Bandit Camp

Chapter 32

Chapter 32
At noon, Ye Tu flew into Xuzhou City.

This time period happened to be the rest of the ring, Ye Tufei didn't rush to the ring, he found a random restaurant, ordered two side dishes and a bowl of mutton noodles.He is going to fight quickly, and he will take care of things as soon as the fight starts in the afternoon. Before the fight, he needs enough energy to maintain his physical strength, but he can't eat too much, just like the last time he fought with Zhan Jinbiao. Too full affects the reaction force and punch speed.

There are many diners in the restaurant, but there is only one topic that everyone talks about, which is the Japanese arena.From the few words of the diners, Ye Tufei almost understood the whole situation.The arena was set up in the most prosperous area of ​​Xuzhou City, an open space at the west end of Masi Street. If you want to fight on the stage, you must sign a life and death document with the Japanese to show that your fists and feet are not good at eyes. The other party is absolutely not responsible.In the arena, one can compete only with fists and feet, or with weapons, which is chosen by the attacking side in advance.Today is already the fifth day. There are more than a dozen people who went up to attack the ring, but none of them won. All of them were knocked off the ring with injuries, and four or five of them were seriously injured.

"Tomorrow will be the last day. It seems that this little Japan's face is definitely growing!" An old man sighed.A middle-aged man sitting next to him was dissatisfied and said, "Second uncle, you can't say that. Although the little Japanese played tricks and put our martial artists in Xuzhou Prefecture under house arrest, we are martial arts masters after all." Hometown, maybe one will come out tomorrow, keep it and beat the little Japanese all over the place to find the teeth."

Hearing this, Ye Tufei smiled faintly, thinking to himself, there is no need to wait until tomorrow.

After dinner, Ye Tufei rented a rickshaw and went to the ring.On the way, the coachman struck up a conversation with Ye Tufei and asked, "Is the hero going to fight?" Ye Tufei smiled and replied, "Look at the fun!" The coachman sighed and said, "If the hero is really going to fight, just say so." Let me tell you, I, Du Laosan, will never accept the car fare of the beating hero."

When the car arrived, Ye Tufei took out the money to pay the fare, Du Laosan was rather disappointed, and said: "You really didn't come to fight? You really came to see the fun?" Ye Tufei stuffed the money into Du Laosan's hand, saying "Even if I'm here to fight, you deserve the car money." Du Laosan quit, saying: "If a good guy really comes to fight, if he can really defeat Little Japan, I, Du Laosan, would rather give it to you." You are a bull and a horse." Ye Tufei sighed, and said: "Little Japan is so powerful, we have injured so many people, does anyone dare to go up and fight?" Du Laosan's eyes widened, and he said angrily: " What are you talking about! When it comes to guns and guns, Little Japan is really good, but when it comes to kung fu, how can Little Japan's triangular cat compare to our Chinese martial arts?"

Ye Tufei smiled, patted Du Laosan on the shoulder, and said, "You're right, maybe this afternoon, this little Japan will be beaten all over the place by our heroes."

At this time, I heard a gong on the ring, and a rather familiar voice sounded: "Fathers, folks, heroes, all be quiet, ah, be quiet!"

It turned out to be Liu Yujie.Ye Tufei spat unconsciously.

"Mr. Takeo Muto, a karate master from the Empire of Japan, led his disciples to travel thousands of miles to China in order to have a thorough exchange with the Chinese martial arts community. However, for four days, Mr. Muto did not find a suitable student. My opponent, Mr. Muto said, China's martial arts have fallen behind, and we should worship Japan as a teacher and start again..."

Before Liu Yujie finished speaking, the audience booed and many people cursed the traitor on the stage.Aggrieved, Liu Yujie turned around and looked at the Japanese military police who were on the stage, but the Japanese military police kept a high degree of calm and turned a blind eye to Liu Yujie's embarrassment.Liu Yujie had no choice but to persevere.

"Today is the fifth day, and tomorrow will be the last day of the ring. If there is no one who can defeat Mr. Muto tomorrow, then we have to admit Mr. Muto's conclusion. People in the Chinese martial arts circle should really learn from Japanese martial arts. ah!"

After Liu Yujie finished speaking, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.At this moment, an egg just hit Liu Yujie's forehead impartially, and the egg white mixed with egg yolk flowed down Liu Yujie's rather delicate face.

After Liu Yujie lost enough people, the Japanese military police came out to maintain order. Under the threat of spears and bayonets, the crowd returned to silence.Finally, the owner of the arena appeared, a Japanese samurai with a bare forehead but a bun on the back of his head walked onto the arena at an extremely slow pace.

On and off the ring, all the Japanese and traitors uttered deafening shouts. The shouts were chaotic at first, and then gradually became rhythmic: "Muto! Muto! Muto!"

But Ye Tufei's heart tightened when he saw Takeo Muto's posture and steps on the ring, this guy is indeed a bit level.

Ye Tufei's evaluation of Takeo Muto's "a little level" is really not low.In the past three years, Ye Tufei has seldom fought against others. The most serious duel was the battle between Jia Jiawang and Zhan Jinbiao. Come on, Ye Tufei didn't intend to have a showdown with Zhan Jinbiao at all, in a word, Ye Tufei had a quarrel with Zhan Jinbiao with a playful attitude.Afterwards, Ye Tufei made an evaluation of Zhan Jinbiao in his heart as "somewhat basic".

Ye Tufei was not in a hurry to get on the stage, he hoped that there would be a hero before him to go up and compete with Muto a few times.Ye Tufei's idea was not to take advantage of Muto's physical exertion, he just wanted to see Muto's moves, and then pondered over how to humiliate this fellow.

However, Ye Tufei's hope seemed to be in vain. After waiting for more than half an hour, no one attacked.Takeo Muto showed disdain, and ordered his apprentices to move a reclining chair and put it in the center of the ring, and he lay on it, contented.

Ye Tufei decided to change his original intention, he couldn't let this guy be so arrogant.

Just as he was about to move, a hand stretched out from behind and grabbed his skirt.Ye Tufei turned his head and saw that it was Zhan Jinbiao who he was talking about just now.

"You can't go up!"


"Because I'm going up!"

"You? You can't go!"


"Because you are not his opponent."

"I know, when I lose, you can go again."

"You are Jiamen's big disciple, and Jiamen's prestige cannot rest in your hands."

"The matter of Jiamen has nothing to do with you."

"I killed Jia Yungui and hurt Jia Shuwen. Jiamen and I are inextricably linked."

"That's two different things!"

"No, it's the same thing. Jia Yungui deserves to die, but Jia Shuwen shouldn't be hurt. I, Ye Tufei, owe you Jiamen."

"With your words, it's even."

"Since you owe it, you must pay it back! Give me one night, and I can make you beat Little Japan, why don't you?"

"Of course!"

Ye Tufei laughed.

"Stop fighting for martial arts, why stop fighting?"

This was Ye Tufei's first sentence when he was teaching Zhan Jinbiao. Just such a sentence made Zhan Jinbiao dizzy.Fortunately, Ye Tufei didn't intend to ask Zhan Jinbiao to answer.

"Zhi Ge means to stop fighting, so Wushu refers to the skill of stopping fighting. From this sentence, we can know that the purpose of Chinese Wushu is to make the opponent give up fighting with force through offensive or defensive skills. This purpose is too gentle. It is not suitable for fighting at all."

As Ye Tufei said, he showed his starting gesture and said to Zhan Jinbiao: "Come on, let's do two tricks!"

Zhan Jinbiao didn't dare to neglect, after making sufficient preparations, he personally pressed Ye Tufei.Ye Tufei shot out suddenly, hooked the fingers of his right hand, and stabbed Zhan Jinbiao's eyes like lightning.

"Come again!"

It was still the same move, but Ye Tufei changed the timing and angle of the attack, and Zhan Jinbiao couldn't crack it either.

"Life and death fight, there are no tricks, only fast and ruthless!"

For the third time, Ye Tufei stopped attacking and asked Zhan Jinbiao to practice according to what he said.After more than ten moves, Ye Tufei suddenly changed, and another move of attacking the eyes with two fingers drove Zhan Jinbiao into chaos.

"Not fast enough! Not ruthless enough! The traces of tricks are too obvious!" After stopping, Ye Tufei analyzed Zhan Jinbiao. "There is only one night. It is obviously too late to work hard on the fast characters. You can only think more about the hard characters. Okay, let's stop now and give you half an hour. Think about it, how do you think about it?" Only in this way can we get down hard."

On the surface, Zhan Jinbiao is dull, but in fact he is very wise. It took him a very short time to comprehend Ye Tufei's advice. At first, he only understood the opponent's vital points. To vent the wind, the reason why Ye Tufei was able to force him into chaos three times in a row with the two-finger piercing trick was because Ye Tufei's shots were too fast, and the timing and angle of the shots were unexpected.Zhan Jinbiao can't achieve Ye Tufei's 'quick and ruthless' state, but he is stronger and more powerful than Ye Tufei, he can definitely achieve his own 'quick and ruthless' state.

When confronting Xi again, Zhan Jinbiao was uncharacteristically, he no longer took the initiative to attack, but adopted a post-attack tactic.In the face of an opponent who is obviously much faster than oneself, but also to adopt a late strike, isn't this obviously a disadvantage?However, after two times of probing, Ye Tufei didn't dare to take the initiative to attack again, because every move Zhan Jinbiao made was to fight for his life with the opponent, and he wanted to die with the opponent.

Ye Tufei changed his tricks, changed the real tricks into fake tricks, and kept using fake tricks to lure Zhan Jinbiao to consume his energy.This change was unexpected by Zhan Jinbiao. After barely coping with more than ten rounds, he raised his hand to Ye Tufei.

"Don't be discouraged. In fact, you have made great progress. I think the current you are enough to give Muto a headache."

Zhan Jinbiao managed to pull himself together and said, "Can we beat him?"

Ye Tufei shook his head, and said: "From Wu Tengjiufu's gait and posture, as well as his demeanor, I judge that this person must be a master. Even I am not completely sure of defeating him."

(Ask for a ticket!)
(End of this chapter)

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