Bandit Camp

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
Yesterday I agreed to Jiageng, but when I was off work, a brother came to find Lao Yan for a drink. This brother used to hang out with Lao Yan for a few years, and now he is getting married, so he came here to report to Lao Yan himself.As a result, I drank too much when I was happy, and forgot all the things I promised!I didn't do anything today, just code words, in order to make up the debt!

Also, the third volume is about to enter, and the third volume is about the real history, and all the characters appearing on the stage are real people, and they will no longer be as secretive as before, making Zhao Ming (Wang Zhaoming) fish Nong (Dai Yunong) is such a suggestive character.

I dare not say whether it will please everyone, but it is true that this volume will be difficult to write. Lao Yan did his best. After all, he has read so many books about this period of history, so he should be able to control it!

It's still the same sentence: make the data miserable so that Lao Yan has a reason to be a eunuch, or vice get the point.


I talked with Peng Youming all the time at dawn, and the two made plans for all the details before going to rest and sleep separately.

Ye Tufei slept soundly and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

After washing up and eating casually, Ye Tufei strolled to the training ground.

According to the agreement last night, Peng Youming will have a debate with Hu Xiaozhou here at noon, and the topic of the debate is how to deal with Ye Tufei leaving his post without permission.

According to Peng Youming's analysis, as long as Hu Xiaozhou hears about Ye Tufei leaving his post privately, he will definitely be furious. Even if Hu Xiaozhou can suppress his anger, Peng Youming will try to arouse his anger.

When the time comes, Ye Tufei will appear in front of Hu Xiaozhou at the right time, and then contradict Hu Xiaozhou's criticism, thus arousing the contradiction.

When Peng Youming said this idea at night, Ye Tufei raised a question. In Erlang Mountain, even if Hu Xiaozhou was angry, what could he do to Ye Tufei?If he, Hu Xiaozhou, really did something out of the ordinary, Brother Qian on Mount Erlang would have swallowed him alive!

Peng Youming said with a smile at the time: "When a conflict is triggered, it is not to be resolved immediately. Hu Xiaozhou has so many years of fighting experience, so he will not be uncertain about this. If he has made up his mind to deal with you, he will definitely do a good job in all aspects. This kind of preparation, you just need to be stupid when it comes to fashion, and I will coordinate it."

Ye Tufei really wanted to ask, but Peng Youming refused. He explained: "It's not that I can't tell you, but I'm worried about your acting skills. If you know more, you won't be able to act well. Brother, you have to trust me , ah~ My old Peng will definitely give this play to the director."

Ye Tufei thought about it, and felt that Peng Youming's words made some sense, so he didn't ask further.

Sure enough, Ye Tufei saw Peng Youming and Hu Xiaozhou on the training ground, but the two didn't have a pre-arranged argument.

Hu Xiaozhou saw Ye Tufei and waved to him. After Ye Tufei approached, he smiled and said to Ye Tufei: "Xiao Ye, I heard that you went to drink with Master Han Hongxun yesterday? Is that so?"

Ye Tufei first glanced at Peng Youming, meaning to ask why this is different from what you expected?

Peng Youming, on the other hand, looked swollen and angry at Ye Tufei: "You are also the commander of a team, even if this team does not accept the leadership of our Communist Party, you can't be so free and loose!"

Hu Xiaozhou waved his hand graciously, interrupted Peng Youming, and said, "Old Peng, Xiaoye has just joined the revolutionary team, so you can't ask him to do so in many cases, we have to take it easy."

Ye Tufei already understood at this time that Hu Xiaozhou didn't follow Peng Youming's script, so he temporarily changed the play and took on the red-faced role himself.

However, as far as Ye Tufei is concerned, he only needs a bad attitude, whoever he can't stand it, as long as he pushes up his anger, things can return to the previously designed track.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What is free and undisciplined? What is taking your time? I just went to have a drink at the invitation of an old friend. Is it worth making such a fuss? Besides, Mr. Han has enough meaning for Erlang Mountain, including your Communist Party? Back then Yan Xiwen went to ask someone to borrow troops, Master Han didn't say anything, he brought two regiments over, and Erlang Mountain was attacked by Japan, didn't Master Han's team help Erlang Mountain out of the siege? Oh, you are now You want me, Ye Tufei, to turn my face against others? Let me tell you two, I, Ye Tufei, am not that kind of person!"

Peng Youming acted very realistically and looked really angry. He was about to argue with Ye Tufei, but was persuaded by Hu Xiaozhou: "I think Comrade Xiaoye is right and well said! We just can't do it. That kind of ungrateful person. Although we have different political beliefs from Mr. Han, we are comrades in arms fighting side by side with Mr. Han on the issue of the War of Resistance. We are brothers who love brothers. Xiaoye, you can go drink with Mr. Han to catch up on the old days It’s understandable to analyze the enemy’s situation and discuss countermeasures with Master Han, but you have to say hello to us! Otherwise, if there is an enemy situation and you are not at home, how should the team be commanded?”

Hu Xiaozhou's words were polite, restrained and neither humble nor overbearing, which left Ye Tufei speechless, and he couldn't even utter a single word of fault-finding that he had prepared.

Seeing this, Peng Youming knew that the play was off track, so he could only stamp his feet, sighed heavily, turned his head and left.

Ye Tufei smiled wryly at Peng Youming's back. It seems that the hard work of discussing the script last night was all in vain.

Hu Xiaozhou was unaware of the strangeness, he continued Ye Tufei's ideological work with a smile on his face.Ye Tufei was still in the mood, he dealt with it a few times, found a reason, and hurried away.

In the evening, Ye Tufei finally found a chance to be alone with Peng Youming.Peng Youming had a bitter expression on his face, and poured out bitterness: "This Hu Xiaozhou looks like a different person. Before he came to Erlang Mountain, this person talked about principles and kept his mouth shut. He wanted to establish an organizational discipline even when he shit and farted. What's going on today, you're so tactful?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said, "Old Peng, don't just complain about it, you still have to find a way. If things go on like this, I think this director will become someone else's Hu Xiaozhou."

Peng Youming shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I don't know what to do? If this solution is easy to come up with, why should I complain here?"

Just as they were talking, Deng Youfu came over and reported a very bad news to the two of them.

"Sixth Lord, Secretary Peng, there is a situation that needs to be reported to both of you." Deng Youfu obviously ran all the way back and was still out of breath when he spoke.Peng Youming pulled a chair for Deng Youfu to sit down, and Ye Tufei handed over a cup of tea.

"Little Japan has organized several teams to go to the countryside to grab food, and they are about to grab us on the top of Erlang Mountain!"

Ye Tufei stared, and shouted: "Dare to grab the top of Erlang Mountain? Why are you still standing there, mobilize people and beat him to hell!"

Deng Youfu was about to take orders to go, but Peng Youming stopped him: "Youfu, don't worry, we are now a revolutionary team, and all actions must be discussed collectively."

Ye Tufei raised his eyebrows, and was about to say 'discuss a bird' when he saw Peng Youming's eyes.Ye Tufei was taken aback for a moment, and then understood Peng Youming's intentions, so he waved his hand and said to Deng Youfu: "Secretary Peng is right, we should discuss it first."

Deng Youfu glanced at Ye Tufei, wanted to say something but held back, paused, and then went rather unwillingly.

Peng Youming hurriedly said to Ye Tufei: "This is a good opportunity. When the meeting is held, you will be late on purpose and wait for Hu Xiaozhou to express his opinion before you enter the venue. No matter what Hu Xiaozhou's opinion is, you can just go against him. Already!"

Ye Tufei thought about it for a while, and said: "If Hu Xiaozhou agrees to fight, will I have to be a coward?"

Peng Youming sighed, and said, "Brother, that's why I said that you have to suffer some grievances to get things done. What's the matter, you can't stand this little grievance?"

Ye Tufei gritted his teeth, and said: "Go all out, just be a coward for once!"

After the two discussed the plan, Peng Youming immediately called everyone to a meeting, but Ye Tufei excused his stomach discomfort and asked everyone to discuss it first. After he solved the stomach problem, he rushed over.

In fact, Ye Tufei hid in a hidden place outside the venue to eavesdrop on the progress of the meeting.

At the meeting, all the brethren expressed their views one after another, and they basically wanted to fight this battle.After everyone's opinions were expressed, Peng Youming ordered Hu Xiaozhou's general: "Well, Commissioner Hut is an old revolutionary and veteran Red Army with rich combat experience. Shall we listen to Commissioner Hut's opinion?"

The brothers agreed with Peng Youming's proposal very much. Everyone wanted to see if the special commissioner had two brushes. Besides, they also wanted to see what the special commissioner would say when their sixth master was not present. words come.

Under the eyes of everyone, Hu Xiaozhou said: "Whether to fight or not, or how to fight, I have only one sentence, and that is to respect Captain Ye's opinion."

Peng Youming at the venue was dumbfounded, and Ye Tufei, who was eavesdropping outside the venue, was also dumbfounded.

It was meaningless to eavesdrop any longer, Ye Tufei could only show up at the venue.

"Little Japan robbed our head of Erlang Mountain by robbing food. This tone cannot be tolerated. We must fight back. However, our team just followed the Communist Party and became a revolutionary armed force. So should we fight or not? How to play, we still have to listen to Commissioner Hu Te's opinion." After appearing, Ye Tufei kicked the ball with Hu Xiaozhou.He was unwilling to lose his temper in front of Hu Xiaozhou like this.

Hu Xiaozhou smiled slightly and said: "Since Captain Ye said that he couldn't bear this tone and had to fight back, then I also agree with Captain Ye. As for how to fight back, I think it should be aimed at frustrating Little Japan's goal of robbing food." The main goal is not to go all out with Little Japan. Of course, this is my personal opinion. If you have different opinions, you can raise them and discuss them.”

Take defeating the enemy's purpose as our combat goal!Hu Xiaozhou's tactical point of view gave Ye Tufei a surprise, it's like playing Go, the so-called key points of the enemy are my key points.It is indeed very enjoyable to kill a few little Japanese, but if it is compared with frustrating the purpose of the little Japanese to grab food, the latter is still more cost-effective.

However, Ye Tufei wanted to confront Hu Xiaozhou, because this matter was much lighter compared to his and Peng Youming's plan.

"If you want to fight, fight with Little Japan to your heart's content, destroy one or several of his grain grabbing teams, let these beasts suffer, and never dare to think about our Erlang Mountain again!" Ye Tufei rolled up He rolled up his sleeves, pulled out the pistol at his waist, and slapped it on the table.

The brothers were already used to obeying Ye Tufei's intentions, coupled with their own blood, they immediately became excited when they heard that Ye Tufei was going to kill one or even a few small Japanese grain grabbing teams.

(End of this chapter)

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