Bandit Camp

Chapter 156 Visiting the door

Chapter 156 Visiting the door
Ye Tufei was confused, but he finally found out that Ouyang Xueping also has a brother named Ouyang Xuelin.

"Okay, okay, this matter can be put aside, and I will make a decision after I consult the organization."

After hearing Ouyang Xuelin's words, there was a sound of footsteps fading away.

Ye Tufei was debating whether to show up to meet Ouyang Xueping, when she heard her sigh quietly: "Hey, Communist International, why are you so unsteady?"

Following the sound, Ye Tufei saw Ouyang Xueping's back.

But from the posture of the back, Ye Tufei could see how tired Ouyang Xueping was.

Restraining her desire to come out and hug Ouyang Xueping, she said to her, don't worry, don't worry, as long as you treat me sincerely, I will definitely protect your desire, Ye Tufei retreated quietly.

That night, Ye Tufei basically stayed awake, thinking about the Communist International that Ouyang Xueping said.

Obviously, based on what Ouyang Xueping said, she and his brother Ouyang Xuelin should belong to this organization called the Communist International.

But what kind of organization is the Communist International?

Ye Tufei always felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

That's how it went until dawn.

After hastily eating breakfast, Ye Tufei couldn't let go of Ouyang Xueping. In fact, what he couldn't let go of was Ouyang Xueping's identity.So, he strolled to the clinic.

Ouyang Xueping also just finished her breakfast and was washing the lunch box. Seeing Ye Tufei approaching, she greeted casually: "Tufei, have you had breakfast? Shall I call you?"

Ye Tufei shook his head with a smile, and replied, "No need, I've already eaten."

Following Ouyang Xueping, Ye Tufei came to her office.

"Is the condition of the wounded okay? I don't think your complexion is very good. Don't get tired."

Ouyang Xueping smiled, put away the lunch box, stroked her hair again, sat down opposite Ye Tufei, and replied: "It's okay, there are only a few seriously wounded who need to be taken care of, and the other slightly wounded are now dying one after another. out of the hospital."

Ye Tufei said 'oh', but didn't know what to say next.He really wanted to ask Ouyang Xueping, what happened to Ouyang Xuelin, how did he get into Erlang Mountain, and what kind of organization is the Communist International, and what is the relationship with the Communist Party? relation.

However, these words had to be swallowed when they reached their lips.Ye Tufei thought he was an upright person, but last night he secretly listened to the secret conversation between Ouyang Xueping's brother and sister. He had a disgraceful threshold in his heart, and he didn't want others to know what he was eavesdropping on.

"Tufei, you must have something important to come to me so early, right?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and replied with a smile: "Not anymore, I just remembered it suddenly, so I came to see you. There are too many things these days, and I am so busy that I am in a daze. No, little Japan is going to attack Changsha , Mr. Han asked me to discuss whether we can help Changsha, I have to go to Mr. Han in these two days."

Ouyang Xueping smiled sweetly, and said: "Yes, I am busy enough these days. Tufei, the battle of Changsha is very important. China cannot lose again. If Changsha is lost again, Chongqing will be in danger."

Ye Tufei nodded.

For the Battle of Changsha, Ye Tufei is still very sure. In his memory, General Xue Yue won the first three of the four battles in Changsha.However, Ye Tufei was not very sure about this kind of memory whose origin was unclear. Therefore, he eagerly wanted to learn more about the current situation in Changsha through Han Hongxun's route.

"Look at you, the buttons on the jacket are about to fall off, take them off, I'll fix them for you." Ouyang Xueping said, opened the drawer, and took out the needle and thread.

Ye Tufei obediently took off his shirt, and handed it to Ouyang Xueping.

Seeing Ouyang Xueping holding a needle and thread, Ye Tufei felt a burst of warmth in his heart. In his subconscious mind, this day should be like this.

At that moment, he gave up the idea of ​​questioning Ouyang Xueping. He gave himself a reason. In this troubled world, who doesn't have his own secrets. Didn't Ye Tufei also have a lot of secrets because of his amnesia?
At that moment, Ye Tufei also made up his mind to alienate Su Yue and stay away from the military command. That was not the life he wanted.

Ouyang Xueping quickly ordered the buttons for Ye Tufei's clothes, handed the clothes back to Ye Tufei, and said: "The matter in Changsha is too important, Tufei, I suggest you set off immediately, prepare earlier, maybe you will have more chances. "

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "I understand, then I'll prepare and set off later."

Saying goodbye to Ouyang Xueping, Ye Tufei seemed to have let go of a heavy burden, and even his steps became lighter.

After tidying up briefly, they called Zhang Luohui and Deng Youfu, and the three of them galloped towards Han Hongxun's residence on three fast horses.

It took less than three hours to travel two hundred miles. Just after lunch, Ye Tufei and others appeared at the gate of Han Hongxun's residence.

The sentry didn't recognize Ye Tufei, so they stopped the three of them and demanded to show their passes.

How could Ye Tufei get a pass, so he had to discuss with the leader of the sentinel squad, and asked him to report to Master Han that Ye Tufei from Erlang Mountain came to see him.Ye Tufei also told the sentinel squad leader: "You just say that, I will take care of Mr. Han and must come out to meet me in person."

The squad leader remained unmoved, and drove Ye Tufei and the others back expressionlessly, and said: "This is the order of the division commander. Without a pass, no one is allowed to enter the barracks."

Zhang Luohui was on fire a long time ago, and now he couldn't hold back any longer. He rushed up and grabbed the squad leader by the collar, and shouted: "It was your Master Han who invited our Sixth Master to come here. If you kid is so blind, I will treat you to peanuts later!"

The squad leader looked at Zhang Luohui without any fear, and said: "The teacher is in a meeting, if you are really the guests invited by the teacher, then wait until the teacher finishes the meeting."

Zhang Luohui became even more furious, and when he was thinking of going further, Ye Tufei persuaded him: "Let go of your ghost claws, people are not afraid of you at all, didn't you see it? The other sentinels just didn't see this!" What does this mean? It means that people have a bottom in their hearts, and they know that you dare not mess around."

Zhang Luohui let go of his hand angrily, and said angrily: "This Han Hongxun is too arrogant!"

Ye Tufei laughed and said: "How can you blame Lao Han? We didn't tell him the exact time of arrival, and Lao Han didn't notify the sentry. In my opinion, we at Erlang Mountain have to learn the discipline of his army, gray mule, After you go back, you should tidy up for me and improve the execution of the team, at least at the level of Mr. Han."

After chatting at the door for about an hour, the sentinel squad leader came over again, saluted the three of them, and said, "Please wait a moment, Mr. Han already knows the arrival of the three distinguished guests, and is preparing to greet them in person."

Zhang Luohui grabbed the sentinel squad leader as if he was catching a treasure, and said, "What's the matter? What did I say just now? You don't believe me? I'll see how your teacher will deal with you when your teacher comes!"

The squad leader smiled indifferently, and replied: "Believe it or not, that's my business, punishment or reward, that's the teacher's business, it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing Zhang Luohui stunned by anger, the squad leader of the sentinel remained calm, and turned to Ye Tufei and said, "This must be Master Ye Liu of Erlang Mountain, right? Please follow me."

Ye Tufei glanced at Zhang Luohui, his eyes were full of mischief, although Zhang Luohui was furious, but he couldn't vent his anger, so he could only bear it, and the three followed the sentinel squad leader into the barracks.

As soon as he came in, he heard Han Hongxun's unique laughter, followed by shouting, and then he saw a figure.

"Oh, Brother Ye, Brother Zhang, ah, there is another good brother who our old Han can't name. Old Han, I am late to greet you, so I should be punished!"

Ye Tufei stood on his feet and introduced to Han Hongxun: "This brother is Deng Youfu, and he is a general of our Erlang Mountain."

Han Hongxun stretched out his hand, shook hands with Deng Youfu first, said some polite words like long admiration, then put Ye Tufei on one hand and Zhang Luohui on the other, and walked deep into the camp with his arms around the shoulders of the two.

On the way, Han Hongxun asked with concern: "It's time, you must have not eaten?"

Before Ye Tufei could answer, Zhang Luohui complained: "Isn't that right? I waited at the door of your brother's barracks hungry for more than an hour."

Han Hongxun hurriedly apologized, explaining that an important person was discussing with him the strategy and tactics of the Changsha World War I just now.

"I really didn't expect you guys to come here. I thought Brother Ye would be delayed for two days. Hey, it's all my fault, Brother Han's carelessness. I'm going to drink with you later Two cups, ah!"

Ye Tufei didn't pay much attention to what happened just now. At this moment, he was only thinking about the battle in Changsha. When Han Hongxun said that he wanted to drink, he felt a little reluctant, so he said: "Let's just eat whatever we want. It's enough to fill our belly. Stay here." Time is still the right thing to do.”

Han Hongxun did not comment, and brought the three of them to a private room in the division's guest house.

The squad leader of the sentinel helped pour tea for the three of them, then he said hello and left.

Looking at the back of the sentinel squad leader, Zhang Luohui muttered: "Brother Han, isn't your soldier really awesome?"

Han Hongxun smiled and said, "Which of your eyes can tell that he is our old Han's soldier?"

Zhang Luohui heard the smell, and asked: "Could it be that he isn't your soldier?"

Han Hongxun smiled and said, "Didn't you recognize the accent of that soldier?"

Zhang Luohui scratched his head and said, "It seems to be from the south."

Ye Tufei suddenly said at this time: "The squad leader of the sentinel is from Hunan, Brother Han, the important person you are talking about is from Hunan?"

(End of this chapter)

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