Bandit Camp

Chapter 196

Chapter 196
In this world, the human heart is the most complicated, and human nature is the easiest to change.

Just like Zheng Dayong and Zhang Hui.

Ye Tufei didn't want to deny the original intention of the two of them, for Ji Xiaohai, but also for their organization, these two brothers really planned to die together with the Japanese ronin.

However, when Ye Tufei appeared, everything changed.

Ji Xiaohai no longer needs the bravery and loyalty of the two brothers, Ji Xiaohai is enough to have Ye Tufei.Although Zheng Dayong and Zhang Hui had deep admiration and respect for Ye Tufei, they felt a great sense of loss towards this reality.

So, the two of them showed Ji Xiaohai and Ye Tufei the explosives tied around their waists with the strength of wine.

In front of Ye Tufei, he expressed his loyalty to Ji Xiaohai. During this period, there were too many contents, whether it was right or wrong, it was difficult to make a conclusion in a short time.

However, there is no doubt that this practice will make people feel uncomfortable.

Ji Xiaohai couldn't help frowning.

Seeing Ji Xiaohai's emotional changes, Ye Tufei quickly covered Zheng Dayong and Zhang Hui: "Let's go, let's go around with Brother Fei and have a few drinks with the brothers!"

That night, Ye Tufei drank a lot, and in the end, he couldn't even walk steadily.Duguyu couldn't do it, she couldn't even wake her up.Only Xiao Zhonghe is still normal.

This is not to say how good Xiao Zhonghe's drinking capacity is, but Xiao Zhonghe doesn't love wine at all, what he loves is a table of delicious food.As the saying goes, those who are beaten to death are those who practice boxing, those who are drowned are those who can drink, and those who are drunk are those who love to drink.However, although Xiao Zhonghe, who doesn't like to drink, didn't drink much, his life was not easy. The guy was too busy eating, and he accidentally ate enough to keep him full, belching continuously.

Ji Xiaohai was also drunk, and had an argument with Ye Tufei before the show ended.Ye Tufei wanted to call a rickshaw to go back, but Ji Xiaohai insisted on driving Ye Tufei back in his own car.

In the end, Ye Tufei couldn't persuade Ji Xiaohai, so he could only obey him.

The next day, near noon, Ye Tufei woke up from his sleep. As soon as he woke up, he heard the phone ringing from the living room downstairs.

Ye Tufei hurried downstairs and answered the phone.

It was Lian Fang calling.During the phone call, Lian Fang's voice seemed very excited: "Brother Ye! I finally found you, oh, I called the firm where you work according to the number on your business card, and they said you didn't come to work today, so I managed to find you." I begged them to promise to help me find other ways of contacting you. Before making this call, I didn't have much hope!"

Ye Tufei just woke up, his voice was still a little hoarse, but he couldn't express his joy: "I'm tired of you, company captain, in fact, you can leave a message for the people in the company. When I arrive at the company, I will naturally contact you."

Lian Fang smiled and said, "How can that be done? Mr. Zhao is still waiting to see you!"

As soon as he answered the phone, Ye Tufei recognized that it was Lian Fang, and he was very excited when he heard Lian Fang's voice. He already realized that Zhao Ming should have accepted Lian Fang's suggestion and was about to activate himself.

But at this time Ye Tufei still pretended to be confused, he asked on the phone: "Mr. Zhao wants to see me? When is he free?"

Lian Fang smiled and said, "He told me to contact you when he got up in the morning, saying that he would see you no matter what."

Ye Tufei said: "Oh, then tell me Mr. Zhao's address, and I'll call a rickshaw to drive there."

Lian Fang smiled and said, "Brother Ye, don't move, tell me your address, and I will drive to pick you up."

An hour later, Ye Tufei sat opposite Zhao Ming.

After a year, Zhao Ming saw Ye Tufei again, he seemed very happy, and told Lian Fang that he would not see anyone in the future, even if the emperor came, he would keep out the door.

"Have you been doing well this year? Oh, Xiao Lian told me roughly about your situation. To be honest, I feel a little sorry for you. If I could pay attention to you earlier, maybe you won't It will be so stiff with the Japanese!" Zhao Ming still remembered Ye Tufei's habit of smoking cigars but not cigarettes, so he prepared a box of good cigars for Ye Tufei, and handed them to Ye Tufei: "In my case, what do you use? Don't be cautious, just smoke if you want!"

Ye Tufei opened the box of cigars, picked out one and put it under his nose to smell the scent, and responded to Zhao Ming, "I'm to blame for this, I believed Gao Qiaoxin, a bastard, I really didn't expect that he would treat you like this for those treasures." I."

"Treasure? You said Gao Qiaoxin dealt with you for the sake of treasure?" Zhao Ming's eyes flashed brightly.

When Ye Tufei told Lian Fang about the conflict between Gao Qiaoxin and him, he was very vague. Now, in front of Zhao Ming, Ye Tufei explained the specific reasons.This reason was far beyond Zhao Ming's expectations.

After Nobu Takahashi was transferred to Nanjing, he took up the post of security adviser of the new Nanjing government. This holiday, he was even more arrogant and high-profile than the real Japanese in his position, which annoyed many important officials of the new government.Many of Zhao Ming's old subordinates couldn't stand this security consultant, and complained to Zhao Ming one after another, hoping that Zhao Ming could take action to teach Gao Qiaoxin a lesson so that he could calm down a bit.

However, Zhao Ming has been unable to deal with Gao Qiaoxin.

It stands to reason that Takahashi Shin is a smart person and shouldn't behave like this. Insidious people often act very smooth and sophisticated on the surface.

However, Takahashi Shin is also involuntary, he must act according to his master's intention.

Kenji Doihara became the number one figure in the Japanese secret service by virtue of the plan of "Manchukuo". However, three years ago, a young man named Kagesa Akira rose to the top thanks to the success of "Shokodo Secret Talk". Now, "Chongguangtang" is about to land and blossom, and the young man named Yingzuo Frame Zhao has a tendency to push forward the waves behind the Yangtze River.It's not that Kenji Doihara can't tolerate the younger generation, but if the back wave wants to slap the front wave to death on the beach, then he will fight back.

Especially in this new Chinese government that was born because of the "Shokodo", Kenji Doihara's weight is almost negligible compared with Kagesa Kameaki, which is the most unacceptable thing for Kenji Doihara.He must exert his influence on this new government, and he must tell this new government, don't think that with the support of Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, you can let yourself go.

Nobu Takahashi is a pawn in Kenji Doihara's plan to exert influence over the new government.

He arranged for Takahashi Xin to serve as the security adviser of the new government, and asked Gao Qiaoxin to stimulate the Chinese in the new government as much as possible in his work, and let those Chinese who were stimulated go to Ying Zuo Frame Zhao to file a complaint.

If Kagezuo Frame Zhao took care of himself and remained indifferent to Takahashi Nobu, then these people in the new government would realize the importance of Kenji Doihara.If Kagezuo dared to attack Nobu Takahashi, then he would find Kagezuo's flaws and attack him.

However, another protagonist in this battle, Kagezuo Frame Akira, is not a good person.Kagezuo Chiaki is very clear that in this game of power struggle, he must not be weak, and he can only fight tit for tat against Kenji Doihara's pressing every step of the way.Kenji Doihara is a senior, with brilliant political skills and high influence in the military and political circles. As long as Kagesa Akira is a little careless, since the Shigemitsu talks, all the painstaking efforts over the years may be in vain flow.

Kagezuo Frame Zhao also knows that with his current strength, he still can't fight against Kenji Doihara. He needs to find an opportunity to reach a settlement with Kenji Doihara, and then hide his strength and bide his time to cultivate his own power.

However, Kenji Doihara didn't give him any chance at all, and even used Takahashi Nobu's pawn to make things difficult for him everywhere.

In this open and secret battle, Zhao Ming was obviously on the side of Ying Zuo Frame Zhao.The friendship and mutual trust between him and Kagezuo Akira was established a few years ago from Chongguangtang.

Ying Zuo Frame Zhao is not only Zhao Ming's friend, but also his political ally, and he must help Ying Zuo Frame Zhao.

Therefore, when Ye Tufei said that Gao Qiaoxin was doing evil to him for the sake of wealth, Zhao Ming sensitively smelled the smell he wanted to smell.

"Xiaoye, this matter is of great importance. It is related to your future. Can you tell me in detail what is going on?"

This is a framing of Takahashi Xin. If the planting is good, Takahashi Shin will be blamed, and Ye Tufei will be able to stand beside Zhao Ming, and even bring down Takahashi Shin.If it is not planted well, and a big spoon is planted out, not to mention bringing down Gao Qiaoxin, I am afraid that my life will be in danger.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei has practiced this set of false accusations many times, and has repeatedly demonstrated that there are no loopholes.

"A little earlier than this time last year, Gao Qiaoxin transferred me to Jiajiawang. At that time, he told me that there was an ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty in Erlang Mountain. I searched for this ancient tomb in Shanshan. I took those experts to search for more than a month, but there was no progress. Mr. Zhao is aware of the process, so I won't go into details.

When I returned to Jiajiawang, it was almost the Chinese New Year, Gao Qiaoxin called me over, saying that he had found the ancient tomb and dug out all the treasures in the ancient tomb.I wanted to see the location of the ancient tomb, but Shin Takahashi refused, saying that the ancient tomb had been sealed again. "

Zhao Ming nodded at this moment and interjected: "I've heard of this incident to some extent. Nobu Takahashi played tricks and set up an ancient tomb plan. He used the so-called treasures to lure the anti-Japanese armed forces in the surrounding areas of Xuzhou, so as to wipe them all out. Purpose."

Ye Tufei said angrily: "That's Gao Qiaoxin's lie! Mr. Zhao, Gao Qiaoxin did get a batch of fake treasures to lure the Communist Party and the Kuomintang, and he also wanted to use me to send information to the outside world. However, that ancient tomb also It is also real, and the real treasure was indeed dug out by Shin Takahashi, he just borrowed the so-called ancient tomb project to cover up the treasure he really got."

Zhao Ming frowned slightly, and asked, "Who else knows about this? Or, do you have any other witnesses?"

Ye Tufei shook his head silently, and replied: "Nobu Takahashi has been planning this matter for a long time, and naturally he did it perfectly. It was only by accident that I found out about his plot. In order to silence the rumors, Nobu Takahashi put me in connection with those anti-Japanese armed forces." Come together, think about one piece and destroy it."

Zhao Ming sighed, and said, "However, how can you gain the trust of others just by your own words?"

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, the second watch will be sent as a condiment for appreciating the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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