Bandit Camp

Chapter 110 National Army Representative

Chapter 110 National Army Representative
Zhang Luohui laughed twice, walked to Ye Tufei's bed, bent down, and whispered in Ye Tufei's ear: "Master Liu, the national army representative is here, I hid him in Deng Youfu's dormitory, what should I do next?" ah?"

Ye Tufei said: "Grey Mule, you have to tell me the truth, do you still want to go back?"

Zhang Luohui looked blank, and asked, "Where are you going back? You asked me to go back before you told me about it?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Don't pretend to be with me, tell me, do you still want to go back to the National Army?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Luohui shook his head and said, "Even if you force me with a gun, Sixth Master, I will not go back. Sixth Master, I understand, I will send that national army representative to leave."

Ye Tufei hastily stopped Zhang Luohui, and said, "You stubborn bastard, what are you doing? Alright, I won't tease you anymore, let's get down to business."

Zhang Luohui sat on the chair beside the bed: "Master Liu, I guessed it all, you want to get some ammunition from the national army, don't you?"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Those who know me, so do Gray Mule!"

Zhang Luohui said: "We have so many brothers all of a sudden, except for the guy in the hands of our old loyal cousin. Look at the new brothers, what is that thing in your hand? You can't hit a bird, but you can still hit Little Japan?"

Ye Tufei said: "So I think, let's pretend to agree to the recruitment of the national army and ask them to get us a batch of munitions. We don't have anyone who can take advantage of it. We are guilty of fighting, right?"

Zhang Luohui frowned, and said: "The old Yan Xiaowei, how do you explain it? And..." Zhang Luohui turned his mouth out angrily, "Sister-in-law, you must not turn against you."

Ye Tufei thought for a while, and said: "Yan Xiwenwei Xiangdong is a reasonable person, it's easy to say, Xueping is too stubborn, I'm afraid it's really difficult. Leave her alone, let's do things secretly first, and wait for the students to come back." The rice is cooked..." Ye Tufei gave Zhang Luohui a look, and Zhang Luohui quickly got down on the ground and put his ear to Ye Tufei's mouth, "The Communist Party will not give up on us, if Xueping girl has Let Yan Xiwen handle the problem."

Zhang Luohui grinned slowly, laughed silently, with an exaggerated expression, and gave Ye Tufei a thumbs up: "Yo Xi, yo Xi, Ye Sang is smart and big!"

Ye Tufei was amused, and at the same time, his stomach became even more jubilant, so he begged Zhang Luohui: "Grey mule, go and get me something to eat, and bring that national army representative here, I want to chat with him. "

Zhang Luohui stood up, imitating the actions of Japanese soldiers, stood at attention and saluted, and said, "Bage, obey!"

After speaking, he immediately turned around and left, leaving only Ye Tufei lying on the bed with a helpless and wry smile on his face.

The reason why Zhang Luohui suddenly ran the train and spoke Japanese was because of Ye Tufei.When Ye Tufei knew that Zhang Luohui had the talent to read lips, he came up with the idea of ​​teaching Zhang Luohui Japanese, but Zhang Luohui's language talent was too poor. can't remember.

After a while, Zhang Luohui and Deng Youfu brought a stranger back to Ye Tufei's room.

Zhang Luohui handed Ye Tufei an oiled paper bag, and said, "Boss Feng specially made it for you. The authentic roast lamb leg from Jia's Wang Chunfeng Mutton Restaurant. Sixth Master, eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."

But Ye Tufei couldn't move anymore, as long as he raised his arm, he would touch the wound, and when he touched the wound, there would be a sharp pain.But Zhang Luohui didn't think of this, he took the bag of mutton and dangled above Ye Tufei's nose, not caring about Ye Tufei's pain of wanting to eat but not being able to eat.

Still Deng Youfu knew it well, snatched the package of mutton from Zhang Luohui, opened the package, tore off the mutton one by one, and fed it to Ye Tufei.

Zhang Luohui just made a noise. He scratched his head and introduced the national army representative to Ye Tufei: "Master Song, this is Song Yulong, Major Song, who was sent by the national army to discuss reorganization with you." Oh, Major Song, this is our sixth master Ye Tufei who can turn Erlang Mountain upside down with just a sneeze."

Song Yulong clasped his fist at Ye Tufei, and said: "I have admired the name of the Sixth Master Ye for a long time, and seeing him today is indeed the luck of Song's three lives!" Song Yulong had already rehearsed this greeting countless times in his heart. Today I was finally able to say it, and felt happy. He took two steps forward, came to Ye Tufei's bed, took out a small bag of items from his arms, and handed it to Ye Tufei: "Ye Liuye, this is a top grade made in Yunnan." Waiting for the smoke, one sip will relieve the pain, Ye Liuye might as well give it a try."

** Not only can it relieve pain, but it can also relieve cough. Ye Tufei still knows this bit of medical knowledge.

In addition, Ye Tufei is no stranger to smoke and soil. Although he himself is determined not to touch this thing, two-thirds of the brothers in Erlang Mountain cannot do without it. Ye Tufei once thought about banning smoking, but he felt resistance to implement it. , had to give up.

Later, Ye Tufei saw with his own eyes that the flat sparrow used the smoke soil to relieve the pain of the injured brother, and the effect was really good, so Ye Tufei's attitude towards the smoke soil changed to a certain extent. , to fight against the damage caused by smoke to the body.

Therefore, Ye Tufei, with his mouth full of mutton, signaled to Zhang Luohui to accept Major Song's wishes.

After feasting, Ye Tufei's stomach no longer raised any opinions, so he took the time to say hello to Song Yulong: "I'm sorry, Mr. Song, I made you laugh. I've only had two bowls of porridge since I was injured yesterday. , how can I hold on to this?"

Song Yulong was taken aback for a moment, and thought, if he was injured yesterday, he can eat and drink like this today, could it be because of this injury. . .Is it not bad?Looking at it again, it doesn't look like it. A wounded person who needs help from others even to eat must be seriously injured.Then, the only explanation left is that Ye Liuye's physique is really good, and his recovery speed is much faster than normal people.

"Ye Liuye is indeed a dragon and phoenix among people. You can tell a thing or two just by looking at this unusual physique." Song Yulong flattered him at the right time.

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "Major Song is a jade tree facing the wind, and he can tell it's not a thing in the pond at a glance, but today he is willing to come to my Yemou's barren mountains and mountains, so that my Erlang Mountain will suddenly shine brightly and luxuriantly! "

Ye Tufei, who was not good at flattery, seemed blunt and unsatisfactory when he uttered this polite greeting, but for vulgar people like Zhang Luohui and Deng Youfu, it was already at its peak, only envy and jealousy.

Zhang Luohui subconsciously glanced at Ye Tufei, his eyes full of admiration.Ye Tufei responded with a look without saying anything: "Small samples, learners order!"
Song Yulong saw these subtleties, and he thought to himself, this Ye Tufei is nothing more than that, he knows that he is not good enough after hearing this, but he feels so good about himself, how does such an impetuous person get to the top? appreciation.

With such thoughts, Song Yulong's original feeling of admiration towards Ye Tufei was greatly reduced in his heart. He thought that Ye Tufei was just lucky. won the favor of Shangfeng.

As soon as his thinking changed, Song Yulong's original nervousness about meeting his idol disappeared, and he looked calm and started talking.

"Ye Liuye, Chairman Jiang once said that in a war, there is no distinction between the north and the south, and no distinction between the old and the young. No matter who, everyone has the responsibility to defend the land and resist the war. Everyone should be determined to sacrifice everything. Our ancestors also I have said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country. Ye Liuye, you all understand these principles. In the past year, we have also seen you doing this, but have you ever thought about it? Sixth Lord, you cannot defeat the Japanese, and you, Ye Sixth Lord, will not be able to keep this pure land in the end."

Speaking of excitement, Song Yulong clenched his fists and waved them vigorously.

"Only when the 5000 to [-] million compatriots unite closely and fight together under the leadership of the Generalissimo, will it be possible to defeat the Japanese Communist Party and win the final great victory of the Chinese nation! Ye Liuye, Now the opportunity is in front of you, as long as you nod your head, you will no longer be bandits and grassroots bandits, you will be an upright National Revolutionary Army, and you will leave your legacy in this glorious history of the Chinese nation's resistance to foreign humiliation. Your glorious chapter will live forever."

Glancing at Ye Tufei, but seeing Ye Tufei looking at him intently, Song Yulong became more confident.

"Otherwise, you will be isolated in this mountain range, and you will be killed by the Japanese in the end. If you just survive, you will only be traitors and lackeys. Ye Liuye, I think you are not willing to be stigmatized forever!"

Ye Tufei glanced at Zhang Luohui, and Zhang Luohui turned his attention to Deng Youfu. Deng Youfu was at a loss and could only stare blankly at Ye Tufei.

These three people have ghosts in their hearts!

The reason why they want to meet Song Yulong is nothing more than to cheat some arms from the national army. For this purpose, the three of them are consistent, and they also communicate with each other.But when they join the national army, the three of them have the same attitude. They have been tricked before, and they don't want to be tricked again.

However, the three of them could not refute Song Yulong's impassioned speech, but just obeyed Song Yulong, and felt unwilling, as if he had lost face in Erlangshan Jianghu.

Under such thoughts, the three of them wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say. So, you look at me and I look at you, hoping that the other party can have inspiration, and a few words can make Song Yulong Don't be so arrogant.

However, all three were disappointed.

It's okay for Zhang Luohui to talk to Deng Youfu, but Ye Tufei is the boss, he has to speak to Song Yulong.

Since he couldn't think of to refute Song Yulong's remarks, Ye Tufei simply flattered him and let him get the weapons and ammunition first.

"Well, what Major Song said made Ye Mou suddenly enlightened. Listening to what you said is better than reading ten years of books. To be honest, we really want to fight Little Japan to the end. You are right, we are fighting Little Japan like this. I really feel that the power is weak, not to mention anything else, but the guy in the hands of these brothers, compared with Little Japan, it is really a matchstick against a big blade!"

Hearing Ye Tufei's flattery, Song Yulong's heart warmed up, and he hurriedly said: "The matter of weapons is easy to solve. Shangfeng once explained that as long as you accept the reorganization, we will distribute weapons and ammunition according to the configuration standards of the Central Army."

Zhang Luohui didn't expect the other party to agree so readily. Excited, he quickly slapped his hands: "That's good! That's good! As long as you transport the weapons and ammunition to Erlang Mountain, we will immediately accept the reorganization of the national army!"

(End of this chapter)

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