False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 170 Legend of the Kingdom of Medicine

Chapter 170 Legend of the Kingdom of Medicine (2)

Seeing Suifeng and the others fight, he smiled ruthlessly, and then said: "As for the mythical beast Zimang, it is said that it is a mythical beast that has existed for more than 7000 years."

"What? More than 7000 years?" Hearing Wu Qing's words, everyone couldn't help being shocked, "The birth of ninjas is only about a thousand years old, right? But, has that mythical beast existed for more than 7000 years? So it has always been strong like this Isn’t the divine beast like a god?” Suifeng said in a dumbfounded voice, although he promised not to speak just now, but no one blamed him.

Wuqing, on the other hand, nodded lightly, "Whether it's true or not, I have no way to study it, but, if I think about it, it won't be groundless, right?" Gao’s bloody storms and sorrows were everywhere. At that time, it was an invincible existence. In that era, its status was even higher than that of Kyuubi in the current ninja world. People at that time had absolute fear of him.”

"However, at that time, the Kingdom of Medicine dispatched dozens of people to deal with that divine beast."When Wuqing said this, I saw helplessness suddenly said: "That must have been destroyed by that beast? Could this be the reason why the country of medicine disappeared?" Finally, helplessness asked Wuqing speculatively. road.

However, Wuqing shook his head slightly, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, he said lightly: "No, you are wrong, on the contrary, in that battle, the divine beast Zimang was almost killed."

"What!?" Now all the people couldn't sit still, and looked at Wuqing in shock: "What did you say? Such a powerful beast? He was almost killed? Could it be that the people in the country of medicine also have a very strong power?" Power? It actually does.”

I understand everyone's shock, and nodded mercilessly, "This is only a secret known to the people directly related to the tribe. I believe that even those who betrayed don't know that they are people from the country of medicine. Combat power is also an absolute powerhouse."

"And" Speaking of this, the ruthless expression became serious, and he looked around everyone for a week, "Now I will tell you an absolute secret within the clan, I believe that except for the patriarch and heir of our Wuzhi clan, everyone Unknown secret".

"That is, in that battle at that time, in fact, those people from the Kingdom of Medicine originally wanted to destroy the mythical beast Zimang, but at that time, the ancestors of our clan interceded in person, so Zimang was saved. However, although the people in the country of medicine agreed to their ancestors' request because of the face of their ancestors who did so many things with all their heart, they signed the contract of Zimang on a weapon. Let it live forever to obey the command of the owner of that weapon."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Naruto sat up straight, "Weapon? What kind of weapon? Could it be that those traitors from the Wuzhi Clan got that weapon?" In the end, Naruto frowned. Lock.

"Impossible", heard Naruto's words, ruthlessly but resolutely denied, "Back then, after subduing Zimang, the people of the country of medicine divided the weapon into two halves, and the half was handed over to us at that time. The ancestors of one family, while the other half were taken away by themselves, and then, the country of medicine disappeared mysteriously, so the other half has disappeared with the disappearance of the country of medicine."

"Then, why did Zimang listen to the words of those traitors?" Naruto said carefully, staring at the ruthless eyes without moving a step: "So, they definitely searched for the two halves of the weapon. arrive".

"Then I don't know, but, I can guarantee that they never got that weapon, because half of it has disappeared with the Kingdom of Medicine, and they can't find it, and the other half came when my grandfather was young." At the time, it was wanted to leave by others, and after countless years of open and secret investigations, it was discovered that it was snatched by the Hatake family. However, they did not know the secret of the weapon, and they only regarded it as a treasure. , and with their Hatake family stationed in Konoha, it is impossible for us to get it back. At that time, the previous Patriarchs of their Hatake family were too strong."

"Oh?" At this time, Naruto stared suddenly, and then suddenly realized, "Some time ago, the intelligence received said that Konoha was attacked, but the strange thing is that they just broke into Hatake's house, and then quickly I retreated, as if there was no purpose, could it be ".

"What?" Hearing Naruto's words, he let out a ruthless exclamation, then nodded, "It seems that's right, they got half of that weapon's Dragon Fury Blade."

But then, the ruthless brow furrowed tightly, with a pensive expression on his face, and he couldn't understand it, "But, with only half of the words, it is impossible for Zimang to obey their orders."

"Maybe." At this time, Yakumo suddenly interjected, and Yakumo looked at everyone speculatively, "Maybe it's because he already has half of the weapons, and what you said just now is ruthless. The ancestors of the clan interceded for it and saved its life, so, adding the kindness of the year to the half-handled weapon, that's why the divine beast will ".Speaking of this, Yakumo didn't go on, but everyone knew what she wanted to express.

"En." Hearing Yakumo's words, the eyes of everyone present lit up, and they saw Wuqing thinking about Yakumo's words, and slowly nodded, "This situation is not impossible, and this is the only explanation." .

"In that case, as long as you ruthlessly expose them as traitors of the Wuzhi Clan, it will be fine soon?" At this time, Suifeng suddenly said.

Everyone couldn't help but give Suifeng a blank look, what kind of wisdom is this guy?And Wuqing also looked at an idiot with eyes: "First, it doesn't care who is the traitor Zimang. In its eyes, all of us are nothing more than members of the no-one family. At most, it doesn't care." They will attack me, and, compared to them who have half a weapon, we have nothing, how could Zimang listen to me?"

"Then what should we do in this case? Even if we all rush forward to such a powerful beast, we probably don't have much confidence?" At this time, helplessly, he frowned and said distressedly.Hearing his words, the ruthless expression also became heavy. Unexpectedly, they actually summoned the divine beast Zimang.

However, no one noticed that Naruto was meditating on something while frowning slightly, and muttered in his mouth: "The dragon's fury sword that is half of the weapon? The dragon's fury sword?" Then, Naruto His eyes lit up instantly, he raised his head abruptly, stared fixedly at the ruthless expression on his face, and asked anxiously: "That weapon is usually the Dragon Fury Saber, what about the other half? The other half is called What?"

Looking at the anxious Naruto suspiciously, Wuqing still said with a heavy heart: "The other half was taken by the people of the country of medicine, and it is called the sword of dragons."

"The Sword of the Dragon's Voice?" Naruto's expression became extremely complicated when he heard Wuqing's words, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed, "Hahahahaha, the Sword of the Dragon's Voice? Hahahaha".

I saw Suifeng gently moved the chair aside a little bit, and muttered, "Is Naruto crazy? Then I should sit far away, who knows if it will be contagious."

"Haha, huh? Cough cough. Cough cough cough cough." Naruto, with sharp ears, heard Suifeng's words very clearly, and almost choked to death without breathing, but he didn't care much about it, just He stared at Suifeng with a slightly "murderous look", with a warning expression on his face.Then, with a big wave of his hand, "Okay, now, all set out, the target is Muye Village, and try our best to kill the traitors of the Wuzhi Clan."

"No." Hearing Naruto's words, he stood up ruthlessly, with a determined face, "No, no, the power of the divine beast Zimang is not so easy to deal with. If we just kill it hard like this, we will definitely hate it." No good."

"Naruto, don't be so reckless. The enemy this time is not ordinary. We have to think long-term. Even if we want to dispatch, we have to think about a complete battle plan."And in the same way, seeing Naruto who made a decision so easily, Yakumo also persuaded him.

"No need, I'm free to make up my own mind!" Naruto smiled strangely, looked at the expressions of disapproval from everyone, and waved his hands lightly.

"Naruto", looking at Naruto's indifferent face, suddenly ruthlessly roared loudly, "Be serious, the power of that beast is definitely beyond your imagination." Then, it seemed Realizing his gaffe, he smiled ruthlessly and apologetically, and persuaded him earnestly: "Under such circumstances, you have not forgotten our original promise, and you still want to help me avenge me. It's too strong, we can't escape to the cheap, so I decided", said the ruthlessness of this, the pain flashed in the eyes, "So I decided. Decided to give up".After finishing speaking, Wuqing almost sat down slumped, and just said the last sentence, as if he had spent all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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