False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 152 Poison VS Fire

Chapter 152 Poison VS Fire (2)

"Secret technique Phoenix Feather Arrow Art", looking at Wuqing who was also serious, Lei Yan didn't dare to be careless, flipped his hands, and immediately, countless beautiful arrows made of pure white flames shot towards Wuqing.

"Poison ninja poison scorpion embedding!" Looking at the arrows shot towards him, his ruthless hands quickly formed seals, and in an instant a blue poisonous scorpion as tall as a man appeared, and the quenched blue poisonous scorpion was full of danger The aura, facing those poisonous arrows, rushed towards Lei Yan crazily. Those arrows shot on it, shooting out small holes emitting green smoke, but under the protection of the poisonous scorpion armor, it was not enough. to destroy it.

And Wuqing also hid behind the poisonous scorpion, rushed up with the poisonous scorpion in front, and at the same time, flipped his hands again: "Poison Ninja Bi Toad!" Then, an emerald green toad appeared in front of Wuqing, and Wuqing In an instant, he jumped onto Toad's back, and at the same time, Toad jumped up ruthlessly.

"Secret Hell Flame Dragon!" Seeing Wuqing jumping up into the sky, Lei Yan frowned, and then the seal on his hand changed, and a black fire dragon suddenly appeared, roaring wildly, and rushed towards Wuqing in the sky .

"This flame is really troublesome", looking at the black fire dragon rushing up, the ruthless brows are tightly entangled, is this really the flame from hell?Cold, dead, destructive, full of this strong attachment, Ruthless has no doubt that if he is stained, then these flames will definitely be like tarsus maggots, and they will not be able to shake off, slowly eating away at his body. Body.

Seeing the black fire dragon rushing up, he jumped ruthlessly and decisively, dodged the fire dragon's attack and rushed towards Lei Yan, while the emerald green toad rushed towards the fire dragon, collided in the air, and let out a There was a strong explosion, and flames, mixed with venom, fell from the air, and the venom, while still in the air, turned into a puff of green smoke and was already burned by the flames.

At the same time, the poisonous scorpion on the ground has already rushed over the rain of arrows and rushed to Lei Yan, and the ruthless in the air has also rushed towards him, its green hair instantly lengthened, turning into a poisonous dragon. Following Lei Yan, he rushed down.

"Hmph", looking at Wuqing's hair that turned into a poisonous dragon and shot at him, Lei Yan smiled coldly, "You don't want your hair yet?"

"Secret technique sacred flame!" I saw two golden flames, full of sacred aura, sweeping towards the rushing poisonous dragon and poisonous scorpion. be swallowed up.

Looking at the flames full of holy aura, he ruthlessly raised his eyebrows, and saw that the poisonous dragon in the air turned around flexibly, dodged the attack, quickly retracted, and turned back into hair slanted on his shoulders , I hated in my heart, "This kid is so ruthless, he actually wants to burn my flowing hair."

"It's so difficult." After landing, he quickly used poisonous ninja to resist Lei Yan's flame, while walking in the dark path, the black flame, full of destructive and cold aura, is definitely a very tricky thing, and The golden sacred flame has a certain restraint on his own poison, and the transparent flame on his body makes him look like a hedgehog. It seems that he can only use powerful moves, otherwise, he will break through at all. There is no flame shield on him.

"Poison Ninja Soul Eater Specter", flames, emerald green phosphorous fire, appeared little by little, instantly filled the entire space like a starry sky, and slowly condensed into a monster like a ghost, the one made of emerald green The ghost beast condensed by the flames roared at Lei Yan, drops of saliva dripped down, and a burst of black smoke rose.

"That's it!?" Looking at the ghost beast that was obviously full of evil aura, and seeing his emerald green eyes, a burst of evil aura rushed towards his face, Lei Yan couldn't help being startled, the flames on his body Instantly transformed into a holy golden flame.

Seeing Wuqing, looking at Lei Yan who was full of sacred flames, he said a word: "Kill."

"Roar." I saw that ghost beast, hearing the ruthless words, the emerald green light in its eyes was blazing, roared violently, rushed towards Lei Yan ferociously, opened its mouth, and a poisonous ball shot past.

"What?" Seeing the attack of the ghost beast, Lei Yan was startled. It seems that this ghost beast can attack by itself?There was no time to think about it, and a sacred flame as thick as a bucket shot towards the poisonous ball.

I saw the ghost beast move sideways in an instant, opened its mouth, and another poisonous ball shot over, and at the same time, the sacred flame instantly engulfed the poisonous ball in front, and shot backward at the same time, if it wasn't for the ghost If the beast moves sideways, it will be shot right at it.

At this time, the ghost beast is like a flexible ape, running and jumping around Lei Yan quickly, and from time to time, one by one, it will shoot at Lei Yan from various strange angles, and Lei Yan, just Like a hunter, those poisonous balls are his prey, and his own flames are sharp arrows, and he launched a "snipe attack" on the poisonous balls that rushed towards those strange coke ovens.

"Wow, do you want to kill people?" From time to time, there will be poisonous balls one by one, or a pillar of fire will shoot at the helpless face who is watching the play leisurely, and I can see the helpless screaming like ghosts and wolves, avoiding the injustice. Knowing when the attack would appear, he jumped and cursed, but a thick pillar of fire happened to shoot at him, blocking the curse in his mouth.

"En?" At this time, Lei Yan turned his head in the gap, glanced at Wuqing standing there with his head down, and suddenly felt a sudden in his heart, "No wonder this ghost beast can attack so flexibly. It turned out that it was attacked by him." Is it fully controlled? So he can't rush forward with distraction? Otherwise, under the attack of this ghost beast, coupled with his own attack, it will be a very headache."

However, at this moment, Wuqing suddenly raised his head, and smiled strangely at Lei Yan, laughing until his eyes were filled with tears, and his heart was full of anxiety, "What's wrong? Why is my heart so uneasy?" Looking at Wuqing With that weird smile, Lei Yan asked himself vigilantly.

Looking at the tearful eyes full of doubts and vigilance, Wuqing smiled slightly, and saw the ruthless big hand waved, and the ferocious ghost instantly turned into venom and sprinkled on the ground, disappearing.

"En?" Looking at the ruthless who had stopped attacking, Lei Yan was puzzled for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Why? Why did you stop attacking? Don't you have no chakra anymore? No, how about you, Haven't run out of chakra yet."

With a faint smile, he turned around ruthlessly, looked at the same helpless look of confusion, and said lightly: "Go back, it's over."

"What? It's over?" Hearing the ruthless words, he reflexively glanced at Lei Yan, who was still alive and well, and wondered in his heart, what kind of end is this?
"Go and support Lei Yan, let's go back first, it's getting late, let's go back to sleep", I looked up at the sky ruthlessly, and said lightly.

"Hold Lei Yan." Reluctantly, he turned his head and looked at Lei Yan who was also puzzled. He wondered for a while, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?
Looking at the ruthless face that said it was over, Lei Yan couldn't help but said angrily: "Hey, ruthless, I said, I don't seem to have it yet", but at this moment, he couldn't continue. On his face, he fell to his knees in disbelief, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"What's wrong with you? Lei Yan?" Seeing Lei Yan's appearance, he hurriedly stepped forward helplessly, supported Lei Yan, and cried out worriedly.

"Well." Seeing Lei Yan's face, a trace of green appeared, but he was shocked and poisoned in his heart!
"What. When?" Suppressing the toxins in his body firmly, Lei Yan raised his head with difficulty, looked at Wuqing in disbelief, and asked slowly: "What. When. Poison?"

"When?" Slightly smiled.Ruthlessly looked at Lei Yan, "You were careless".

Looking at the puzzled eyes of Lei Yan and Helpless, "You have been poisoned since my first poison ninja method, the poison rain."Then there was a slight pause, "Do you really think that my trick is just to let the venom rain down from the sky? Of course not, as long as you are a ninja, you can almost block it that day. The poisonous rain that came down, didn’t it? For example, ninjutsu like mud flow wall.”

"Then why do you still use that trick?" Hearing the ruthless words, he had no choice but to ask.

"That's because." Looking at the two people who were waiting to reveal the answer, he smiled mercilessly, "That's because I have already injected a layer of toxin into the ground, and those toxins, as long as they are the same as the venom that fell from the sky that day." Contact will form a colorless and odorless poisonous gas, and the so-called poisonous rain is just to make this poisonous gas cover a wider area."

"What?" Lei Yan looked at Wuqing with a little admiration, "That is to say, have you already won from the very beginning?"

"Oh?" Hearing Lei Yan's words, he smiled ruthlessly and said, "We have already won at the beginning? How is it possible? Although those colorless and odorless gases are poisonous gases, they have no attack power. Otherwise, you would have already won the battle." Spotted it, didn’t you? So, for it to work, there’s one more condition.”

(End of this chapter)

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