False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 114 Reaching the Stars

Chapter 114 Reaching the Stars (3)

"Here you are", Xia Rixing suddenly passed the star in his hand to Naruto's eyes.

"This is?" Looking at the star in front of him, Naruto was surprised for a while, just now he looked like he wanted to protect him to the death, why did he give it to himself now?

"I gave this star to you, and I hope you will never let it fall into the hands of others, especially those with evil hearts and people from Star Ninja Village." He looked at the star in his hand with a little nostalgia, Xia Rixing stared at Naruto seriously, and said seriously.

Although Naruto's goal is this star, but now Naruto didn't reach out to pick it up, but just looked at Xia Rixing with the same seriousness: "Then why did you give it to me? Don't you think that I am also evil-hearted? People? After all, I am now a wanted rebel, and I have slaughtered people from a ninja village before."

And hearing Naruto's words, Xia Rixing didn't withdraw his hand, still staring into Naruto's eyes, and then smiled. "Hehe, I have crossed more bridges than you have traveled. A person's character and thoughts can be seen from some small things, so I believe my eyes. Besides, in your hands , the star can be truly safe, because you have enough power to protect it."

Now that Xia Rixing has made it so clear and the situation is clear, besides, his goal is this star, so now he has no reason to refuse, so Naruto solemnly reached out and took the star in front of him. , seriously responded to Xia Rixing's eyes, "Don't worry, this star will never appear in the hands of others."

After hearing Naruto's assurance, Xia Rixing smiled with relief, "I hope you won't use this star to do anything evil."

And Naruto also relaxed. Hearing Xia Rixing's words, he jokingly said, "If I want to do something evil, do I need to use this star?"

Then, the two of them chatted in the cave one after another.

after one day.

Naruto, who was sitting on a small hill, stood up slowly, and saw that the star Xia Rixing gave him was gone, but there were some badges lying in front of him, yes, these are the badges that Naruto used. Naruto picked out a badge with the word "元" engraved on it, and pinned it to his chest, while the rest, with a big wave of his hand, were all put into his storage space. Yes, when my spatial ability reached A-level, my storage space also expanded several times.

"Okay, it took me a day to fix these things, and it's time to leave." Standing up, Naruto smiled faintly. I didn't expect this star to be so easy to get. It was really an easy task.

"En? What's that?" But at this moment, Naruto suddenly saw two huge chakra monsters confronting each other in the distance, and one of them was Xia Rixing's.

"Did something happen?" Looking at the two giant Chakra beasts in the distance, Naruto thought to himself, and at the same time, a pair of blue wings spread out on his back and flew towards that direction. Xia Rixing, Naruto is still a little grateful. After all, there are too few people who can do this. Although part of the reason is because of their own strength, it is undeniable that they also have a certain amount of trust in themselves, so As for Xia Rixing, if he could help, Naruto would certainly not be stingy.I saw the cyan wings on the back flickering for a while, and Naruto turned into a cyan lightning and shot towards the place where the two chakra giants were.

"You just hand over the star." I saw that there were more than a dozen people present, and among them, a man said angrily to Xia Rixing, and he was also the owner of another giant chakra beast.

Behind him, there were two other people slumped on the ground, as if they were exhausted after chakra was exhausted, and at the same time, there were about a dozen other teenagers watching.

"I'm sorry, Red Star, I have given that star to someone else." Xia Rixing, who was wearing a gas mask, replied lightly.

"Don't use this kind of reason to prevaricate me. How could you give it to someone else for such an important star?" But of course, Hongxing didn't believe it. He just smiled confidently and shook his head slowly, " If you still insist on not calling out the star, I don't mind giving 'him'."

"Red Star! How dare you?" Hearing the riddle-like words, although the young people present didn't understand what it meant, but at least Xia Ri Xing understood, and that was enough. Xia Ri Xing seemed to have been hit by some weakness Generally, shouted loudly.

As for Hong Xing, seeing Xia Ri Xing's excited look, the smile on his face became even wider. At the same time, he stretched out his hand, and saw that the chakra behind him suddenly split out, and instantly entangled a young man on the field. Coming over, pinching his neck with his right hand, Hong Xing looked at Xia Ri Xing lightly, "What? Don't you call Xing out?"

"Ah, Master Hong Xing, what are you doing? Why did you take Ang away!!" When such a thing happened suddenly, those teenagers obviously didn't understand. Among them, Big Dipper asked Hong Xing loudly.And the rest of the teenagers also had puzzled and angry expressions on their faces.

"Hong. Hong Xing. My lord." Ang, who was pinched by Hong Xing's neck, also looked at Hong Xing with a puzzled expression. Why?Why do you do this to yourself?
"Red Star! You", and looking at Hong Xing's actions, it was obvious that Xia Ri Xing was really angry, pointing at Red Star angrily, and shouted.

With a sound of "huh", he only met everyone's accusations, but Hong Xing didn't change his face. With a flick of his right hand, Ang was thrown out by him in an instant, and the direction was the Grand Canyon with poisonous fog inside. Ang, who was thrown out, fell towards the yellow canyon in an instant, and it was too late for those teenagers to rescue them.

"Ang", I saw that Xia Rixing's mind was all attached to Ang's body, looking at Ang who fell, Xia Rixing let out a mournful cry, and rushed towards the place where Ang fell in an instant.

But at this moment, a sharp light flashed in Hong Xing's eyes, and he saw Hong Xing's giant chakra beast rushing down at the moment when Xia Ri Xing lost his mind.

At the same time, a blue shadow flashed past and rushed down the canyon where Ang fell.

"Ah", I saw Xia Rixing screamed, and her giant chakra beast was instantly bitten by Red Star's.

"Roar", the sneak attack was successful, and I saw Hong Xing forming seals with both hands, controlling his feathered beast to attack Xia Ri Xing crazily. Under the attack, there is no resistance at all.

"Ahaha", Xia Ri Xing fell down in just a short moment, and Hong Xing, because of his own characteristics, actually controlled his feathered beast to eat several consecutive mouthfuls of Xia Ri Xing, and the chakra on his body burst Insane skyrocketing.

"Haha", feeling the powerful power in her body, Hongxing was excited for a while, and laughed up to the sky, her wish has finally come true, power?What a powerful force.

"Kill", but after gaining the powerful power, Hong Xing still didn't intend to let Xia Ri Xing go, his face became grim in an instant, "Now, I'll send you to hell", only to see that the one soared twice The feathered beast, with a bloodthirsty gleam in its eyes, rushed down at Xia Rixing who had no power to fight back.

"Spiral Maru Shuriken", but at this moment, suddenly a Kunai stuck beside Xia Rixing, and then, a figure appeared in front of Xia Rixing in an instant, and a violent chakra wind ball pointed at the bird. The huge feathered beast blasted past.

After such a long period of running-in, Naruto has become more and more comfortable in manipulating Chakra under the influence of Yaotong. This is mainly reflected in the speed of compound ninjutsu. , Naruto can also come at his fingertips.

"Boom", only a powerful explosion sounded, and there was a burst of Chakra storm on the field. The chakra storm was created out of thin air, and Naruto jumped out holding Xia Rixing in an instant.

"Ming. Naruto, why are you still here?" Looking at Naruto, Xia Rixing said in surprise, and then pointed anxiously at the place where Ang fell, "Quick, hurry up and save Ang."

Naruto, on the other hand, smiled slightly, and pointed to the side: "Don't worry, Ang has been rescued by me, if you didn't see it, it's there."

Xia Rixing looked in the direction of Naruto's finger, and sure enough, Ang was lying there quietly. While secretly relieved in his heart, he still said worriedly: "Then is he okay?"

"Don't worry, he just inhaled a small amount of poisonous gas and passed out, that's all, his life is not in danger," Naruto said comfortingly, seeing Xia Rixing's worried look.

After hearing Naruto's words, Xia Rixing was truly relieved.

"Hey, where are you from?" And at this time, a red star who was hanging by the side was angry, looking at Xia Rixing and Naruto who were "chatting" there, and he was ignored like this?
(End of this chapter)

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