Bandit Camp

Chapter 143

Chapter 143

Withdrawing his mind from 'Baidu', Ye Tufei quickly came up with the answer, asked the big teapot for paper and a pen, wrote down the answer, and handed it to the big teapot: "Take it and show it to Miss Yue'er." Lah, it’s right to keep it.”

The big teapot took the paper and hurried to it.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Ye Tufei answered casually inside: "It's good to come in!"

The door creaked and was pushed open, Ye Tufei looked up and saw a slim girl, wearing a light green cheongsam, walking into the room with a guzheng in her arms.

The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a round oval face, two black eyes revealing a strange look, and a pair of dimples embedded in the corners of her mouth, she was even more delicate and beautiful when she was shy. .

"You are Miss Yue'er?" Ye Tufei forgot his Shanghai accent when he saw the beautiful woman face to face.

The girl smiled and did not answer, but picked up a stool and sat down, picked up the zither, and played a piece.

After playing the piece, the girl smiled and said, "Enke, do you know the piece played by Wanqing?"

Ye Tufei didn't know the rhythm of the pentameter, how could he know this song, so he could only shake his head.

The girl seemed a little disappointed, but she still said with a smile: "Enke, follow me to see Miss!"

This made Ye Tufei feel embarrassed.

The three large wooden boxes brought in early in the morning contained four mortars and more than 20 rounds of shells. At this moment, these three large wooden boxes are lined up in a corner of the room. When others found out, it was Ye Tufei who delayed the matter.

not going?But my heart is itching again, this little girl named Wanqing is already a stunning beauty, but her identity seems to be only Yue'er's maid, with such a stunning maid, what kind of beauty will that young lady have?
Although the conflict was strong, it didn't last long. When Wanqing made a gesture of invitation and walked to the door first, Ye Tufei had already lifted her footsteps.

The wooden box was nailed to death, so there is a possibility of exposure, but it is not great. However, if Miss Yue'er can't see her tonight, then if she wants to see her again later, it may only be in a dream or fantasy. up.

Following Wanqing up to the third floor, and the deepest part, Ye Tufei entered Yue'er's boudoir.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Ye Tufei was full of regret and loss.

Because that Yue'er actually hid behind a bead curtain, but Wanqing arranged Ye Tufei outside the bead curtain.

"If the benefactor wants to enter the curtain, he has to answer another question from Yue'er." Inside the bead curtain, Yue'er's voice was like a trickling spring, immediately washing away Ye Tufei's unhappiness just now.

"Miss Yue'er, please ask the question, and I will try my best to answer it."

"Your lord, I'm on the horse, and when I meet again, I will be your lord. Can the benefactor say the last line of this poem?"

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, and said casually: "You take the car, I wear a hat, and I will meet you in the future and get off the car. Miss Yue'er, I wonder if it is correct?"

A laugh came from inside the bead curtain, "That's right, benefactor, come in!"

Ye Tufei couldn't hold back the joy and anticipation in his heart, walked forward slowly, and opened the bead curtain.

At this moment, Ye Tufei froze.

Behind the bead curtain, he didn't see the picture he imagined, but what he saw was a black hole in the muzzle of a gun.

After a moment of panic, Ye Tufei immediately regained his composure. Following the muzzle of the gun, he saw a stunning face, and dozens of idioms quickly popped up in his mind: beautiful as a fairy, gentle and elegant, dignified, beautiful, natural, beautiful, The country is beautiful and heavenly, graceful and graceful, peerless, with sweet words and smiles, budding, delicate and charming, exquisite and translucent, the best in the world
This... Ye Tufei suddenly felt his heart beating faster, and his tongue became dry.

But this incomparably wonderful feeling only lasted for a few seconds before it was terminated by the feeling from the back, and Wanqing also silently pressed the gun against Ye Tufei's back.

"Say! Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Jia's house?" Even though Yue'er's voice became severe, it was still clear and sweet like a yellow warbler.

Ye Tufei slowly raised his hands, and said, "Ala belongs to a businessman, and of course he came to this small place to do business!"

Yue'er sneered, and reprimanded: "Judging from your accent, I know that you are not from Shanghai at all. Tell me, who are you?"

At this moment, Ye Tufei had already figured out a problem, these two stunning beauties were by no means ordinary people, and in order to hide their identities, they took the method of hiding in a brothel and acting as oirans, which showed that these two could not be from Little Japan.

Since he is not from Little Japan, then he, Ye Tufei, has nothing to be afraid of.

Besides, these two beauties hid in this brothel after enduring such a big grievance, presumably because of their special identities or top-secret purposes, then, would these two dare to shoot?

Thinking of this, Ye Tufei grinned at Yue'er.

Yue'er was a little overwhelmed by Ye Tufei's strange smile, and her mind was in a trance, but seeing Ye Tufei waved his arms and twisted his body, the gun in his hand disappeared, and looking at Wan Qing behind Ye Tufei, the same She also looked baffled, and the man sandwiched between the two was on the sofa three meters away, leisurely playing with her two pistols.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you two are?" Ye Tufei asked casually while playing with the two pistols, before the two beauties answered, Ye Tufei continued: "Let me guess, Well, you two should be Mr. Yu Nong's subordinates, and you are hiding here to save your comrades, Xing Wanli, right?"

A trace of panic flashed across Yue'er's face, and she snapped, "Who the hell are you?"

Ye Tufei skillfully disassembled and reinstalled the pistol, then returned it to Yue'er, and said with a smile: "You two, still want to snatch Xing Wanli from the little Japanese? Is it a dream? Robbing the magic field is not fun Things, you might lose your head, two girls, I advise you to give up this idea, go back where you came from, and don't affect your plan of Ye Liuye!"

Yue'er suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "You, you are Ye Tufei from Erlang Mountain?"

Ye Tufei lowered his head, disassembled and assembled the other pistol, threw it back to Wanqing, and said with a smile: "Is Ye Tufei's name a name that a little girl like you can call me? You have to call me Ye Liuye!" understand?"

Yue'er and Wanqing saw that Ye Tufei didn't have a weapon in his hand at this time, and after briefly making eye contact, they raised their guns and aimed at Ye Tufei at the same time.

Ye Tufei smiled wryly, and said: "You two girls really don't know how to live or die. Just now, you can't control me with your head and your back. Now that you are so far away, you want to scare me with a broken pistol?"

This month, Yue'er was the military beauty that Xing Wanli was going to use to capture Ye Tufei's affection, her name was Su Yue, and Wanqing was her cousin, her surname was Qin and her name was Wanqing. Of course, these two names were also pseudonyms.

Su Yue is a talented student in the Qingpu training class of the military command. It is said that she was spotted by the fisherman at that time and wanted to stay by her side, but Su Yue sternly refused and asked to go to the enemy's rear. The fisherman cherished her beauty, so they arranged her in their own Xing Wanli's subordinates, and told Xing Wanli to take care of Su Yue's safety.

For a year, Xing Wanli followed the teachings of Mr. Yu Nong and almost hid Su Yuexue.

This was not what Su Yue wanted. She approached Xing Wanli several times, and insisted on carrying out a difficult task.

But Xing Wanli always has one or another reason to prevaricate Su Yue.

After going back and forth, Su Yue gradually became dependent on Xing Wanli. This kind of dependence is like the feeling she had on her father when she was young. Therefore, when Su Yue learned that Xing Wanli was arrested, she insisted on saving Xing Wanli, even at the risk of disobeying orders. risk of family law.

However, in Xuzhou city, Su Yue had no chance at all.Later, she learned that the Japanese were going to bring Xing Wanli to Jia's Wang for public execution. She knew that this was her last chance, so she and Qin Wanqing came to Jia's Wang first, and lived in the house on the condition that she would be a performer but not herself. After entering Baihuayuan, while inquiring about news, he was actively preparing for the plan.

Su Yue agreed that the fisherman would not give up on Xing Wanli, and would definitely send someone to rescue him. The most likely place for the military commanders who came to rescue Xing Wanli was the Baihuayuan.

So, she came up with a plan to use a test question given by the instructor in the Qingpu training class as a test. The question of burning incense and timing is not something that ordinary people can come up with.

But it was such a coincidence that Ye Tufei easily came up with the answer, which had to make Su Yue feel hopeful, so she asked Qin Wanqing to go and try again.

The guzheng music played by Qin Wanqing is nothing special, except for the little finger of her left hand, she uses this little finger to communicate with Ye Tufei in the form of Morse code, who knows, Ye Tufei is at a loss.

When Qin Wanqing took Ye Tufei into Su Yue's room, Qin Wanqing immediately informed Su Yue of the result with a code, and Su Yue was still lucky, so she asked that poem again.

People who are not in the military command would not have noticed this line of poetry at all, but Ye Tufei was just a little taken aback before saying the first half of the line.Su Yue concluded that if this person is not his comrade, then it is very likely that he is a former colleague who defected to No. 76, especially the big teapot said that this person has a Shanghai accent.

But Su Yue and Qin Wanqing teamed up to force Ye Tufei with a gun, and Ye Tufei resolved the favorable situation so easily. When Ye Tufei reported his name, Su Yue suddenly thought that Xing Wanli had ordered herself to go to the Erlang Shan used his beauty to capture Ye Tufei's affection, but Su Yue was a little annoyed that he lost so much face in this one meeting today.

She found a barely plausible reason for herself, that is, the distance between the three of them was too close just now, which gave Ye Tufei the opportunity to use it. Now they are nearly three meters apart, no matter how fast Ye Tufei is, it will definitely not be too fast. pistol bullets.

Su Yue needs Ye Tufei to understand the situation clearly, to lower her head a little, and let her save some face.

But Ye Tufei was puzzled, raised his hands, and dozens of bullets clanged and landed on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Hey! If there is no bullet in the gun, the weight will change a lot. I can't feel it. How can I play with the gun?"

(End of this chapter)

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