Chapter 94 The Poor Man
"Hey, do you think the history Mr. Phil said is true?" Ophelia turned her head and asked Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu looked at Ophelia, Ophelia's complexion was not good, with a little paleness.

"What about you?"


Ophelia couldn't go on.

But Yuan Feiwu could tell that Ophelia believed it.

Ophelia did believe it. I don't know if it was because what Mr. Phil said was reasonable or there was no flaw, but Ophelia believed it anyway.

In this way, the Demon Race seems to be a group of poor people, a combination of fallen angels expelled from the heavens and slaves exiled by the human race, poor people.

Ophelia is not upset about the fact that she and the demons may be distant relatives, but is disturbed that she has the idea of ​​pity the demons. Fear that I won't be able to do it.

Those are all poor people who were forced to lose everything they had and tried hard to get back what belonged to them.

"No matter what, it would be great if everyone could coexist peacefully in the future." Yuan Feiwu said suddenly.

Ophelia was taken aback.

Her father is the head of the First Army of Northway, and her lifelong dream is to destroy the demons and defend the human race.Living in a military family since she was a child, she has been greatly influenced. Since she was a child, her dream seems to have inherited her father's will to destroy the demons!However, her dream is even bigger, to defeat the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm after eradicating the Demon Race!

Hearing Yuan Feiwu's words now, he couldn't help but quietly changed his mind.

Yes, it would be great if everyone could live in peace.

Ophelia suddenly looked at Yuan Feiwu with blurred eyes. Most of the students who come to the academy hope to improve their strength and join the army, and make great contributions to conquering the demons and beasts.Only this guy seems to come in with the idea of ​​world peace to learn combat skills, what a freak.

But he couldn't help but let himself want to help him realize this grand and unrealistic wish.

Just when Ophelia was dreaming, suddenly a big butt and butt replaced her beautiful face and printed it in her eyes, which immediately made people very uncomfortable!
Which bastard pointed his ass at himself!

Looking up, Teacher Phil came over at some point, standing between him and Yuan Feiwu, with his back facing him.

"Student Yuan Feiwu, Principal Douglas has something to do with you, please go over there." Phil said respectfully after half kneeling.

"Why are you calling Yuan Feiwu to the office again, are you annoying?"

This guy, who is indifferent to everyone, seems to be a different person immediately after a pair of Shangyuan Feiwu!
Ophelia has already included Phil in the ranks of perverts. If it weren't for the fact that beating the teacher is too rebellious, Ophelia would want to do it!
Don't do it, but protect Yuan Feiwu in a non-combat way, right?

"Your ears are not good? As I said, it was Principal Douglas who found the source of Feiwu, but it happened that I passed the news on my class." Phil didn't even bother to glance at Ophelia, "Besides, now I have something to do. Go directly to Yuan Feiwu's dormitory to look for him at night, why go to the office?"

show off!Chi Guoguo's show off!Ophelia almost blurted out and asked Chu Yuan what kind of pajamas Feiwu wore in the dormitory!
I don't know why, but if you really ask, Ophelia feels like she's lost!
"Hey, you don't allow this pervert to enter your dormitory at night! It's too dangerous! This guy is now more dangerous than that pervert in Leicester! Did you hear me!"

"Miss Ophelia, it's a bit too much to describe Mr. Phil as a pervert..." Yuan Feiwu smiled calmly.

"Student Yuan Feiwu, are you satisfied with the new pajamas I gave you?"

"not bad……"

Yuan Feiwu was puzzled, why did the topic jump so fast?One second Phil was still talking about the principal looking for him, and the next second he asked about pajamas?
"What pajamas?!"

I'm going, it's more exaggerated than giving a dress, has it developed into a relationship of giving pajamas?Ophelia resisted the urge to draw her sword.

"White shirt..." Before Yuan Feiwu could answer, Phil said first, "A silky white shirt that is so white that it just goes over the thighs. Yuan Feiwu doesn't like to wear pants when he sleeps, so it just suits him... "

Phil smiled smugly after he finished speaking, and immediately flew out of the classroom with Yuan Wu who didn't know what to do, leaving Ophelia with a nosebleed face and the smashed table.

Lost, lost again, without Principal Douglas's assist, I am no match for this perverted teacher at all!

Ophelia's teary eyes, her long hair and provocative white shirt revealing her long legs are dancing with sleepy eyes, I really want to see it...

"Mr. Phil, go get busy, I'll go by myself."

Not far after walking out of the classroom, Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Yes, this subordinate is leaving. The subordinates over there, Director Jin, will help you to say hello to her."

"Teacher, you are a teacher..."

Yuan Fei danced his forehead, and finally sent Phil away. This guy is sometimes so stubborn that he must mention his master-servant relationship as soon as he finds a gap, otherwise it seems disrespectful to himself.

"Okay, Lucifer is gone, come out." Yuan Feiwu smiled.


Yuan Feiwu didn't know if it was the sound of flapping wings or crying sadly, but Beelzebub flew out sneakily and circled Yuan Feiwu.

"Master Demon King, you must avenge me!"

After two weeks of suffering, Beelzebub experienced fear every day, as if he was about to be eaten by Lucifer if he was not careful, and the dignity of the Great Demon God collapsed under Lucifer's eyes.Today, he finally found a chance to sneak out and risked his life to follow Lucifer, only then did he find Yuan Feiwu.

If Yuan Feiwu hadn't personally warned him not to use any divine power and consciousness, he wouldn't have had to work so hard to find Yuan Feiwu!
"What's the matter? Knight Lucifer is easy to get along with."

Beelzebub almost fell from the sky to the ground because of his daze.

The words "easy to get along with" can be used together with Lucifer!Using Beelzebub with this kind of grammar feels that it is already an illegal act!
"He wants to eat me all the time! It's terrible!" Beelzebub said with a sad face.

"Hahaha...don't worry, he's just scaring you." Yuan Feiwu comforted.

Lucifer had a fierce appearance, and his demeanor was more intimidating. If he deliberately frightened Beelzebub, his expression would be quite terrifying.

"He also locked me in the toilet and threatened to eat me if I took a step out of the toilet!"

Beelzebub landed on Yuan Feiwu's outstretched palm, with tears in his eyes.


"Hmph, dirty flies should live in dirty places, and they are not allowed to come out and dirty my site. Otherwise, they will die. Hahahaha..."

Beelzebub imitated Phil and crossed his arms, and said in the tone of a domineering president, imitating Phil's appearance exactly, which made Yuan Feiwu laugh.

"I'll go back and talk to him, don't worry, he won't eat you, I promise."

After Yuan Feiwu finished laughing, he tried his best to comfort the little fly on his hand gently.

"Before you say it, I'll follow you, Lord Demon King!"

Lucifer went back and found that he was not in the toilet, he would definitely kill a fly!To be on the safe side, let's follow Lord Demon King until Lord Demon King and Lucifer explain their own survival issues!

"Okay. Lucifer brought you here, probably to let you come with me. I'm afraid Douglas has something thankless again?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Bring me here?"

"Of course. Otherwise, you thought you'd followed him for a day based on your state, wouldn't he have found out?"

Yuan Feiwu didn't wait for Beelzebub to figure it out, and immediately stuffed Beelzebub into his hair casually.After walking a few steps, he reached his destination and knocked twice on the door of the principal's office in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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