Bandit Camp

Chapter 127 Reflection

Chapter 127 Reflection

Under such circumstances, Little Japan can't just withdraw if he wants to.

Ye Tufei held a military thorn in his left hand and a dagger in his right, and rushed to the front.Either a left-handed military stab to block and a right-hand dagger to swing out, or a right-hand dagger to swing and a left-hand military stab to pass. The movements were extremely simple, but the speed was unresponsive. In an instant, three little Japanese soldiers were killed.

Xiao Zhonghe was only one body behind Ye Tufei, blood splattered wherever the seven-inch short knife pointed in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, he also sent three Yamato souls back to his hometown.

With these two gods of death constantly calling for Little Japan, the brothers are even more excited to fight.Although Feng Zhongliang is one-armed, he was born with strong strength. He swung a big knife weighing more than [-] jin. He dared not say that it was watertight. With a chop, he never thought that the long spear would be chopped off directly, and a crack was split in his head.

Even Guo Zhonglin, a poor scholar who has always claimed to be proficient in literature but neglected martial arts, held a bayonet-mounted spear and entangled with a small Japanese. He went back and forth for more than a dozen rounds, and finally saw a gap and took the bayonet. Inserted into the belly of that little Japan.

At this moment, although Little Japan was at a disadvantage, they were not yet psychologically broken. They quickly adjusted their fighting formations, and each used a small force to delay the counterattack of the cavalry battalion and the bandit battalion, while the other soldiers quickly moved westward. Side evacuation.

By the time the brothers from the cavalry battalion and bandit battalion cleared out the Japanese squad responsible for delaying the enemy's attack, Shin Takahashi had already set up a new defensive position 300 meters away.

The brothers in the bandit battalion were already red-eyed, screaming and wanting to continue attacking.

But the brothers from the cavalry battalion stopped in front, and a man who looked like an officer loudly dissuaded: "Stop attacking! Stop making unnecessary sacrifices!"

In the hand-to-hand fight with Zhang Luohui just now, only two little Japanese were killed, and there was nowhere to vent the resentment in his chest, but when he saw someone blocking him, he suddenly became furious: "What kind of onion are you? Get out of the way!"

The man rode on the horse without giving in, and said: "I am Tang Shijie, the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion. Commander Lu has an order, let me tell Ye Tufei, the sixth master Ye, who among you is the sixth master Ye Tufei?"

Ye Tufei stood up and said, "What did Commander Lu say?"

Tang Shijie said: "Commander Lu asked me to tell you that the poor should not chase after you, in case something happens!"

Ye Tufei was stunned, Yan Xiwen hurried forward to try to persuade Ye Tufei, but was stopped by Ye Tufei with gestures, "It is impossible to chase after now, Little Japan must have made adjustments, forget it, just listen to Commander Lu Yes, brothers, let's stop chasing, stop and clean the battlefield."

After this battle, the bandit battalion suffered heavy casualties.

But Little Japan's results were not much better. Not to mention nearly a hundred corpses, dozens of spears and three flower organs were left behind.

But these achievements can't make up for the loss of the bandit battalion, the result of more than half of the casualties is an unacceptable fact for Ye Tufei.

After the battle, Ye Tufei locked himself in the room and sat there without eating or drinking all day long.

Yan Xiwen couldn't stand it anymore, and kicked open the door of Ye Tufei's room.

"Why did you suddenly become like a bitch? Ye Tufei, let me tell you, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Every excellent commander comes out of failure. There is no general who is always victorious in this world. Oh, eat After such a small loss, you can't stand it?"

Ye Tufei seemed to be an eminent monk in meditation, he ignored Yan Xiwen and still maintained his original posture.

"Let me tell you Ye Tufei, just like you, let alone me, even Ouyang Xueping will look down on you!"

Ye Tufei finally reacted, he raised his eyelids, glanced at Yan Xiwen, but returned to his original state.

Yan Xiwen sighed, sat next to Ye Tufei, and said earnestly: "Five years ago, in Jiangxi, our Communist Party also suffered a defeat and was forced to give up its base. Ye Tufei, the setback you suffered today is not the same as five years ago. Compared with our party and our Red Army, what are we?"

Ye Tufei remained silent.

Yan Xiwen was depressed, sighed heavily, stood up and was about to leave.

Behind him, Ye Tufei suddenly said: "Do you know Lu Yao? Can you tell me about Lu Yao's past?"

Yan Xiwen turned around and replied, "If you want to know about Lu Yao's past, you'd better ask him in person."

Ye Tufei said: "I was just thinking, why did I suffer this loss, why did Lu Yao think a little more than me, brother Yan, am I too conceited?"

Yan Xiwenfu sat back again and said, "You are just younger and don't have a deep understanding of the dangers of society. To be honest, with regard to Liu Kui, haven't I been deceived too?"

Ye Tufei said: "However, Lu Yao can see the clue."

Yan Xiwen said: "There is a good saying that makes the authorities confused and the onlookers clear. You and I belong to the authorities, but Lu Yao is a newcomer, so he is a bystander. Besides, Lu Yao just had doubts, and he didn't make an assertion, did he?"

Ye Tufei let out a long breath and said, "You're trying to comfort me! I've been thinking all day long, brothers trust me so much and entrust their lives to me, Ye Tufei, but I repeatedly , failed again and again, just couldn’t kill that Takahashi Nobu, the revenge was not avenged, but so many souls were added, I am really sorry for the trust of the brothers!”

At this time, Lu Yao came over and shouted from a long distance: "Ye Tufei, Brother Ye, I heard you are sick? Are you feeling better?"

When Lu Yao entered the room, Ye Tufei asked, "Who said I was sick? I'm fine!"

Lu Yao laughed out loud, and when he had had enough, he said, "I don't believe your brothers say you're sick. I knew right away that you, Ye Tufei, were thinking behind closed doors. Haha, my old Lu really guessed right."

Yan Xiwen was afraid that Lu Yao would say something more outrageous next time, so he hurriedly stopped him: "Commander Lu, you can't leave a three-point mark on what you say, do you have to say it to the end?"

Lu Yao smiled and said: "What's the matter! A man is a man, he stands upright, what is he afraid of if he suffers a little loss? Who hasn't suffered a loss? I think my old Lu was tricked by someone, and a guerrilla team of more than 200 people was beaten. There are less than 50 people left, no, no, are you still going through it?"

Ye Tufei opened his eyes wide, and asked, "Commander Lu was also plotted against?"

Lu Yao sat down on the bed, took off his shoes, crossed his legs, took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one himself, and then let Ye Tufei and Yan Xiwen go.

Yan Xiwen doesn't smoke, Ye Tufei only smokes cigars, so they all declined the cigarettes offered by Lu Yao.

Lu Yao puffed out smoke and said, "Isn't that the time! I fled all the way to Erlang Mountain where you, Ye Tufei, had no choice but to leave more than a dozen wounded behind. Don't you remember? You Ye Tufei rescued those wounded It's coming down!"

Ye Tufei said: "You mean Zhao Zibin and the others?"

Lu Yao said: "It's not like them. Ye Tufei, I, Lu Yao, have fought a lot of battles, big and small, in the past ten years, but I can't beat your level. Let's not talk about your awesome things before, just say In the battle last night, when you were so passive, you were able to keep a clear mind, and instead of rushing out desperately, you made the brothers outside rush in, this, my old Lu, is extremely admirable."

Yan Xiwen said, "Is there any difference?"

Lu Yao said: "Rushing out is in the arms of Little Japan. In that case, Little Japan must focus on taking care of you rushing out. Therefore, it must be easier to rush in than to rush out. In addition, you have to rush into the stronghold. , there will be a defensive barrier, even if it becomes the target of the small Japanese artillery, but it is more cost-effective than risking the enemy's blockade firepower to rush out. You have already experienced two rounds of small Japanese artillery fire, and you know that the small Japanese are all Some mortars are not very accurate, so they should be able to hold on. In this way, time is bought for Tang Shijie's cavalry battalion to rush to the rescue."

Ye Tufei sighed, shook his head and said, "I didn't think that much at the time, and I didn't know that Commander Lu would send a cavalry battalion to support us."

Lu Yao said with a smile: "Even so, relying on the stronghold, it can still inflict greater damage on Little Japan."

Yan Xiwen said: "Anyway, the key is Commander Lu's support! If it weren't for the timely arrival of Battalion Commander Tang's cavalry battalion, our casualties might have been even greater!"

Lu Yao threw away the cigarette butt, waved his hand, and said, "It's also your credit. All the troops from the Eastern Front have been transferred to the Western Front. I'm making a fool of myself."

Ye Tufei said: "Yes, no matter how you say it, I still want to thank Commander Lu for saving me. In the future, if you can get me Ye Tufei, Commander Lu just speak up."

Lu Yao burst into hearty laughter again, and then said: "Defend Erlang Mountain, keep it well, and make your team stronger and stronger, that is the best reward for me, Lu Yao!"

Ye Tufei said: "Our bandit battalion has lost its vitality in this battle, I'm afraid."

Lu Yao interrupted Ye Tufei and said, "As long as you have a gun and bullets in your hand, how can you not hurt your vitality? In less than ten days and a half, the team will be formed."

Ye Tufei was very skeptical, and said: "Ten days and a half a month? Commander Lu is not joking!"

Lu Yao laughed and said, "What am I kidding you about?" Then he pointed to Yan Xiwen, and said, "Old Yan can't do this kind of thing, and neither can Wei Xiangdong, I'll leave Zhao Zibin for you. Come down, within half a month, if he fails to help you pull up a team of thousands of people, I will beat his ass into eight petals!"

Hearing Zhao Zibin's name, Ye Tufei said pleasantly, "Zhao Zibin? He's here too?"

Lu Yao said: "Xiao Zhao is still looking for you everywhere! You said that you once promised him that as long as he comes to Erlang Mountain, you, Mr. Ye Liu, will keep him entertained with good wine and meat."

Ye Tufei was embarrassed, scratched his head, and said, "It's all my fault. I was too busy thinking about miscellaneous things, and I neglected you distinguished guests. Commander Lu, I'm going to go right now. We have nothing else. We are full of meat and wine." Don't worry, tonight there will be a good show of the bandit battalion fighting against the Tuba Road!"

Lu Yao clapped his palms and laughed, and said, "Then we won't be polite. Tonight, my old Lu will challenge you, Ye Tufei, one-on-one!"

(End of this chapter)

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