False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 106 The Geniuses of Konoha

Chapter 106 The Geniuses of Konoha (3)

After spending a lot of time and effort, they finally dealt with the three ninjas, and Xiao Sakura's group set foot on the road to seal the ancestral hall again. However, they, who had already dealt with the three opponents, did not relax, but were more cautious. Moving towards the location of the sealed ancestral hall at a high speed, "Unexpectedly, I haven't seen them for a year, and they have grown to such an extent." Looking at the people leaving, Naruto secretly said in surprise.

One year, just one short year, Xiao Li has already been able to open the six doors of the eight-door Dunjia, and still has the energy to move on. Sakura has also learned Tsunade's strange power fist, and her combat power is quite terrifying , coupled with the superb medical skills she learned from her follower Tsunade, and Shikamaru, although Shikamaru did not show much power, but undoubtedly his fighting style has become more concise and effective.The current him, using his shadow to fight, not only controlled his own shadow, but also learned to move his body and cooperate with his own shadow, making his ability more sudden.

Of course, the one who has improved the most is Neji, who is called a "genius". There was a sneak attack, but what should have been a blessing, made everyone more dignified. There is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the other party has gathered all their strength together and is preparing for a final big collision. Therefore, At that time, the enemy's strength was absolutely unprecedentedly strong "Okay, the front is the sealed ancestral hall", at this moment, Zi Yuan on Sakura's back pointed behind the small hill in front, and said slowly to everyone.

"Huh? Have you arrived yet?" Hearing what Zi Yuan said, everyone stopped. They couldn't believe it. They arrived at their destination like this, and the other party only attacked once. This is simply too weird, but, Facts have proved that they have really arrived "don't think about anything, since we have arrived, then let's go there", at this time, it is useless to guess, it is better to go there first, after all, It is not a bad thing to be able to reach the destination safely, so after a short consideration, Shikamaru said to everyone flatly.

"Well, let's go.

"After hearing Shikamaru's words, everyone felt right. Now, the most important thing is to go ahead and seal the sprites. Then, the five people turned into four figures and quickly shot towards the sealed ancestral hall. "This is", however, when everyone saw the Sealed Ancestral Hall, they were shocked. They saw that the densely packed stone carvings surrounded the entire Sealed Ancestral Hall without revealing a single gap, and seeing the appearance of five people, those A strange red light flashed in the stone carving's eyes, and then slowly raised the sharp sword "Death Army" in his hand. Looking at the endless stone carvings in front of them, the faces of the five people changed drastically. At this time, they had already left the seal. The ancestral hall is still 500 meters away. For ninjas, these distances can be reached almost instantly. However, within the distance of 500 meters, the densely packed circle is full of countless death corps, with a radius of 500 meters. m, what is the area of ​​this circle? That is nearly 100 million square meters. If there is only one stone sculpture standing on an average square meter, that is an army of nearly 100 million dead. What kind of lineup is this? Five people can put great pressure on five people, and now they are facing this huge army, what kind of gap is this? Nearly a million pairs of red eyes staring at you, compared to the stars all over the sky It's going to be countless times denser, so what does it feel like? If it was an ordinary person, they would have been scared to death. Although the five of them will not be scared to death by this powerful lineup, their momentum has also fallen to the bottom Now, with only five of my own, facing the army of nearly one million dead, who can still have the firmness to win? Who still has the courage to fight? Just the visual effect of those millions of figures Shock, it can crush most people's self-confidence." What.what to do. "Looking at the millions of legions in front of me, the four of them fell to the bottom of their high mood just now. Sakura trembled slightly and asked Shikamaru. The rest of the people were also pale. With such a large number of dead legions, it is impossible Passed "We can only think of a way, and there will be a way", eyes drifted past Naruto standing in the distance, Shikamaru murmured, and didn't know whether to tell everyone or to himself , if Naruto makes a move. Using his legendary "Divine Judgment", he should be able to easily eliminate these death legions? After all, it is a trick that can destroy Yunnin Village with one move, but look Naruto's appearance made it clear that he would not make a move. After finishing speaking, Shikamaru squatted down slowly, forming a circular mark with his hands, closed his eyes, and frowned. His IQ was as high as 200, It's running at a high speed." In such a situation, what would you do?What can you think of? "Looking at Shikamaru who was deep in thought from a distance, Naruto secretly thought in his heart that such a situation is impossible to pass, but Naruto has a little expectation, hoping that Shikamaru with an IQ of [-] can give Created a miracle to "there is a way", suddenly, Shikamaru's tightly furrowed brows were smoothed instantly, and his eyes opened.

"What way?" Hearing Shikamaru's words, everyone's eyes lit up, including Naruto, they all thought in admiration: "As expected of a genius with an IQ of [-], under such circumstances, he can still think of Countermeasures".

But looking at everyone's questioning eyes, Shikamaru smiled lightly, "The method is very simple, that is, I use shadows to restrain their actions, and provide you with a passage to come out, and you, just rush in with all your strength." .

"Boom", including Naruto in the distance, everyone fell down almost instantly. Is this the way he came up with?At this time, everyone is almost wondering whether Shikamaru's brain has been burned out. What kind of solution is this?

"What kind of solution is this?" Hearing Shikamaru's words, Sakura became furious at first, feeling like being tricked, "Can your ability make your shadow cast 500 meters away? Impossible? It’s about 20 meters at most? How do you want us to go on the road behind? Is it just so hard?”

However, upon hearing what Sakura said, and seeing everyone's half-doubting, half-doubting eyes, Shikamaru smiled strangely, "Since I said so, it can definitely be done, and I will definitely try my best to get it for you. A passage that can directly lead to the sealed ancestral hall."

"Is it really possible?" Although everyone didn't believe it, seeing Shikamaru's confident appearance, the disbelief in his heart faded a lot, "Is it really possible? Impossible?"

Seeing everyone's still disbelieving expressions, Shikamaru still smiled strangely, "Just wait and see."

After finishing speaking, he took out a military ration pill and knocked it down, sat cross-legged, and slowly recovered his chakra, while everyone waited quietly, looking forward to what Shikamaru would do, curious about his Where does the confidence come from? Even Naruto looked at Shikamaru who was recovering his chakra curiously. Is there really a way?Under such circumstances, can he really think of a way to pass those death legions?In other words, can he really create a passage for everyone to lead to the sealed ancestral hall?
"Okay." After ten minutes, Shikamaru, who had recovered to his best condition, opened his eyes instantly, and a breathtaking light flashed in his eyes, "When I open that passage, you all will do your best." You just need to rush over, you must try your best to rush over, I believe it is only 500 meters away, you should not spend much time."

"Well, don't worry, the distance is only 500 meters, and we can rush over in ten seconds at most." Looking at the serious Shikamaru, everyone can feel the importance of time to Shikamaru, the so-called "Channel", there should be a time limit, right?
Seeing everyone's appearance, Shikamaru stood up slowly, "Ten seconds? I should be able to hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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