Bandit Camp

Chapter 117 New Tricks

Chapter 117 New Tricks

Gao Qiao said: "Ye Tufei's shortcoming is that he cares too much about the lives of his brothers in the rivers and lakes! This point determines that Ye Tufei is only willing to fight some easy battles. If we put on a head-to-head posture and don't give him any loopholes , then I think Ye Tufei will definitely shrink back and refuse to attack."

The head of the division laughed loudly, and said, "Mr. Gao Qiao, when you say that, I think this Ye Tufei is somewhat similar to Shin Gao Qiao!"

Gao Qiaoxin shouldn't look pale, and said: "The head of the division is right. I am also thinking about it these days. I am very familiar with Ye Tufei. In the past period of time, I have always wanted to use the most effective and economical method to defeat Ye Tufei. Ye Tufei, however, I have to admit that in this contest with Ye Tufei, I failed, I have to admit that I am inferior to Ye Tufei in terms of wisdom, especially in terms of war wisdom."

The head of the division smiled and said: "There is an old saying in China that says knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. Mr. Takahashi, you can clearly understand the difference in characteristics between Ye Tufei and you. I think you may have found a way to deal with Ye Tufei."

Takahashi Shin smiled at this time, and said: "When I knew that Ye Tufei was not dead, I was thinking about this question. Commander, you can also play Go. There is a term in Go called the key point of the enemy is me." If you want to deal with Ye Tufei, you must find this point of him."

As he said that, Shin Takahashi set up a posture with teacups on the tea table in front of him, and continued: "Even though Erlang Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, if we want to eat Ye Tufei, it may be quite difficult, and it will affect the 'divination battle'." However, if we build permanent fortifications on both sides of the valley channel of Erlang Mountain, cut off Ye Tufei's headquarters from the outside world, and force him to take the initiative to seek combat from us, then I think it is just around the corner to defeat Ye Tufei Something happened."

The head of the division stared at the formation that Nobu Takahashi had casually placed on the coffee table, thought for a moment, and then let out a burst of laughter, and said, "Mr. Takahashi, I finally understand why General Doihara favors you so much! This method is very good, I fully support your idea, and I will ask Takahashi-kun to deal with Ye Tufei's matter. You can ask for anything now, as long as I can do it, I will definitely support Takahashi-kun with all my strength."

Takahashi Channel: "In terms of military strength, one imperial army squadron plus two imperial association army brigades are enough. What I need most is materials and labor to build permanent fortifications."

The head of the division nodded and said: "The Imperial Association Army is unreliable. I can send you an extra squadron. In terms of supplies, the division is also very nervous. I can first allocate some for your use. The missing supplies will be returned to you." Takahashi-kun needs to think of ways, as for labor, Takahashi-kun, there are too many people in China, you can have as many as you want."

Takahashi channeled: "Thank you for your trust, Commander-in-Chief, Takahashi will definitely fulfill his mission."

On the third day after Han Hongxun left, the Japanese troops were stationed at both ends of the Erlang Mountain Valley Passage, one squadron to the east and one to the west.

Ye Tufei didn't pay much attention to this enemy's situation at the beginning. Even if the Japanese troops of the two squadrons attacked Erlang Mountain from the east and west sides at the same time, they would not achieve much results. On the contrary, Ye Tufei even had a hope that the little Japan would launch an attack on Erlang Mountain expect.

But as time went by, Ye Tufei gradually understood the Japanese army's intentions. They had no intention of attacking, but stationed on the spot and began to build fortifications.

"It must be Shin Takahashi's idea!" At dinner, Guo Zhonglin didn't take it seriously when everyone mentioned it, "Blocking the valley passage will trap us? Is Shin Takahashi thinking with his ass? I don't know that there are at least dozens of roads out of the mountain, trying to seal us off? Hmph!"

Zhang Luohui was a little nervous at first, thinking that Gao Qiaoxin's hand had indeed strangled the throat of the bandit camp, but after hearing Guo Zhonglin's words, he felt relieved: "There are so many roads? Why don't I know?"

Guo Zhonglin smiled and said: "You are a mule, you can only walk on flat roads, you can't climb mountains, of course you don't know."

Everyone laughed.

The Erlang Mountain stretches for dozens of miles, and there are countless roads during this period. It is indeed whimsical to confine the brothers in the mountain.But Ye Tufei frowned tightly and remained silent.

Yan Xiwen came to Ye Tufei with a bowl: "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Ye Tufei looked up at Yan Xiwen, and sighed, "Gao Qiaoxin's move is poisonous!"

Yan Xiwen wondered: "I heard from Guo Laoer, isn't there at least dozens of passages leading to the outside world in Erlang Mountain?"

Ye Tufei said: "Most of the dozens of mountain roads are passages that can only be passed by a single person, and can transport some goods inside and outside, that is, there are three or two passages. Gao Qiaoxin just wants to force us to expose these three or two passages."

Yan Xiwen gasped, and said, "You mean Gao Qiaoxin doesn't want to defend passively, but he still wants to take the initiative to attack us?"

Ye Tufei said: "This is also speculation, but no matter what, this Takahashi Nobu has set up two fortresses in our east and west, it's always uncomfortable, isn't it, we still have to find a way to defeat Gao Qiaoxin's move. "

Yan Xiwen said: "The truth is this, but if you want to pull out a stronghold guarded by a Japanese squadron, it is not an easy task."

Ye Tufei laughed and said, "Maybe Takahashi Shin wants us to pull out his stronghold!"

In fact, Takahashi Shin didn't believe that the construction of these two strongholds could seal off the Erlang Mountain bandit camp.But before implementing his plan, these two strongholds must be built, because Gao Qiaoxin needs these two strongholds to influence Ye Tufei's judgment.

Half a month ago, Liu Yujie led his troops to attack Erlang Mountain, but failed, losing Zhao Hekang's brigade in vain.Liu Yujie explained that they were ambushed by Ye Tufei's troops in Erlang Mountain. Ye Tufei didn't die, he was alive and well.

At first Gao Qiaoxin did not believe it, thinking that Liu Yujie was shirking responsibility, but after more than ten days of reconnaissance, Gao Qiaoxin realized that he had made a mistake.

From that day on, he has been reflecting, thinking hard about the way to defeat Ye Tufei in one fell swoop.

Lifting heavy soldiers to attack is of course an option, but the terrain of Erlang Mountain is so complicated, it is difficult to capture the location of Ye Tufei's main force and defeat it in one fell swoop.

At this time, Gao Qiaoxin realized that he was not familiar with Ye Tufei, and this unfamiliarity did not refer to the person, but the environment in which the person lived.

Therefore, Gao Qiaoxin decided that before taking the next step against Ye Tufei, he had to figure out the topography of Erlang Mountain, and figure out in which direction Ye Tufei would retreat in case of danger, and where he would lurk.

Only Japanese ninjas can accomplish this task.

In order to allow the ninjas lurking in Mount Erlang to better observe valuable information, Shin Takahashi came up with a trick to force Ye Tufei to use an alternate path by blocking the passage in the valley of Mount Erlang, thereby gaining control of Ye Tufei's troops. details.

Now, ten ninjas have lurked in the Erlang Mountains, waiting for Ye Tufei to respond to these two strongholds.

These ten ninjas were all carefully selected by Takahashi Shinobu, from the same division, and they cooperated with each other tacitly.

At this moment, Takahashi Nobu is confident. For him, the only flaw is that he cannot personally direct the construction of the eastern stronghold, because although the east and west strongholds are only six or seven kilometers apart in a straight line, this distance is the valley passage of Erlang Mountain. He couldn't pass directly, so he could only walk around the mountain. This time around, he had to walk an extra sixty to seventy kilometers.

Therefore, Nobu Takahashi only sat in the western stronghold, and only supervised and controlled the construction of the eastern stronghold through telegrams.

Nobu Takahashi kept the highest level of secrecy about this plan. Except for his most trusted partner, Keigo Yamashita, he didn't even tell the truth to the head of the division.

In other words, during the implementation of the entire plan, only Takahashi Nobuyama and those ten ninjas knew the contents of the entire plan.

Keigo Yamashita is trustworthy, he rarely has any bad habits, and his tone is extremely strict.

Those ten ninjas are more trustworthy. Keeping the secrets of their employers is one of the tenets of the ninjas, and the teachers of these ten ninjas are the most reputable teachers in Japan.

Nobu Takahashi has reason to be confident that this plan will definitely have the desired effect.

And the factual trend is exactly as Takahashi Xin expected. From the third day since the construction of the stronghold, Ye Tufei began to increase troops to the position closest to the stronghold in the mountain pass, and it continued. It seems that Ye Tufei has signs of attacking the stronghold.

However, people are not as good as heaven, Takahashi Shin's meticulous plan still leaked the news, and the source of the leak turned out to be Takahashi Shin's most trusted Yamashita Keigo.

Keigo Yamashita rarely has bad habits, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have bad habits.Keigo Yamashita's only bad habit is female sex. Like many men in China, Keigo Yamashita also believes in the idea that a wife is worse than a concubine and whoring is worse than a concubine, so he frequents local brothels.

Naturally, a man of status like Jingwu Xiangshan would not go to some low-end places. In Xuzhou City, he only went to Liuxianglou, the largest and most luxurious place with the most girls.

There are ten gold-medal girls in Liuxianglou, among them is a girl whose stage name is Yoyo, who is the most pleasing to Jingwu Yamashita, as long as Jingwu Yamashita comes to Liuxianglou, seven or eight out of ten times he will look for Yoyo.

Yoyo is only ranked No.9 among the top ten gold medal girls, but this does not prevent Yoyo from having her own girlfriends. The girlfriends of other girls are either high-ranking officials or dignitaries, and the most unscrupulous one will be a handsome little boy But Yoyo's girlfriend is a softie.

What made the sisters laugh was that Miss Yoyo's sweetheart had a very funny name: Li Daxia.Every time Li Daxia came, he always wore a pair of sunglasses, and the girls called him Li Daxia behind his back.

On this day, Keigo Yamashita paid the commissions of the ten ninjas, put the other party's receipts in his pocket, and then went to Liuxiang Building with Miss Takahashi Nobu, looking for Miss Yoyo.

Coincidentally, after Yamashita Jingwu vented and left, Li Daxia also came to Liuxianglou.

Li Daxia will have no other choice when he comes to Liuxianglou, it must be Yoyo.

(End of this chapter)

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