Bandit Camp

Chapter 187 Something went wrong

Chapter 187 Something went wrong
The first day passed happily like this, because of the arrival of two old friends, Ye Tufei even forgot about the plan with Peng Youming.

The next day, everything was normal.Zhao Zibin disrupted his own team and the rest of Erlangshan's team and reorganized it for better training.

The two battalions sent by Lu Yao are old teams, with a high proportion of backbones. There are more soldiers who can take on the role of instructors. Coupled with enough demonstrations, the training level of the Erlangshan brothers has improved rapidly.

The next night something happened that Ye Tufei didn't understand.Hu Xiaozhou convened a meeting and avoided him.

Zhao Zibin explained to Ye Tufei: "Captain, the commissioner is holding a branch party group meeting. You are not a party member yet, so you can't attend it. Don't worry. I believe you will become a glorious Communist Party member in a short time. It’s time to attend such a meeting.”

Ye Tufei seemed to be very familiar with this kind of branch party group meeting in his memory, so he didn't take it to heart, and said to Zhao Zibin: "I understand! You can have your meeting at ease!" Then went back to sleep .

In the middle of the night, Ye Tufei was once again awakened by two of his own nightmares. After waking up, he lay on the bed and couldn't fall back to sleep, so he simply put on his clothes and went out for a stroll.

Accidentally, he wandered to the place where Hu Xiaozhou and the others had a meeting.

The lights were still on, and the sentry was still standing on guard energetically.

What important issues need to be discussed for so long?Ye Tufei looked at his pocket watch. It was already [-] o'clock in the morning. Hu Xiaozhou and the others had a meeting at around [-] o'clock last night. One meeting lasted for four hours, and there was no sign of it coming to an end.

Faintly hearing the sound of quarreling in the venue, Ye Tufei couldn't hold back his curiosity, and unconsciously moved closer to the venue, but was spotted by the vigilant sentry.

Under the warning of the sentry, Ye Tufei quickly revealed his identity.

The sentinel was a soldier brought by Zhao Zibin, and he also knew Ye Tufei, so he quickly saluted Ye Tufei and said, "Captain Ye, they are in a meeting, it's not convenient for you to go in, if you have anything to tell me."

Ye Tufei smiled, and replied: "Nothing important, just come over to see if their meeting is over, and if you want to order the kitchen to get some food and drink."

The sentinel smiled and said, "Captain Ye is really heart-warming, why don't I ask the commissioner for instructions?"

Ye Tufei waved his hand, then patted the sentinel on the shoulder, and said, "No need, after they finish their meeting, tell them that if they are hungry, they can go directly to the kitchen, and I will ask the brothers in the kitchen to make some preparations." .”

After leaving, Ye Tufei couldn't help thinking, what are these people discussing?What important thing can cause the participants to quarrel?

With this question in mind, Ye Tufei wandered to the kitchen, woke up the brothers in the kitchen, made some food for himself, and then ordered the brothers in the kitchen to prepare some food and drink for those who were in the meeting, and then returned to his room.

When it was almost dawn, Ye Tufei finally fell asleep again.

When he woke up again, the sun was already high, Ye Tufei simply washed up, and walked to the training ground. In the past two days, he was attracted by the team brought by Zhao Zibin, and from them, Ye Tufei aroused many Many memory fragments.

However, the training ground turned out to be deserted.

A huge hello suddenly appeared in Ye Tufei's mind, and he was naturally connected with the meeting last night.Could it be that what they were discussing last night was about drills?Who would object to Zhao Zibin's training plan?
Just as he was thinking like this, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded by several people, and when he took a closer look, he recognized that one of them was the sentinel from last night.

"Captain Ye, the commissioner asked me to invite you to discuss something important with you."

Ye Tufei thought to himself, probably because neither of the two parties in the argument could convince the other, so they came to him to make a verdict.

Following the sentinel, Ye Tufei came to Hu Xiaozhou's temporary office.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Tufei felt a strange atmosphere.

Several tables were arranged in a line, with Hu Xiaozhou sitting in the middle, Peng Youming and Zhao Zibin on the left and right, and Yan Xiwenwei Xiangdong, Tang Shijie, Chen Guang and others on the outside.

The seat arranged for Ye Tufei turned out to be on the opposite side of this zigzag table.

This is not a discussion at all, this is clearly an interrogation.

Ye Tufei was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the sentry. The sentry was extremely nervous, and subconsciously reached out to take out his gun.

Ye Tufei smiled, patted his waist, indicating that he was not armed at all, and then sat down on the interrogation seat reserved for him.

"I know, this is your organizational process, what's it called? By the way, it's called screening! Well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I, Ye Tufei, promise to answer every question truthfully and meticulously."

Ye Tufei's smiling statement brought silence.

After a while, Hu Xiaozhou opened his mouth: "Well, it's right to say screening, after all, these things need to be further confirmed. Ye Tufei, I feel very relieved that you have such an attitude today, which shows that you are at least a salvageable person." people."

When Ye Tufei heard this, his head grew dizzy immediately, what did you say?Could it be that Ye Tufei is still a heinous person in Hu Xiaozhou's eyes?
"Ye Tufei, let me ask you the first question. Back then, why did you choose to go up the mountain to become a bandit? Was it forced by the government, or was it because you committed a murder that you ran to the mountain to avoid being chased by the government?" Hu Xiaozhou asked. , expressionless, swept away the enthusiasm towards Ye Tufei two days ago.

Ye Tufei pondered for a while, and replied: "My righteous brother Jia Chunfeng, who is also the master of Feng Zhongliang, Guo Zhonglin, and the others, was framed. There are five members of his family, and none of them survived. Moreover, the government is still an accomplice. I brought my righteous brother Jia Chunfeng's The thirteen apprentices, who later became the Thirteenth Taibao of Zhongyitang, avenged my brother-in-law. Everyone in Jiajiawang knows about this. You can say that I was forced by the government, or that I was Because I owed my life debt, I hid from the government."

Hu Xiaozhou nodded slightly, did not make any statement, but raised a second question: "During the Battle of Taierzhuang, you led the people from Zhongyitang to block the Japanese army's sneak attack and made great achievements. , we all know it, but why did you surrender to Japan and become a traitor and puppet army?"

Ye Tufei glanced at Yan Xiwen, then at Peng Youming, and replied with a smile: "I think you should ask Yan Xiwen and Peng Youming about this matter, they know even better than myself."

Hu Xiaozhou lowered his face and said quite seriously: "Ye Tufei, please respect all the comrades present. We are asking you, so I hope you can answer truthfully."

Ye Tufei held back his anger, took a few deep breaths, and replied: "The high-ranking officials of the national army in the fifth war zone treated us as cannon fodder and sent us to death. It was Yan Xiwen who persuaded us to make a mistake, and it was he who mediated it, so we became the evidence of the imperial association. "

Hu Xiaozhou was still noncommittal, and then asked the third question: "Gao Qiaoxin ordered you to go to Hong Kong to rescue Zhao Ming, so did you know that Zhao Ming was preparing to betray the country and the nation, and was determined to become a traitor?"

Ye Tufei nodded, and said: "The person the Japanese want to rescue is of course a traitor. This was already clear before I set off?"

Chen Guang couldn't help but interjected, "You know he is a traitor, so why did you rescue him?"

Ye Tufei gave Chen Guang a blank look, and replied coldly, "The lives of more than 200 of my brothers are in Gao Qiaoxin's hands. Tell me, what can I do?"

Chen Guang still wanted to argue with Ye Tufei, but was interrupted by Hu Xiaozhou: "Then, why did you join the military command? Why haven't you made this matter clear to your comrades?"

Hu Xiaozhou's question was not loud, but it reached Ye Tufei's ears like thunder.

Ye Tufei's first reaction was that Su Yue told the secret.

But after thinking about it, I think it shouldn't be.Su Yue didn't want to see herself getting together with the Communist Party, but Su Yue was a very organized and disciplined agent. Without Shang Feng's instructions, she would never make any claims.But Mr. Yu Nong, Su Yue's highest peak, would never do this, just because the fisherman still wanted him to complete that great task.

Excluding the active leak of secrets from the military command, Ye Tufei really couldn't figure out how Hu Xiaozhou learned of this secret.

"What? Don't you want to explain?" Hu Xiaozhou's cold voice sounded again.

"If you know Zhao Ming's situation at that time, you will know why I joined the military command. I don't want to explain more about this matter. The only thing I want to say is that the reason why I joined the military command is purely because I rescued Zhao Ming. A step in the plan, that is to say, I did this deliberately to deceive the military command, just to gain their trust. As for whether you believe me or not, I think it doesn't matter!"

At this moment, Ye Tufei has completely understood Hu Xiaozhou's thoughts.

That day, he went to Han Hongxun's residence privately and had a drink with Han Hongxun and the others. Hu Xiaozhou was not tolerant and understanding about this matter on the surface, on the contrary, he was very angry.However, Erlang at that time was Ye Tufei's brother, no matter how angry he was, it would be futile.

So, Hu Xiaozhou endured it, and found an opportunity to persuade Ye Tufei to accept his idea of ​​changing troops.Now, more than half of Erlangshan's team has gone, and the rest is controlled by Zhao Zibin's team.Hu Xiaozhou believed that he had already grasped the initiative, so he launched an attack on Ye Tufei.

Ye Tufei's judgment was not entirely correct.

He also ignored one thing, that is the issue of military command.

Regarding Ye Tufei's joining the military command, only Duguyu and Xiao Zhonghe knew about Ye Tufei's joining the military command. It was because Ye Tufei passed by Woniushan Mountain when he was retreating from Xuzhou, and he expressed his feelings to these two brothers.Both Duguyu and Xiao Zhonghe are taciturn people, and they will never tell this matter.

The problem lies in the cause. The reason why Duguyu asked Ye Tufei about why he joined the military command was due to Su Yue, because Su Yue had obtained a secret order, and Duguyu had inadvertently learned of this secret order.

In fact, Su Yue's secret order did not exist at all, it was Su Yue's deliberate attempt to test Ye Tufei through Duguyu.

The fire of writing and coding is really tormenting, and it is a tear when you talk about it, and you have to add a handful of snot if it is not good.

Beating is not a human job! …I don’t have time to play chess anymore, and I don’t have time to go out with my wife and children. When I wake up, all I do is type on the keyboard, and at night, I bring the story into my dreams...

Especially seeing the horrific data... I really want to f***ingly swing my sword out of the palace.

But just as he raised the knife, a recommended text message from the big editor came, it would really torture people...

Well, don't talk about it, the hole I dug is filled with tears, and this story has to be finished, otherwise, how can I have a chance to become a god... God... scripture.

ps: Add updates at night, to please the brothers, and count more votes!
(End of this chapter)

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