Bandit Camp

Chapter 229 New Opportunity

Chapter 229 New Opportunity

Ye Tufei had expected Kagezuo's dissatisfaction and Suzukigawa's stressful reaction.

"Mr. Kagezuo, of course Suzuki-kun is the most suitable person to work with me. I asked you when I established Gongrong Trading Co., and hoped that you could appoint a helper for me. Now it seems that Suzuki-kun is the most suitable person." A suitable candidate." Ye Tufei said while observing the reaction of Kagezuo and Suzukigawa.

Suzuki Chuan blurted out the words 'what about me', which already showed his mentality.It's just that it seemed very abrupt and low-level in this situation, so Suzuki Chuan looked anxious.

But Yingzuo Framezhao's city was deep, he kept his expression on, staring at Ye Tufei, wanting to make a statement after listening to Ye Tufei's statement.

Ye Tufei failed to get useful information from Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, but Ye Tufei could figure out Ying Zuo Frame Zhao's psychology.

He originally wanted to use this secretary to draw out Kagezuo Akira's thoughts on Suzukigawa's next arrangement. Unfortunately, Suzukigawa was too impatient, and the three words he blurted out showed that he and Suzukigawa had previously discussed this matter. Communicate and have reached a tacit understanding.For a leader, this is equivalent to forcing the palace, which is absolutely unacceptable.

If Ye Tufei continues to persuasion according to the original idea, I am afraid that Ying Zuo Zhao Zhao will really veto Ye Tufei's opinion, so Ye Tufei has to change his tactics.

Do not wear flattery.

Although patting Yingzuo Framezhao's flattery would make Ye Tufei feel sick, but for a better tomorrow, Ye Tufei could only endure the nausea like eating a fly.

"Only those with foresight will realize the importance of the Gongrong Commercial Bank. I, Ye Tufei, was just playing tricks and wanted to use the concept of the Gongrong Commercial Bank to make some money for myself. It was Mr. Yingzuo who guided me to change me and made me understand. The true meaning of the existence of Gongrong Commercial Bank.

During this period of time, I repeatedly thought about how to maximize the role of Kyoei Trading Co., and thought of many ways, but there was no implementer. I needed someone familiar with the Japanese upper class to assist me.Mr. Yingzuo, I can't trust other people, only the people around you are my best choice.

I know that your care and love for the people around you make these people unwilling to leave your side, such as this Suzuki-kun.There is no other way, I had no choice but to use your prestige to convince Suzuki-kun.I also know that my actions may make you very angry, but I have also thought about it, as long as I can achieve my goal, even if I am punished by Mr. Yingzuo, Ye is willing. "

Such a remark not only served Kagezuo Frame Akira very comfortably, but also covered up Suzukigawa's abruptness.A smile appeared on Kagezuo's face, and Suzuki Chuan was no longer anxious like before, and cast a grateful look at Ye Tufei.

Ying Zuo waved his hands generously and said, "Why would I be angry? Mr. Ye, you are also working hard for the Communist Party. You are the most loyal friend of our Great Japanese Empire. Ying Zuo should do your best To cooperate with your work, your needs are my needs." After the high-pitched singing, Kagezuo Frame Zhao turned his head and asked Suzuki Chuan: "Suzuki-kun, Mr. Ye very much hopes that you can assist his work in Gongrong Trading Company in the future. Yes I do?"

Suzuki Chuan hurriedly adjusted his sitting posture, and replied seriously: "I will follow Mr. Kagesa's arrangement!"

Ying Zuo frame Zhao nodded, took another look at Ye Tufei, and said: "Then respect Mr. Ye's intentions, Suzuki-kun will cooperate with Mr. Ye in the future."

After getting the affirmation from Ye Tufei and Suzuki Chuan, Yingzuo Frame Zhao gave another order: "Mr. Ye, hurry up and finish the medicine business, Mr. Zhao Ming is still in urgent need of your assistance!"

Ye Tufei interpreted this sentence to mean that Zhao Ming might be anxiously waiting for money, so he reported to Ying Zuo Zhaohui: "After completing this business with Subei, you can get a profit of about 30 yuan... "

Ying Zuo frame Zhao smiled, and interrupted Ye Tufei: "It's not about money, Mr. Zhao is not short of money now, what is lacking is a helper like you who is able to persuade others. Oh, this matter Suzuki You can also do your best."

Yingzuo Framezhao picked up a newspaper from the desk and handed it to Ye Tufei: "I remember you can read Japanese, read this news."

Ye Tufei only glanced at the topic of that news, and many memory fragments emerged.

On January 1940, 1, the Abe cabinet with Nobu Abe as prime minister was forced to disband due to domestic pressure. On the same day, the emperor authorized Mitsumasa Yonei to reorganize the cabinet.

Ye Tufei vaguely remembered that this Minei Mitsumasa was from the navy, and his relationship with the army had always been tense. If his memory was correct, this Minei cabinet was a short-lived government, and its survival time was only about half a year.

"Prime Minister Minet's initial attitude towards this war was to insist on the principle of not expanding, but later he changed from a conservative to a radical. We do not yet know his attitude towards the establishment of the new government, so I discussed with Mr. Zhao and planned to arrange for Mr. Zhao to go to Tokyo to win the support of this cabinet. Mr. Ye, Mr. Zhao asked you to be his assistant by name. I think, with your intelligence, you will definitely be able to assist Zhao. Satisfied with the results, Mr.

Ye Tufei subconsciously nodded.

This is not because of how confident Ye Tufei is, but because he remembers that Minai Mitsumasa has a very good personal relationship with Yamamoto 56, and Yamamoto 56 is the commander of the Pearl Harbor incident. If he can meet these two people, he may be able to Find out what they really thought about going to war with America.

Seeing that Ye Tufei readily agreed, Kagezuo turned to Suzukigawa and said, "Minet's confidential secretary is your classmate, this relationship may help. Also, I know that Suzuki-kun came back from studying in Germany." Yes, I am very familiar with the current situation in Germany, and many people in China are now talking about a Japan-Germany alliance, your knowledge of Germany may help Prime Minister Minet make the most correct judgment."

After arranging these, Ying Zuo Frame Zhao took out another stack of materials and handed them to Ye Tufei. "Take these back and take a look when you have free time. I think it will help you."

Ye Tufei took the stack of documents and glanced at them. They were documents about Minei Mitsumasa's experiences.

Ye Tufei vaguely remembered that the new government that Zhao Ming worked for should have been established during Minet's administration. Although he couldn't remember the exact time, he could still remember the approximate date.

This shows that Minei Guangzheng still attaches great importance to and supports the new government, so Ye Tufei suddenly gained a lot of confidence.After packing up Mitsumasa Minai's information, he bid farewell to Kagesa Frame Akira.

"The transaction with Subei can be completed in at most three days. Mr. Yingzuo, according to your instructions, Mr. Suzuki and I will rush back to report to Mr. Zhao immediately after we finish this matter."

With the special pass issued by Ying Zuo Frame Zhao, Ye Tufei has full confidence.Through Ji Xiaohai, he rented two boats from the brothers in charge of water transportation of the Green Gang, and loaded the batch of medicines on the boat that night.

"Sailing at night? It's not safe!" Lao Mu raised objections to Ye Tufei's schedule.

Suzuki Chuan held the same point of view as Lao Mu. He was not worried about the Japanese patrol boats along the waterway, but he was worried about the bandits around Taihu Lake.

Ye Tufei raised the special pass in Yang's hand, then pointed to the logo of the Green Gang on the bow, and finally pointed to his own nose, and said with a smile: "There are only three forces that can stop us this way, one is your Japanese army. Water patrol team, with this thing, the patrol team still wants to invite us to drink? The second is the rivers and lakes brothers who eat water. Most of these people are inextricably linked with the Green Gang and will never eat grass Yes, besides, didn’t I, Ye Tufei, come from the Jiang Hu? Don’t worry, they dare not touch us. The third force is the Communist guerrillas. There is Lao Mu on the boat. That's all."

After Ye Tufei's explanation, Lao Mu and Suzuki Chuan thought it was really reasonable, so they stopped insisting on their opinions.

That night, a group of brothers had their fill and boarded the boat.

The boss of the boat shouted, and the boat slowly left the shore and rowed north.

After a whole night and most of the day, the next afternoon, the two boats arrived near Gaoyou Lake, which is already an active area of ​​the New Fourth Army.

Lao Mu was quite familiar with this area of ​​water, so he commanded the boss of the boat to turn left and right, pass through the reeds, and finally arrived at a very hidden shoal.

"You guys take a break first, I'll meet our people, Boss Ye, Lin Xiangli, this business is thanks to both of you, in order to express my gratitude, you two don't go back tonight, stay and have a taste of us The salted duck eggs here are all marinated with wild duck eggs, they are very fragrant!"

As soon as the boat stopped, Lao Mu jumped off the boat, greeted Ye Tufei and Suzuki Chuan, and went ashore with water.

The Gaoyou salted duck eggs mentioned by Lao Mu made Ye Tufei salivate, and the plan that had been planned was shaken every second.

Suzuki Chuan on the side asked puzzledly: "What is the salted duck egg that Lao Mu said? Is it really that delicious?"

Before Ye Tufei could answer, the boat boss behind him laughed and said, "It's winter now, and the salted duck eggs have been marinated for a long time. If you can steam a few crabs in this lake for two months in the morning, Boil a few salted duck eggs, drink a pot of wine, if you can get another wild duck, tsk tsk, young man, I'm afraid you will chew your tongue and swallow it!"

Although Suzuki Chuan didn't know the deliciousness of salted duck eggs, he couldn't help swallowing when he mentioned crabs and wild ducks.

"How about we just stay for one night?" Ye Tufei put forward his suggestion in a timely manner.

(End of this chapter)

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