Bandit Camp

Chapter 175 Communication

Chapter 175 Communication
"Sixth Master, you still don't understand killers." Although Xiao Zhonghe was seriously injured, he was still in good spirits. He took the dry food that Duguyu handed over, ate it with relish, and explained as he ate: "Outsiders It seems that killers are ruthless. In fact, what I want to say is that not all killers are ruthless, but the environment forces them. A killer who is still alive must keep calm and rational at all times. , so it gives people a cold and ruthless feeling."

"However, killers are also human beings, and they also have emotions and desires. Why do Dugu brothers feel ashamed because of such a trivial matter? Liu Ye, I think it's Dugu brothers who don't want to be killers anymore, just like me, they only want to be with Erlang Mountain. Let's live together, brothers."

Ye Tufei was a little confused by Xiao Zhonghe's words, he looked at Xiao Zhonghe, Xiao Zhonghe was determined, and then turned his head to look at Duguyu, Duguyu's face was full of approval.

Before Ye Tufei could ask a question, he heard Xiao Zhonghe sigh, and continued: "Five years ago, I was chased and killed by my enemies, I was seriously injured, and fled to Jia's Wang. It was Master who saved me and took me in. At that time, I I thought that after I recovered from my injury, I would go to the enemy's family to settle the score. However, after a few months, I lost the desire to take revenge, because the affection my master and brothers had for me made me feel at home. .Yes, it was warmth, they warmed my heart and made me let go of my hatred."

"Later, Master was framed by Jia Yungui from Jiamen. I wanted to assassinate Jia Yungui, but failed several times. Liu Ye, do you know that at that time, I even lost the courage to kill. Later, you took your brothers to avenge your master, and then you took your brothers up the mountain to fight for the land of Erlang Mountain, although I, Xiao Laoliu, did a few beautiful jobs in the process , but this has nothing to do with the killer anymore, because every time I act, I think about Liu Ye and our Loyalty Hall."

"I say this, you may not understand, but I know very well in my heart that the reason why I can stand up again and hold the knife in my hand with confidence is only because I, Xiao Laoliu, have you brothers behind me. I know that even if I, Xiao Lao Liu, lose my hand and die, you brothers will definitely help me avenge me. And the killer will never think so. In the killer's mind, besides the goal, killing is just a task."

"Liu Ye, Brother Dugu feels ashamed for going to the kitchen to get some dry food, which means that he no longer regards himself as a killer. Like me, he now regards himself as a brother of Erlangshan, so even if He just took a little dry food in the kitchen in private, and he would feel sorry for your sixth master and the other brothers in Erlangshan."

Ye Tufei was shocked. From the bottom of his heart, he knew that these brothers were brave and passionate, but he never considered human nature, the warmth and indifference between people, and he never thought about his unintentional actions. In other words, what I did by nature actually had such a big impact on the thoughts of my brothers.

Then, if we let go of the revenge against Nobu Takahashi and accept Peng Youming's suggestion, what kind of change will happen to the minds of the brothers?

However, Peng Youming's suggestion was extremely attractive to Ye Tufei.

He himself couldn't explain where this temptation came from. He just subconsciously thought that the plan proposed by Peng Youming would play an inestimable role in this war, and he, in exactly the same way as Peng Youming, believed that he was The perfect person to carry out this plan.

The best way to resolve this contradiction is to analyze the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons, it is natural to do it. If the pros outweigh the pros, of course it is to give up.Ye Tufei understands that for the country and the nation, Peng Youming's suggestion definitely does more good than harm, but for Erlang Shan and those brothers who have been with him through life and death, it does more harm than good.

Just like Duguyu, just Ye Tufei's taking in, just Ye Tufei's esteem, makes such a person feel a sense of belonging, even taking some dry food privately will feel sorry for everyone, and this behavior is not for personal gain, just It is to better complete the task assigned by Ye Tufei.

But Ye Tufei wanted to abandon these brothers to complete a seemingly great task, Ye Tufei let out a long sigh, at that moment, he knew that he couldn't do it.

Duguyu's eyes were already filled with tears at this time. Xiao Zhonghe said that every sentence and every word was his heartfelt voice. In Erlang Mountain, he was surrounded by a kind of warmth all the time, although Ye Tufei hid him in the snow, which made him feel lonely these days. He didn't have more communication with the brothers, but he saw and heard the stories of Erlangshan, every plant and tree in Erlangshan, and the laughter and joy of the brothers in Erlangshan.

Duguyu hasn't felt this relaxed feeling for a long time.

In Mount Erlang, he doesn't need to be wary of his back all the time, nor does he need to disguise himself all the time. He can live as he wants, eat when he's hungry, sleep when he's sleepy, and pick up a gun when he has a task. After the task is completed, chat and brag with the brothers.

As Xiao Zhonghe said, this is a feeling of home.

Although Duguyu's eyes were full of tears at this time, she didn't say anything excited. Instead, she sat silently on the side, took apart her rifle, and wiped it carefully.

Ye Tufei ate some dry food, then lit a cigar, and said to Xiao Zhonghe and Duguyu, "Gao Qiaoxin has gone to Nanjing now, I originally wanted to make a big fuss in Xuzhou City, forcing Gao Qiaoxin to return to Xuzhou, but now We can't protect ourselves, so we can only give up this plan, you two are masters in this field, let's talk, if you have any ideas, let's discuss and discuss."

When Ye Tufei said this, he had completely given up on Peng Youming's plan psychologically.

Xiao Zhonghe said: "Although we are not familiar with the land in Nanjing, as long as we have patience, we will find Gao Qiaoxin's flaws sooner or later. Sixth Lord, I am injured now, and it is inconvenient to move. Can the assassination of Gao Qiaoxin be done?" Procrastinate for a while, and when I recover from my injuries, let me kill this bastard with my own hands."

Duguyu glanced at Xiao Zhonghe, his eyes were full of heroic sympathy.He had heard about Xiao Zhonghe's story from Ye Tufei a long time ago, and he knew that this Xiao Laoliu was also a famous killer in the world before, especially what he said just now, he said every word in his heart, so he had a special feeling for Xiao Zhonghe. kindness and respect.

"Let Sixth Brother Xiao patiently recuperate, Sixth Master, if you don't worry, I can go to Nanjing and feel Gao Qiaoxin's rules."

Without waiting for Ye Tufei to answer, Xiao Zhonghe rushed to say: "My injury is nothing serious, go back to the mountain and ask Xiang Zhongju to get some herbal medicine and apply it. It will be fine in a week at most. Sixth Master, let Brother Dugu wait. The two of us will take a trip to Nanjing together, and we will be more confident."

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "Alright! Then make a decision first. The most important thing for you now is to have a good rest. When we leave the city at night, don't hold back."

Xiao Zhonghe replied: "My injury is fine!"

As he spoke, he moved his upper body, but pulled the wound, and grinned in pain.

Duguyu found a quilt, covered Xiao Zhonghe, and then gave Ye Tufei a look.

The two walked out of the house.

"Master Liu, I don't know if I should say something or not, but if I don't say it, I'm afraid I'll be sorry for your trust in my brother, Master Liu." Duguyu gritted her teeth, and said it directly without waiting for Ye Tufei to express her opinion: "Sixth Master is also Boss Dai's man, isn't he?"

Ye Tufei was startled suddenly, it was a long time ago, if Duguyu hadn't mentioned it, he would have completely forgotten about it.

Can he be regarded as a member of the military command?Ye Tufei shook his head secretly. Back then, the reason why he agreed to Mr. Yu Nong was just to help Zhao Ming escape.

"Maybe the people in the military command think so, but I just have no choice. Dugu, how do you know about this?"

Duguyu smiled wryly and said: "I didn't know it from Su Yue. Sixth Master, the military command has issued a secret order to Su Yue. If you can't fight for it, you must kill him!"

Ye Tufei smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that Mr. Yu Nong is not very generous, thank you for telling me this secret, Dugu, do you think Su Yue will attack me?"

Ye Tufei looked at Duguyu with a smile.

When Duguyu said that he was a member of the military command, Ye Tufei didn't feel any abnormality. He thought that Duguyu was also a famous killer of the military command bureau before, so it was not surprising to know this secret.However, when Duguyu mentioned the secret order Su Yue received, Ye Tufei became suspicious.

Duguyu shouldn't be the kind of troublesome person. From his behavior that he would rather betray the organization than help his younger brother to avenge, it can be seen that this person is a passionate man without much scheming.

And what about Su Yue?

Ye Tufei couldn't help laughing in his heart. This woman looks innocent and simple, but in fact she has more eyes than a hornet's nest. How can a specially trained military command agent let his secret orders be seen by others inadvertently? Woolen cloth?

This must have been done on purpose by Su Yue, and her purpose was to test herself.

However, what Duguyu said next completely changed Ye Tufei's analysis.

"Master Liu, you might think that Su Yue let me see it on purpose." Duguyu shook her head, "No, she definitely didn't mean it. Master Liu, my hearing is beyond ordinary people. That day, Su Yue was in the room When receiving a telegram, although the voice is very small, I can still hear it clearly from the next door, she uses the highest level code of the military command, and coincidentally, I also have this code book."

Ye Tufei frowned.

According to Duguyu's statement, Su Yue was very covert when receiving the telegram, but she didn't expect that Duguyu's hearing was so extraordinary that she could hear the telegram clearly and even deciphered the telegram.In other words, Su Yue didn't know that the secret order had been known to Duguyu.

Recalling Su Yue's performance these days, Ye Tufei didn't notice anything unusual about her.

"Maybe she doesn't agree with Shangfeng's order!" Ye Tufei thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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