False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 196 Surpassing the Existence of the Immortal Mode

Chapter 196 Surpassing the Existence of the Immortal Mode

"This trick still consumes too much." Jiraiya, who was almost paralyzed, cheered up and sighed, the current self must not show the slightest fatigue.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and there was nothing in their minds, only the shocking arrow just now, the arrow that seemed to pierce the chaos, that arrow was too terrifying, and everyone felt their souls tremble.

Undoubtedly, no one will doubt the strength of the ghost speed in that state just now, but without any resistance, his powerful ninjutsu, that powerful psychic beast, and his I, like a thin layer of window paper, was mercilessly torn apart.

Some eyeliners, spies, etc. of various forces hiding in the dark slowly receded. The stunning arrow just now was firmly engraved in everyone's hearts, and a golden light flashed. , were all ruthlessly destroyed.

"I didn't expect that." Feeling Jiraiya's momentum plummeting above his head, Wentai sighed slightly, "I didn't expect you to be able to use this trick."

Hearing Wentai's words, Jiraiya, whose body had automatically receded from the fairy mode, took out a elixir, stuffed it into his mouth, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "This trick really can't be used indiscriminately. Now, I can almost even The strength to lift the fingers is lacking, no wonder the old man Xianren warned me not to use this trick indiscriminately."

"Hehe, this trick was originally used only in the Jedi." Wen Tai grinned at the huge toad, "forcibly extracting all the power of the caster and condensing it into a light arrow with extremely destructive and penetrating power. It’s the last trick, if it doesn’t work, there is only one dead end, I didn’t expect you to use it decisively and directly.”

Jiraiya laughed at himself, "If it's an ordinary battle, I don't know when it will be exhausted. At that time, the purpose of this dispatch will be completely destroyed. The key battle must definitely serve as a deterrent, so there is nothing I can do about it.

"Really." Wen Tai's voice slowly sank, and then said lightly: "For Konoha, even if it is to spread out your fairy mode, is it worth it?"

Smiling slightly, Zilai also sat down slowly, just sitting on Wentai's head like this, "What's the point of saying this now? It's just showing the cards in everyone's eyes."That being said, in this world where life is like nothing, without the hole cards, it means that life has lost a guarantee.

"Actually, this may not be a good thing." At this time, Mrs. Wen suddenly said a little strangely.

"En?" Hearing Wen Tai's words, Zilai was also surprised, then tapped the bottom with his right hand lightly, knocking on Wen Tai's head, and cursed with a wry smile: "Showing out your cards, will it be a good thing?"

"You said, if everyone thinks that you have shown your hole cards and that you have no hole cards, then everyone will be wary of your strength?" Wen Tai paused slightly when he said this, and then The voice said viciously: "However, under such circumstances, you still have another hole card that no one else knows about."

With a "snap", I don't know where Zilaiye got the strength, and slapped Wentai hard, and said helplessly, "It's not like you don't know, what else do I have."

Speaking of this, Jiraiya suddenly stared, with a guessing tone, asked slightly in shock, "Could it be".

"That's right." Jiraiya's palm just now was not painful or itchy at all to the huge Wentai, without any feeling, and said lightly, "Back then, after the immortal old man decided to teach you the immortal mode, , It explained to us that if one day, you can learn to use the fairy mode alone and freely, then you can proceed to the next level of training."

"No way. Right." Hearing Wentai's words, Ji Lai also almost dropped his jaw in shock, "After Immortal Mode, there will be more powerful training codes? Isn't Immortal Mode already the strongest? Like It's those two immortals, and it's just ".

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Mrs. Wen narrowed her eyes slightly, and said not without envy: "That training was granted to you by the immortal old man. I didn't expect it to exist."

"Private me?" Jiraiya looked puzzled, "That is to say, everyone is not qualified to practice? But, even you toads are not qualified to practice, why me?"It's no wonder that Zilai was also puzzled. The Toad Clan didn't practice it themselves, but they practiced it for themselves. Is it more powerful training than the training in the fairy mode?Immortal mode is already so powerful, then the training later.

With a slight sigh, Wentai said in a complicated tone: "That's right, ours didn't practice, and we only thought it was in the legend at first, but it really existed unexpectedly, why did you let you practice?? We didn't I know, it’s just that the immortal old man just sighed later and said, it’s fate, it’s fate that makes you have to practice.”

"It's not too late, let's go. Now that the situation is in chaos, we must grasp the power early, so as not to be influenced by many things that we don't want to." Slowly regaining a little strength, he stood up slowly, looked at the battle below which was coming to an end, and said lightly: "Kill! Kill them all, leave no one behind."Although it seemed to be said casually, the strange thing was that everyone present heard it.

"Okay, the task is successfully completed." With a light clap, he pulled out a blank piece of paper, squatted on Wen Tai's head, and wrote vigorously. After a while, a letter was written, folded up, and sent After throwing it, the seemingly light and fluffy paper flew straight towards Kakashi, "Kakashi, bring this letter to Tsunade for me." After saying this, Wen Tai suddenly jumped up After a few ups and downs, it disappeared in everyone's eyes.

Slowly put away Jiraiya's letter, Kakashi nodded slightly, it's not for him to intervene in the matter of Jiraiya, Kakashi turned around, the three-pointed jade in his right eye slowly It turned slowly and joined the final cleaning.

On Tianyu's side, Tianyu, who was in a hurry to go back to find Xiaoyu, was so entangled in the angle, "Let's come here first today, and I will give you a super gift package for the last move." I saw Tianyu talking to the corner below When he said this, violet patterns covered his whole body, and his hands flew quickly: "Wind escapes the wrath of the wind god".

The howling wind had stopped at this moment, no, it didn't stop, but it all condensed, and I saw a huge blue wind ball in the sky, getting smaller and smaller, but the color was getting thicker and thicker. I also want to know the result of the compression.

Until the end, the light blue wind ball, which was originally more than ten meters in diameter, became only the size of a basketball. The invisible wind had already condensed into substance.

The wind stopped flowing, the air seemed to be frozen, and it was difficult to breathe for a while. The atmosphere was extremely oppressive. Feeling the terrifying breath in the blue wind ball from an angle, I was stunned, and at the same time, a faint fear rose in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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