When he saw the carriage parked there alone, Charles collapsed immediately.

They searched everywhere the day before and deliberately didn't look for the academy. The thief knew that he was going to Landis Academy of Magic, so did they drive here specifically?
Well, Nima, he will drive this way!And throw it out the door!

When he found the carriage, he immediately went home crying again and told his father, I f*ck found the carriage!His father was worthy of being his own father, and he was so excited that he lost and found it again, and beat him up again as a celebration.

That beating was so shocking that it caused him to recuperate at home for more than half a year before going to school, and he even lost his job in the student union.

This encounter is comparable to a bloody feud, can Charles forget it!
"I never thought you would dare to trick the princess into coming here! Listen, everyone, this man contrived to steal my carriage, and when we first met, he looked sloppy, and he looked like a stinky commoner!"

Charles recalled the unbearable past, and was suddenly so angry that he pointed at Shui Wuhen and cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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