Chapter 367

In the middle of the night, everything is quiet, and most of the people in Sand Ninja Village are already asleep, only some special people are still wandering.

In the hotel, Tianyu slowly opened his eyes, stretched lazily, yawned, sat up, looked up and looked out of the window, it was a black night, only occasional lights dotted in the dark In the night, like fireflies.

It was almost the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, but Tianyu, who had been sleeping since the afternoon, happened to be full of energy. He stood up, washed himself with the water escape ninjutsu, and stood by the window. Looking at the night below, there was nothing to do for a while.

"Huh?" Suddenly Tianyu's eyes lit up. It turned out that there was a balcony by his window. Of course, it's not surprising to have a balcony, but what made Tianyu's eyes brighten was that this balcony was actually directly connected to the next door, that is, The little fish's room.

"Young man, seize the opportunity. A moment in spring is worth a thousand dollars. You must be frivolous when you are young. Don't wait until you are old. There will be no good memories." Recalling the deep meaning of the hotel owner at that time, it turned out to be the meaning, yes, You have to be frivolous when you are young, but don't wait until you are old and have no good memories.

Thinking of this, Tianyu's heart felt as if being scratched by a kitten. Finally, after hesitating for a moment, he took out "Kindness to Heaven" again, flipped through it carefully, and muttered : "Well. After the kiss and then. Then this. Then that."

Finally, after reviewing some of the steps, Tianyu sighed in satisfaction, closed the book, and said to himself, "This time, there won't be such an embarrassment as this afternoon, right?" After thinking about it, Nothing is lost, everything should be in place.

Opening the window, one jumped onto the balcony, tiptoeing, nervously moved towards the little fish, just like a child who stole the candy from home when he was a child, guilty of being a thief, this is the portrayal of Tianyu now, with his strength, Even if he swaggered to a Jonin's room to get something, I believe he wouldn't be found out, let alone going to Xiaoyu's room now?Need to be as careful as you are now?

Tianyu, who turned into a black shadow, stood in front of Xiaoyu's window. The strong eyesight swept in, and he could see that Xiaoyu was lying lazily inside, with the quilt kicked off, and fell asleep soundly, with messy pajamas , You can vaguely see the exposed spring light, although the light inside is dim, but Tianyu's eyes hurt by the leaked spring light.

Looking at the lazy expression on the sleeping face, and the exposed strands of spring light, as well as the ups and downs with the little fish's breathing, Tianyu felt a burst of dry mouth, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva suddenly, Finally discarding the hesitation in his heart, he slowly raised his sweaty, slippery hand, and a gust of wind stirred in his palm.

Silent cutting, Tianyu's control over the wind can be said to have reached the pinnacle. Although Tianyu can't use his ability perfectly because of the turbulent waves in his heart at the moment, it is still very difficult to cut the glass on these windows silently. It was easy, gently put down the glass in his hand, a wretched smile appeared on the corner of Tianyu's mouth, he dodged in, and tiptoed in.

"Ding Lingling." Suddenly, at this moment, a burst of bells sounded, which seemed so clear in this silent room, and hearing the sudden sound of bells, Tianyu seemed to hear a thunderclap. I regretted it in my heart, I didn't expect that I still had no concentration, and I couldn't even find such a simple mechanism.

Sure enough, the little fish who heard the bell rang slowly opened his eyes, and saw the figure in front of him just about to exclaim, but suddenly felt his mouth was covered, and the exclamation was suppressed back , the frightened little fish struggled violently.

"Xiaoyu, it's me." Tianyu leaned over and whispered in the frightened Xiaoyu's ear, and when he heard Tianyu's words, Xiaoyu's struggling movements froze slightly, and then slowly calmed down, but However, Tianyu could feel his mouth covered, and the temperature on Xiaoyu's face was getting higher and higher, as if he had been roasted by fire.

Feeling the delicate body under him calm down, Tianyu slowly let go of Xiaoyu's hand.

"You. What are you doing here?" Xiaoyu's voice sounded, with undisguised shyness and a trace of panic. If you distinguish carefully, you can even hear a trace of expectation that she may not even be aware of.

"Eh", Tianyu was stunned when he heard Xiaoyu's words, and then smiled awkwardly, and said: "Haha. That. That's the one who came to help you cover the quilt because I saw that your quilt was not covered properly. ", Tianyu, who thought of a good excuse, finally said firmly, as if he even believed his own lie.

"Then. Then you still don't leave." Speaking of this, Xiaoyu struggled slightly with his body, and said softly shyly.

This caused a fire. Tianyu, who was originally distracted by Xiaoyu's words, was drawn back by the slight struggle of his delicate body under him, and felt the hot and soft body underneath. Delicate body, an evil fire rose again in the lower abdomen.

"Ah." Xiaoyu said in a low voice, suppressed: "Tianyu. You. Your place. What. How are you hiding it. A kunai?"

"Hey." Tianyu burst into meaningful laughter, laughing until Xiaoyu flustered for a while, and said: "Kunai? This is a more powerful weapon than Kunai, do you want to try it?"

"No. Don't", although I don't know what it is, but the girl's sixth sense is still very strong, it will definitely not be a good thing, so she hurriedly refused.

"No?" Tianyu smiled evilly, and at the same time moved his hands up and down, walking on Xiaoyu's fiery but slightly trembling delicate body, and said: "I will let you taste the power today, hehe", as he said, in Xiao Yu exclaimed, pulling the quilt to cover both of them.

What followed was a night of spring, which is not enough for outsiders.

In the early morning of the next day, playful sunlight slipped in through the window, moved, and finally, the sunlight finally climbed into the eyes of the two of them.

"En." Tianyu felt the direct sunlight, raised his hand to block the sunlight, slowly opened his eyes, then lowered his head, looked at the little fish in his arms, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Looking at Xiaoyu's slightly trembling eyelashes, pretending to be asleep, Tianyu's heart is bright, this is also normal, Xiaoyu, who is a little shorter than Tianyu, of course wakes up earlier than Tianyu when he is awakened by the sun.

Looking at the wonderful woman in his arms who had woken up early, Tianyu gave a slight glance, lowered his head, and kissed her lightly on the corner of her mouth, and at the same time said in a low voice: "My dear, you haven't woken up yet? That's just right, Before waking up, another fight is considered as morning exercise."

"Don't." Hearing Tianyu's words, Xiaoyu opened his eyes in surprise, "Last night. You. You. I'm still in pain."

"Oh? Pain?" Seeing Xiaoyu's shy look, Tianyu smiled evilly, and said, "Does it still hurt? Do you want me to touch it for you?" He said and moved his hand down.

With a "snap", he slapped Tianyu's unruly hand away, Xiaoyu gave him a blank look, and said shyly, "Don't be rude."

"How can I be unscrupulous?" Tianyu, who was slapped off, said with an aggrieved face: "Isn't it normal for a man to have sex with a woman? Besides, didn't you scream happily last night?"

"You still said", Xiaoyu was excited by Tianyu's words and jumped up, looking at Tianyu with shame and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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