False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 308 Returning the 2 Instruments

Chapter 308 Return of Liangyi (7)

"You." I saw the remaining two ninjas pointing at Ningji angrily, but they couldn't say anything. The rapid defeat of the middle-aged ninja just now also sounded the alarm for the two of them. If it is the second time, there is really not much hope of victory.

"Since you don't make a move, then I will." Ning Ci said with a slightly impatient expression, and then slowly assumed a familiar pose.

"That's right." Seeing Neji's posture, the two Jonin of the Hyuga Clan looked at each other in shock, then quickly assumed a posture exactly like Neji's, staring at Neji firmly, This posture is Baguazhang!

"Soft fist method." I saw Ning Ci muttering in his mouth, and at the same time stepped on his foot, and with mysterious steps, he rushed towards the two junin like lightning. After looking at each other, they rushed towards Ning Ci with the same mysterious footwork, "The arrogant guy actually wants to use Baguazhang to deal with us two Junin who have been immersed in Baguazhang for decades."

"Really? Then you will see how I defeat you." Ningci's mouth hooked up, and he went up to him without dodging or evading.

"Bagua 120 Eight Palms", "Bagua 120 Eight Palms", I saw two jounin shouted at the same time, and the two palms of the two pushed towards Ning Ci at the same time. How can it resist the simultaneous attacks of two elite jonin?At this moment, the two jounin seemed to have seen the result of Neji being knocked down by him.

However, at this moment, the blue light in Ning Cibai's eyes flashed past, and at the same time, the movements of the two jounin froze, their eyes filled with unbelievable expressions, and at this moment, Ning Ci instantly appeared between the two, "Spiral Eight Diagrams 250 Six Palms".

"Bang bang bang bang", I saw Ning Ci standing in the middle of the two and spinning quickly, while his hands were hitting the bodies of the two junin like lightning, and there were bursts of sound, and the two Jonin's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Bang bang", the last two sounds, I saw that the two jonin were also sent flying out, while Neji turned his head to look at Akai, looked at his persuasive eyes, gritted his teeth, Lightning turned and left.

"Impossible?" At this moment, the two Hyuga Elite Jōnin who were knocked into the air roared loudly in their hearts without confidence: What kind of eyes are those?What's with the blue light in that eye?Also, why such a young man can comprehend the realm of 250 six palms.

At the same time, Yinnin Village in Tianzhi Country.

"Chidori." I saw Sasuke under a waterfall in Yinnin Village, with his upper body naked, letting the water of the Milky Way, like a horse hanging upside down from nine days, wash over his body wantonly, and his hands were bursting. The thunder and lightning were jumping wantonly, but what was weird was that the lightning that was constantly jumping in his hand didn't spread into the water. It can be seen that his control over the lightning had reached a very delicate stage, and Sasuke, just like that Holding a ball of dazzling lightning in his right hand, he stood quietly under the noisy waterfall.

The violent impact of the waterfall washed his body mercilessly, but he stood there like a pole, steady, while holding the dazzling lightning in his hand, he jumped crazily in the water, the sharp and complicated The chirping of the waterfall is so noticeable amidst the muffled sound of the waterfall.

"Sasuke-kun's strength is really getting more and more terrifying." On the cliff beside the waterfall, four boys in the same kimono stood there quietly. The only girl in the district looked at her with a little admiration and love. Looking at Sasuke under the waterfall, he sighed and said like a nympho.

"Tayuya, I think you don't look like the kind of person who will become a nympho when you see a handsome guy. Why are you treating Sasuke recently?" A man next to him looked at the girl in surprise and said, the strange thing is This man actually has six arms.

Tayuya gave the man a blank look, and said: "Stupid Kidomaru, handsome looks are not enough to make me fall in love, but." Speaking of this, Tayuya once again swept under the waterfall with eyes like a nympho The handsome Sasuke continued, "But Sasuke-kun, who is not only handsome but also powerful, is one of the best." Speaking of this, Tayu also glanced at an equally handsome man next to him, and said: "Just Like Zuo Jin, although he is also very handsome, he does not have a particularly strong power, so it is impossible for him to impress me."

"Uh." Hearing Tayuya's words, a handsome man next to him couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but say in defense: "I shouldn't be that kind of person, right? At least I'm much better than Jirobo, right?" ? "Speaking of the vicinity, a fat man next to him said with his mouth nuzzled.

As for the fat man who was mentioned, the anger flashed across his face, but he didn't attack it, as if he was used to it.

"Yes, you are better than that fat pig." Tayuya chuckled and said, "But you are far worse than Sasuke-kun."

Although Zuo Jin was very unwilling to be told by Tayuya, he had no choice but to say: "Don't compare me with that pervert. When we first came, the four of us teamed up and could fight against him for a while. Now. "Speaking of which, looking at Sasuke who didn't even sway under the waterfall, he sighed slightly but couldn't say anything.

"Zokin, how dare you call Sasuke-kun a pervert?" Tayuya was not happy when he heard Zuokin's subdued words. Instead, he screamed like a mad female leopard, "I want to fight you."

"Uh." Seeing Tayuya's appearance, Zuo Kon was slightly stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "Don't be so serious, right?"

"Get ready to take the move, who asked you to insult Sasuke-kun?" Tayuya said very seriously.

"Chirp." And just when the brains of the four Otonin were in a ball, there was a black spot approaching quickly in the distance, and Sasuke, who was standing quietly under the waterfall with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. He opened his eyes, and his eyes shot towards the rapidly enlarged black spot in the distance high in the sky like lightning.

"En?" Seeing that the four people also found the thing that was flying over quickly, Duoyou couldn't help but muttered: "What is that?" Zuojin and the others also shook their heads in doubt, signaling that they were not Know.

"Chirp." Finally, when the black dot approached, everyone could see clearly that it was a Ninja Hawk. The eyes of the Ninja Hawk locked on Sasuke, and the sharp Mingjiao rushed down, and Sasuke He jumped with his feet, came to the shore, pulled his hand, and immediately the clothes on the ground were covered by him.

"Clatter." I saw Sasuke's arm raised, and the sound of fluttering wings sounded, and the ninja hawk landed steadily on Sasuke's raised arm, and Sasuke just glanced at the bird on the cliff. The four of them glanced at each other, raised a pair of sword eyebrows lightly, but didn't say anything, skillfully untied a cylinder from Ninja's claw, pulled out a letter from it, and swept it slowly.

Then, Sasuke's face changed, his body trembled slightly, and he murmured: "Is that so? All action? That is to say", Sasuke's body shook slightly when he said this, Said: "That means we can meet again, Itachi."

"Sasuke." At this moment, a gentle male voice rang out from the cliff, calling out to Sasuke, and instantly awakened Sasuke. Sasuke raised his head slightly, and it turned out that it was Yao Shidou standing on it.

(End of this chapter)

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