False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 345 Danzo’s Death

Chapter 345 Danzo’s Death (3)

Hearing this familiar voice, Naruto's hand couldn't help but slow down, and Danzo, taking advantage of Naruto's distraction, the moment he was sluggish about locking himself, retreated like lightning.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, only to see an old man walking out of the village slowly.

"Three Hokage-sama." "Three Hokage", seeing this person who came out, all the Konoha ninjas said in surprise, even Jiraiya and others were also surprised, and have been enjoying their old age in the village for a long time. Why did the teacher come out at this time?

"What's the matter?" Seeing the old man who came out, Naruto's eyes flashed a trace of complexity. Back then, he took care of himself a lot, but there was nothing unusual on Naruto's face, he just looked at him lightly. The third generation asked: "Don't tell me that you want to stop it by killing Danzo."

Looking at Naruto's indifferent expression, hearing the refusal in those words, and seeing the pale hair fluttering in the wind on his head, Sandai's throat seemed to be choked by something. That teenager who likes to play pranks in the village?Is this still the boy who always likes to make noise?grown up?Or has it changed what made him the way he is?
"What? Don't you have anything to say?" Seeing Sandai's heartbroken look, Naruto turned his face away without a trace, and said lightly: "Since you have nothing to say, then I will do it", saying Then, the dragon tooth blade in Naruto's hand was raised again, and with his movement, the space that had calmed down slowly fluctuated violently again.

"Wait a minute." Seeing Naruto's movements and feeling the horror of this power, Sandai's heart tightened, and he couldn't help organizing Naruto again and said: "Okay, Naruto, let him go."

"Let him go?" Hearing Sandai's request, Naruto couldn't help being slightly stunned, looked at Sandai in disbelief, and said, "What did you say? You asked me to let him go? Did you say something wrong? Or Did I hear you wrong? I seemed to hear you telling me to let him go?"

"That's right." Sandai nodded slowly, pointed at Danzo and said, "I didn't say anything wrong, and you didn't hear me wrong. I'm asking you to let him go."

"Why?" Hearing what the third generation said, Naruto stared at him, and asked seriously: "Why should I let him go? The hatred between me and him", Naruto's eyes flashed when he said this After a moment of unforgettable madness, he said: "The hatred between me and him is irreconcilable!"

"I know", Sandai nodded slowly, with a burst of pain in his eyes, and said: "But he is Danzo after all, and he has worked with me for so many years. Although he is ambitious, his contribution to Konoha is not worth it. They are innumerable, if it wasn’t for him, Muye Village wouldn’t have achieved such achievements, whether it’s public or private, I wouldn’t let him die here.”

"Haha. Haha." Hearing the words of the third generation, Naruto laughed wildly, and said: "Just because of this reason, do you want to prevent me from revenge? Am I too pure? Or ", when it comes to this, Naruto Ren, looking at the third generation with a gloomy face, continued: "Or are you too naive?"

"That's enough, Naruto." Hearing Naruto's words, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi finally said angrily: "Don't be self-willed, the third generation is not something you can treat like this!"

In fact, as soon as the words were spoken, Naruto himself regretted it. After all, the third generation took care of him clearly at the beginning. Today, he satirized him in public like this because he was overwhelmed by the anger of hatred for a while. Dazed to the head, speechless for a while.

On the contrary, the third generation who heard Naruto's words was stunned, then smiled bitterly, and murmured: "Yeah, I am too naive, I have always been too naive", muttering this in his mouth , I don’t know what to think of, with an expression of memory and contemplation on his face, guilt and hatred on his face, and more, self-blame.

Looking at the appearance of the third generation, Naruto couldn't bear it in his heart, but there was no remedy, so he could only walk down the scalp, only to see Naruto turned around, looking at Danzo who was looking at the third generation in a bit complicated at this moment , said coldly: "Killing pays for life. Today, the hatred between us will also come to an end. No matter who comes today, it can't stop my determination to kill you."

Hearing Naruto's words, Danzo felt a slight chill in his heart. His strength was so strong that he couldn't resist at all. However, before Danzo recovered, he saw Naruto appearing in front of him in an instant. In front of him, the dragon tooth blade in his hand pointed directly at him, looked at Danzo with cold eyes, and said: "Time and space collapsed".

Naruto's space ability, if carefully differentiated, it is not difficult to deduce that as long as the word "time and space" is included in the name of his move, it is definitely a powerful move.

I only heard Naruto's words fall, before Danzo could react, the space around him collapsed and disappeared quickly, and Danzo, time was killed by the collapsed space.

"No", similarly, the third generation also yelled, but it was still too late, and they could only watch the space around Danzo collapse rapidly, and Danzo was quickly destroyed by the collapsed space. kill.

"Is it solved?" Looking at Danzo who was killed by the collapsed space in his own space, the blood-red nebula in Naruto's eyes rolled for a while, and he murmured with uncertainty in his heart.

However, at this moment, suddenly there was a strange twist in the air, and then Danzo appeared in front of everyone again intact.

"What's going on?" Seeing the resurrected Danzo, everyone was shocked. Wasn't he killed just now?Why is it resurrected again.

"Who was that just now?" Naruto, who was skeptical about Danzo's death, finally believed that his feelings were correct. When Danzo was killed in the end, an inexplicable force appeared, and then, everything Everything seems to have become an illusion.

Naruto who didn't come frowning, when his eyes swept over Danzo's hand, his eyes lit up slightly, and after a moment of contemplation, he looked at Danzo suddenly and said, "Is that so? This is your Sharingan Ability? At the last moment of your own death, will you turn your own death into an illusion to escape? And as the price, is it a Sharingan?"

Hearing Naruto's words, everyone looked at Danzo's hand, and sure enough, one of the six open Sharingan in his hand was closed.

Danzo was also surprised to see Naruto discovering his sharingan ability so quickly.

"So what?" After discovering Danzo's ability, Naruto said indifferently: "Since I can kill you once, I can kill you twice. Today, go to hell for me." ".Speaking of Naruto, his constantly tumbling nebula-like demon pupils suddenly turned into a kaleidoscope, and he said lightly: "Blood veins imitate Sharingan".

"No, no." Feeling the killing intent in Naruto's heart, the third generation couldn't help but shouted: "Naruto, stop me, Danzo's contribution to Konoha can't be ignored, today I will definitely not I will miss you to kill him." While roaring, Sandai rushed towards Naruto.

"I'm sorry, you can't go there." At this moment, there was a sudden flash in front of Sandai, and Sasuke appeared in front of Sandai in an instant, and said coldly.

"You", looking at Sasuke standing in front of him, Sandai just wanted to make a move, but when he suddenly saw the weapon on Sasuke, his eyes narrowed, and he blurted out: "The Sword of Kusanagi".

(End of this chapter)

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