Bandit Camp

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

The ghostly Liu Yujie snorted coldly, he didn't plan to choose the two paths, he planned the third path.

Hiding in the barracks and not showing up, Quan pretended not to have received the letter from Ye Tufei.

Less than 10 minutes after being complacent, Ye Tufei's second letter arrived again, and there was still only one sentence on it: "I heard that Brigadier Liu's son is very cute."

Liu Yujie's hand holding the letter trembled.

His precious son was born to a good friend he found in Xuzhou City after wearing the dog skin of the Imperial Association Army. He is only six months old now, and that is his lifeblood, Liu Yujie!

This matter. Liu Yujie slapped himself heavily. If he hadn't been so happy at the beginning and made a well-known full moon wine for his son, Ye Tufei would not have grasped his weakness.

Even more regretful, why didn't he bring his lover and his precious son into the barracks?
Liu Yujie, who was extremely remorseful, slapped himself more than a dozen times anyway.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world, Ye Tufei has grasped his weakness, so he can only submit obediently.

Half an hour later, Liu Yujie arrived at Sanzhenzhai with two personal guards.

"Master Liu, it's not as bad as my family. Lord Liu, what do you order? I, Liu Yujie, will do as I please. I just ask Master Liu to spare my family." In a private room of Sanzhenzhai, Liu Yujie met Ye Tufei and drank back. Behind the two personal guards, Liu Yujie begged Ye Tufei: "Master Liu, as long as I, Liu Yujie, can do it, just order it."

Ye Tufei smiled, pointed to the teacup on the table, and said, "Brigade Commander Liu, are you safe? Nothing important, I just want to catch up with Brigadier Liu."

Liu Yujie tremblingly sat across from Ye Tufei, picked up his teacup, took a sip, and said, "Master Liu, since we met, I, Liu Yujie, have never done anything to offend your Master Liu! Just take a few days ago Let me tell you, I was ordered to deal with you Erlang Mountain, but what did I do in the end? Sixth Master, what I left for you are all genuine things."

Ye Tufei smiled and nodded, but suddenly got to the point: "Liu Yujie, do you know what I am going to do when I come to the city this time?"

Liu Yujie shook his head in panic, and replied: "What Liu Ye did must be a big deal, how could I know, and I dare not know!"

Ye Tufei tapped on the table with one hand, then hooked his finger to Liu Yujie, and whispered in Liu Yujie's ear, "I'm here to assassinate Gao Qiaoxin!"

Liu Yujie was shocked, his legs trembled, and he almost collapsed.

"Sixth Master, you didn't say anything, and I didn't hear anything." Liu Yujie actually guessed the purpose of Ye Tufei's trip, but he was still shocked when Ye Tufei said it himself.

The reason for the shock was not Ye Tufei's boldness, but because he was worried that he would not be able to get away with it.

"Okay, don't pretend, anyway, you have been carrying a gun for more than ten years, I don't believe you are so timid!"

Liu Yujie wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a bitter face, "Liu Ye, to be honest, it doesn't matter to me, Liu Yujie, if it was put off a year and a half ago, or even half a year ago. You want to kill me?" It's Gao Qiaoxin, and it's not me Liu Yujie. What should I be afraid of? But now, don't I have a future? This person, with sustenance and without sustenance, has a different mind. Liu Ye, we also We're old acquaintances, and I'm not afraid to say it in front of you, I'm not afraid of embarrassing, I just want to live in peace and stability, and raise my son."

Ye Tufei smiled, bright but meaningful.

"Then you have to be vigilant, don't let the bandits tie up your son's meat ticket!"

Liu Yujie was startled suddenly, and looked up at Ye Tufei.

Speaking of bandits, Liu Yujie realized that Ye Liuye sitting in front of him was the biggest bandit leader in Erlang Mountain?This sentence from the mouth of a bandit leader is not a kind reminder, it is a naked/naked/naked threat.

However, in the face of this threat, Liu Yujie has nothing to do.

Play hard, he is definitely not Ye Tufei's opponent.

Playing soft, who has heard that bandits have been soft-hearted.

Playful. Liu Yujie sighed secretly, even the former chief of staff of the division and the current commander of the Hashimoto division have been attacked by Ye Tufei, let alone a small brigade commander of the Imperial Association Army.

"Sixth Master, as long as you guarantee my safety, just ask if you have any orders!" Liu Yujie struggled a few times in his heart, and finally decided to give in to Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei lit his cigar and puffed out the smoke ring leisurely, but he was not in a hurry to express his request.

Liu Yujie couldn't hold back anymore, and quickly swore to Ye Tufei: "Sixth Master, don't worry, I will never confide a word to Little Japan."

Ye Tufei shook his head.

Liu Yujie thought it was Ye Tufei who didn't believe him, so he added more strength to the oath: "If I confide half a word to Little Japan, I will die!"

After thinking about it, I felt that this kind of curse was not strong enough, and finally gritted my teeth and used my son: "Even my son will die!"

Ye Tufei stared at Liu Yujie for a while, then laughed.

"It's no big deal for me to ask you, just a little favor, do you like to help or not."

Liu Yujie drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, untied his collar, fanned the wind with his hand, let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Please order from Liu Ye."

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Seeing how nervous you are, I've already told you whether you like to help or not. However, if you help Master Liu, you will naturally not suffer!"

Liu Yujie panicked and shouted: "That is, that is."

"Tomorrow morning, arrange for some brothers to deliver goods to Master Liu!"

Surprised, Liu Yujie blurted out and asked, "Weapon?"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "I said it was a small favor, but transporting weapons is a big deal, I need your help? Can I rest assured?"

Liu Yujie bowed his head and said, "That's right, that's right."

"It's just some canvas and some nylon ropes. I brought a lot of brothers into the city this time, and I couldn't live in the house, so I had to set up a tent in the yard. Those canvas nylon ropes are used to set up tents."

Liu Yujie subconsciously covered his chest, took a few deep breaths, and said, "That's it? Nothing else?"

Ye Tufei thought for a while, and said, "If you're still willing to help, you might as well say hello to the bastard Keigo Yamashita after helping me transport the materials."

Liu Yujie raised his hand and slapped himself: "Master Liu, I'm the one who talks too much, I'm the one who deserves to die!"

Ye Tufei held Liu Yujie back, and said seriously: "I'm serious, I will detain those brothers of yours who helped me deliver the goods, otherwise, it would be bad for the little Japanese to know my hiding place. But , I really hope that Little Japan will know the news of my entry into the city, so you are really helping me by telling Keigo Yamashita. Liu Yujie, do as I say, I guarantee that you and your son will be safe Live alive."

Liu Yujie was skeptical, his eyes were dull and confused.

Ye Tufei stood up, and when he walked past Liu Yujie, he patted Liu Yujie's shoulder, "If you do this, you can just sit aside and watch the fun, no matter which side it is, you won't be offended, why not?" Why not?"

Liu Yujie was still confused, and was about to ask, but was interrupted by Ye Tufei.

"Don't ask why, just do it! Well, I'll go first, the money has already been paid, don't waste it, you can leave when you are full."

Liu Yujie understood that it was Ye Tufei who asked him to leave later.

Joining hands with a deadly enemy of the imperial army, if the Japanese find out, I can't argue with it, and asking myself to leave later is actually protecting him.

So, Liu Yujie simply called the two personal guards in, and ordered a few more dishes and a jug of wine.

The two personal guards ate deliciously and drank happily, but Liu Yujie couldn't eat well and couldn't drink.

Although he is now the brigade commander of the Imperial Association Army, he has no real power in his hands. Little Japan has firmly controlled the several captains under him, which is tantamount to emptying him as the brigade commander.

No real power means no oil and water.

Without oil and water, it is tantamount to living on military pay.

With that little military salary, how could it be enough to support his son?
The reason why he is in such an embarrassing situation today is because he has not made any contribution in front of the imperial army, and he has achieved success only by pampering the horse. However, if he pampers the horse for a long time, the imperial army will get tired of it.

"I need to make meritorious service!" Liu Yujie secretly shouted in his heart.

But as soon as the voice came out, Ye Tufei's appearance immediately appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help shivering.

Even if you want to make meritorious service, you can't break ground on this Tai Sui's head!
Forget it, let's do what Ye Tufei said honestly!At least you can keep yourself safe by doing this, right?

After figuring it out and feeling better, Liu Yujie picked up his wine glass and told the two personal guards: "Tomorrow morning, pick two reliable brothers and help me with something."

It was difficult for Liu Yujie in the private room of Sanzhenzhai, and it was not easy for Ye Tufei to walk on the street outside.

Ye Tufei was not very sure about this matter.

Based on what he knew about Liu Yujie, most likely Liu Yujie would obey obediently and do what he said.

But the probability is only the majority after all, and there is still a small possibility that Liu Yujie will backtrack.

For Ye Tufei, the only way to eliminate this small possibility was to control Liu Yujie's son.

Kidnapping a six-month-old baby! ?

Ye Tufei shook his head.

It's not that this kind of thing is not good to hear, but that the technology is too difficult. If something happens to the baby, then Liu Yujie will completely turn his back on him.

Ye Tufei thought of the negotiation Liu Yujie had with him in front of Erlang Mountain Pass a few days ago.

That day, Liu Yujie confessed his thoughts to Ye Tufei, he wanted to step on two boats, be the dog of the Japanese, and at the same time not offend the Chinese.

In a dilemma, Ye Tufei had no choice but to take the most stupid method, which was to keep a close eye on Liu Yujie to see if he had any abnormal movements.

If he backtracked and prepared to betray Ye Tufei, then his first step would be to transfer his son to the barracks.

It is gratifying that Liu Yujie did not do that.

(End of this chapter)

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