False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 150 Fish in the sand

Chapter 150 Fish in the sand (2)

I saw two roasted rabbits that were roasted to a golden brown, exuding a tempting aroma of meat, and the sizzling oil on them exuded a fatal attraction. The roasted rabbits, which were burnt outside and tender inside, were firmly grasped caught the little fish's sight.

"Hey." Just at this time, Xiaoyu protested with dissatisfaction in his stomach, and saw Xiaoyu jumping suddenly, came to Tianyu, and grabbed one of the roasted rabbits. Regardless of the image of a lady, she tore off a piece of rabbit meat and threw it into her mouth.

"Uh, what a quick movement." Tianyu looked blankly at the empty hand on his right hand, and said with a sigh in his heart.At the same time, he looked at the eating little fish with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect you to be a greedy little fish."

"En?" Hearing Tianyu's words, Xiaoyu raised his head from "working hard", as if he had just noticed Tianyu's existence, and then his face was flushed, thinking of his indecent action just now, he burst into tears. Embarrassed and shy, "This. This."

"Hehe", seeing Xiaoyu's appearance, Tianyu smiled heartily: "Girls should be so lively to be cute."

"Oh?" Hearing Tianyu's words, Xiaoyu's eyes lit up suddenly, "I just said it, but Grandma Qiandai has been forcing me to be a lady since I was a child." Speaking of this, she pouted, annoyed Waving his little hand, he almost threw the roasted rabbit out, then hurriedly put his hand down again, and praised while eating: "It's really delicious, I didn't expect my grilling skills to be so good, Haha "However, the way I eat now is a little more refined than before.

"Uh." Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Tianyu's heart burst into sweat. Thinking about the two unrecognizable roast chickens that are still lying in the storage space of the badge, this is called barbecue technology, right?

"Huh?" But, while eating, Xiaoyu became confused, and muttered while eating: "So this roasted rabbit tastes so similar to the roasted rabbit in Yutu Hotel?"

"Ah? Isn't it?" Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Tianyu pretended to be surprised, then tore off a piece of meat from his own injured roasted rabbit, threw it into his mouth, and then stared, "Wow, it's really delicious Ah, as expected I spent [-], eh."Speaking of this, Tianyu suddenly covered his mouth, saying that he had slipped up.

"Huh?" Obviously, Xiaoyu also heard what he said, and raised his head in doubt, "It took [-]? What do you mean?"

Eyes rolled around, and Tianyu smiled slightly: "I just spent [-] points of chakra just to turn those two roasted chickens into roasted rabbits, haha."

"Oh", after hearing Tianyu's explanation, Xiaoyu lowered his head in relief, and ate the roasted rabbit in his hand, but muttered: "[-] points of chakra? Is the amount of chakra calculated like this? Is it calculated in points?"

"Well, it's delicious, it's really delicious", Tianyu murmured while eating, it's not fake, when he went to Yutu Hotel to buy some roasted rabbits, he didn't try it, just It was recommended by someone in the town at that time, and I bought it myself. This is the first time I have eaten it. It tastes really good. No wonder some people buy it because it is so expensive.But fortunately, Naruto is generous. For a ninja with such a powerful power, money is really nothing, so the company that Kaduo left behind so much money, is it not for spending?So relying on Kaduo's rich family background, almost all the people in the "buried" organization have become money lords.

Seeing Tianyu eating with gusto, Xiaoyu suddenly smiled, "Since you like it, I'll bake it for you tomorrow morning", as if you were taking advantage of it.

"Hmm. Huh." Hearing Xiaoyu's words, Tianyu's eyes widened fiercely, and the two horrible roast chickens just flashed through his mind, and at this moment, he choked.

"Come on, cheers." I saw Ruthless at this time, drinking wine with two other people in the hotel. I saw one of them was the super road idiot that day, while the other was a fat man with a body and Ding Ci is almost there, presumably it should be the Fatty Lei Yan that Lu Chi said at that time, right?

"Come on, Brother Wuqing, do it." The fat man said to Wuqing boldly.

"Helpless, you pick up the cup too!" Wuqing bumped the cup against the fat man, and then yelled at the super road idiot who was almost like a dead dog.

"Eh." Hearing the ruthless words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I can't do it anymore, do you think I'm like you and Lei Yan? I can't drink enough."

"Come on, Brother Wuqing, let's do it, don't bother with the helpless dead dog." Lei Yan greeted Wuqing warmly and said.

"Come on, let's do it." Ruthless and unrepentant, he raised the cup and drove it down.

After another glass of wine, Lei Yan couldn't help looking at Wuqing with a little drunken eyes, and said in a slightly excited tone: "I didn't expect you to be so good at business, Brother Wuqing, we made hundreds of thousands of dollars yesterday, haha, Oh money, what a wonderful thing".

"Um, here we go again." Looking at Lei Yan's intoxicated face, Ruthless and Helpless couldn't help but look at each other, they both smiled wryly and shook their heads, Lei Yan is a fat man, he has nothing else, but he is definitely a super rich man Fans, seeing money, is like a rapist who hasn't even seen a sow for decades, seeing an innocent little beauty.

"Haha, Brother Ruthless, what are we going to do tomorrow? It's a profitable business, we should do a few more votes." After a long time, Lei Yan finally woke up from the intoxication, walked over enthusiastically, and put his arms around Ruqing's shoulders , said excitedly.

Reluctantly, he gave Wu Qing a look of "you ask for blessings", and then lowered his head and lay there.

Rolling his eyes depressed, he ruthlessly threw Lei Yan's fat hands down, "Make money? It's just a few hundred thousand, is it worth our time? It's a waste of time, don't you know?"

"What!?" Lei Yan yelled, almost lifted the roof of the house, and pointed at Wuqing angrily, "You actually said that making money is a waste of time, oops, I want to fight you, I will never die, I want to represent My money brothers, punish you".

". "Looking at Lei Yan who was furious, his ruthless brain couldn't turn around all of a sudden, "I don't think I have any revenge for killing my father with him, right?"

"Oh, brother ruthless." But, suddenly, Lei Yan's angry expression suddenly disappeared again, and quickly turned into flattery, "I'll do a few more votes tomorrow, right? Hundreds of thousands, how much is that?" , after all, we only need to spend one morning and most of the afternoon on it."

"Uh", isn't this turnaround too fast?Rao is ruthless, and feels that his brain can't keep up, and the fat man's thinking is jumping too fast, and he muttered for a while: "Hundreds of thousands? It takes so much for me and Tianyu to eat a meal casually." .

"What?" This time, Lei Yan's voice was even louder, his eyes roared with angry flames, he looked ruthless, as if he was a sworn enemy, the hatred in his eyes, the blood hatred from the heart: "You. You. You It costs hundreds of thousands to eat a meal?? You, I'm going to kill you."

"Uh." It's really hard to imagine that a person who is obsessed with money can go to this point, looking at Lei Yan dumbfounded, "Isn't it? There is no need for such a big reaction, right?"

"Come on, let's go out to duel." Looking at the ruthless with hatred, Lei Yan gritted his teeth and said: "I want to avenge the blood of my countless brothers who were squandered by you eating hundreds of thousands. I want to kill you. comfort their souls in heaven".

"Um. Forget it. Fatty." Looking at Lei Yan dully, he couldn't help sweating profusely.

"No, this blood feud is irreconcilable, I must avenge it!" He looked at Wu Qing resolutely, his hateful eyes made Lei Yan's face turn red, like an angry bull.

"Um. Let's go." It seems that today's battle is impossible without fighting. He shook his head ruthlessly. When the time comes, he should be careful when he strikes. It's something that kills people, and it's difficult to handle.

"Well, I'll wait for you outside in the grove!" Glaring mercilessly, Lei Yan turned around and strode outside.

"Wuqing." At this time, the person who was lying on the table suddenly raised his head, and looked at Wuqing with inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, "I know you are very strong, but be careful, Lei Yan's ability is also very strong, very strong".

"Oh?" Hearing the helpless words, he was ruthlessly surprised, very strong?Then it shouldn't be weak, otherwise, helpless would not say this, nodded slightly, ruthlessly expressing that he knew, and at the same time, the slight carelessness in his heart disappeared, and he became dignified.

"Uh, wait a minute," just as Wuqing was leaving the door, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Ruthless turned his head in doubt, it turned out to be the hotel clerk, looking at Wuqing vigilantly: "Guests, you haven't paid the money after you finished eating."

"Um", sweating ruthlessly for a while, throwing a wad of money casually and rushing out the door, now I finally understand that the fat guy Lei Yan is going to go first, and the reason for his daring is because he is afraid of paying the bill.

(End of this chapter)

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