Bandit Camp

Chapter 215 Auction

Chapter 215 Auction

It’s a snicker, but Ye Tufei must agree with Kenji Doihara’s analysis in order to save face. In this way, not only the things that Ye Tufei framed Takahashi Nobu will be confirmed, but also the thing about killing Takahashi Nobu at the harbor warehouse Also covered up.

Ye Tufei suppressed a smile and said to Kenji Doihara: "Nobu Takahashi absconded in fear of crime! Just run away, I know the seriousness, General Doihara, this matter will end here, and I will never mention it again."

Doihara Kenji breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "So, can you tell me now, how do you plan to let me get that military service with dignity?"

Ye Tufei knew the value of the Han Dynasty military service. The Japanese looted a lot of antiques and cultural relics in China. He, Ye Tufei, was weak and unable to stop it.However, if he was asked to deliver this servant to Kenji Doihara with his own hands, then he would feel ashamed.

In order to complete the mission, Ye Tufei was willing to bear the name of a traitor, this is already the limit he can bear, if he is allowed to accept this kind of humiliation again, Ye Tufei will probably explode.

Since he won't accept this humiliation, Ye Tufei must have thought of a countermeasure.

"General Doihara, I know that you are very obsessed with Chinese antiques, and you are also a master in this field. However, masters will sometimes go astray. I think there must be a lot of fakes in your mansion." ?”

Kenji Doihara nodded, there was nothing to be ashamed about, he readily admitted.

"You took out a few fakes to participate in the auction I organized, and used the proceeds to bid for this soldier. In other words, you took a few fakes in exchange for this treasure. For you, It should be extremely cost-effective. Then in the eyes of outsiders, you bought this item with the money you should have spent, and at the same time made a contribution to ***. Both fame and fortune! Your Excellency General."

Kenji Doihara listened, his small eyes narrowed, his smile gradually became thicker, and finally he laughed loudly: "Ye Tufei, no wonder Takahashi Shin can't beat you, you are smarter than him, and know current affairs better than him, um, I, Doihara Xian'er is very happy to have you as a friend."

The news that Kenji Doihara participated in Ye Tufei's auction spread like wildfire, which made Ye Tufei's reputation among the traitors in the Shanghai area suddenly increased a lot. Ye Tufei basically didn't need to visit again, traitors They approached Ye Tufei's door one by one, not asking for anything but to sneak into this auction.

The new government encountered many twists and turns in the process of establishment, and even faced the danger of premature death.But these are matters between the absolute high-level. For those so-called high-level and middle-low level figures, there are few people who can see the situation clearly.Ye Tufei was playing under the banner of the new government, how could these traitors refuse an excellent opportunity for speculation.Besides, even Kenji Doihara participated in this auction, doesn't it mean that Kenji Doihara has recognized the new government?
In less than a week, Ye Tufei collected nearly a hundred pieces of cultural relics and antiques. The traitors did it for their own future, so naturally they dare not fake the things they handed over. Except for the few fakes of Kenji Doihara, the rest are fine. All are treasures.

However, in this way, Ye Tufei didn't have much left in his hands. The [-] yen that Nie Hengzi lent him was used up, and Guo Zhonglin also used up [-]% of the family property of the bandit camp that Guo Zhonglin brought back.

Nie Hengzi is an expert in business. Looking at those antiques, he knew that if he sold them, his profits would be doubled.Merchants are all profit-oriented, so Nie Hengzi felt itchy, and wanted to lend Ye Tufei another sum of money, taking the opportunity to collect more antiques and cultural relics.

Ye Tufei flatly refused: "No way! There are so many items, how many auctions do we need to take them all out? This kind of thing is time-sensitive, and the time limit is prolonged, and the popularity will decrease. If we want to take a better one The price is not easy."

Nie Hengzi has his own plans. In order to squeeze into the auction, many traitors ask for extremely low reserve prices for the items they send. Nie Hengzi believes that the items purchased at this price are There is no need to rush to get rid of it at all. After two or three years, the value will also double.

Ye Tufei still disagrees, because he is not a pure businessman after all, he does this kind of business entirely to serve his own tasks.

Nie Hengzi could only give up.

Ten days later, the auction finally opened.

There are many rich people who are engaged in legitimate business, and even some British and American high-ranking people who participated in the bidding, but most of them are traitors trying to make a fortune in politics.

The auction started at two o'clock in the afternoon. According to the usual practice, some low-value objects were first auctioned, and then the value gradually increased.Therefore, Ye Tufei divided this auction into three stages. The first stage was from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm, and the auctions were all low-value items.After five o'clock, dinner will be arranged for everyone. At seven o'clock in the evening, some mid-range objects will be auctioned. At ten o'clock in the evening, the auction will start for the real high-value objects.

Ye Tufei discussed with Kenji Doihara in advance whether to put the military service as a mid-level item for photography.Kenji Doihara thought for a while, and rejected Ye Tufei's kindness, he said to Ye Tufei: "Many of the people participating in the auction are experts, and the value of the servants can be seen at a glance, let's put it at the end! I'm not afraid to spend money."

Kenji Doihara thought that no one would dare to compete with him for the objects he participated in the auction.He also made up his mind that he would pay a higher price for this military service, firstly to show his dedication to the Communist Party, and secondly to show off in front of many celebrities.

It was already mid-December when the auction was held. At this time, the Changsha battlefield, which was thousands of miles away, had already cleared away the smoke.In this battle, the performance of the Japanese army can be said to be anticlimactic. Not only did it fail to achieve the strategic goal before the war, but it also failed to obtain any advantages during the entire battle.Although it was claimed in the communiqué issued after the war that the purpose of the campaign had been achieved, everyone inside knew that this was just a cover-up.

In November after the battle ended, high-level figures in the Japanese military made a profound review of the battle.As the supreme commander of this battle, Okamura Ningji has many responsibilities such as underestimating the enemy, insufficient preparation, and mistakes in strategic command, but it is also an objective fact that the strength of the opponent and the will to fight have increased.

The high-level officials reviewed the several major battles since the Shanghai landing battle. Although they encountered stubborn resistance from the enemy in some areas and were even at a disadvantage in the strategic situation, as long as their own troops launched a large-scale outflanking situation, The enemy's defenses will loosen.

But in this battle, the Chongqing army showed a rare will to fight, and even showed a strategic posture of preparing to outflank the Japanese army on a large scale.This caused Hisao Nishio, who was far away in Nanjing, to take a deep breath. If the war continues according to this trend, the Great Japanese Empire will no longer dominate Asia, and even China's current situation will be difficult to maintain.

At this moment, Kagezuo Frame Showa and Zhao Ming came to Nishio Hisao's door.

At this moment, Hisao Nishio seemed to be enlightened. He suddenly came to his senses and realized the importance of using China to govern China as proposed by those politicians.

Since it is difficult for Wang Kemin in Peking and Liang Hongzhi in Nanjing to take on this important task, and the progress of the work of the Doihara Organization led by Kenji Doihara is sluggish, it is really better to let Kagesa Akiaki come and give it a try.

Therefore, Hisao Nishio happily accepted the great gift brought by Zhao Ming, and promised to take the line of Prince Zai Ren for Ying Zuo Frame Zhao.

After receiving the visits of Kagezuo Frame Showa and Zhao Ming, Nishio Hisozou decided to firmly grasp this force. In addition, he was originally a member of Prince Zain's team, so he went as fast as he could. Reported to the local Prince Jae-in, and persuaded Prince Jae-in.

While Kenji Doihara returned to Nanjing to look for Nobu Takahashi, Hisao Nishio received an order from the base camp to give up support for the Doihara Organization and instead support Kagesa Kameaki, assisting Kagesa Kameaki to establish the "Mei Organization" , to promote the establishment of a new government.

Kenji Doihara also knew that his situation was over, and he just wanted to make a fortune before leaving the stage, and this Han Dynasty military servant was one of Kenji Doihara's goals.

Even if you leave, you have to walk in a decent manner. In this auction, you spend a lot of money as a gesture of dedication to ***, leaving a beautiful legend for these celebrities in Shanghai.

This is what Kenji Doihara thought.

It has to be said that Kenji Doihara's thinking was too simple, one thing is that he was so scheming and simple at this time, he didn't expect Ye Tufei's thoughts at all.

Perhaps Kenji Doihara once doubted Ye Tufei, thinking that Takahashi Shin had run away, his revenge could not be avenged, and could he keep his promise to hand over the servant to himself.

However, Kenji Doihara never imagined that Ye Tufei had no intention of giving him this soldier from the very beginning, even if he offered a higher price than Kenji Doihara.

Ye Tufei's strategy was to destroy the servant in public.

Just when the auction reached the last item, that is, when this military servant was just presented in front of everyone, the lights of the venue suddenly went out, and then an explosion occurred outside the venue.

For a while, the venue was in chaos.

The location of this auction was in the Japanese war zone, and the guards were of course Japanese. When the Japanese soldiers took control of the situation and the venue returned to calm, everyone regretted seeing the mercenary building being thrown down. It can't be said that it was smashed to pieces, but there is absolutely no possibility of repairing it.

Who is to blame?
Even if Kenji Doihara was annoyed to the bottom of his heart, who could he blame?
Under the heavy protection of the Japanese gendarmerie, this kind of thing actually happened, and even the shadow of the assassin was not seen.As the master of the servants, Ye Tufei didn't blame the Japanese side, so what complaints could he make from Kenji Doihara?

The beloved soldier is gone, and the opportunity to leave a glamorous and decent figure on the stage of Shanghai is gone. Kenji Doihara can only sigh, and left this bustling city with the order of the military department , returned to the three eastern provinces where he first came to China, and returned to the 'Manchukuo' that made him famous.

(End of this chapter)

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