False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 110 The Birth of the Goddess Named Destiny

Chapter 110 The Birth of the Goddess Named Destiny

"Haha, come on, I, the witch, and you are one, today, let us merge together again!! Haha!! Let us rule the world together!" The sprite laughed wildly, At the same time, Zi Yuan, who was surrounded by sprites and black mist, showed a painful expression.

"Space Blade", looking at the crazily laughing and Shion's painful appearance, Naruto's eyes burst into murderous intent, stretched out his right hand, and saw a strange twist in the space above the palm of his right hand, a crazy twist, and saw Naruto held the distorted space in his hand, looking at the sprite with cold eyes.

However, at this moment, Ziyuan covered her chest, stared at Naruto with a painful expression, and said with all her strength: "Naru. Naruto. You. Don't move. Hand. Let me. Do it yourself."Although she had a painful expression on her face, Ziyuan's eyes were extremely firm!
And looking at Ziyuan's firm eyes, Naruto sighed helplessly in his heart, and silently put down his raised right hand.

"Come on. Ziyuan, let us merge again." The voice of the sprite became sharper and crazier, and Ziyuan's expression became more and more painful. Facing the crazy impact of the sprite, Ziyuan's consciousness is like a solitary boat in the midst of a tsunami, which may be ruthlessly swallowed at any time.

Naruto, on the other hand, watched nervously, his own hand, picked it up, put it down again, picked it up again, and put it down again.

"Ziyuan, if you really don't need me to take action, then show me your power, let me see, you have the power to solve it yourself", finally, anxious like an ant on a hot pot Naruto couldn't help yelling at Shion, feeling an inexplicable anger in his heart, since you don't need my help, then, show your strength, let me see, you have the strength to solve it alone.

"Ah", upon hearing Naruto's words, Shion seemed to break through something suddenly, her eyes widened instantly, and she roared, and then, a mysterious pattern appeared on her face, a powerful unknown force The power, like a fierce tiger breaking out of a cage, erupted from her body, and twisted the spiritual body in the black mist costume of the monster for a while.

"Ah! What kind of power is this?" Suddenly, the black mist of sprites quickly drifted away, leaving Ziyuan's body, and screamed loudly at the same time, his tone was full of shock and fear.

"What? Don't you want to devour me now?" Feeling the sprite's departure, Ziyuan smiled faintly on the face covered with mysterious patterns, and then, a layer of purple light emerged, a purple hood similar to an enchantment , covering his whole body, of course, including the sprites attached to him.

"Bastard, let me go out quickly", I saw sprites crazily impacting inside, causing waves of ripples on the purple cover, but they still couldn't be broken, sprites couldn't help but yelled crazily inside.

"Witchcraft returns to its source!" Seeing the sprites crazily attacking inside her hood, Ziyuan smiled faintly, and formed a set of seals on both hands that made Naruto feel strange, because the seals were not Usually he saw the handprints, but then, he saw the sprite's spiritual body slowly seeping in between Ziyuan's eyebrows.

"What do you want to devour me?" Feeling his spiritual power being eroded by Shion little by little, the monster screamed in fear, and at the same time, under the threat of life, the monster became stronger in the impact, The frequency of the impacts became more frequent, causing the purple barrier to twist in a strange way. However, it seemed that Ziyuan's purple barrier was very resilient. Even if it was twisted to the limit, it did not break at all. signs.

As for Ziyuan, she felt the cool mental power slowly pouring into her mind, and her mental power gradually increased, slowly increasing.

And time just passed by quietly, under the crazy impact of sprites and the devouring of Ziyuan, slowly passing by.

"Ah, I fought with you", finally, when more than half of his spirit was swallowed up, the ghost finally realized that he had no hope of escape, and his mental power also went into a riot for a while. Today, it is his own. It's the end of the day, but rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, and dogs jump over walls when they are in a hurry, let alone him?At this time, under the sound of death's footsteps, the sprites are already insane. Even if they are destroyed together, I will not be willing to be swallowed by you!

However, under the madness of sprites, Ziyuan did not show any expression of fear, the corner of her mouth still maintained that faint smile, and then slowly raised her right hand.

"Huh? Mental detonation", Naruto was startled when he saw the irregular twisting of the sprite's mental power.

"A-level space skill Blade of Nothingness", I saw Naruto slashing at Ziyuan's with his right hand in the shape of a knife, and Ziyuan's purple barrier actually broke a hole, but the broken In the opening, there is a piece of darkness, because it is a crack in space.

On Naruto's body, the space was distorted for a while, and then, he walked through the cracks in the space like this, and came directly in front of Shion, and grabbed the right hand that Ziyuan just raised with his right hand, "Space shift!" The two disappeared in this underground world in an instant.

Naruto's blade of nothingness was cast, and he walked through the back, just catching Shion's raised right hand. The movements of the two were naturally connected and flawless, as if they had been rehearsed countless times by the two of them. She knew that Naruto's movements were ordinary, and her right hand raised in advance seemed to be just to welcome Naruto who came to hold her hand.

With a flash of light, Naruto suddenly appeared on a small hill holding Zi Yuan's hand.

"Boom", at this moment, a hill next to the Sealed Ancestral Hall not far away shook crazily, like a landslide, and the stone sculptures of the death army also stopped moving, and the strange red light in their eyes also dimmed down.Shikamaru and others looked at the crazy trembling hill not far away, and ran to the distance in an instant.

"Bang", tens of seconds later, after a burst of frenzied shaking, the hill finally collapsed, countless stones fell down, and the magma under the ground burst out under the precipitation of the stones. Come out, along the mountain pass, flow down.

Slowly withdrawing his gaze, Naruto turned around and looked at Shion with complicated eyes, hesitating for a while.

And Ziyuan smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out her hand, with a mischievous smile in her eyes.

"This is?" Seeing Shion stretching his hand towards him, Naruto asked suspiciously, he stretched out his hand to me in confusion, what does this mean.

"Didn't you invite me to join your organization? I agreed." With a wide smile on his face, Zi Yuan looked at Naruto with certainty and said.

Hearing Shion's words, Naruto was surprised, "How do you know? I haven't said anything yet."

Facing Naruto's surprise, Zi Yuan just smiled mischievously, watching Naruto without speaking.

"Could it be?" Finally, Naruto seemed to have thought of something, the surprised expression on his face disappeared, but what was replaced was shock, "Did you see the future where we are in the same organization?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Shion nodded, "After devouring the monsters, although I still don't have any attack power, his spiritual power has enhanced my ability to see the future. Now I am no longer a random person. Now that I have seen the end of a person, I can already choose the future I want to see independently, although the time is very short.”

"Really? Is this your ability?" Looking at Shion in front of him, Naruto suddenly became serious and said, "Now".

However, Naruto's next words were interrupted by Ziyuan, Ziyuan imitated Naruto's tone with a serious expression on his face: "In the name of my one yuan, I will give you the title of 'land' of three talents", but, a little girl The expression of pretending to be serious, on the contrary, makes people feel mostly cute, and it can't make people feel half serious at all.

Sticking out her tongue, Ziyuan smiled: "You want to say that, right? I agree."

"Uh, what a powerful ability."

(End of this chapter)

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