False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 396 Fighting Pluto

Chapter 396 Fighting Pluto (1)


"What did you say?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qilin pretended to be furious and said, "Don't you think it's embarrassing to imitate me? I'm going to kill you, but you actually despise such a powerful beast like me."

Facing Qilin's anger, Naruto didn't look scared, just smiled playfully, looked at Qilin playfully, and asked: "What are you talking about? Kill me? Do you want to fight? I don't care. If you want to fight , I'll accompany you." As he said, Naruto's body wriggled strangely like a liquid, and quickly turned into the appearance of a unicorn, and the terrifying aura pressed hard on the qilin's heart.

"Uh." Sensing the terrifying aura on Naruto, Qilin froze for a moment, this force was not something he could resist, and he couldn't help but change the subject and said, "Didn't you say that you will just imitate me? Have the ability to change back? Change back and we will fight again."

"Cut." Hearing Qilin's words, Naruto's mouth curled up in disdain, the middle finger of his right hand stood up, and swayed slightly: "In this era, if powerful power is kept unused, it can only be attacked by others." , that kind of masochist would do, and it just so happens that I'm not a masochist either."

A unicorn raised its paws, such a human-like movement, no matter how you look at it, it's awkward.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Naruto's eyes froze and he stopped his movements.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Naruto suddenly acting strange, Qilin and Nine Tails asked in surprise.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, Naruto showed an inexplicable smile, looked back at Qilin, and said lightly: "Zimang is not slow, he found Hades so quickly."

"Really?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qilin was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and shouted: "Really? Did you find it? Then what are you waiting for? Go, Pluto? His Strength shouldn’t let us down, right?”

"That's right," Naruto smiled faintly, and said, "It seems that Zimang has fought against him now, let's go and have a look together?" At the end, Naruto looked at Kyuubi and said questioningly.

"No need, I won't go and watch it. I don't have the motivation to watch the battle without any suspense. Let's talk about it." Speaking of this, Nine Tails paused slightly, and then said with a helpless wry smile: "Let's talk about it again." Your strength is no longer something I can look up to, so why should I go to find a blow? If one is not good and is attacked by your stray bullets, it will be too much to lose."

"Hehe", upon hearing what Kyuubi said, Naruto shook his head helplessly and smiled, and said, "Since you said so, then just wait for my news."

"No need," Nine-Tails lazily lay down on the ground, yawned, waved his paws lazily, and looked sleepy, "You don't need to report the news to me, if you have the current lineup , if you can’t solve the Pluto’s words, then you don’t have to pass the level of the Sages of the Six Paths.”

"Cut", seeing Kyuubi's attitude of having nothing to do with himself, Naruto laughed and said, "What a heartless guy."

After finishing speaking, he squeezed his fist, loosened the bones in his hands with a burst of bones, stretched his waist, and said to Qilin: "Okay, let's not talk so much, let's go, just Zimang It would be too difficult for a person to fight Pluto alone."

"En", Kyuubi nodded upon hearing Naruto's words, and said, "Okay then, let's hurry over."

"En", Naruto nodded lightly, with a flower in his hand, the dragon tooth blade suddenly jumped into his palm, Naruto waved the dragon tooth blade lightly, and said in a low voice: "Space, seal ".

The space where the two were in was immediately sealed by Naruto, and then the dragon tooth blade turned again, and said faintly: "The space has moved a lot", following Naruto's words, I saw a burst of ripples flashing in the space, The two disappeared immediately.

"Hehe, you shouldn't disappoint me, right? I really didn't expect it, it seems that I have a little more confidence in defeating the Sage of the Six Paths." Seeing the disappearance of the two, Kyuubi looked at the place where the two disappeared with sleepy eyes. place, muttered in his mouth, then yawned and threw his head on the ground, and fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Zimang, who was thousands of miles away, was fighting with Pluto. To be precise, he should be being abused by Pluto.

One after another thunder and lightning struck down. Although the lightning contained powerful energy that the two of them feared, it was still a little weaker for Pluto, and often a seemingly inconspicuous black light could swallow the thunder and lightning. In front of him, Zimang was barely able to resist.

Although he was at a disadvantage, Zimang was not in a hurry, because he knew that Naruto would come over in a short while, so it was difficult to resist Pluto's attack, but he was busy and not in a hurry.

"I didn't expect it." Pluto kept his hands on his hands, and while attacking Zimang, he said slowly: "I didn't expect such a powerful dragon like you to exist in this world. How about it? Be my psychic!" beast?"

Pluto is worthy of being Pluto, while making Zimang flustered, he still has the mind to gossip, and Zimang really turns a deaf ear to Pluto's words, and just dodges or resists his attacks silently.

"Why?" Pluto said lightly, "Isn't my strength still not recognized by you? Why don't you agree?" He waved his hand again and again, and black rays of light shot towards the purple mang. , Pluto said to Zimang lightly.

"Do you want to take it as your psychic beast?" And at this moment, a boy's voice suddenly sounded, "Sorry, it is my companion, I can't let it follow you, if it is If you want to, I have nothing to say, but if you want to use force to make him submit, then I will not agree."

Hearing this sudden voice appearing in the arena, Pluto was startled. He also retracted his attack on Zimang, protected his whole body, retreated a hundred meters like lightning, and withdrew from a place he thought was safe. After a distance, he looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a 15-meter-old boy in the sky, about [-] years old, and a black unicorn ten meters away, quietly suspended there. It was Uzumaki Naruto and Mo Qilin.

"Mo Qilin", even Pluto couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the unicorn, "Impossible? When did such a unicorn beast exist? Why haven't I heard of such a beast for thousands of years?" The presence?"

"Is this the Pluto?" Qilin and Naruto both asked themselves in their hearts, looking at the quietly floating Pluto in the distance, and feeling the power in him that made them feel slightly frightened.

"Master Naruto", seeing the appearance of Naruto and Mo Qilin, Zi Mang, who had been under the attack of Pluto, greeted with a slight sigh of relief, and at the same time, the purple dragon body twisted in the air, and lightning As if, he came to Naruto.

"En", seeing Zimang coming in front of him, Naruto nodded and said: "Zimang, you said you would find it within three days, but I didn't expect that you didn't spend a day, so you took him away." I found it."

"That's good luck." Hearing Naruto's praise, Zimang's dragon said with a slight smile on his face: "I didn't expect that I just flew in the direction where he was hiding, so I was caught so quickly." I found it".

"En", Naruto nodded in satisfaction, raised his head, felt the terrifying power of Pluto, and said slowly to him: "Did you just want Zimang to be loyal to you? Sorry, it It's my companion."

"Your?" Hearing Naruto's words, Pluto sized Naruto up and down, but he didn't feel how powerful he was. It seemed that he was just a 15-year-old boy, and Pluto secretly said suspiciously: Why can he get the allegiance of this Jiaolong?Besides, even Mo Qilin was by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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