Bandit Camp

Chapter 183 Two Questions

Chapter 183 Two Questions
If Ye Tufei can figure out the source of these memory fragments and confirm the credibility of these memory fragments, then neither Peng Youming's ideas nor the fisherman's plan will be worthless.But the problem is that Ye Tufei is also very confused about these memory fragments of his own. Although these memory fragments have been repeatedly proven to be credible in the past period of time, Ye Tufei still dare not fully trust and rely on them.

Just like the current Changsha battle, Ye Tufei seemed to know the development process of this battle very well, and the outcome of the battle was even more clear, but he just couldn't let it go, worrying that something might go wrong.

In this case, Ye Tufei didn't worry much about the task itself. Maybe the fishermen would think it was a very difficult task, but to Ye Tufei, it was just the time when the result would come.

The most critical question now is how he can sneak into the Wang puppet government.

Regarding this issue, the fish farmer has long planned: "Over the past year or so, the battles between you and Little Japan can all be summed up on the personal grievances between you and Takahashi Shin. The tomb plan wants to kill you and all of you. If you are unwilling to perish, you will naturally fight back. This statement is tenable, because in the past year or so, except for the battle of bombing the Maocun marshalling station, You almost never took the initiative to provoke Little Japan. Oh, I said this only based on objectivity, brother, don't take offense!
Even if it was the battle of Maocun, you can still pin the responsibility on Takahashi Nobuto, because he was the commander behind the operation of Little Japan, and the plan to attack him is tantamount to attacking him personally.The reason why Nobu Takahashi used to be arrogant was because he had two backers behind him, his adoptive father who was a weapons expert, and Doihara. Look, when the time comes, Nobu Takahashi's argument must be pale and weak.

And you have saved Zhao Ming's life.This person still has some quack habits, he will definitely stand on your side to speak, of course, you have to create some reasons to join him, for example, the team was instigated by the Communist Party, and the site was taken by others. Can't get along anymore, wait. "

Ye Tufei couldn't help laughing, and said, "Mr. Yu Nong's information is very powerful! You will know what happened this morning tonight."

The fish farmer smiled and said: "Su Yue is a very good agent, and you gave her enough space, so I naturally know what's going on with you. What I want is you, not you The team and the Erlang Mountain site, otherwise, I just need to leak the paperwork that you once joined the military command to the Communist Party, hehe, you Ye Tufei can still be friends with the Communist Party? But this is also good, it is logical and saves money A lot of work, and it stands up to investigation."

Ye Tufei said: "Can it stand the investigation? If this is really investigated, won't it be clear that I took the initiative?"

The fisherman smiled and said, "You are so clever and confused about big things. Isn't it because of a female doctor named Ouyang Xueping that you are so confused with the Communist Party? Later, you met another Su Yue. The Communist Party was afraid that you would empathize with someone else. So I acted first, instigated your team to rebel, and arrested you, but you escaped by luck because you had a few hard-core brothers by your side."

Ye Tufei sighed, and made a joke with the fisherman: "I often hear people say that they are cunning and cunning, but today I really learned what cunning and cunning are!"

The fisherman knew that Ye Tufei was joking, and the word "cunning and cunning" was not derogatory, on the contrary, it was full of respect.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Ye Tufei went on to say: "Brother Yu, such a meticulous and meticulous plan must have cost you a lot of hard work. You can work hard for the country and the nation, and I, Ye Tufei, are willing to bear the name of a traitor and go through fire and water." .”

Ye Tufei's words showed that he had accepted the fisherman's overall plan.

The fisherman was very happy, and offered tea to Ye Tufei, saying, "That's the deal. After the things here are done, you can go to Shanghai first. Zhao Ming is in Shanghai now. We will arrange an opportunity to let you You and Zhao Ming met by chance. Otherwise, if you go to Zhao Ming rashly, I'm afraid it will arouse the vigilance of Little Japan."

Ye Tufei was thoughtful.

A few years ago, after leaving Jiajiawang, he went to Shanghai, where he also met a woman.Later, he escorted Zhao Ming to Shanghai again. During those few days, he wanted to meet that woman in the past, but he was in a hurry and couldn't make it in time.

So, will he see that woman this time?

Just as I was thinking, I heard the voice of the fisherman again: "There is only so much I can do, and the rest is up to you. My brother! This is a top-secret plan. Except for me, no one else can do it." No one else knows, you can only fight alone. To be honest, brother, I can't bear to push you into this whirlpool!"

Ye Tufei smiled, and said: "I understand what you mean, don't worry Brother Yu, just look at your face, at least you can live to 99, hehe, what you worry about will not happen."

The implication of Yu Nong's words is that if he is unlucky, no one will know about this plan, and Ye Tufei's behavior of defecting to the Wang puppet government has become a complete betrayal of the enemy.

And this worry is not a big deal for Ye Tufei, because there is Peng Youming behind him.In case of misfortune happened to the fishermen, Peng Youming would also be another witness.

After talking about these things, it was very late, Ye Tufei got up to leave.

Fisherman Wu Zhijian and Han Hongxun sent Ye Tufei out of the barracks, and Han Hongxun arranged for his bodyguards to drive Ye Tufei back to Mount Erlang.

It was already past midnight when we got home, Ye Tufei thought that everyone was already asleep at this time, but he didn't expect Peng Youming to be waiting in his room.

Peng Youming looked preoccupied, and when he saw Ye Tufei came back, he sighed heavily before he could speak.

Ye Tufei guessed that he was waiting for him because he had been missing for a long time, so he pretended to be stupid and joked with Peng Youming: "What's the matter? You look preoccupied? Who owes you money and won't pay it back?"

Peng Youming took two deep breaths and said, "Have you gone to Han Hongxun's place?"

Ye Tufei knew clearly that Peng Youming must have investigated it. Although he had told the brothers at the checkpoint not to speak out, how innocent were the brothers at the checkpoint, and could they withstand the cross-examination of Peng Youming, a veteran of the world?

Ye Tufei simply admitted it frankly: "Well, I went to drink with him."

Peng Youming sighed again, and said, "Brother, what do you want me to say about you? You are now a member of the revolutionary team, and you are also the most important leader of this revolutionary armed force. How can you not obey the rules?" What about the discipline of the troops? If you do this and other people know about it, how should you restrain the troops in the future?"

Ye Tufei smiled and said: "Listen to what you said, that means other people don't know yet, right? Secretary Peng, brother Peng, it's getting late now, let's go to bed first, and talk about things tomorrow, okay?"

Peng Youming said seriously: "Be serious, yes, I kept this matter a secret, I can understand the relationship between you and Han Hongxun, but have you ever thought about it, Hu Xiaozhou doesn't know the whole story, What would he think if he knew about this?"

When Ye Tufei was thinking about how to discuss this matter with Peng Youming on the way back, he remembered the whole process with the Communist Party in the past two days, and there were two things he still couldn't figure out. One was why Commissioner Hutt appeared so suddenly, Is Peng Youming's long-term work a matter of course or are there other reasons?Second, when Hu Xiaozhou was talking with him, Peng Youming said that the store would disappear after passing this village. What is the reason for this hint?
These two questions did not have much impact on Ye Tufei's next plan, but they did affect the way he talked to Peng Youming.

Ye Tufei was thinking that he couldn't take the initiative to propose to Peng Youming that he was going to join the Wang puppet government and do what Peng Youming expected him to do.
If that is the case, it will appear very abrupt, and Peng Youming is also a thoughtful person, and it is easy to have doubts.Especially when Peng Youming found out that Ye Tufei went to Han Hongxun's place.

Therefore, Ye Tufei decided to use a little trick on Peng Youming to lure Peng Youming to tell the truth.

"I don't care what he thinks?" Ye Tu flew to the bed and lay down, muttering, "He can think whatever he likes!"

Ye Tufei's attitude really made Peng Youming hooked. He misjudged that Ye Tufei had some opinions on Hu Xiaozhou because his ideological awareness was not high enough, so he opened his posture to do Ye Tufei's ideological work.

Ye Tufei, however, seemed a little impatient, and interrupted Peng Youming before he could finish his explanation: "Secretary Peng, I understand all the important principles you said. If you don't believe me, I'll recite them for you. But the truth After all, it’s the truth, and if it falls on different people and things, the truth will be biased, isn’t it?”

Peng Youming blinked, and before he understood the meaning of Ye Tufei's words, he heard Ye Tufei directly click on the topic: "Why did I go to Han Hongxun's place? It was because I was depressed and I wanted to talk to someone. Why I was depressed was because I thought of two questions, and if I can't get the answers to these two questions, I will be suspicious, and I will feel that you have deceived me!"

Peng Youming laughed suddenly, and said: "I knew you had to ask a question. You don't need to tell me, I know what two questions you are thinking about. You think Hu Xiaozhou's appearance is very abrupt, unprepared, and we brought I mean to force you, especially when I said that there is no such shop in this village, it makes your heart beat even more. Ye Tufei, I guessed right, right?"


The old friend pjh825 said that today is 918, is it adding more... Uh, I dare not refuse to obey the old brother's request!However, Lao Yan no longer has to save manuscripts, so he can only work overtime at night, and post as many codes as he wants tonight!
I would like to say a few nonsense about the plot: Lao Yan wrote this book with two starting points. One is the story about the bandit Caoshangfei told by an old man in my classmate’s village when he was young (the old man is a little girl from Caoshangfei. Brother), the Cao Shangfei mentioned by the old man was indeed an anti-Japanese hero, but unfortunately he ended badly, so I wanted to write his story and adjust his ending.The second starting point is to discuss the mentality of the Japanese army during World War II, why it did not attack the Soviet Union with Germany, why it chose to fight south, and why it touched a behemoth like the United States.From the third volume onwards, Ye Tufei is going to hang out with the puppet Wang and the upper echelons of Japan.However, this is definitely not a story about spy wars and lurking, it's just a pig's foot to narrate that period of history.

What Lao Yan is most worried about now is that no one likes to read such stories. After all, the Anti-Japanese War has been more than [-] years away from us, it is too far away, and no one cares about that period of history anymore. Killing ten in one chapter, killing a million in a million words, making guns and cannons to build an aircraft carrier... The euphemistic name is: Routine!

All the way down, it's cool, the blood is surging for reading, and the writing is full, but what about history?Lying there alone to be ravaged.

Lao Yan once asked more than a dozen young people in the company three questions about the history of the Anti-Japanese War:
1. The War of Resistance Against Japan started with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, and the Xi’an Incident was Zhang Xueliang forcing Chiang to resist Japan. So, did the Marco Polo Bridge Incident or the Xi’an Incident come first?

2. The Japanese first launched an attack on Beiping and Tianjin, which opened the prelude to the war of aggression against China, and then went all the way south.So did Xuzhou fall first or Nanjing fall first?

3. Before Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other neighboring provinces of Guangdong fell, did Guangzhou fall?When Guangzhou fell, did Hong Kong suffer along with it?

It is a pity that none of these three questions can be answered correctly!

Who is so boring to care about these bird issues!
I am that boring person.

Still wanting to make everyone bored with me...

It's really boring, so, everyone, don't vote for recommendations anymore, and don't bookmark them. Make the data extremely miserable, so that this boring old smoke can quickly shame the eunuch!

(End of this chapter)

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