Bandit Camp

Chapter 204 Accidental Assassination

Chapter 204 Accidental Assassination
After Yingzuo Framezhao left, Ye Tufei took away the servants and immediately went to Ji Xiaohai's place.

After hearing Ye Tufei's reminder, Ji Xiaohai remained silent for a long time, and at the end, he let out a long sigh and told Ye Tufei the whole story: "More than a month ago, a Japanese came to me and wanted to stay with me in the International Settlement. Doing tobacco shop business, Xiao Fei, you know your Uncle Ji’s temper, how could I touch the tobacco business? And I’m still in partnership with a Japanese! So I sternly rejected that Japanese. I thought that those Japanese wanderers would They were hired by the Japanese who was in the cigarette business, so he didn't take them to heart.

After that night, I suddenly thought of a question. You said that you, a tobacco businessman, can have such a deep background that even the public concession has to give him three points?Also, is it worth going to great lengths to fight for the cigarette business?Now that you say that, I understand everything, Xiao Fei, do you know what kind of business our hall is in charge of in the Green Gang? "

Ye Tufei thought about it, it seems that under Ji Xiaohai's name, there are only a few gambling stalls, and there is no other business.

Ji Xiaohai didn't expect Ye Tufei to give an answer, he glanced at Ye Tufei, and continued: "Our Qinggang was also called Cao Gang or Liangchuan Gang in the early years, and what we ate was a waterway. Don't look at our Qinggang's business is quite wide now. , there are many more profitable ways than the waterway business, but no one dares to lose the property left by the ancestors easily. Although our hall is in charge of the most difficult and tiring work in the waterway business, But it's also the most important."

Ye Tufei was not familiar with water transportation, so he could only keep silent and listen to Ji Xiaohai's narration quietly.

"This boat is different from a car. You can look at the road while driving. You can see at a glance whether there is a pothole or something on the road. But it's different when driving a boat. You don't know what's under the water. It's gone. Let's go to the port, so don't even think about going ashore!"

The word navigator popped up in Ye Tufei's mind, and he suddenly understood how the Green Gang has firmly controlled the water transportation business for hundreds of years, and even the officials had to cooperate with the Green Gang, one of the most important factors It is the familiarity of the Qingbang brothers with the various piers on the waterway.Of course, no one dares to say whether the Green Gang has tampered with these docks.

Ji Xiaohai sighed, and said: "Two years ago, the national army fought with the little Japanese in Shanghai. After the little Japanese won the war, they talked to me and asked me to treat them Japanese thoroughly. Open the wharf for water transportation. I am a grandma, can I help the Japanese transport supplies to our country? In the past two years, they have threatened me a lot. It seems that I can't help it now. You're going to have a showdown with me!"

After hearing Ji Xiaohai's words, Ye Tufei understood that Ji Xiaohai was from the International Settlement, and the International Settlement was the territory of Britain and the United States. The Japanese could not be the masters of Britain and the United States, so there was nothing they could do about Ji Xiaohai.Therefore, they dealt with Ji Xiaohai through the Black Dragon Association, using Japanese rogue methods like ronin, in order to force Ji Xiaohai to give in to them.

"Then, Uncle Ji, you are in the light and others are in the dark, so you have to be careful!"

Ji Xiaohai waved his hand, and said with a loud smile: "You don't have to worry too much, what can they do with my old bone? At worst, I'll hide in the countryside!"

Ye Tufei said: "It's always good to be careful in everything, Uncle Ji, the insidiousness of Little Japan is on the surface, they don't care about moral rules, as long as they can achieve their goals, they can do anything."

Ji Xiaohai nodded, agreeing.

After being stunned for a while, Ji Xiaohai suddenly asked: "Xiao Fei! How did I hear that you are going to work for Zhao Ming? Then Zhao Ming..."

Ye Tufei interrupted Ji Xiaohai, and said: "Uncle Ji, I know what you want to say. However, no matter what you say, I can't answer you a word, and I won't listen to you, so you better stop asking." , I can only say one thing to you, Uncle Ji, Ye Tufei will never do anything against gang rules!"

Ji Xiaohai froze for a few seconds, then nodded, and said, "I believe in you! Since you also have difficulties, Uncle Ji just asks."

The two chatted some gossip again, seeing that it was getting late, and Ji Xiaohai also showed tiredness, Ye Tufei got up and said goodbye.

Walking out of Ji Xiaohai's mansion, the sky began to rain lightly. Once it rains in Shanghai in winter, it will make people feel very wet and cold. The coldness is from the inside out, and Ye Tufei couldn't help shivering.

At this moment of trembling, Ye Tufei suddenly felt a strange feeling. This strange feeling seemed to be danger, and it seemed to be being watched.

Ye Tufei turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiaohai's mansion. In that house lived Ji Xiaohai's family and nearly twenty Qing Gang brothers. If people from the Black Dragon Society were going to attack Ji Xiaohai, they would have to use their guns, otherwise it would be difficult to succeed.Ye Tufei didn't think that people from the Black Dragon Society had the guts to fire a gun in the public concession.

Besides, what the Japanese want from Ji Xiaohai is his ability to control the docks, not Ji Xiaohai's life, so the danger should not be aimed at Ji Xiaohai.

Since they didn't go for Ji Xiaohai, then there is only one possibility, the person who gave Ye Tufei this strange feeling came for Ye Tufei.

Who could it be?
Ye Tufei stopped in his tracks, he needed to observe the terrain carefully and feel the situation.

It was already late at night, and it was drizzling again, and there were few people on the road.Behind Ye Tufei is Ji Xiaohai's mansion, in front of it is a straight road, and on the left and right sides are lush trees and green shrubs.

Ye Tufei judged by intuition that those people were lying in ambush behind the trees or in the bushes on both sides, and the number should not be less than ten.

If all the weapons used by these ten people against him were guns, then Ye Tufei would have absolutely no chance of escape.

Now, Ye Tufei has not yet entered the opponent's ambush area, he still has the opportunity to make a choice, for example, he can pretend to have missed something, and then return to Ji Xiaohai's mansion.

But if this is the case, then it is impossible to know who the other party is, and in the future, Ye Tufei will definitely live in danger, and he doesn't know where the danger comes from.

Ye Tufei really wanted to find out these questions, so he needed to judge whether the other party was using a gun or a cold weapon. If it was a gun, then he could only return to Ji Xiaohai's mansion.

So, Ye Tufei squatted down, pretending that the shoelaces were loose and needed to be re-tied.

When squatting down, Ye Tufei picked up a few small stones on the ground, and when he stood up again, he used his body as a cover to shoot the few small stones in his hand towards the tree shadow on one side.




Most of the stones hit the leaves or the open space, and one or two hit the thicker tree trunks with such force that the tree trunks trembled and dropped a drop of water.

However, the opponent was well-trained, and was not frightened by Ye Tufei's temptation to leave his tracks. After a few noises, the surrounding area was still silent.

The calmness of the opponent made Ye Tufei more cautious. He believed in his intuition. His intuition was not born with it, but cultivated through countless dangerous experiences, and it was exchanged with bloodshed and injuries time after time.

Ye Tufei took a deep breath, he realized that the opponent he faced tonight was the strongest opponent he had encountered in the past few years.The best hunter is not the most accurate marksmanship, nor the fastest skill, but the calmest mind.He will make full use of the environment and the psychology of the prey to wait for the most favorable moment to hit him with one blow.

Undoubtedly, the opponent Ye Tufei faced belonged to this kind.

At this moment, Ye Tufei suddenly realized that even the choice of returning to Ji Xiaohai's mansion is likely to be blocked by the opponent.

The enemy's purpose is very clear, just to trap Ye Tufei and wait for him to make mistakes.

Backing back to Ji Xiaohai's mansion is probably the opportunity for Ye Tufei to make a mistake that the enemy is waiting for.

Since he couldn't retreat, and staying where he was would be nothing but waiting to die, Ye Tufei had only one choice left, which was to rush forward.

After making up his mind, Ye Tufei swayed, first took a few steps back abruptly, then twisted his body, and rushed towards the trees on the side of the road.

When observing the terrain, Ye Tufei thought differently, and determined that the direction he rushed towards was the most favorable node connecting the two ambush sections before and after, and the enemy leader would definitely choose this place as a hiding point to command operations.

Capture the thief first, and capture the king first, as long as he can get a chance to fight close to the enemy leader, then Ye Tufei has the possibility of retreating unscathed.

While Ye Tufei was swaying, he had already taken off his shirt. It was impossible for him to bring a weapon when he went to see Kenji Doihara at night, and he was in a hurry to see Ji Xiaohai afterwards, and he forgot to bring an inch iron and a ruler, so, At this time, he could only adapt to the situation and took off his shirt as a weapon.

Ye Tufei's impromptu reaction really came in handy, when Ye Tufei rushed towards the shadow of the tree, a ray of light shot out from the shadow, heading straight for Ye Tufei's face.

With a flick of his wrist, Ye Tufei twisted the jacket in his hand into a bundle, and that cold light rolled around it.


The hidden weapon was swept away and landed on the road in the distance, and Ye Tufei also rushed to the place where the cold light originated.

A masked man dressed in black and dressed in night walks greeted him.

The masked man was holding a short sword. His moves were simple but extremely fast. The tip of the sword went straight to Ye Tufei's lower abdomen.Ye Tufei waved the clothes in his hand, and slapped the masked man's face, forcing the masked man to change his moves or dodge.

But the masked man shrank suddenly, rolled on the ground, avoiding Ye Tufei's clothes, and a sword light still pointed at Ye Tufei's lower abdomen.

This move was very strange, beyond Ye Tufei's expectations, but Ye Tufei had rich experience in battle, and his reaction was extremely fast. He suddenly exerted force on his left foot, and his body fell to the right, barely avoiding the strange sword of the masked man.

(End of this chapter)

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