False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 108 Naruto's Spatial Ability

Chapter 108 Naruto's Spatial Ability (2)

"A-level space skill field!" Naruto smiled coldly looking at the sprite who was still in shock.

I saw, suddenly, taking Naruto's body as the origin, something seemed to erupt from his body in an instant, pervading the space, and slowly blending into the space, and the space became A whole "This. What does this feel like.?" Feeling the space that seems to be different somewhere, the sprite wondered in shock, as if, the space has become different compared to just now, looking at the sprite's at a loss , Naruto smiled slightly, "Welcome to my world, where all the laws are determined by me."

"What?" Hearing Naruto's words, Yaoyao couldn't believe it for a while, what did he just say?his world?All the laws are determined by him?How can this be! ?Sprite roared in disbelief, or in other words, couldn't believe "boom", and saw the ground under his feet suddenly became undulating, and then, a chair made of rocks suddenly appeared, and Naruto, naturally Sitting on it, a soil pillar slowly rose up, sending Naruto high into the sky. Under his feet, countless corpses piled up like mountains, and rivers of blood flowed slowly in front of the monsters. , a round of blood moon hangs quietly high in the sky, the blood-red light emanating from the blood moon fills the entire space, a faint sound of howling ghosts and wolves rang in the ears of monsters, and a little bit of miserable green The phosphorous fire floated in the air, and countless dark winds blew straight into the soul of the sprite. Here, all I could feel were indifference, rage, and death. "Welcome to my world, Ghostland!" At a height of [-] meters, Naruto opened his hands and said coldly to the sprite, "In this world, I am God, and all laws are controlled by me."

"Illusion, this must be an illusion", seeing that his surroundings instantly turned into a ghost land, Yaoyao yelled frantically, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't undo this "illusion". There was still nothing around him. Any change "Here, it's not an illusion, but a real space", Naruto shook his head and said lightly, looking at the monster's appearance.

"No." Hearing Naruto's words, the unknown is the scariest thing, and sprites are even crazier. How is that possible?What kind of power is this?Then, the sprites gathered their own strength and bombarded the surroundings indiscriminately, but there was still no change in the surroundings. Then, the ground under the sprite's feet rose slowly, and it became a platform made of white bones. On the platform, four huge white pillars were divided into four corners, surrounding the platform. On it, countless ghosts and ghosts were carved. The evil thing, a ferocious bloodthirsty monster, and Yaoyao, was restrained by the white bone cross that appeared out of thin air. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless. The monsters' eyes flashed red for a while, and then slowly crawled out from the stone pillars, looking at the sprites in front of them with bloodthirsty eyes, countless saliva dripped to the ground, bursting out The green smoke melted the bones into small holes one by one. It can be seen that they are still highly poisonous. However, at this moment, the demon suddenly smiled evilly, and raised his head in Naruto's astonished eyes. , "What? Do you really think that I only have this little ability? Or, do you think that these low-level bastards can also cause harm to me?"

After saying this, the ghost smiled disdainfully, and then, a tyrannical aura erupted from him, which belonged only to his spooky aura, and those evil beasts that were about to pounce, unexpectedly in this aura In an instant, he became limp, looking at the sprites who were still restrained with fear in his eyes, and cried out in a low voice, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooearance" obviously surrendered.

"Oh", looking at the situation below, Naruto didn't feel annoyed, but just patted his forehead suddenly, "I forgot, you are an underground monster, and you are the strongest among monsters, so these evil spirits Beast, it is normal to surrender under your aura."

"Humph", looking at the evil beasts in front of him, the sprites disdain for a while, the strong must have the dignity of the strong, in the world of monsters, the strong are respected, how dare these evil beasts presumptuously in front of him Woolen cloth?This is like the essential difference between the superior and the inferior.

"If that's the case, then I'll change to another one." Looking at the evil beasts trembling in front of the sprites, Naruto smiled faintly, and then waved his hand, and those evil beasts, It also disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared before, "roar", and at the same time as those evil beasts disappeared, a huge dragon roar sounded suddenly, and then, the ground continued to rise and fall, as if something was about to rush out from the ground , On the bone mountain, countless skeletons fell down, even if it was a bone platform, there was a burst of ups and downs, as far as the eye could see, there was a burst of strange ups and downs, as if the entire space, only the stone pillar where Naruto was standing was not affected. As for Naruto, a morbid blush also flashed across his face. In his own field, the more he wanted to create a powerful existence, the more wantonly he wanted to change the laws of nature, the more mental power he would consume. Finally, in After some earth shaking, the powerful existence underground finally drilled out of the ground slowly, revealing its true face of Lushan Mountain, while the monster's eyes widened instantly, full of unbelievable dragons, yes , What came out of the ground was actually a dragon, a bone dragon. Its huge body almost covered the entire blood-colored world. A terrifying aura of divine beasts enveloped the audience in an instant. A strange metallic luster, even after death, the breath of the beast belonging to it has not weakened in the slightest. Among the monsters, the bone dragon is one of the few existences that can rival sprites. In the eye sockets, two groups of strange blue soul fires are slowly jumping, from the soul fires in those eyes, one can see obvious emotional excitement!

Yes, it was excitement, I saw a burst of excitement flashing in the two blue soul fires in the hollow eyes of the bone dragon, as if he was grateful for his birth, but it was born, but it would not Forget your own mission, in this space, the "god" who gave birth to it, gave it the mission, that is, to eliminate the opponent on the bone platform "Roar", excitedly raised his head to the sky and roared, as if celebrating his own birth Finally, the huge head of the bone dragon lowered slowly, and the excitement flickering in the fire of the soul had disappeared, replaced by ice-coldness, yes, emotionless ice-coldness. His mission is to destroy it. "No, no." Looking at the cold eyes of the bone dragon, the monster's hair stood on end for a while, and he shouted loudly in his heart. Then, his own ability surged out crazily, struggling crazily So, sprites, indeed, were the existences that almost ruled the entire world once. His power, his extremely powerful power, instantly filled the entire space, and under his power, the bones that bound him also slowed down. It slowly cracked open, and the whole space shook violently, "What? What a powerful force", as the master of this space, Naruto can clearly feel the power of the sprite, It is precisely because of this that Naruto can feel the horror of this power more strongly. This power is too strong, absolutely.absolute.Looking at the cracks in the bones that bind him, it seems that the sprites have been greatly encouraged, a wave of hope is in front of them, and the power is even more violent, and under his frantic struggle , under his berserk power, the space actually became more and more unstable. Finally, with a "bang!", the entire bone platform was shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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