Bandit Camp

Chapter 36 Special Missions

Chapter 36 Special Missions
Along the way, Ye Tufei was thinking about why Yamashita Keigo was looking for him.

Is it related to the arena?Impossible, Ye Tufei made a negative conclusion, the reason was that if it was related to the ring, Gao Qiaoxin would not let him go in Jiajiawang.Nothing to do with the arena?Ye Tufei still made a negative conclusion, the reason was that there was such a big disturbance in the ring, why would Keigo Yamashita have the time to discuss other matters with him?

After guessing, I arrived at Xuzhou City, and then I saw Keigo Yamashita.

After the meeting, Keigo Yamashita was extremely polite to Ye Tufei and didn't mention anything about the arena. After the polite greetings, Keigo Yamashita went straight to the topic: "Ye Sang, there is an important person in the Imperial Japanese Army who needs your help. , I don't know if you want to."

Ye Tufei really wanted to ask what the task was before answering, but reason told him that he couldn't do that, he had to express his sincerity to the empire as soon as possible, "Mr. Yamashita, please give me an order. It’s also willing to do anything.”

Yamashita Keigo smiled with satisfaction, and said: "Yasang, on behalf of the Imperial Japanese Army, I thank you for your support and help. This matter is of great importance, and it will directly affect the direction of this war. If it is handled properly, it will end this war." A war is possible. Ye Sang, I believe that you must also hope that this war will end as soon as possible, and so do I. If there is a war, there will be death, the Chinese will die, and the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire will also die. If , if you can do this well, countless lives will be saved. Ye Sang, do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Tufei suppressed the shock in his heart, and said: "I understand, what you mean is that this is a mission that can save thousands of lives, and even end this war, is that right?"

Keigo Yamashita nodded and said, "Yes, Yesang, but you must understand that this task is also arduous and extremely dangerous. You may not be able to complete this task, and you may even die because of it."

Ye Tufei smiled faintly, and said: "When I came down from Wo Niu Mountain, I, Ye Tufei, was already dead. I have already handed over my life to you, hehe, I mean that I will die again at worst."

Yamashita Keigo gave Ye Tufei a thumbs up and said, "Ye Sang, you are indeed a hero."

Next, Keigo Yamashita told Ye Tufei the details of the mission.

"Ye Sang, don't think that the Japanese Empire is a warlike country. Our Yamato nation is actually a peace-loving nation. However, the Chinese government, oh, sorry, I should say the Chinese government."

Ye Tufei smiled lightly, signaling to Keigo Yamashita that there is no need to be so rigid.

"The various behaviors of the Chinese government have seriously damaged the interests of our Great Japanese Empire. Ye Sang, you know that the **** national policy pursued by the Great Japanese Empire is for the rapid prosperity and prosperity of your China, but, This approach has harmed the interests of some warlords, especially the central government, who are always against our Great Japanese Empire, and this war was forced to happen."

"Now, this war has a chance to end. There are still some people of insight in China. They actively expressed their desire for peace to the empire. But people regard them as thorns in the flesh, and they will not get rid of them."

"A week ago, our representatives held a negotiation in Hong Kong. However, the news leaked out. Their representative was controlled by the secret agents in Chongqing. Ye Sang, your task is to go to Hong Kong and rescue that negotiator. Send it to Shanghai."

The three words 'Chongguangtang' suddenly flashed in Ye Tufei's mind, and after that, memory fragments about these three words kept pouring out, and a tearing pain hit his head.He couldn't help but hugged his head with both hands and curled up on the ground.

Gao Qiaoxin was startled by Ye Tufei's sudden situation, and shouted, "What's the matter? What's the matter with you? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Gao Qiaoxin's voice freed Ye Tufei from the memory fragments, and the tearing pain also eased a lot. He braced himself to get his body back together, and hammered hard on his forehead a few times, finally dispelling the pain .

"Okay, I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Ye Tufei rubbed his temples and returned to normal.

Gao Qiaoxin asked with concern: "Do you often do this? I'll introduce you to a doctor some other day and give you a good checkup."

Ye Tufei waved his hands and said, "No need, I know my body well, it's nothing. Mr. Yamashita, Mr. Gao, let's hurry up and talk about the mission!"

After confirming that Ye Tufei had indeed returned to normal, Keigo Yamashita stood up, bowed slightly to Ye Tufei, and said, "The specific action arrangement will be discussed with you by Takahashi-kun. On behalf of the Empire of Japan, I would like to thank you, Ye Sang again."

Ye Tufei asked: "Why did you choose me to do this? Why didn't you send your people there?"

Keigo Yamashita bowed to Ye Tufei again, and said: "If we Japanese are allowed to do this, if we fail, it will be tantamount to confirming the matter. Also, Hong Kong is the territory of the British, and the Japanese are more or less there. Somewhat inconvenient."

Ye Tufei asked again: "Then why didn't they just arrest him and bring him back to Chongqing?"

Yamashita Keigo showed a sullen look: "Do you think they don't want to do this? Ye Sang, please don't doubt the power of our Great Japanese Empire, it's just not convenient for us to come forward to rescue them."

Ye Tufei nodded and said, "I have no problem."

Keigo Yamashita thanked Ye Tufei again, and left first.

After Keigo Yamashita left, Shin Takahashi looked at Ye Tufei with a smile and said, "I'm not feeling well? Do you have any ideas about this mission?"

Ye Tufei replied as if nothing had happened, "Where, I just feel that the responsibility is huge and there is some pressure."

Shin Takahashi laughed out loud and said, "Are you deceiving me or yourself? If you fail to complete this task, you and your brother will be in danger. Of course, this possibility hardly exists for you." , with your ability and self-confidence, it is not a problem to complete this task. Your troubles come from the fact that once you complete this task, you will become an out-and-out traitor, and you will leave a trace in history A famous traitor with a bad smell. Hehe, I’m right!”

Ye Tufei fell back on the tatami, and lazily replied: "You are right at all, but what can I do? Since you have gone this way, let's go to the end! In another 20 years, Turning his eyes and kicking his legs, he doesn't care about history or not, traitors or traitors, don't you think so?"

Gao Qiaoxin walked up to Ye Tufei, looked down at Ye Tufei with his head down, and answered Ye Tufei very seriously: "No! I can answer you a thousand times, ten thousand times, no!"

After a pause, he took two steps, turned his back to Ye Tufei, and said: "It is natural for people to leave their names, and for geese to leave their voices. What happened? Ye Tufei, if you go to carry out this task, people of later generations will definitely list you as a traitor, but do you know what this task means to the whole of China and the entire Chinese nation?"

Ye Tufei sat up, thinking about Takahashi Shin's words, and replied: "A truce, peace, life!"

Nobu Takahashi showed a bitter smile, and said: "Such a truce is called surrender, this kind of peace is called subjugation, and the lives saved like this are slaves! What does this mean to the Chinese?"

Ye Tufei remained silent.

Nobu Takahashi shook his head, and continued: "Besides Wang, Jiang and the Japanese have always been hooking up. If Wang's plan takes shape, then for Jiang, he can only fight to the end. If Wang fails, then Jiang will have the capital to deal with the Japanese, and it is very likely that he will go back to Wang's road in the end. At that time, it will be the time when China will truly perish and the Chinese nation will sink. Ye Tufei, go, face this mission actively, let This time the peace talks will continue, let it succeed in the end, completely seal off Chiang’s retreat, and force him to resist the Japanese.”

Ye Tufei's heart shuddered.He had to admit that what Takahashi Shin said was true, he seemed to remember reading a book, which also had the same view on this incident.

These residual memories were triggered again, and Ye Tufei felt pain in his head again, he hurriedly beat his head and diverted his attention: "Tell me, how should I complete this task."

Nobu Takahashi took out an envelope from the briefcase, "First of all, you have to change to a suitable identity to perform this kind of task. I think you should know better than me what kind of identity is most suitable."

Gao Qiaoxin handed the envelope to Ye Tufei, and said: "The envelope is my handwritten letter. I have a German friend in Hong Kong. I think this friend can help you."

Ye Tufei opened the envelope, took a look, and remembered the name of that German friend.

"This check is your activity fund. Before you go to Hong Kong, you can go to Shanghai first. I know you still have some roots in Shanghai. There, you can exchange the check into US dollars, and you can also find the most suitable one. identity." Gao Qiaoxin took out another envelope from the briefcase and handed it to Ye Tufei, "That's all I can help you with, the rest is up to you."

Ye Tufei took the second envelope, opened it, and saw the check.It was a cash check from Citibank of the United States in the amount of five thousand dollars.

On the black market in Shanghai at that time, a large yellow croaker weighing 50 grams cost only about forty dollars. That is to say, Gao Qiaoxin sent Ye Tufei as much as more than 100 large yellow croakers.

With such windfall, Ye Tufei was naturally very happy.He happily took the check and said, "When shall I leave?"

Nobu Takahashi said: "Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can leave. If you leave one day earlier, you can be more confident."

Ye Tufei took out the check that he had just received, waved it twice in front of Gao Qiaoxin, and said, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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