False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 361 Crisis in the Land of Winds

Chapter 361 Crisis in the Land of Winds (3)

Hearing Naruto's words, everyone was stunned, and then those wandering ninjas reacted immediately, looking at Naruto excitedly one by one, being able to get the protection of Uzumaki Naruto, that's a good thing from the sky After all, during this ninja war period, the newly built ninja village like them is just a very ordinary small ninja village, just come to a bigger ninja village, and they can be wiped out. The same medium and large ninja villages, they can only be fish on the chopping board, let alone a large ninja village like Kai Ninja Village, and a super giant like Konoha Ninja Village?That was a height that none of them dared to look up to.

However, it will be very different to be protected by Uzumaki Naruto. Who is Uzumaki Naruto?That is the person who personally destroyed Yunnin Village, one of the five great nations of human beings, three years ago. With his protection, even a super giant like Konoha would not dare to think of doing it himself, right?It's like a crayfish that can only struggle in the mud on the bottom of the sea, suddenly being protected by a deep sea dragon.

Compared to the excitement of these wandering ninjas, those daimyos and generals were envious and jealous at the same time and glanced at Fuka Koyuki, since this ninja village that has not yet started construction has already been protected by Uzumaki Naruto , then the power of Snow Country will be reassessed.

"How is it? Do you agree?" Looking at those excited wandering ninjas, Naruto asked lightly. Suddenly, the eyes of those daimyos and generals became fiery staring at those wandering ninjas, but although they already had a thousand thoughts in their hearts, , 1 agreed, but those wandering ninjas didn't say anything, they just looked at Ibrahimovic with fiery eyes.

Seeing that they followed Ibrahimovic's lead, Naruto nodded in his heart. Under such a temptation, he could still remember to get Ibrahimovic's approval. It seems that there will be no problems in management in the future. And character and so on will not be too bad, after all, in the face of such a big temptation, you can still maintain yourself, and your character should be passable.

"How is it? Ibrahimovic?" Naruto turned his head and asked Ibrahimovic with a little expectation: "Do you agree?"

"En! Brother Naruto, I will! Let's work hard together, it's a man's promise, come on, pull the hook!" Suddenly, the promise between himself and Naruto appeared in Ibrahimovic's mind again, remembering that he was How to make a promise with Naruto?Looking at the expectant eyes of those wandering ninjas, Ibrahimovic sighed slightly in his heart, then nodded and agreed.

"Oh", seeing Ibrahimovic nodding, all the wandering ninjas cheered. The wandering career has finally ended, and they can get the shelter of a strong man like Uzumaki Naruto. In the future life, think of this The wandering ninjas suddenly felt that the future was full of hope.

"Okay", seeing Ibrahimovic nodding, Naruto was also happy from the bottom of his heart, patted Ibrahimovic on the shoulder, pulled him to Tianyu and the others, and said to Tianyu and the others: "How is it? I'm new A teammate came in."

"Welcome, welcome." Seeing Ibrahimovic, all the people welcomed him from the bottom of their hearts.

"En." Seeing so many sincere faces, Ibrahimovic felt a little warm in his heart, nodded, and said, "Please take care of me in the future."

"Hehe." Flying high in the sky, looking at the ninja village that is being vigorously built below, thinking of the situation that Ibrahimovic agreed to join the organization at that time, I smiled from the bottom of my heart. One point, if the organization does not come forward for some obvious matters, Ninja Village can come forward.

"Huh?" When he came to the door of the hall and heard the silence inside, Naruto frowned slightly. What's going on?Wasn't it all noisy before?Why is it so quiet today?
Confused, Naruto slowly pushed open the door of the hall and walked in, only to see that all the people inside were practicing listlessly, not as lively as they were at the beginning.

He glanced up and did not see Suifeng, Naruto asked Tianyu suspiciously: "Tianyu, where is Suifeng? Why is it missing?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Tianyu rolled his eyes helplessly, and said: "Recently, that kid Suifeng had a heated fight with Chanel, and ran out again, so that no one bullied us, didn't you see that everyone was listless? ?”

"Oh?" Hearing Tianyu's words, Naruto was slightly stunned, then smiled slightly, and said with a little surprise: "I didn't expect that kid Suifeng to have a passionate day? I thought he was pulling Chanel is just habitual."

"Oh." At this time, Lei Yan and the others also sighed, and said: "It's a pity, that kid Suifeng has disappeared all day long, so we don't even have anyone to bully, boring." There, he looked up to the sky and said with a long sigh.

"Huh? That. Shouldn't I come back?" At this moment, Suifeng's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and Suifeng stood awkwardly at the door, looking at Tianyu and the others in fear. What was said was heard by him.

"Huh?" Seeing Suifeng, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they smiled maliciously. That smile made Suifeng's heart shudder, and Chanel, who came along, saw so many people's smiles, He also instinctively felt that something was wrong, and shrank behind Suifeng.

"Huh?" Suddenly Naruto's playful eyes narrowed, and he saw that Suifeng actually walked in holding Chanel's hand. He felt a little relieved, Naruto smiled slightly, and said: "Suifeng, how about it?" ? Shouldn’t it be a celebration?”

"Ah?" Hearing Naruto's words, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled by the wind, and asked suspiciously: "Celebrate? What are you celebrating?"

"What do you say? What?" Naruto smiled strangely, and then pouted at the hand that the two were holding, and the people who were reminded by Naruto immediately shot their hot eyes at the hand that the two were holding. On the hand, the hotness of the gaze, I don't know if it is a psychological effect, it actually makes the two of them feel as if their hands are being roasted by fire.

Sensing everyone's hot eyes, Chanel's pretty face was covered with red clouds immediately, her ears were stained red, and she quickly withdrew her hand, embarrassed to see everyone and hid behind Suifeng.

"It's all your fault," Chanel, who was hiding behind, shyly called out from behind Suifeng. Although the voice was small, who were those present?They are all strong one by one, and of course their hearing will not be weak, and everyone can hear clearly.

"Ahaha." Hearing Chana's complaints and Suifeng's non-stop confession, everyone burst into laughter, even Sasuke, Neji, Zhuifeng and Ibrahimovic who had been sitting calmly next to each other, The corners of the mouth are also slightly raised.

"Really." The two girls, Xiaoyu and Zhuifeng's younger sister, were discussing flower art together. Hearing everyone's laughter, the disturbed two frowned slightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Wow, these stinking boys".

"Hey, Suifeng." Seeing Suifeng who was apologizing to Chanel, Tianyu smiled strangely and said with disdain: "Suifeng, you are too unmanly, right? How can a big man always apologize to a woman?" Woolen cloth?"

Suifeng, who was ridiculed, was not annoyed, he just showed a happy smile and said: "What do you know? This is happiness, let's talk about it." After talking about this, Suifeng paused for a while, and then said: "Besides, I don't Seeing how masculine you are, how capable you are, huh?" Slightly pouted towards Xiaoyu, and said with the wind: "I have the ability to deal with your family."

With a proud smile, Tianyu proudly said to Suifeng: "Do you think everyone is like you? I'll show you what masculinity is today."

(End of this chapter)

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