False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 386 Visit from the End of Nine

Chapter 386 Nine Tails Visit (1)

"By the way, what about Uzumaki Naruto's psychic beast?" Suddenly, Didara, who was about to leave, saw the forgotten blue light ball in the center of the magic circle on the ground, and asked suddenly.

After pondering for a while, Scorpion said slowly: "Since it is Uzumaki Naruto's psychic beast, then there should be a place for it to be used in the future direction of the world, so let's let it go, we will deal with it in the future." Don’t worry about it, just watch on, the world will find its own destination, and life will find its own way out.”

"En." Hearing Scorpion's words, Didala and the others pondered for a while, then nodded slowly. Yes, Scorpion is right. For the sake of the future world, I should let it go.

I saw Didala and the others, after knocking down a ration pill, all of them walked towards the much dimmed blue light ball on the ground, and they also divided into four positions to stand, and the wounded seals flew quickly , and at the same time the powerful Chakra emerged again.

"Super Illusory Dragon Nine Seals Complete Solution!!" The four people shouted at the same time, and as the words of the four people fell, the blue light ball on the ground seemed to be attracted by an inexplicable force, and slowly floated up. The dim light on the colored ball of light also slowly lit up.

A burst of blue light converged like flowing water, and then formed a big "seal" character, rising from the blue light ball, and then dissipated into nothing.

"Roar", as the word "seal" dissipated, a huge dragon chant sounded throughout the day, a purple dragon suddenly soared into the sky, hovering above the nine heavens, with surging winds, thunder and lightning, one after another A thunderbolt strikes the purple dragon.

"Okay, it's released, and our mission is complete, let's go, let's go." Looking at the vibrant purple dragon in the sky, Xie said lightly, with a slight sadness and loss in his tone. The pursuit has been realized, but what comes with it is not a feeling of joy, but loss, yes, it is loss, a belief that has been insisted on for a long time is gone, and there is a feeling of emptiness in my heart.

"What? Do you want to leave just like that?" Seeing Xie and the others wanting to leave, Zimang said in an unfriendly tone. The huge longan looked down at the Xie and the others below, obviously for themselves I am very concerned about being sealed.

"What? Do you still want to kill us?" Hearing Zimang's words, Fei Duan turned around and said unhurriedly, "Don't you wonder why we let you out again? That's Because the world needs your power in the future, that's why we let you out, and we didn't let you out to deal with us."

Hearing Fei Duan's words, Zimang was silent for a while, obviously he was also puzzled by what Fei Duan said, why did they let him go for no reason?After thinking about it, Zimang, who really couldn't figure it out, went on to say, "This world needs my power? What do you mean? Is it to deal with Hades? Impossible? Otherwise, you wouldn't rely on me." The power of the gods has summoned Hades."

The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and Didara didn't answer, but walked slowly towards the distance, saying: "You will understand this matter in the future, don't ask me, this world, since From the moment Pluto was summoned, he has already changed, and has begun to move in the destined direction."

As they spoke, the figures of the four people moved away slowly, slowly disappearing into the night, while Zimang was still thinking about what the other party said, apparently still not understanding, just quietly suspended in the sky, looking at them Slowly left, disappeared, and never made a move from beginning to end.

"Forget it, I don't understand, I don't understand why." In the end, Zimang, who was racking his brains and didn't understand why, finally said as a helpless giver, "Let's heal the injury first, and summon the Pluto guy." When the Chakra was consumed was too much, let's recover first, and then go to find Uzumaki Naruto-sama."

As he spoke, he saw Zimang still quietly floating in the sky, and thick and long lightning bolts struck down from the sky. Zimang stretched his body from time to time, allowing his body to accept the baptism of thunder and lightning as much as possible. With the help of energy, he quickly recovered his strength.

At this time, on the snowy peak of the Snow Country, Naruto, who was still cultivating his third-level demon pupil ability, opened his eyes early, and the divine light in his eyes was like It was like two sharp swords rushing out.

"What's going on? What kind of feeling is this?" Feeling the inexplicable and terrifying chakra, Naruto asked himself with a slight tremor in his heart, his heart was shocked, so strong! !What kind of power is this that can actually make me feel afraid?
"Could it be?" Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Naruto's mind, and he obviously thought of something secretly: "Could it be them? Could it be that they really summoned Hades?" Feeling that even though it is thousands of miles away , but still able to make himself feel the power of fear, Naruto secretly thought in shock: "Is it impossible? Is this the Pluto who was sealed by the legendary Sage of the Six Paths? His power is too terrifying A little?"

However, Naruto can only think of Pluto as a person who can have such a powerful person, or was he summoned by them?Naruto's heavy secret passage in his heart.

Although he had ordered the intelligence organization to do his best to investigate this matter, did the other party successfully summon Pluto without him noticing it?

Now that they have successfully summoned Pluto, it doesn't mean Zimang.

Thinking of Zimang, Zimang as a victim, Naruto felt guilty for a while. As his psychic beast, he was sealed by others for the first time as his psychic beast. What he did as the master really failed Well, when I think of that purple dragon, when I met him for the first time, he transformed into a human being, with his long flowing purple hair and his resolute face, has he disappeared?

Sadness, endless sadness gnawed at Naruto, as the master himself, he was just incompetent.

Calculating the time, after such a long time, it should be time for them to summon Hades, right?But why would they do this?

Naruto was puzzled for a while. According to rumors, in the ninja world thousands of years ago, a world-destroying demon god appeared. His goal was to destroy the entire world and kill everyone in the world. At that time, no one It was his opponent. Where he passed, there must be mountains of bones and rivers of blood. This person is Hades.

At that time, the world was already on the brink of destruction, the whole world was about to be destroyed, and the people lived in dire straits and endless fear, fearing that they might be killed by Hades at any time.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful figure appeared out of nowhere. He defeated the mighty Pluto at that time with tricks and powers that people had never seen before, and sealed him in an unknown space crack. , it is the Sage of the Six Paths who will be honored by people in later generations.

The tricks he used at that time were all powerful powers that others had never seen before, and the tricks he used were unbelievable to others. Later, in order to let all people grow up, the Immortal of the Six Paths selflessly used his own power. The cultivation method is provided to everyone, and this power is the most primitive ninjutsu and illusion.

The creativity of human beings is unlimited. Later, after the disappearance of the Sage of the Six Paths, with the efforts of countless amazing geniuses, the rough ninjutsu and illusion techniques at that time finally became systematic and perfect, and they were added later. Based on the physical combat power of the samurai, a new ability was formed: Taijutsu.

(End of this chapter)

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