False Naruto of Naruto

Chapter 404 Qingyin

Chapter 404 Qingyin
In the early morning of the next day, in Feixue Ninja Village, a large number of people stood at the entrance of the village and looked out, led by the official Naruto Uzumaki.

Of course, as a ninja village under the funeral organization, it is impossible for them to receive a person with such a big fanfare. Even if the people from Muye Village came a few days ago, they could not get such a grand reception, but today There is no way, who is the leader of the funeral organization, Naruto Uzumaki standing here in person today waiting for someone?Can you get it or leave Naruto here alone, and the others continue to do their own things as if nothing happened?So it created such a grand scene.

Originally, this was an extraordinary period, everyone's work was very heavy, and the preparations for the birth of the Sage of the Six Paths were very complicated, but when Naruto asked them to go back and do their own work, it was impossible for them to go back , It's quite a bit lost that the leader greets visitors at the gate of the village alone, while the others are busy with their own affairs inside. Don't say that you can't do such a thing, even in history, it has never happened once.

Naruto couldn't help them, and after thinking about it, I had so many people coming to welcome me, and I had shown some sincerity for Qingyin's return, so Naruto stopped insisting and let them accompany me Let's wait together.

The waiting time is always long, especially the anxious waiting like Naruto's, which is full of the feeling that the days are like years. During the long waiting, finally a group of figures slowly appeared on the edge of the snow-covered sky at the intersection of heaven and earth up.

A group of people slowly approached from far away, and when they reached the vicinity of Feixue Village, Naruto walked a few steps and came to Qingyin's reluctance, with a smile on his face, he said: "Qingyin, you finally want to Got it? Want to come back? Great."

"Mr. Uzumaki Naruto." Hearing Naruto's enthusiastic words, Qingyin said with a very flat face: "I hope you don't make a mistake. I didn't come here for anything, but From other things, and."

Speaking of this, Qingyin paused slightly, then stared seriously into Naruto's eyes, and said, "I don't know you very well, so in the future, I hope you can call me Miss Qingyin."

"Eh." Hearing Qingyin's still so plain words, Naruto was slightly stunned, what?Didn't she want to come back this time, but because of something else?When Naruto learned the truth, the expression in his eyes immediately dimmed.

"Is that so?" Naruto said with a bit of pain, he was sad because he lost it and found it again, but it was even more sad to lose it again. Naruto looked at Qingyin with a little pain, and said weakly: "Since this is the case, then please come in."Saying that, he turned his body slightly, and said to Qingyin and the others while making a way into the village.

"Yeah." Seeing Naruto stepping out of the way, Qingyin nodded slowly, and then walked in with the people from her own village in a file.

"Alas." Looking at the back of Qingyin who walked in, Naruto finally gave a mighty sigh, and then led the ninjas of Feixue Village to follow.

"Is there something for you to come this time?" After arriving at the meeting room of Feixue Village, after everyone was seated next, Ming Cai slowly sat down on the first seat, and slowly walked towards Qingyin. asked.

"What?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin frowned slightly, and said: "Is there something necessary to come to your Feixue Village? Can't you come to your village to visit when you have nothing to do? So you Feixue Relying on the strength of its own people, the village does not allow other ninja villages to make friendly visits?"

Hearing Qingyin's words, Naruto just smiled wryly, but those ninjas in Feixue Village couldn't stand it anymore, when will it be the turn of outsiders to make irresponsible remarks to their leader?The ninjas of the Konoha Ninja Village last time had nothing to say because they were old acquaintances of Mr. Sasuke. When did these people in front of them have this qualification again?And the target of their suppression is the leader of the funeral organization, Master Uzumaki Naruto?So when they heard Qingyin's arrogant words, everyone rushed up with anger.

However, since the people who can enter this meeting room are not reckless people, after what happened to Sasuke and the others a few days ago, everyone knows that it is better to rely on the adults' own choices in this situation, so everyone is forced Containing his own anger, he just attacked Qingyin with his eyes angrily, his fists clenched tightly.

"Qingyin, why are you doing this?" Hearing Qingyin's merciless sarcasm, Naruto smiled helplessly and said, "You know I didn't mean that, so why do you have to sarcasm me?"

"Your subordinates are all loyal." Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin did not directly answer Naruto's question, but just glanced at the ninjas of Feixue Village who were glaring at him, slightly Said lightly with a smile.

"These are just everyone's love." Hearing Qingyin's words, Naruto also said with a slight smile, and then frowned slightly and said: "Well, you haven't said what you came here for today Woolen cloth."

"Oh." Hearing that Naruto asked such a question again, Qingyin didn't evade any more, but leaned himself on the back of the chair, and said slowly: "Since you asked seriously, then I will Let’s be frank, in fact, I came here this time to talk to you about the alliance between our two villages.”

"Oh?" Hearing Qingyin's words, Naruto raised his eyebrows slightly, and then the disappointment in his expression disappeared immediately, turning into a hint of surprise, what did she say?Make a covenant?Even if she didn't come back, it's almost the same in fact. When Hades or the Sage of the Six Paths are born, are you afraid that she won't help?Dealing with them can be said to be dealing with everyone's common enemy.

"Conclude the covenant?" There was a trace of surprise in Naruto's words, and he looked at Qingyin and said with a little excitement: "Are you really here to conclude the covenant? Well, let's sign it now", he said , Naruto's anxious look made people feel funny.

For Naruto's anxious expression, Qingyin could somewhat guess what he was thinking, but there was no expression on his face, he just nodded slowly, then took out two alliance letters and handed them to Naruto, Said: "These are two covenants, take a look."

He casually took the covenant that Qingyin handed over, Naruto didn't even look at it, just waved his pen, his name jumped out on the paper, sat firmly on the covenant, handed it back to Qingyin and said: " Well, the covenant was signed before."

Seeing Naruto's movements, everyone was slightly sluggish?what is this?Didn't even read the covenant, just signed it?Is it supposed to say that he is too casual?Or should it be said that he was too worried about the other party?

"You", in the same way, seeing Naruto's actions, Qingyin was also slightly stunned and said: "Why don't you even read the content of the covenant? Are you so relieved of me? You are not afraid that I am in the covenant. Are there too many unfair terms?" Qing Yin said jokingly to Naruto.

"I can still trust your character." Facing Qingyin's joking words, Naruto nodded in a serious manner and replied: "Besides, I believe you will not play such a trick on the covenant." Hua Hua, you are not this kind of person, so I will not waste time looking at the so-called covenant."

A joking remark, in exchange for Naruto returning in such a serious manner, Qingyin couldn't help showing a complex expression on his slightly joking face, and his voice became deep and murmured : "Really? Believe me? Is that what you still choose? What a fool." The tone of her speech was very low, and she didn't know whether she was speaking to Naruto and the others, or to herself.

"Okay." I don't know if Naruto really heard Qingyin's words, anyway, Naruto waved his hand as if nothing had happened, and said to Qingyin: "Since the covenant has been signed, Now we are Tongmeng Village, do you want to visit our village?" Speaking of this, Naruto formally sent an invitation message to Qingyin.

"This." Hearing Naruto's invitation, a look of indecision appeared on Qingyin's face. After pondering for a while, he raised his head, nodded to Naruto, and said slowly: " It’s also good, it’s better to know a little bit about Tongmeng Village, so as not to be unable to cooperate with each other in the future.”

"That's good." Hearing Qingyin's agreement, Naruto's face flashed with joy, and said: "In this case, let us guide you, the entire Feixue Village has just been built, So in most places, even the people in the village still don’t know much about it.”

As he said that, Naruto turned his face and said slowly to the leader of Feixue Village: "In this case, I would like to ask you to help me. As you know, I don't care about anything in the village. Asking questions, so I can't do the thing of taking them on a tour."

"En." Hearing Naruto's words, although they had complaints and dissatisfaction with Qingyin, since Naruto gave the order, the leader of Feixue Village still had to nod respectfully, "I see, Naruto My lord, I will handle this matter beautifully."

"En." Hearing what the leader of Feixue Village said, Naruto nodded slowly, and said, "Since you have said that, then I am relieved." Then, Naruto paused slightly when he said this, Then he turned his face to Qingyin's direction and said, "Qingyin, can you come out with me alone, I have something to discuss with you."

"En?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin raised those slender eyebrows lightly, then looked at Naruto with a little doubt, and thought to himself: "Speak to me alone? What do you want to do?" Tell me? You don’t want to organize something that I can organize again?”

Although he was puzzled that Naruto was talking to him alone, Qingyin nodded slowly and said, "Let's go then", saying, the two got up and walked out the door at the same time.

"Let's talk quickly if you have anything to say," Qingyin first broke the silence when he came to a remote place outside, and his tone became extremely flat again, as if he was explaining something to a stranger.

"Eh." Naruto, who was about to say something, saw Qingyin's sudden expression and tone, and froze for a while because of the speed of the other party's turning, and regained consciousness after a while, with a slightly bitter smile in his heart, said :'Qingyin, you don't need to be so indifferent to me, do you?I knew something was wrong with me at the time, but."

"Okay." Hearing what the celebrity said, Qingyin raised his hand mercilessly, interrupted Naruto, and said: "What happened at that time, who was right and who was wrong, has no way to study, and I don't want to bring it up again." , if you ask me to come out alone, if you want to talk about this matter, I don't think we have anything to talk about, I'm going back." The tone of the speech is still very flat, and I never thought about leaving Naruto At the next chance to retreat, he raised his foot and wanted to leave as he spoke.

"Oh, wait." Seeing that Qingyin wanted to leave immediately, Naruto couldn't help but stand in front of Qingyin and said: "No, I didn't ask you to come out to bring up the incident at that time again. You have other things to discuss with you."

"Oh? It's not because of the incident at that time, but is there something else?" I don't know if it was because I heard Naruto's words, or because Naruto blocked me, anyway, Qingyin stopped himself The footsteps that were about to leave, but there was an unknown flash of disappointment in his eyes.

"Is there something else?" Qingyin stopped her steps, turned around, looked at Naruto lightly and asked slowly: "What is it? Is there anything else you want to discuss with me ?"

"Phew." Seeing that Qingyin finally stopped his leaving footsteps, Naruto couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. After adjusting his emotions, he said slowly: "Yes, this time I In fact, the main reason for asking you out is because of this matter, because I think it is necessary to confess to you first, after all, your strength is enough to know the truth."

"Oh?" Hearing Naruto's words, Qingyin raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Naruto with a little surprise, and said, "What did you say? The truth? What is the truth?"

(End of this chapter)

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