Chapter 99

"Drink slowly, no one will grab you."

Seeing this, Yuan Feiwu quickly stretched out his hand to stroke Douglas's back. This scene is very similar to the grandfather and grandson.

Grab your sister!Could it be because I was afraid of being robbed of tea and sprayed!It's not because of you!
When you were asked to come, you said there was no way, but now you promise to fix it in one day!Are you playing Lao Tzu? !

Douglas was almost insane from anger. For the first time since he reached the level of a great magister, Douglas wanted to spray blood instead of tea.

"He is young and ignorant, what he says doesn't count! One month! He needs at least one month! Just in time for the entrance exam!" Douglas hurriedly said to everyone.

"Hey, how can it take a month! One day is enough. If it can be solved in one day, it will be solved. If it can't be solved in one day, it will be useless to give more time." Yuan Feiwu said to Douglas.

"Hey, you still have to stay in the palace to do other things, how can there be enough time in a day!" Douglas quickly sent a sound transmission to Yuan Feiwu.

"Originally, I only needed one hour, but now it has been extended to one day, isn't it enough?"

Yuan Feiwu pretended to be a high-level warrior, but of course Transsion couldn't, so he could only talk back.

"Can it be done in one day!" Douglas raised his voice, implying something.

"That's enough. If it can be solved in one day, it will be solved. If it can't be solved in one day, it will be useless to give more time..."

Yuan Feiwu answered Douglas' pointing point with exactly the same words.

Of course, Douglas was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"One week, what, just one week!"

Douglas' tone was almost pleading.

"So long? Or within a week, if you can solve it early, you can leave early? No more than a week at the latest."

Yuan Feiwu had no choice but to see that Douglas' veins were about to pop out, and he immediately relented.

"Okay! I'll go back and approve your leave. You don't have to come back for a week!"

Douglas immediately made a decision, for fear that Yuan Feiwu would regret it!

Douglas can't help it either, because the people around him are not as capable as Active Flying Dance!
If it's for killing enemies or fighting, Livia and the others are very strong; if it's for investigation and reasoning, then don't mention it.Especially after Rupert's encounter, Douglas found that Yuan Feiwu was really a master detective, which may have something to do with his fighting spirit.Coupled with the fact that people are smart and quick to respond, and have a big heart that is still calm under crisis, this kind of talent Douglas likes very much.

Wanting to recruit Yuan Feiwu as an apprentice is sincere, and it is also a fact that he is delighted that Yuan Feiwu will be useful immediately. Anyway, the only person Douglas can rely on to find out clues is Yuan Feiwu.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu and Douglas discussing Athena's issue like bargaining in a vegetable market, Alexander was about to vomit blood.Arnold and his disciples were very surprised, that black-haired boy was even more arrogant than the two of them!

It was almost Douglas begging him to come for a week!And when he said that, he smiled, as if it didn't matter at all!
Arnold doesn't know how talented he is in practicing magic, but in the world of arrogance alone, he is definitely a mountain that cannot be crossed!

Regardless of whether Alexander is arrogant or not, he is more decent than the two masters and apprentices who called for dual cultivation of men and women when they came!

"I only need a week. I think I am more reliable in terms of my magister's strength." Sabo said to Alexander.

Sabo added a one-week agreement, which made Alexander hesitate a bit. His guarantee also meant guidance, so of course the magister's words are more credible...

One week?It is impossible to give you a day!
Sabo sneered and looked at Yuan Feiwu who was smiling brightly to himself. After a week, he just waited to receive the wedding post from Athena and himself.If you want to grab a woman from yourself, you are still a little tender, hahaha...

"Let me choose! I will choose the junior brother first, and wait until he fails!"

Athena didn't speak for a long time, and when she spoke, Sabo felt that his head was stuffed with a puddle of paste, and he also brought an automatic blender to stir everything in his mind into a lump.

"Since Athena said so, let's do it!" Alexander thought it was acceptable, but Yuan Feiwu was just wasting a week, "I'll have the guest room ready for Grand Magister Arnold and Magister Sabo to stay in." , wait for a while, this king is grateful!"

What else is there to say, Arnold waited to see Douglas' apprentice embarrassing, and even Douglas was slapped in the face; Sabo was very anxious about the beauty.The two had to agree to live first.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first, there are still many things I need to do in the academy."

When Douglas saw that the matter had been settled, he immediately patted his ass and left.

This action of Douglas confused several people present, the Great Magister of Light is leaving soon?Doesn't matter if his apprentice can solve the princess' problem?Even if you don't care about this newly recruited disciple, you should at least care about his second disciple's cultivation situation, right?

Yuan Feiwu was not surprised at all, he understood what Douglas meant.Wherever he was, that place would become the focal point, which was very inconvenient for Yuan Feiwu who wanted to investigate something, and he left for the convenience of Yuan Feiwu.

But now the identities of the third disciple of the Great Magister of Light that Yuan Feiwu inexplicably added are also very eye-catching!It is estimated that he will be watched wherever he goes, and if he can find anything in the palace, there will be ghosts!Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu took Beelzebub with him.

"Then Yuan Feiwu... magician, when do you plan to do it?"

Originally called a magician respectfully, the level of a magician should be brought after the name.But the worst Sabo on the scene is already a magister. At this time, he called Yuan Feiwu's suffix intermediate magician, and it felt like he was deliberately mocking him, so Alexander had to change his words a little.

"Start right away." Yuan Feiwu said without hesitation.

"Do I need to prepare anything?"

"One room, no one is allowed to disturb."

"You can say that a man and a widow share a room together!"

Before Alexander could speak, Sabo couldn't help but burst out in rage.

Anyway, Douglas has already left, and he doesn't pay much attention to such an intermediate magician, so there is no need to be polite to him!
"No physical contact is required, I'm just looking at the situation of Athena's magic cultivation." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

This guy is not easy!
The debauched intentions are actually covered up with such hypocritical excuses, and what's even more frightening is that they can still smile innocently, with a skin as thick as a city wall!Sabo is ashamed!

"Just look, don't you need a separate space?" Alexander Road.

"I use a special method to check, so no outsiders can disturb." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

"Hmm..." Alexander pondered for a while, and said, "How about this, I will let the little girl's bodyguard stand by your side, is that okay?"

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu still had that smiling face.

He also understood that it would be unacceptable for him to be alone in a room with Athena.

But as long as he uses his magic power to investigate, he will inevitably expose his dark element physique, so it's impossible to keep it secret!Just one bystander is better than a lot of people!
(End of this chapter)

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