Bandit Camp

Chapter 151 After the Raid

Chapter 151 After the Raid
(Today is the 70th anniversary of Japan's surrender!)

Yan Xiwen said: "Nighttime raids are all about suddenness. If you want to kill the enemy by surprise, but in terms of the current battlefield situation, Little Japan must have done enough vigilance with the front. It is difficult for us to achieve the effect of raids. Brother Ye, I think we We must find a way to get around the flank of Little Japan, and then launch a surprise attack."

Zhang Luohui said with a smile: "Li Lao Si Xiao Lao Liu and the brothers with the special forces team are right behind Little Japan's buttocks, why don't they put a knife in Little Japan's buttocks, maybe it will do a good job Effect."

Ye Tufei categorically objected: "It can't be like this, it's not easy for the Special Operations Brigade to ambush, it's specially used to sneak attack on Little Japan's headquarters, and it must not be exposed at this time."

Luo Zhonggang interjected at this time: "When we were opening the cave, we once opened a gap, and later found that the exit was a cliff, so we sealed the gap because we were afraid that the brothers would not see the danger clearly. Sixth Lord, Going down from that cliff, you can just go around to the left side of Little Japan."

Ye Tufei was overjoyed, and said, "God has eyes! Hurry up and take me to see it."

That night, Ye Tufei and Deng Youfulian quietly touched down the cliff and lurked to the left wing of Little Japan's garrison.

On the top of the mountain, Zhang Luohui led Feng Zhongliang and Lianhe to launch a surprise attack.

This is Ye Tufei's deliberate arrangement.

Zhang Luohui led Feng Zhongliang Company to make the surprise attack very loud. Before he had contact with Little Japan, he was discovered by Little Japan. The two sides had a near-blind gun battle at a distance of 60 meters, and then Zhang Luo Fai retreated despite difficulties.

This happened five times in a row.

Until Little Japan concluded that this was not a raid at all, but a nighttime harassment, and its purpose was only to affect the rest of the team.

When Zhang Luohui rushed down the mountain with his brothers for the sixth time, Ye Tufei led Deng Youfu and started to act.

At this moment, the Japanese army in charge of guarding the left wing has been exhausted by Zhang Luohui, and has become numb to this kind of movement.Ye Tufei and the others easily touched Little Japan's sentry post, and took advantage of the darkness to move towards the center of Little Japan's camp.

On the front, Zhang Luohui's sixth harassment was different from the previous five times. This time Zhang Luohui didn't hit and run, but hit and stop, stop and hit again.

Finally, the frontal defense team of the Japanese army was pissed off. They organized a team of about [-] people, and under the cover of heavy firepower, they launched a countercharge against Zhang Luohui and the others.

Little Japan originally thought that as long as they took the attitude of fighting back, the Chinese people who came to harass them would retreat with interest.Unexpectedly, once the battle started, the counter-charging Japanese army was stuck, unable to attack, unable to attack, and unable to withdraw.

No choice but to continue to increase troops.

Ye Tufei and Deng Youfulian's more than 100 brothers started killing at this time!
Raid from the inside out!

A masterpiece in the history of war!
If the conventional method is used to conduct a deep raid from the periphery to the center, due to the lack of manpower, once Little Japan reacts, it will concentrate its forces to encircle the raid troops. Expand.

However, raiding from the inside to the periphery is different. Little Japan’s first reaction must be to gather in the center. At this time, the raiding force can easily break through a gap from the center to the periphery. Not only can they withdraw safely, It can also give Little Japan an extremely insecure sense of panic.

This is the tactics of later generations of special forces, and at this moment, Ye Tufei used it on Little Japan.

The battle situation was just as Ye Tufei expected, Little Japan suddenly fell into a panic, the organization was chaotic, and the command was weak.

After beheading more than a hundred little Japanese, Ye Tufei and others rushed out smoothly.

And Zhang Luohui and others who were in the front no longer wanted to fight, and retreated to the cave.

The chaos in Little Japan did not restore the institutional order until dawn.

But Matsui Ichiro was not frightened at all, and still insisted on commanding the troops on the front line.

As soon as the organizational order of the various combat units was restored, Ichiro Matsui ordered the artillery to launch an artillery attack on the cave on the mountainside. Under the cover of the artillery fire, the infantry also launched an attack on the mountain at the same time.

Casualties in the Bandit Battalion began to increase.

In the cave, Ye Tufei began to feel anxious.

Obviously, the commander of this Japanese army was not Nobu Takahashi. Under the various tricks of the bandit battalion, its headquarters was still linked with the front-line attacking troops. The original plan to raid the enemy headquarters had become a dead letter.

If it persists like this, it is obviously not an option.

But if you retreat here, you will never find a more suitable terrain to stop the Japanese army.If so, the bandit battalion will have to withdraw gradually as the only option, and in the end, they have to abandon all their luggage and withdraw from Erlang Mountain.

Ye Tufei understood what it meant to withdraw from Mount Erlang in this way. They would be chased by Little Japan all the way, and eventually they would be wiped out by the entire army.

Taking advantage of the break in the battle, Ye Tufei called his brothers to discuss.

Everyone is aware of the situation, and it is nonsense to talk about raiding the headquarters of Little Japan now. What needs to be discussed now is whether to withdraw or defend.

To withdraw means to live a few more days.

Shou, that is, die a few days earlier.

After thinking about this point clearly, the brothers all expressed their willingness to defend, at least stay here, and kill a few more little Japanese.

It's just that Zhang Luohui put forward a little personal opinion: "Master Liu should withdraw first! We are still two or three hundred brothers outside. As long as Master Liu is still alive, the banner of the bandit camp in Erlang Mountain will not fall. Sooner or later, the team will I can pull it up again."

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't fight such a big banner, I, Ye Tufei, don't want to live with guilt towards my brothers!"

Zhang Luohui was well aware of Ye Tufei's character, so he didn't insist anymore, he just sighed and said, "Maybe we can still do it until night."

After repelling the attacks of Little Japan several times in a row, the brothers in charge of guarding the other exits of the cave reported that Little Japan had completely surrounded the mountain.

Zhang Luohui sighed, and said to Ye Tufei: "Master Liu, now you can't leave even if you want to!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "It's not that simple for the little Japanese to want to eat us, gray mule, let the brothers count the ammunition, we will have a big fight tonight, and we will die vigorously!"

Zhang Luohui rolled his eyelids and said, "There's no need to count, Sixth Master, we can only use big knives tonight!"

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Also, chopping off Little Japan's head with a big blade is more enjoyable!"

Zhang Luohui suddenly heard Yan Xiwen, and shouted loudly: "Military division! Military division! Yan Xiwen!"

After calling several times, Yan Xiwen responded in a corner: "Here it is! Wait a minute, I'll contact Commander Lu again later."

After a while, Yan Xiwen walked over with a disappointed expression.

Ye Tufei asked: "Have you not contacted Commander Lu yet?"

Yan Xiwen shook his head silently.

Ye Tufei sighed, and said, "Forget it, even if we make contact, it's too late!"

Yan Xiwen suddenly said: "Do you regret it?"

Ye Tufei was startled, and asked back: "Do you regret it?"

Yan Xiwen smiled and replied: "Since the day I joined the Communist Party, I have been waiting for this moment to come. Now, this moment has finally come, and my heart is very stable."

Ye Tufei turned to Zhang Luohui and asked, "What about you? Gray Mule?"

Zhang Luohui fell on the ground, looked at the cave ceiling, and sighed: "If I can kiss that Wanqing girl at this moment, my gray mule will die without regret!"

Ye Tufei scolded with a smile: "Mule can also be in heat? Didn't you say you have a wife in your hometown?"

Zhang Luohui turned over and sat up, and said, "Master Liu, you can't even tell the truth? My poor family, how can I have the money to marry a wife? Besides, I was arrested at the age of 17, and I have no time to marry a wife." !"

Yan Xiwen came over and said with a smile, "Then Wanqing is interested in you?"

Zhang Luohui gave Yan Xiwen a white look, and said: "Beauties love heroes since ancient times! Then Wanqing can't compete with her sister Su Yue for Liu Ye, so she can only settle for the next best thing. I like Liu Ye's brother, Zhang Luohui?"

As the saying goes, the speaker has no intention and the listener has the heart, when Yan Xiwen heard Zhang Luohui say that Qin Wanqing could not compete with Su Yue for Ye Tufei, his heart skipped a beat, the most worrying thing really happened.

However, after thinking about it again, being besieged by the little Japanese on this mountain at this moment, even if Su Yue can steal Ye Tufei's heart, what's the use?In just a few months, it turned into a handful of dust. What kind of love, what kind of love, is just dust blown by the wind.

Ye Tufei at the side was reminded of Ouyang Xueping by Zhang Luohui's words. If Ye Tufei left like this, what would Ouyang Xueping's future be like?Will she be sad for herself?Will he fall in love with someone else in the near future?
Just as I was thinking wildly, I heard the brother at the entrance of the cave shout: "Little Japan is attacking again!"

At this moment, it was dusk, and this attack by Little Japan should be the last attack of the day.

After repelling Little Japan's attack, they would be able to endure until the night, and that night, Ye Tufei decided to lead his brothers to fight Little Japan for the last time.

However, the ammunition in the hands of the brothers was running out, Ye Tufei decided to fight in person.

But Zhang Luohui held Ye Tufei firmly.

"Little Japan's artillery is very accurate. The outer positions at the entrance of the cave can't stay at all, and the casualties guarding the entrance of the cave are really heavy. Sixth Master, you can't take this risk. Brothers are still waiting for you to bring everyone with you at night." Japanese shopping!"

Ye Tufei understood what Zhang Luohui said. The area of ​​the cave entrance was too small. Hundreds of Japanese soldiers charging would shoot at the small cave entrance. The firepower was so intense that few brothers could survive for 2 minutes. Filled in almost 200 brothers.

But still follow the original method, the ammunition will be exhausted soon, so Little Japan can.
Thinking of this, Ye Tufei slapped his forehead and said, "Tell the brothers at the entrance of the cave to withdraw and put the little Japanese into the cave to beat them!"

(End of this chapter)

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