False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 180: The Realm of Kong Ninja

Chapter 180: The Realm of Kong Ninja (2)

Hearing Tsunade's words, Shizune was startled, and his face instantly became anxious, "Master Tsunade, please don't say that, you are the leader of Konoha Village now."

Sighing helplessly, Tsunade glanced at Shizune and rolled his eyes, "Do you really think that I will not succeed? I am just complaining a little bit."

"Huh, that's good." Hearing Tsunade's words, Shizune let out a long sigh of relief, patted his chest lightly, and said with a little gratitude.

"Ah." Looking at the document in front of him, Tsunade sighed slightly, complained and complained, let's continue; but, at this moment.

"Boom", countless explosions sounded outside, and bursts of strong explosions violently rushed into the ears, ravaging his eardrums.

"What happened again?" The attack that had just calmed down just now came again, and Tsunade couldn't help but get up suddenly, annoyed. First, some unknown ninjas ran in, fought for no reason, and then retreated. It was another powerful attack a few days ago. If Naruto hadn't appeared, it is estimated that Konoha would have suffered unprecedented heavy injuries. However, it took a few days to pass with great difficulty, and now, it came again.

"Boom", explosions sounded one after another, and countless buildings collapsed. A ninja is better, as long as he is not unlucky and happens to be bombed, he is barely able to protect himself, but those ordinary people The residents were different. During the series of explosions, they screamed again and again.

I saw countless kongnin, like locusts crossing the border, quickly across the sky above Konoha, and one after another, explosives were dropped like raindrops, and there was another burst of explosions, among them, There were countless screams and screams.

"Huh", the anger of the ninjas in Konoha Village is like mercury in a thermometer inserted in boiling water, rising crazily. Although they have the ability to protect themselves, they, as ninjas, do not My parents, brothers and sisters are also all ninjas. Countless people watched their loved ones fall down screaming in the explosion. The Kong Ninja launched a frenzied attack.

"Fire escape and big fireball technique!" "Wind escape great breakthrough!" "Thunder escape and thunder strike!" In addition to these powerful ninjutsu attacks, there are countless kunai, cross marks, shurikens, fuma shurikens, and chain marks Wait, all frantically blasted towards the sky ninjas who were gliding in the air. Although they had the advantage of being able to fly, Konoha's people had the advantage in numbers. The hidden weapons are densely packed, much denser than the explosives they dropped, and the consequence of this is that most of the explosives were "intercepted" in the air.

"Ah", in the same way, those kong nin who were gliding in the air suddenly burst into screams, and one by one fell down like dumplings.

Seeing that the situation was not right, I saw those kong ninjas raised the height by more than ten meters again, sprinkled a batch of explosives down again, looked at their results, nodded lightly, and then felt that the energy in their bodies was about to be exhausted. Chakra turned around, flew towards the distance, and retreated.

"How is it?" At this time, Shikamaru looked at the Kongin who were gradually going away in the sky, and asked Neji beside him indifferently.

I saw the veins in the corners of Ning Ci's eyes bulging, eyes wide open, carefully inspecting the chakra consumption of the departing kongnin during their flight, and comparing the chakra remaining in their bodies, he nodded slightly , the bulging veins on his face also disappeared, and the state of white eyes was also relieved, and Neji also returned from that ferocious look to his usual stern look.

"Looking at the chakra remaining in their bodies and the speed of the chakra consumed by their flight, I can determine the approximate distance to their stronghold." Turning around, Neji nodded faintly to Shikamaru next to him Said.

"En!!" Nodding lightly, I saw Shikamaru pondering for a while, "Catch up first, and leave a signal along the way. I will call a group of masters to Hokage-sama and then rush over. I believe you will not sneak in before we arrive. Action?" At the end, Shikamaru smiled lightly.

Hearing Shikamaru's words, Neji couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You think I'm Naruto's brainless brat?"

Hearing the word "Naruto", Shikamaru's chuckling expression couldn't help but froze. No matter what, I have spent so long with Naruto's classmate. Thinking of his departure and his pale hair, it is inevitable. There will be a little sadness, but it’s okay, the attack a few days ago, no matter what, Naruto helped Konoha, and his strength has become stronger, so strong that they dare not look up Thinking of this, Shikamaru smiled slightly, calmed down his emotions, forced a calm smile, and joked to Neji: "I didn't expect Hinata Neji, who is known for his coldness, to have such a funny move as rolling his eyes."

I don't want to argue with Shikamaru on this topic, and besides, I don't have time to argue about it now, so I saw Neji pursed his lips slightly, and chased after the direction where the Kurenin disappeared.

Looking at Neji who left with a smile, Shikamaru shook his head faintly, then shrugged helplessly, "Oh, I'm in trouble."After speaking, he jumped a few times and ran in the direction of Hokage's office.

Baiyan opened, Neji stared closely at the Kong Nin in the distance, ran fast, not leaving a mark, with the ability of Baiyan's farsighted perspective, Neji can easily follow behind those Kong Nin , and don't worry about being discovered.

"Who?" At this moment, Ning Ci suddenly shouted vigilantly. At the same time, Huitian's posture was quickly set. At this time, in Ning Ci's 360-degree field of vision with no dead ends, he saw a figure moving quickly. Running over, the speed was too fast. In his field of vision, he only saw a black shadow flashing past. He was able to see far and see through, but this did not mean that Neji had a strong dynamic vision.

"Papapapa." There was a burst of slight applause, and a figure appeared faintly in front of Ning Ci, with an expression of admiration on his face, "I didn't expect that you have grown to this level, you are worthy of being The Hyuga clan is a well-known genius."

"It's you?" Seeing the figure that appeared, the surprise in Ning Ci's eyes flashed, and then, the bulging veins in the corners of his eyes slowly receded, and the posture of returning to the sky also slowly retracted, "You Why are you here? Naruto Uzumaki? "Looking at the figure in front of him, Neji frowned slightly and asked with a little doubt.

It turned out that the figure that appeared was none other than Naruto. Hearing Neji's question, Naruto smiled softly, "Why? Why can't I come? I'm in a good mood today, and I'm out for a stroll Well, I just didn’t expect to meet you here by chance.”

Hearing Naruto's words, Neji frowned slightly, and it was obvious that Naruto's words were obviously perfunctory, "Okay, don't make such excuses, but if you have something to say, let's talk about it quickly. There's something urgent."

Gently glanced at Ningci's back, the direction in which Konin village left, and saw Naruto stroking his forehead pretending to be sad, and said sadly: "What? It's rare to see me, public and private We should talk more, too, shouldn't we?"

"Public? Private?" Hearing Naruto's words, Neji smiled slightly mockingly: "What do you mean? What is public? What is private?"

"First of all, based on the situation of me and Hinata." Speaking of Hinata, the sadness in Naruto's eyes flashed, and then continued: "You are also my brother-in-law, which is considered private. Secondly, in the 'burial' organization Among them, I am one yuan, the leader, and you are the yin of two appearances, is this considered a public?"

"Bastard, who said that he will definitely join your organization?" However, after Naruto's words fell, Neji said furiously, and then, as if suddenly thinking of something, he looked at Naruto in shock, not daring to Convinced, with trembling mouth, staring at Naruto firmly, asked softly, "Could it be".

(End of this chapter)

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