Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 929 Extra Story 2 Deserves His Happy Life

Chapter 929 Extra Story 2 He Deserves a Lifetime of Happiness
Although the attendance of the God King in the heaven is very outrageous, Yafeier can still affirm himself without blushing and heartbeat here, which shows his thick skin.

The five little ones saw that Ophelia was also defeated, and just wanted to say something for Ophelia.

Yafeier suddenly turned his gaze away, and then said with a surprised face: "Wow! You are so bold today! Are you trying to seduce Lord Demon King in such a shameful way? I think there is still a chance, come on!"

Sorry, really sorry, we shouldn't have thought of fighting one!
The five little ones surrendered in an instant, bowed their heads and backed away, not even daring to meet Yafeier's eyes, otherwise if Yafeier was provoked, they might die in shame!

"Is it just for reporting? Mom, you threw all the things to Uncle Yulier to make, making him too busy?" Yuan Xiaowu blamed her mother with a sense of justice.

Yuan Xiaowu is quite clear about Yafeier's black-bellied nature.

"Compared to staying by your father's side, those are trivial things!" Yafeier took Yuanyuan Xiaowu's little hand and walked towards his villa naturally.

"Why?" Yuan Xiaowu didn't expect her black-bellied mother to say such embarrassing words, and she said them so confidently.

According to her mother's temperament, she suddenly thought of a word-playing things and losing one's mind?But it doesn't seem right to call dad a "thing"... Although she just gave dad a "dessert" as a gift.

"Because of love." Yafeier lowered his head and smiled at Yuan Xiaowu, "When a person wants to save your passing even if he sacrifices his life and resists all the rules of the world, he should be the most important person in your life .So, Xiao Wu, you have to choose such talents in the future to be entrusted to for life!"

Yafeier looked at Yuan Xiaowu, but what emerged in his eyes was the man with black wings spread out, with a scarred body but a firm smile, throwing out countless tiny black silk threads, concentrating on putting his every effort A point of light that is about to disappear is tightly bound together.

It is unreasonable to tie her life with his life.

Yafeier touched the divine emblem on his forehead, there were still tiny and hard-to-see black silk threads on it, and his face was full of happiness.

If you don't abandon me, how can I lose you?You and I are already inextricably linked, we live and die together...

"Ophelia's mother is likely to treat me like this. Do I want to entrust myself to Ophelia's mother..."

Yuan Xiaowu suddenly thought of such a creepy thing, she was so frightened that she almost burst into tears.

"Oh, perverts don't count..." Yafeier patted Yuan Xiaowu's head and quickly explained.

"Oh, that's great." Yuan Xiaowu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, don't speak ill of others in front of others, you two, mother and daughter, are real!" Ophelia said angrily, and if she didn't complain, people would almost forget that she was still here!

But it was obvious that the two mothers and daughters completely ignored Ophelia's words and continued to walk farther and farther on their own.

"Mom, what are we going to do now?"

"You played all afternoon, go back and take a shower. Hehehe, I will clean every inch of your body..."

"I've made an appointment to take a bath with Tarena's mother tonight, so I'm sorry!" Facing his mother's "hehehe" laughter, Yuan Xiaowu said firmly.

"Xiao Wu doesn't love me anymore, I'm very sad... woo woo woo..."

"But I made an appointment for Dad! Don't you prefer to play with Dad, er, take a bath with Dad?"

"Eh? Indeed, it's certainly more interesting to see Fei Wu helpless... Xiao Wu did a great job!" Yafeier gave Yuan Xiao Wu a thumbs up.

If she went to invite, she would definitely be suspected of having ulterior motives and be brutally rejected (it was).Yuan Xiaowu is dispatched, but Yuan Feiwu can't refuse many things, and Yuan Feiwu is also a spoiled girl.

Until the two mother and daughter disappeared from sight, the five young ladies still couldn't digest the terrible fact that Yuan Xiaowu was the child born of the God King and the Demon King.In the future, will Xiao Wu's character be more like an angel-like demon king, or a demon-like god king (the old iron is fine!)?
"Okay, then I'll go back first too. Play around by yourself, don't miss dinner time."

Ophelia looked at the time, it was still early, and she planned to hurry up and go back to her villa to practice.

"Wait, where are our clothes!" The five little ones suddenly thought of something and shouted one after another.

"At that time, time was urgent, and I broke them all. I will give you what you are wearing as an apology! Hmm, it is very festive!"

Ophelia is gone too.

In the end, there were only five shamelessly dressed little ones left, looking at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a long time.They are all dressed in this ghostly look, so how can they wander around in a chic way!

So what crime did they commit this trip to be punished like this?
It seems that they are the ones who didn't give sugar and were pranked, alas...

But seeing Yuan Feiwu surrounded by happiness made them feel comforted from the bottom of their hearts.If such a demon king cannot be happy, then who should be happy?
Let’s just think that this body is the atmosphere of the show, let’s continue shopping... But why do I always feel that there is still a long time before the meal... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

end of book -

Later, there will be a small tidbit of "Come to Another World to Be a Demon King", as well as a testimonial at the end of the book. If you are interested, you can read it

(End of this chapter)

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