Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 925 Extra Story 2: The Lair of the Big Boss

Chapter 925 Extra Story 2: The Lair of the Big Boss

Seeing Yuan Xiaowu trembling, the five young ladies couldn't help but be affected, as if they were about to face some terrible monster, they didn't know what to do.

But the problem is that Ophelia and the others don't know each other!Why is there such a strange feeling of strangeness! !
Walking outside the door of the villa, Yuan Xiaowu knocked on the door reluctantly, but the door opened after being knocked lightly...


There was a long door opening sound.

"Why don't we surrender? The boss is too scary!"

Looking at the dim light in the crack of the door, Wei Da hugged Nan Xi, as bold as she had been tortured by the terrible atmosphere and lost her fighting spirit.

"Surrendered too soon? I haven't seen the boss yet..." Nunora complained helplessly.

Did the people who shouted "Going to the BOSS battle" in high spirits just give up too quickly?

"It seems that no one is at home, why not come again next time?" Chu Xia also retreated in her heart.

"It's already here, so why don't you go in and have a look. What if you get caught by the big boss, uh, Ophelia-senpai knows that Xiao Wu has visited everyone, but if you don't visit her, God knows what kind of runaway state you will enter!" Nunora cheered everyone up.

But this way of cheering up will not bring courage to everyone, and the command will cause panic.

What Nunora said was exactly the reason why Yuan Xiaowu had no choice but to come here. At this moment, she could only cheer herself up silently, pushed open the door and walked inside.

Through a dim corridor, a group of people walked to the hall of this villa.

No matter how much the five young ladies think about it, they can't figure out why it's the same villa, why Ophelia-senpai's place is so eerie, and what's wrong with that part of the structure...

"You are finally here, dear Xiao Wu... Oh? And Nu Nuola, Nanxi, Erma, Vida and Chu Xia? You are very welcome, hehehe..."

Ophelia's voice suddenly came from their heads without warning, saying happy words, but the obvious mourning in her tone made everyone's hair stand on end.

Everyone quickly looked up, and saw a slender figure standing on the suspended corridor at the top of the hall.Because of the darkness, I couldn't see the figure's appearance clearly, but the figure was trembling slightly visible to the naked eye, which looked very strange.

"Woo... let's capture it, Big Boss!" Vader yelled indiscriminately, covering his eyes in fear.

In the next second, Nunora knocked her on the head, calling her a big BOSS in front of Ophelia-senpai is too impolite!And isn't Vader the courageous responsibility of the five little ones!How can you be so cowardly!

"Mother Ophelia, if you don't give me candy, you'll make trouble!" Yuan Xiaowu was more reliable, she still remembered her mission in a panic, and said hastily.

"Okay, hurry up and make trouble in Ophelia's mother's arms, hehehe..."

The figure floated down from the suspended corridor, and the voice of the speech was accompanied by a terrible panting sound, which made Yuan Xiaowu's goose bumps all over the ground.

Now Nunora knew why the figure was trembling slightly, it was so excited that she couldn't breathe heavily by herself!

Yuan Xiaowu was frightened by the other party's unconventional response and backed up a few steps, her face turning blue.

How can anyone tremblingly ask for trouble and not give sugar!
"Don't go, Xiao Wu, Ophelia's mother misses you very much. It's been twelve hours, 39 minutes and eight seconds since I saw you... Without you, even the air smells like regret..."

Landing in the hall, the five young ladies finally saw Ophelia's appearance clearly through the faint light.Her long red hair, coming up to her hips and neatly brushed back, looked more feminine than ever.The rosy white skin feels more delicate than a girl in her teens, and her already outstanding facial features seem to be more attractive after being nourished by love.

The only disappointing thing is that Ophelia has been breathing in the air that exists in Yuan Xiaowu.

No wonder Xiao Wu hates you!You are a big pervert if you behave like this! !Who is not afraid of you like this!

However, Nunora finally ruled out the possibility of a mother through Ophelia's dialogue. This perverted Ophelia is absolutely impossible to be Xiaowu's real mother!
"It doesn't matter if you don't give sugar, I have to go to visit Lucia's mother, see you at dinner! Bye bye!"

Yuan Xiaowu almost burst into tears, turned around and was about to flee towards the exit.

"How could I not give Xiao Wu sweets and desserts on Halloween! It's just a little joke..."

Ophelia seemed to have been prepared for a long time, snapped her fingers, and suddenly there was a loud rumbling sound at the entrance.

Stacks of beautifully packaged dessert boxes spread from the corridor at the exit, like a flood!By the time the tumbling box stopped, it had filled the corridor like a hill, without leaving a single gap.

"Oops, the exit is blocked!" Nunora immediately reacted, "Xiao Wu, destroy those presents and kill a bloody road!"

"No! After all, it's a gift from Ophelia's mother, so it can't be destroyed!" Yuan Xiaowu said dumbfounded.

The five young ladies were startled, and they understood that this was the method that Ophelia-senpai had planned in advance to block the escape route!There is an ambush among them!
Seeing that Yuan Xiaowu had nowhere to retreat, Ophelia snapped her fingers again.

Suddenly the living room was brightly lit, and each lamp stone irradiated its own light onto the surrounding walls.

Only then did they see clearly that the surrounding walls were covered with all kinds of lovely women's clothing and decorations!Under the light of the lamp stone, it shines brightly!

"It's scary! Such a cute dress, even if I'm younger, I still can't accept it." Alma said with a frown and a grin.

"But if Xiao Wu wears it, it might be...hehehe..." Nanxi's eyes revealed an evil light.

"I don't want to wear those clothes!" Yuan Xiaowu quickly expressed her disgust.

It's understandable, after all, those clothes are too fancy, too heavy for a little girl who likes simplicity.

"Haven't you been baptized by Xiao Wu's holy light? How can you still be full of filth!" Seeing Yuan Xiaowu, she was already worried about Ophelia's perverted behavior, but now she was startled by Nan Xi , Nu Nuola was so angry that she knocked Nan Xi on the head.

"What? You have already accepted Xiao Wu's baptism of the holy light today?! Ah!!!! I haven't received the baptism of the holy light today!"

As if stimulated by Nu Nuola's words, she suddenly rushed towards Yuan Xiaowu!

"Xiao Wu, hurry up, let's stop her for a while!" Chu Xia pushed Yuan Xiaowu who was stunned, and stood in front of her with her chest up, "We are the lovely juniors of Senior Ophelia, she won't How are we!"

"Sister Chuxia... I understand!"

After Yuan Xiaowu showed a grateful smile, she immediately turned around and began to put those gifts into her storage space. There are quite a lot of gifts, and no matter how hard Yuan Xiaowu tried, it would take a little time.

Seeing Yuan Xiaowu's grateful smile, the five young ladies seemed to have their blood pumped, not to mention obstructing for a while, obstructing for a lifetime is fine!
"Just because you want to stop me?" Seeing the five elementary school girls pulling out their staffs one after another, Ophelia expressed a little surprise in her tone.

Nunora also understood that they really couldn't stop Ophelia.When she was in the Mortal Realm, Ophelia had already broken through to the Sky Warrior level, and this level was enough to easily overwhelm weaklings like them who were at most the level of a magician!Not to mention that so many years have passed since then, and Ophelia can still cultivate in the devil world where the aura is particularly strong. Ophelia's current strength is already bottomless for them!

But for Yuan Xiaowu, they will fight to the death!
Yuan Xiaowu was concentrating on collecting presents, and there were some strange ping-pong sounds behind her, as well as screams that made my heart shudder.But she understands that she can't turn back and waste time at this time, the main target of the big boss is her, as long as she leaves, the ladies and sisters will be saved!

As expected, the battle ended quickly. Ophelia let go, and Vader, the last defender, fell from her hands, his face was ashen, and finally murmured: " can't get married...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... ..."

Vader has a new look, wearing a white bunny girl, and a bunny tail made of fluff behind his buttocks.No matter how careless he is, Vida can't accept that he suddenly put on such a cute costume, and feels that he has nothing to love.

"I am ashamed of the Lantis Academy of Magic. I have stained the Lantis Academy of Magic. I am not worthy to be a teacher at the Lantis Academy of Magic..." Alma was wearing a black vest and a black leather skirt. She was overwhelmed with shame, and fell powerlessly to the ground, unable to face herself now.

Wearing shorts in early summer and a tight gray sweater on his upper body, he moaned inarticulately.

"It's too much to wear in reality!"

Even Nan Xi, who can write incomparably YY novels, can't accept her little devil's look in a tight leather jacket that fits her skin tightly!

Only Nunora felt that she was pretty good, wearing this... grizzly bear puppet costume?Nunora stood up by herself and examined herself, feeling that she could still be seen in this body!In this way, she has not been defeated by shame, she still has fighting power!They haven't lost yet!

"Nunora! Your back is exposed!" Seeing that Nunora was still circling around without any self-knowledge, Chu Xia hurriedly reminded her.

Nunora was startled, and quickly reached out to touch her back... There was a big piece of cloth missing from the back of the puppet costume!

No wonder she felt chills down her back!
In the next second, Nunora also fell on her back... The five young ladies officially announced that all of them were killed in battle.

They knew that Ophelia would not harm their bodies even if she entered a perverted state, but they never thought that their spirits would be harmed!This level of damage is enough to cause a psychological shadow, okay?Will accompany myself for a lifetime!
"That's right, it's a festive atmosphere to wear like this! But it's a pity, although you are also very cute." Ophelia bent down, reached out and pinched Vader's face, "But you can only be regarded as dessert before dinner. , Xiao Wu is the main dish!"

Ophelia-senpai is indeed crazy, she must not let this madman succeed!
"Xiao Wu, run away!" The five young ladies shouted with all their might.


That was the sound of the door opening, and a ray of sunlight shone in from the corridor, throwing it on the bodies of the five fallen ladies, and their eyes were full of desolation.

"Great, she escaped..."

They looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction that their sacrifice had not been in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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