Bandit Camp

Chapter 237 Memory Recovered

Chapter 237 Memory Recovered

Having spent an afternoon happily communicating with Konoe Fumimaro, Ye Tufei also fully grasped Konoe Fumimaro's ruling ideology.

Jin Wei is an out-and-out communist, but this *** has never held a gun, and his heart is so weak.During that period of turbulent political situation where various political, ideological and military propositions in Japan were chaotically confronted, what Konoe Fumimaro could do was to represent the aristocratic forces and old-school political forces he relied on, and at the same time try his best to win over the military forces.

Interestingly, after Ye Tufei paid a visit to Konoe Fumimaro, his memory of that period of history suddenly became clear.

Ye Tufei clearly remembered that Minai Mitsumasa only lasted half a year in power, and then it was Konoe Fumimaro's turn to make another appearance.Ye Tufei still remembered that Konoe Fumimaro organized two cabinets in a row, but was finally kicked out by the military.

It was the notorious Hideki Tojo who succeeded Fummaro Konoe as Prime Minister.

Ye Tufei was a bit vague on the exact time when Hideki Tojo took the stage, but he could recall that as soon as the bastard Tojo came to power, he opened fire on the United States, launched the attack on Pearl Harbor, and launched the Pacific War.

After the history of this link was memorized, other links also emerged, and they were extremely clear.

This made Ye Tufei feel fear.

In the past few years, he has often produced some memory fragments, and these memory fragments are all premonitions, memories of events that have not yet happened.

Ye Tufei understood this phenomenon as a hunch or intuition.Although this kind of understanding is quite far-fetched, it can still partially solve Ye Tufei's confusion after all.

There is also that inexplicable dream, although it has rarely appeared in the recent period, but it is rare does not mean that there is no, occasionally, this dream will still appear.

Could it be that he really crossed over?
As soon as I had this kind of thought, more memories emerged. Things about my childhood, youth, and later joining the army as a soldier, every case and scene, all came to my mind so clearly middle.

The memory was unexpectedly completely restored!
Ye Tufei, who had completely recovered his memory, made a judgment on his own experience: he really traveled through time!

Apart from this explanation, Ye Tufei couldn't think of any other possibility.

An unimaginable fact that is limited to fantasy novels actually happened to him, which made him an atheist and a firm believer in materialism, how should he accept it.


This word first came to mind when he kidnapped the Chief of Staff of the Little Japanese Division, because he injured his head due to blasting, and when he woke up after coma, he remembered something.

In the past two years, Ye Tufei has been swaying between doubt and denial, and has been confused between the phenomenon and the reason.When there is no real answer to everything, what you can do is to paralyze yourself, deceive yourself, and deceive yourself with reasons that you don't even recognize.

However, now everything is clear, and I can no longer paralyze, deceive and deceive myself to any extent. The cruel reality is just placed in front of me naked/naked/naked. You are willing to accept it, but you are not willing to accept it. Willing to accept or it.

Fortunately, Ye Tufei still had nearly two years of mental preparation for this result, and when it came, it was not so abrupt.If helplessness lasts too long, helplessness becomes the norm, and the norm is easily accepted.

Therefore, although Ye Tufei felt fear for such a reality, the intensity of this fear was still within an acceptable range.

After accepting this reality, Ye Tufei's thinking has undergone a huge change.

I originally thought that whether it was Peng Youming or the fishermen, the plans they put forward were extremely meaningful. If this plan could be realized, it would play a vital role in the direction of China's war of resistance.

But now it all suddenly became boring.

History is like a girl with incomplete beauty. When she is in an unknown state, she is so charming that countless heroes bow down, just to win the favor of this girl named history. change her.

However, this girl is already familiar to you. You are familiar with her beauty, her disability, every bit of her body, and you have also seen her future, and you know that you are just her countless passers-by. When one of them is one, is there still a charming charm?Will there still be a passion to have her change her?

Ye Tufei is very clear that he is just a speck of dust in this history, he can't change anything, what should happen will happen, what shouldn't happen will never happen.

Without a sense of mission, Ye Tufei immediately lost the desire to continue playing the current role.

Even existence has become a burden.

With this emotion, Ye Tufei stayed up all night with his eyes open.

Early the next morning, Suzuki Chuan knocked on Ye Tufei's door.

Suzuki Chuan did not travel with Zhao Ming and Ye Tufei. Although Ying Zuo frame Zhao arranged Suzuki Chuan to assist Zhao Ming, but because Zhao Ming did not feel good about Suzuki Chuan personally, he shirked the limited space on the special plane and arranged for Suzuki Chuan to take the sea ship alone. Go to Japan.

Although Suzuki Chuan has a lot of opinions, but years of experience in the agency career tells Suzuki Chuan that he must be persevering.In addition, before leaving, Ye Tufei booked him a top-class ferry ticket for him, which more or less offset some of Suzukigawa's negative emotions.

Suzuki Chuan, who arrived a week late, couldn't wait to see Ye Tufei as soon as he arrived.

If it was yesterday, Ye Tufei must have been very happy to see Suzuki Chuan's attitude, which means that he has completely dragged Suzuki Chuan into the water.

However, at this time, Ye Tufei has completely recovered his memory, and Ye Tufei, who has recovered his memory, has lost his enthusiasm for his mission, and Ye Tufei, who has lost his passion for his mission, saw Suzuki Chuan, as if he was drunk and not yet sober The people saw the wine again.

"Liu Ye, no matter what, I still want to thank you for the ticket." Suzuki Chuan has already equated himself with Xiao Zhonghe Duguyu, as long as there is no one, he will always call Ye Tufei Liu Ye.

Ye Tufei forced himself to give Suzuki Chuan a smile: "They are all my brothers, so you don't have to be so polite."

Suzuki Chuan smiled, and then took out an envelope from his bag: "This is the letter that Mr. Sixth Nie asked me to deliver to you."

Ye Tufei took the letter casually.

Although the envelope was sealed, it could be seen that the envelope was sealed casually. Not to mention well-trained spies, even ordinary people could easily unseal it and put it back together.

This kind of seal is better than no seal!
Ye Tufei sighed inwardly, and opened the envelope.

Just as Ye Tufei expected, Nie Hengzi said in the letter that there is no secret at all, he just talked about the situation of Gongrong Commercial Bank, and then talked about Tao Zhenzhen.

Suzuki Chuan had completely regarded Ye Tufei as his own. Seeing Ye Tufei frowning at the letter, he subconsciously asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

Ye Tufei casually threw the letter to Suzuki Chuan, and sighed: "It's all about the love of children, this Nie Hengzi is really worthless."

Although Suzuki Chuan took the letter, he finally got the general idea and knew that his letter was not suitable for him, so he returned the letter to Ye Tufei with a smile: "That's Mr. Sixth Nie caring about you, Mr. Liu, a man, Mr. If you want to do your career, you can't lose your love for your children!"

Ye Tufei smiled, as an answer.

Suzuki Chuan then asked: "By the way, Liu Ye, is Mr. Zhao's affairs going well?"

Ye Tufei cheered up, briefly told Suzukigawa what happened, and finally said: "Now, I'm waiting for Mr. Zhao to recuperate and meet with Prime Minister Minet again. Suzuki, you have worked hard all the way, rest first, and wait for the rest to rest." Alright, I'll take you to see Mr. Zhao."

After hearing Ye Tufei's statement, Suzuki Chuan understood that he had come in vain, the overall situation was settled, and he could no longer play any meaningful role.The momentum accumulated during the journey dissipated instantly, and the drowsiness and fatigue suddenly hit him. He couldn't help but yawned, and said, "I really feel a little tired after what you said, Liu Ye, then I'll go to bed first." After a while, call me if you need anything."

After Suzuki Chuan left, Ye Tufei picked up the letter again.

Suzuki Chuan's departure time was only one day later than his own. This day's time difference, does the situation of Gongrong Trading Company need to be reported?Does Tao Zhenzhen need to be notified again?
Nie Hengzi wouldn't be so boring!

Ye Tufei fetched a bowl of water and soaked the letter paper. He knew that there was a kind of ink that was colored when wet, but once it dried, it became colorless.

However, Ye Tufei was disappointed, he soaked the letter paper, but saw nothing.

Did Nie Hengzi really do this out of boredom?

Ye Tufei shook his head, he didn't believe it.

So, he took the letter paper to the stove and baked it carefully.

After more than half an hour, the letter paper was dry, and he carefully identified it against the firelight, hoping to identify something from the traces on the letter paper.

However, the result was still nothing was found.

So, what is the intention of Nie Hengzi to forward this letter?

Ye Tufei was thinking hard, when suddenly, he slapped himself on the forehead.

He focused all his attention on the letter paper, but ignored the envelope. If Nie Hengzi really had something urgent and it was inconvenient to inform him by telegram, then it was very likely that he would hide the urgent matter in the envelope.

Ye Tufei carefully opened the envelope, first exposed it to light, then soaked it in water...

The result is the same as the letter paper, no gain.

After tossing and tossing, Ye Tufei finally became sleepy. He threw the envelope and letter aside, fell asleep on the table and dozed off.

It was such a coincidence that while dozing off, Ye Tufei dreamed of Master Pang in Dahu Town.

Back then, in order to pass information to Ye Tufei, Pang Jinhai used a code word similar to the telegram code, so would Nie Hengzi use the same method?

Ye Tufei woke up suddenly, and picked up the letter again.

Nie Hengzi is the sixth son, and Ye Tufei is Ye Liuye. If Nie Hengzi is also playing digital codes, then this number must be related to six.

An hour later, Ye Tufei finally learned what Nie Hengzi wanted to tell him.

Lao Mu was arrested!
(End of this chapter)

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