False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 303 Returning the 2 Instruments

Chapter 303 Return of Liangyi (2)

"Okay, let's go." After writing the letter, Naruto raised his head and said to everyone: "Let's go to the base of the Akatsuki organization first. I believe you should know where they are, right? A few months ago Did you all read it when our intelligence organization investigated it?"

"Well, we all know." Tianyu and others nodded and said, then Tianyu frowned slightly, looked at Naruto and said: "Naruto, you don't need to go if you look like this?"

Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto was slightly stunned, and then said calmly: "Actually, even if I can't see, I can still fight." Naruto's hand flickered when he said this, and the Dragon Tooth Blade ruthlessly moved towards Tianyu Slashed over, but Tianyu made a slight wrong step, dodged over immediately, and at the same time, Kunai in his hand blocked Naruto's dragon tooth blade.

After the sound of "Dang", Tianyu retreated a few meters with the anti-shock force, made another turn, bypassed Naruto's side, waved again, and suddenly a wind ball shot towards Naruto silently, and Naruto then It was a dodge, and after dodging Tianyu's ninjutsu attack with the same agility, he let go of his feet, took a few steps back, and said in Tianyu's direction: "How is it? My actions are not affected by vision."

"As expected of Naruto." Looking at Naruto's movements without the slightest fireworks, Tianyu and the others had a look of shock on their faces, and Tianyu said in amazement: "I really doubt whether you are human!" Wow, even if you can't see with your eyes, you can still make such an action."

"He is not human at all. I really doubt whether he will be resurrected when his heart is pierced." And Suifeng didn't hide his inner surprise, and said with a cold joke, as if he wanted to use such a Jokes to ease everyone's anger towards Yakumo and adjust the atmosphere, but no one eased it at all.

"Don't talk about piercing the heart, even if I cut off the head, I will definitely not die." Naruto said firmly, because he had a reason why he couldn't die, Hinata, still waiting for himself to wake up His life is not his own at all.

"Okay, let's go," Ziyuan said after looking around at everyone, and everyone nodded silently, and then Tianyu flipped his hands, and suddenly a set of team uniforms appeared in his hands, facing towards him. Naruto handed it over and said: "The team uniform you asked me to order last time is ready, you can change it first."

"En." I saw Naruto slowly stroking the team uniform in front of him, feeling the unique texture on it, then nodded and said: "Then I will go in and change my clothes first, you wait a moment", after speaking , I saw Naruto walking towards a room in the hall as nimbly as lightning, and dexterously avoided two chairs at the same time, Tianyu and others were stunned.

"Can he be considered blind like this?" This is the voice of everyone. Tianyu and others looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes. Being able to fight Tianyu can only show that his perception is superior. It is forced to listen to the sound to identify the position, but the chair that is still there without life fluctuations can also be avoided.

Ten minutes later, I saw Naruto in the room, touching his finished team uniform with a little sigh. Unexpectedly, the complicated magic circle on the team uniform that took me a week to complete is now only It takes 10 minutes to complete a set. Feeling his increased mental power, Naruto was also surprised for a while, and at the same time very helpless. He didn't realize such a simple truth.

Only through continuous fighting can strength be enhanced. Similarly, mental power can grow faster only through continuous consumption and recovery, but I have always tried my best to maintain the best state of my mental power, so that I haven't used my spatial ability much, maybe this is the reason why my spatial ability has advanced so slowly?Using mental power to activate the space ability should have been used countless times to become more handy, but I have always used it as my trump card and almost never used it. If I use it a lot, I believe that I should Can you release more powerful space tricks with the least mental energy consumption?Right now, the power of my spatial ability is all forced up by mental strength, which is simply too rough.

After the incident where I lost my eyesight, I found that my mental strength has been greatly improved in the constant use, consumption and recovery. It really is a blessing in disguise. Naruto sighed slightly when he thought of this, now My mental strength has become stronger and stronger, and maybe in the near future, it will grow to a level where even I feel terrifying.

"Okay, let's go, you go first." Naruto came out wearing the uniform uniform, said to everyone, and after a slight pause, he said again: "Qingyin will stay Bar".

"Why!?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin shouted in dissatisfaction: "Why do you want to keep me? I want to go too, besides, my power is already very strong now. The one you said uses flames without affecting I've almost reached the standard for the temperature outside." Speaking of this, Qingyin looked at Naruto with a resentful expression.However, everyone's heart is very heavy at this time, otherwise, Suifeng and the others will make a joke again.

"Huh?" Hearing Qingyin's words, Naruto was slightly startled. Has he almost reached that standard?Even if she was very talented, she couldn't improve so fast, right?It seems that she has been practicing really hard during this time. Naruto who thought of this was a little comforted, and said: "Because this battle is too dangerous." Speaking of this, Naruto hurriedly raised his hand, Stopping Qing Yin and said: "Don't get excited, the main thing is that we have to leave a member to guard the base, right? Otherwise, we will go to the empty building, and if we are taken by some young people, it will be too embarrassing , Moreover, Suifeng and their younger sister also need to be taken care of by one person."

"Okay." Qing Yin, who was finally persuaded by Naruto, had no choice but to say, but then said firmly: "But next time, you must not leave me behind. I will not agree next time no matter what. ".In the end, under Naruto's repeated assurances, Qingyin had no choice but to give up.

"Naruto? Why didn't you let Qingyin come together? Is it really the reason you said?" At this time, all the members of the funeral organization flew towards the distance, and Tianyu moved towards Naruto next to him. asked.

"I don't know either." Naruto shook his head faintly, and said distressedly: "Didn't you see that I haven't expressed the intention of pulling her into the organization? Actually, to be honest, I always have an inexplicable feeling I am worried, but I don’t know what I am worried about. It seems that a subconscious voice tells me that it is unwise to pull her into the organization.”

"Really?" Hearing Naruto's words, Tianyu looked at Naruto in surprise, and said, "I don't know what you are worried about, but based on my observation for so long, there seems to be nothing wrong with her." place, forget it, you should think about it yourself.”In the end, Tianyu said with an expression that had nothing to do with me, but Naruto couldn't see his expression.

"En." Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto nodded slightly, and said: "Since you didn't find anything wrong, then maybe I was overthinking it. Then when we come back, let's take a look at her." Let’s implement the matter of joining the organization, now that she’s here with us, it’s just a formality.”

"En." Tianyu also nodded, and said: "That's fine, otherwise I'm afraid that a girl like her won't have a sense of belonging here. Think about it for yourself. You left her here with us, but you didn't tell her clearly. How do you feel about joining our organization?" Tianyu's analysis made Naruto's face full of guilt, and he really didn't consider these things.

(End of this chapter)

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