Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 96 Arnold the Great Magister

Chapter 96 Arnold the Great Magister

It was brought into the side hall of the imperial palace by a special person, and it is usually used by hundreds of officials to discuss politics. Douglas's visit this time was entrusted by the king, and it was a private matter of the king, so he met in the side hall.

Yuan Feiwu followed Douglas slowly into the side hall as if he was on a tourist trip.

In addition to the king, there were two other people sitting on the side.The tea and water in the side hall were all ready, and the servants dispersed first.

Alexander's mental outlook was very good. As soon as he saw Douglas, he immediately left his seat and went up to him: "Grand Magister Douglas doesn't need to salute! Please sit down!"

With a kind smile on his face, Douglas exchanged a few words with Alexander, and then pulled Yuan Feiwu to sit opposite the two.

Although Douglas was smiling, Yuan Feiwu could sense that something was wrong with Douglas.

"The Great Magister of Light, long time no see!"

Just as Douglas sat firmly, a man in a red robe opposite said.

The man had a black beard on his face, and was much younger than Douglas, but he was not weaker than Douglas at all.There was no respect in the way he spoke.

"Long time no see? I remember I met you a few days ago, in Baihua Forest." Douglas chuckled.

The word Baihua Forest is very sensitive, and Alexander frowned immediately when he heard it.

And the man's face suddenly became a little unnatural, and his eyes flickered with hatred from time to time, which was an expression of suppressing his anger.

"Grand Magister Arnold, you also went to the Hundred Flowers Forest a while ago?"

Alexander is worthy of being a king, and he restrained his emotions completely in a blink of an eye, pretending to be surprised.

"Yes... I noticed the magic fluctuations of the great magister of light, so I went to take a look." Arnold forced a smile.

"I didn't have any accidents, so I just 'looked' and ran away?" Douglas added for him.

Yuan Feiwu could already hear the relationship between the two from the conversation.

Yuan Feiwu lived in another world for a long time. From various clues, he learned early on that the four major magisters did not live in peace.

Especially Douglas, as the head of the four great magisters, his reputation and status are much higher than the other three great magisters. Just as Yuan Feiwu was taught by Yuan Lao since he was a child, Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng will destroy him.

Among them, Arnold's great magister is probably the guy who is always thinking about how to push Douglas' chief magister down.

As a king, Alexander had much more contact with these high-level people than ordinary people. Of course, he knew that the great magister Arnold and Douglas were at odds. Seeing that the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger, he immediately became a peacemaker: "Some problems have indeed happened in Baihua Forest recently. Fortunately, Douglas intervened to save Northway. Arnold also cared."

"You're welcome, everyone has something to do, we must help each other!"

Arnold was thick-skinned, and dared to swagger down the steps of Alexander without doing anything, as if he really came to help, and Douglas quietly rolled his eyes several times.

"Grand Magister Arnold, may I ask what you need to do to find King Alexander on this trip? Why don't you tell me and see if I can help?"

Seeing Arnold's face becoming more and more upset, Douglas couldn't help but say, "If you have any troubles, you might as well tell me to make me happy".

"Haha... I didn't come here for my own business, but to wipe your ass! I heard that the disciple of the great magister of light is actually in the fourth grade, and he hasn't broken through the realm of a senior magician. I am really worried about your apprentice .”

Douglas didn't want to slap Arnold for knowing this, but his face was slapped with a big slap when he asked this question.No need to think about it, Alexander must have stabbed this matter, so I couldn't help but look at Alexander.

Alexander's complexion was also quite bad. He said it well, because Athena was his precious daughter, and she also had the incomparable physique of a light element elf. Douglas failed to find out the reason for the slow cultivation speed, so he planned to I want Grand Magister Arnold to give it a try.

But I didn't expect that Arnold dared to use Athena to mock Douglas. Didn't he slap himself in the face in disguise!
I wanted to find a chance to win over the great magister Arnold, but now I offended Douglas!
If it weren't for Arnold's status as a great magister and still above the king, Alexander would have wanted to give him some color!

"I'm sorry to bother you, you don't need to worry about my disciple's affairs. Back then you were worried that Livia would be buried in my hands, but now it's still doing well, and you can advance at any time at a young age to become a great fire elemental magister as famous as you, The achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to you and me. Athena, her brilliance will definitely bloom in the near future." Douglas said.

This time Douglas mentioned Livia, and it was Arnold's turn to turn pale.

Not long after Arnold became a great magister, he accidentally discovered that Livia, Douglas's disciple, was very talented and had a fire element physique. He was definitely the best inheritor to inherit his fire element magic!Unexpectedly, he failed to find opportunities to poach the wall many times, and Douglas satirized himself for decades in different ways. I admire this old guy for not being tired at all!

"Hmph! No matter what, Athena's talent is even more outstanding than Livia's, but her progress is slow. If you can't solve the problem, let me try." Arnold sneered.

"I don't know what advice you have?" Douglas asked.

"Athena is still young, and her mind is uncertain. I believe that as long as both men and women cultivate, this little problem will be solved."

"Double cultivation of men and women!?" Alexander stood up unsteadily.

Dual cultivation of men and women is not an ill-informed folk prescription. It means that two practitioners combine with each other, live together, meditate and comprehend the world together.Usually, men and women who practice dual cultivation together are husband and wife. After all, most people in the human race are still very conservative.

Douglas pondered for a while. The proposal of dual cultivation of men and women is not considered nonsense by Arnold, and it may be a method worth trying.But isn't this method too hasty for Athena?After all, the princess of a country must marry a man and a woman with dual cultivation. The princess has just turned 16 years old and has just reached the age of marriage, but the choice of a son-in-law should not be too casual or hasty, right?
"That's right, dual cultivation of men and women. This is my chief disciple, Sabo, who is only in his 30s and already has the strength of a magister at the beginning level. In the future, he will definitely inherit my mantle. He and the princess can also be regarded as Well-matched, right?"

Arnold smiled triumphantly, and introduced the young man next to him to Alexander, as if he was introducing some treasure, with a proud face.

The man looked good and had an extraordinary temperament. Wearing a red close-fitting magician's robe and standing there, he had an extraordinary appearance.

However, his face was pale and his eyes were sunken, and Yuan Feiwu could tell at a glance that this person must be extravagant on weekdays, causing his body to become weak due to excessive indulgence.

Such a prodigal son, no matter how prominent his family background or status, Yuan Feiwu didn't think he could give Athena happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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